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Hmm...would Omega be willing to help us fight the Zeti? He would be wrecking our stuff in large quantities after all.

Also could we wrangle our suspusiouns about Maria possibly being alive into this somehow?
I mean, That's soemthing Omega would be doing on his free time, attacking the current facilities and badniks in the area, not something you really cant give him?

And while fiughting Zavok is's no Eggman, so notp.

Also not on the Maria part yet unfortunately.
Hmm...would Omega be willing to help us fight the Zeti? He would be wrecking our stuff in large quantities after all.

Also could we wrangle our suspusiouns about Maria possibly being alive into this somehow?
We would need evidence of someone being dead and brought back to life for Maria to be brought up.

On the other hand.. I wonder if the dice rolls vs Omega may let us "win" against him eventually.
Rusty: "Metal, this is a not very efficient plan. The chances of success are 1%."

Metal: "You hear that? It's the sound of nobody caring!"

Silver Sonic: "Chickens might Care!"

Metal: "Shut up, Silver."
With the amount of badnicks and metal sonic series that are returning to us or we are rebuilding, Sage is going to have one huge family, i pity the person that would make Sage cry with the amount if people that would be part of the Eggman family
Behold our little scrimblo!

....I am sorry, me and another Co-QM are just really biased for Thunderbolt XD
Really? We couldn't tell.

...Does Omega have biodata to be scaned? I dont remmebr if in Sonic Heores he also got omega biodata or not...gonna need to check that out.
He doesn't have biodata, but I would assume he has regular data to scan. Omega is one of our most capable creations.

If nothing else, Metal can get some practice in.
Depends, what you are willing to give in exchnage? Current part of Omega deal is what Rouge can get begt for free, you want more, you better oput something on the table.
I don't know what else we can safely trade to be honest... Omega wants bots to smash, and the only things we have to trade with are our heroes (We need them, and at least 1 will be tied up fighting Omega anyway) the Chaos Emerald (I'm not keen on trading that... also Rouge might try to steal it from us anyway. I kinda wish we had made the fake emerald earlier...) territory (we barely have any as is) The Lance (Starline almost died for that, and we haven't researched it yet) and I don't think they care about raw materials.

So... I think we take it as is or reject it. If we find something we may be able to renegotiate but right now I think it's just take it or leave it.

Also on the subject of Maria, it's still just a suspicion, we have no evidence. And even if other people are coming back to life, there's no evidence for her specifically. It's spitballing and theorizing at best.
I have one extra demand then, just one.

Rouge will have to ansewer truthfully, we would even create the best lie detextor on the planet if necessary.

Why she not approach the Restorarion or GUN for this?

I am willing to give all our income we have for Turn 5 and maybe even the Chaos Emerald (not really), if she answer this question.

She's being cagey about the method, if she have one that could give a chnace to work in bring back Shadow then why she approach us? Why not GUN? Why not the Restoration? Despite our achievemets we would not be her first choice, not by a long shot.

So why she's here?
I have one extra demand then, just one.

Rouge will have to ansewer truthfully, we would even create the best lie detextor on the planet if necessary.

Why she not approach the Restorarion or GUN for this?

I am willing to give all our income we have for Turn 5 and maybe even the Chaos Emerald (not really), if she answer this question.

She's being cagey about the method, if she have one that could give a chnace to work in bring back Shadow then why she approach us? Why not GUN? Why not the Restoration? Despite our achievemets we would not be her first choice, not by a long shot.

So why she's here?
………. That's actually a….. very good question… why didn't you go to the usual goody two shoes?

We know guns, obviously off the table because of the varying personalities of each dimension counterpart of that blasted organization…. Some might want shadow gone or put in a cyro pod, But the restoration is a bit of a mystery for us. Why not them?
Why she not approach the Restorarion or GUN for this?

Come to think of it what is her plan to bring Shadow back?

...Huh. I just realized we could call this practice for saving Selvaria.

Well, Eggman would need to actually want to ask Rouge something personal like this, It's not that he doesn't consider the possibility of her being alive, no reason to tell to rouge, maybe for dealing with Shadow but you aren't quite there yet

So it's like the Moon thing huh?

It's entirely possible but we need more information/character devlopment before we can do it?

Alright we can work with that.
…… are we sure we're even dealing with the right timeline version of shadow? For all we know, this could be a version of him that came out of the pod when rogue first found him again.
………. That's actually a….. very good question… why didn't you go to the usual goody two shoes?

We know guns, obviously off the table because of the varying personalities of each dimension counterpart of that blasted organization…. Some might want shadow gone or put in a cyro pod, But the restoration is a bit of a mystery for us. Why not them?
They may help, but Rouge last time she saw Eggman he was Mister Tinker.

