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realistically, we could probably keep android Jewel in charge of the restoration and just have it as a puppet organization where we can throw problematic Green Hill citizens who wont accept our rule but we don't want to kill.

Yeah, I know

It's just personally a darkly funny mental image to have Eggman be a dick and keep giving her increasingly easy tasks to fufill as her life purpose XD
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Or we could go the other way and force her to be our team's therapist!

We do need some kind of therapy bot for these guys before one of them snaps, for real.

Topaz: "You see, Android Jewel the Robot Beetle, it all started when a platypus disintegrated my clothes in front of my entire town-"

Starline: "Is THAT why you fucking hate me???"

Topaz: (shoots him) "Let me finish."

Starline: (crying) "I FUCKING HATE IT HERE!"

Android Jewel: "...."
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Surely we could use the publicity of curing NIDS as a way to showcase that this Eggman Empire isn't just an oppressive dictatorship. It's still a dictatorship to be sure, but it's a dictatorship that actually cares about its subjects. That plus Belle, of course.

Android Jewel: "…… you do know that I have a self-destruction feature, correct?"

Android Jewel: "Why should I be loyal to you?"

Eggman: "Haven't you noticed that you've been dealing with far less paperwork than before?"

Android Jewel: "Point taken. All Hail Eggman!"
I got REALLY bored and statted someone who would only technically exist by implications

Since we're unlikely to ever use her, here you go XD

Anti-Hope Kintobor/Despair Kintobor

Power: 11 (Physicality wise she's a perfectly average teenager, but she can take a beating.)

Heart: 7 (Despair styles herself as a true villain, and as such has little use for niceties beyond what is absolutely necessary to recruit people.)

Logistics: 25 (She often schemes her way through life, determined to restore her family's "true legacy" as Villains. This requires some serious planning, obviously.)

Brains: 29 (She is a prodigy, often building highly useful machines out of sheer boredom.)

Trickery: 21 (Despair has no true loyalties to anyone but herself but knows how to play to people's egos, has grand ambitions of being a dreaded villain and is good at passing the blame to others the rare times she deigns to engage in teamwork.)

Mystic: 6 (She knows it exists, she just believes science is superior.)


The Kintobor Legacy: Upon discovering her version of Gerald Robotnik was a Supervillain who grew soft upon losing his version of Maria in shared evil schemes, Despair became obsessed with "restoring their family's true legacy". (Despair gains a +5 to any action traditionally considered evil, such as harming others, stealing needlessly, etc.)

Doesn't Have the Stomach for It: At the end of the day though, Despair is a coward, an edgy teenager lashing out at a world that doesn't fully accept her. Pathetic. (Despite her villainous urges, Despair has never actually killed anyone, and deep down isn't actually looking to. -15 to Any Use of deadly force, and -20 to all Rolls for the rest of Combat if she actually kills someone.)

Scientist Supreme!: Despair is a genius, and she knows it. (+10 to Rolls to build and tinker with machines.)

You Want to be A Lowly Veterinarian!?: She loathes her uncle and considers him completely ambitionless. (-15 to Rolls involving veterinary sciences.)

Despair: "My ambitions are as black as my soul! All shall bow down and acknowledge how grand I am! And the Kintobor family legacy will be restored to greatness!"

Dave the Intern: "Ma'am, this is a Meh Burger."
Replacing Jewel with an android.....could we do the same with GUN?

This...could have merit.....The Restoration and GUN could be....Overthrone (if you know, you know).
Eggman has more of a grudge against G.U.N. than he does with the restoration, not to mention that GUN is literally the military arm of a foreign power so letting it continue to exist within our empire would have a lot of bad implications for our country, while the Restoration is just a volunteer first responder organization. also I just think GUN are a lot more likely to realize that their leader has been replaced with an android, and I'm already worried about that with the Jewel plan.
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Eggman has more of a grudge against G.U.N. than he does with the restoration, not to mention that GUN is literally the military arm of a foreign power so letting it continue to exist within our empire would have a lot of bad implications for our country, while the Restoration is just a volunteer first responder organization. also I just think GUN are a lot more likely to realize that their leader has been replaced with an android, and I'm already worried about that with the Jewel plan.
True. I guess we can take all of GUN's stuff. Make our OWN GUN. Any organic volunteers get sent to our GUN variant to be trained.
Having said that, those people might also save Shard. Which, if I'm being honest, I kinda want. Because I like Shard and feel bad for him.
we already have enough people trying to kill us. can we not add a sentient metal sonic equivalent to the list?
True. I guess we can take all of GUN's stuff. Make our OWN GUN. Any organic volunteers get sent to our GUN variant to be trained.
wouldn't that just be whatever we're calling our current minion pool?
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