Relevant stats.
Blast those clowns! (2 AP): You have no time to lose with some gaudy entertainers! Teach them what it means to mess with you with an Explosive opening move!
(Missile Barrage against the enemy, hitting 4 times to random targets. Contested combat roll with a +10 Bonus.)
Smash those clowns! (1 AP): Getting a fireball thrown to your face is quite rude! Return the favor, with interest! (Pick a target)
(Eggman gets in close with the Egg Mobile to attack one of the clowns with the Eggmobile built in weapons. Contested Combat against the target.)
Taunt Them (1 AP): You admit you have been caught off guard here. The Clown seems to have the initiative so far. Well, only one things to do! Get them out of balance.
(Eggman will try and taunt and enrage the red clown, contested trickery roll against them. If successful, will cause a debuff of -10 to all the clown's rolls. Possibility of making the enemy focus on eggman only)
Give her "El Gran Gordo!" Special! (2 AP): Starting with an explosive entrance, eh? Ha! Never let it said that Eggman cannot do the same! Let the training from the last months speak for yourself and grapple that fool!
(Pick a target)
(Eggman will try to grapple and supplex an enemy. Contested combat roll with +10 Bonus!)
El gran gordo rolls:
26 power for base
10 from El gran gordo in hand to hand on the special and another plus 10 from the action own bonus, that gives it a 46 base roll.
Missile barrage.
26 from power.
5 from egg mobile itself, 10 from egg pilot, 10 from action own bonus, for a total of 51 base roll.
contested combat.
26 from power
5 from egg mobile, 10 from egg pilot, 41 base roll for this one.
trickery is a base 22 due to no modifiers.
Clear As Stone (0 AP): You're not sure there ever has been a better moment to turn invisible than when a magic wielding clown starts throwing fireballs. (Stone activates the invisibility setting on his Imposter Unit, vanishing from sight. This ability lasts for 2 turns and cannot be used again for the rest of the adventure.)
I Am His Rock (2 AP): You've lost the Doctor once before and you will not allow that to happen again, no matter the personal cost. (Stone runs bodyguard duty for Eggman. If an attack would damage him, Stone will instead take that damage and any associated effects.)
Coordinated Assault (1 AP): While you might not be a powerhouse of a fighter, you aren't going to let this clown make a fool of the Doctor! (Contested Combat against one of the clowns, must vote which one.)
Hot Coffee (1 AP): You had been saving this thermos of coffee for the Doctor, but perhaps it could be put to use better elsewhere. Or maybe not… (Select a target. If an ally, that ally gains 1 AP this turn only. If a foe, that target must succeed a DC 60 Power check or be covered in extremely hot and curdled goat milk coffee.)
A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss (1 AP): You are not a fighter and you are likely only going to be a detriment to this battle, but that may not be true at all points. Take some cover and wait for your moment. (Stone makes a contested Trickery check to hide. If successful on following turns he will have +20 to all attack actions on the turn he reveals himself.)
Relevant stats
contested combat
effectively 18 from 13 power and 5 from egg gun and thats it
Trickery contested
20 from base, 10 from impostor unit, effectively a 30 base roll
50 if we activate invisibility.
But honestly he iss better at giving coffees.
Be ANYWHERE Else (2 AP): You're not a fighter and this clown is throwing out a lot of fire. Your keen mind must be protected so perhaps getting behind the cover of a pillar or a door or literally anything else would be a good idea. (Starline makes like a platypus and ducks, taking cover and making himself a less appealing target.)
Return To Sender (2 AP): This mystical misfit dares to attack the great Doctor Eggman! And yourself as well! Use the Warp Topaz and return those attacks back at the clown! (Contested Power check against the clown adding Starline's Mystic as a bonus. On a success, the next attack the clown makes will be directed back towards them.)
Tell Me About Your Mother (1 AP): While not a fighter, you do know how to get into people's heads. Try and get the clown talking and see if you can't get them distracted. (Contested Trickery check against the clown which, if successful, gives them -10 to their actions this turn and possibility for them to reveal something of themself.)
