With Eggman making the cure to NIDS, I can't help but wonder: how will being appreciated for something he's done affect him? I don't imagine he has the mental framework to handle that.
Well we did get a glimpse when Isara bring along the darcsen and they sheer when the doctor allow them to stay, man would never adimit, not even to himself, but he was happy.
"Please, Doctor. You're our only hope. A man such as yourself must have a solution for keeping us around?" A slightly above Middle aged man asked, frowning.
You massage your temples, though you can't turn down a good challenge.
"...Fine. They're YOUR responsibility, Isara. If they cause trouble, it's on you." You warn the young girl. She smiled, though you get a slight edge of nervousness from it. As she should, really.
The others cheered, and despite your sighing, a small part of you felt… pride. Not that you would EVER admit it.
So there.
Yeah sorry if people aren't enjoying the fight
We're trying our best
It's fine the problem is that we have a lot more interesting stuff going on for this Turn than just 1vs1 fight, such as Chuck Interlude and the Adventure itself. Even Majima recruitment.
I would not mind if this fight was pure Contest Martial between Metal and Shard really. Like these current rules work for Adventure and Raid just fine where there are lot of heroes and other mooks running around so a bit of strategy it make sense but seems a bit too much when comes to 1vs1 fight such as Shard vs Metal.
Like they are literally doing a Contest Martial the only thing we are doing is choosing how Metal attack and it in turn make this process very slow since you could achieve the same result if done a Pure Contest Martial dice.
Either way one the main reason why I want Shard to survive is that both are in essence the
same robot and both don't even realize that. Like this is a prime subplot for Metal right there and seems a bit premature to let Shard be permanently destroyed since this could be a interesting avenue to Metal introspection. Shard is literally him if he ever chose to let his Impostor Syndrome go, be content in being himself and more kind.
Like I get you QMs want the dice to didact the story but it may work better if you control where the quest is going a bit more, like Conquering Storm and Starline almost die because of a bad roll and would be utterly unsatisfying to have this characters die in such way specially when they have genuine interesting stories to be told, even our enemies have interesting stories to told.
I really would not want to have Shadow go around and kill Tangle and the Rookie just because he score a critical success as a example or them score a critical failure.
Like if Hero Units have to die should be in bombastic and dramatic ways not because they happen to roll poor in a National Action, frankly it make be even wary to send them in battle if they can die that easily.