Anti-Hope Kintobor/Despair Kintobor
Power: 11 (Physicality wise she's a perfectly average teenager, but she can take a beating.)
Heart: 7 (Despair styles herself as a true villain, and as such has little use for niceties beyond what is absolutely necessary to recruit people.)
Logistics: 25 (She often schemes her way through life, determined to restore her family's "true legacy" as Villains. This requires some serious planning, obviously.)
Brains: 29 (She is a prodigy, often building highly useful machines out of sheer boredom.)
Trickery: 21 (Despair has no true loyalties to anyone but herself but knows how to play to people's egos, has grand ambitions of being a dreaded villain and is good at passing the blame to others the rare times she deigns to engage in teamwork.)
Mystic: 6 (She knows it exists, she just believes science is superior.)
The Kintobor Legacy: Upon discovering her version of Gerald Robotnik was a Supervillain who grew soft upon losing his version of Maria in shared evil schemes, Despair became obsessed with "restoring their family's true legacy". (Despair gains a +5 to any action traditionally considered evil, such as harming others, stealing needlessly, etc.)
Doesn't Have the Stomach for It: At the end of the day though, Despair is a coward, an edgy teenager lashing out at a world that doesn't fully accept her. Pathetic. (Despite her villainous urges, Despair has never actually killed anyone, and deep down isn't actually looking to. -15 to Any Use of deadly force, and -20 to all Rolls for the rest of Combat if she actually kills someone.)
Scientist Supreme!: Despair is a genius, and she knows it. (+10 to Rolls to build and tinker with machines.)
You Want to be A Lowly Veterinarian!?: She loathes her uncle and considers him completely ambitionless. (-15 to Rolls involving veterinary sciences.)