Imitation And Flattery (1 AP) [Can only be taken if Eggman takes the "Give her "El Gran Gordo!" Special!" action.] You are… not as physically capable as Doctor Eggman, but you can at least attempt to assist him in his grapple attempts! Maybe…? (Starline makes a DC60 Power check to assist Eggman in his suplex. On a success, Eggman takes the action with advantage.)
The Sweet Science (1 AP): You are an omni disciplined science, but you must admit that the "sweet science" is one you have not studied often, but perhaps field research is what you need! (Select a target. Starline makes a contested combat check against them.)
Return to sender.
11 power, 5 from egg gunand 7 mystic, effectively a 18 baase roll.
Tell me about your mother.
20 trickery and a plus 5 frorm duckbilled blabber for a base 25
Imitation and flattery, a 11 base to a dc of 60.
sweet science, a 11 from power, 5 from egg gun, 16 base roll.
Egg Boss (1 AP): Your other forces are currently guarding the entrance to the atrium and moving the defeated foes out of eye sight. A useful task, but for now they must join the frey! (The badniks, the Egg Clan, and the rescued robots join the fray against the clown.)
Sister Prong-ed Assault! (2 AP): There was no time to waste, you needed to neutralize this clown before Janken and the rest of his forces arrived here. Cassia and You should be able to deal with the clown if you rush and leave them no time to act.
(Cassia and Clove work together to try and deal with the leader. Contested Power roll with +15 Bonus to the combat)
Hang Back and Analyze the target (1AP): Things are spiraling too fast out of control, you need a moment to calm down and assess the situation. Currently the bigger threat is the unknown arrival. You need more information if you want to deal with them.
(Clove will take a moment to observe and study the enemy. Logistic check of 40/80/120 to find out about the enemy's stats and/or traits.
Blast them away! (1 AP): Cassia is sure that know stealth has officially be broken, so that means it's time to go loud! Test these new toys and blast the clowns!
(Pick a target)
(Cassia Attacks the Clowns with the OCU's artillery, contested combat roll against the enemy)
Slash at the enemy (1 AP): You needed your side to take the initiative quickly. Let the enemy have no time to react and brandish your scythe!
(Pick a target)
(Clove will wield her scythe and attack one of the enemies. Contested Power roll against them).
Remain Mobile (1 AP): Avoid getting further burns is the tactical move here. With your booths and Cassia's OCU, mobility shouldn't be an issue.
(Clove and Cassia employ their equipment to stay nimble and not be an easy target. Any enemy that tries to attack them get's disadvantage on the attack roll.
Sister Prong-ed Assault
30 power base and 15 from action bonus, a 45 base roll
Hang Back and Analyze the target
26 logistic base aand thats it, we need a high roll for all the info.
Blast them away!
30 from power, 5 from ocu., 35 base roll
30 from power, not gonna count flight due to well magic being know for being ranged attacks.
After Images Distraction! (1 AP): Your after Images could really even the playing field! Or at least serve as a useful distraction for the clowns. (Honey makes some after image Clones that run around and disorient the clowns. On a successful DC 60 Trickery check, The Clowns get disadvantage on an attack against one target (Which attack will be random, if there are many attempts.)
Fashionably Beatdown (1 AP): While you like the color coordination of those clowns, those outfits are too gaudy for your taste. Time to teach a lesson to this entertainer.
(Pick target)
(Honey will try to attack one of the clowns. Honey will do one contested Power Check against one enemy)
Hide Away! (1 AP): With so many people here, you could try and sneak away, lay in wait for a chance to appear and give that clown a piece of your mind!
(Contested trickery check to hide, if successful, next attack attempt will gain advantage.)
Distraction Go! (1 AP): Perhaps you can try and keep the clowns distracted in some way? You are sure you have several topics you can use to get their attention…their outfit being one of them.
(Contested Heart check against the clowns, if successful, chances of 1 or more clowns to be distracted.)
Keep your guard up (1 AP): Don't just rush in, stay on your toes and keep your guard up, an attack can come fro anywhere and you need to be ready to react!
(Honey will assume a defensive stance, and any attack made against her will gain disadvantage)
19 from base trikery, on a 60
Fashionably Beatdown
14 power, plus 9 from trikery rounded down, 23 base power
Hide Away
19 base trikery and thats it.
Distraction Go
22 base heart and thats it.