It is obvious someone with him or even Eggman himself was able to bring himself back in control.

She has a clue that we may have something that could potentially help Shadow.
With the amount of badnicks and metal sonic series that are returning to us or we are rebuilding, Sage is going to have one huge family, i pity the person that would make Sage cry with the amount if people that would be part of the Eggman family

Random Con Artist: "Hey Joe, I found this really good mark. All I told her was I could double her profit for her dad if she gave me all her money! Cried like a baby too."

Joe: "....Bob, was this kid floating and with white hair?"

Bob: "Yeah, why?"

Joe: "Bob, you FUCKING idiot! That was Sage Robotnik! Do you have any idea how screwed we are!?"

Bob: "Relax. We have dozens of armed guards and a door that needs specific handprints to open, we'll be fi-"

Metal Sonic: (bursts in holding a guard's severed hand) "Which of you shits made my sister cry!?"

Joe and Bob: (comically screaming)
Random Con Artist: "Hey Joe, I found this really good mark. All I told her was I could double her profit for her dad if she gave me all her money! Cried like a baby too."

Joe: "....Bob, was this kid floating and with white hair?"

Bob: "Yeah, why?"

Joe: "Bob, you FUCKING idiot! That was Sage Robotnik! Do you have any idea how screwed we are!?"

Bob: "Relax. We have dozens of armed guards and a door that needs specific handprints to open, we'll be fi-"

Metal Sonic: (bursts in holding a guard's severed hand) "Which of you shits made my sister cry!?"

Joe and Bob: (comically screaming)

you honestly think Metal would be busting the door down? Eggman would be using OMEGA as a fucking battering ram...or maybe one of his most powerful Egg-bots along with the entire metal series rebuilt for this one purpose.

like, eggman will have no chill if sage ever cries in front of him.

Piss Lazer? Shove off Snap-Egg, were going higher...WERE BLOWING UP THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM ASSHOLES! of course we and our minions will be in another zone doing shit or in our DEATH EGG MK 3 (solar system scale).
Thinking about it, @Kingster how likely would it be for us to get this skill card when Elizabeth comes back and how much would it cost us?.


Patra (パトラ, Patora)? is a healing skill. Patra is an ailment-healing skill that can cure certain conditions in 1 ally. The ailments which it can cure vary between games. In Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army, Patra cures all ailments that aren't triggered by striking...

This is a spell that literally deals with aliments, especially mental ones, considering what we saw last time this could come in handy.
Imperial side: Aftermath of the Black Sun
Imperial side: Aftermath of the Black Sun

"General Gregor." A stormtrooper saluted, as stern man got off the truck transporting him away from his captivity. "It's good to have you back."

"Yes yes." The General waved it off and glared at the man. "What's the situation been like in my absence? I doubt the witch messed things up too badly."

Silence. Gregor narrowed his eyes as the soldier shifted nerously around him.

"Speak up!" He snapped. "What happened!"
The stormtrooper looked to a scout who looked to an engineer who looked to a red armored officer who sighed. "General…you're in command now."

"What?" He must have misheard.

"The latest assault had…complete casualties. Outside of General Blest there were no survivors, and even then…"

A haunting, piercing scream sounded out from inside the camp.

"...She is in no condition to lead."

Gregor's face could have been mistaken for stone in that moment, a combination of shock and iron composure keeping anything from showing on his face, before he grit his teeth with a snarl and swore. "His majesty knows?"
"Of course sir."

"Fine. Get me to the command center, I'll salvage this somehow."


"General?" Oswald stood outside of Selvaria's tent with a tray of food and some water. "It's me Oswald, I have your lunch.

…No response.

So after waiting for another minute he stepped inside taking care to be quiet and not startle her.

Selvaria…wasn't doing very well. Physically she was fine, but…she'd been near catatonic once they found her some distance away from the battlefield. She was conscious at least, but her eyes couldn't seem to focus on them or anything at all actually always dilated and darting in every direction.

Her body shook almost constantly possibly involuntarily but no one was sure if that was from terror or a side effect of whatever it was that monster did too her.

She barely even reconized him, and he was the only ones who could get close to her without having her lash out in fear with some fragment of her powers.

…It was almost like she had reverted to a frightened child.

Her eyes flicked briefly to him and his delivery from her place on the cot before hurriedly glancing away. She almost flinched when he set the tray on her bedside table and took a seat.

"You need to eat General…you know you're safe here right? The monsters are far away and we'd protect you."

…She didn't answer, opting to curl up and stare into space.

He waited for a minute, partially to see if she would respond, and partially so she wouldn't be alone. Eventually he sighed. "Would you like me to lea-"

Her eyes snapped to him and he froze under their desperate intensity. He rose his hands in silent surrender and sat there, the two of them looking at each other.

"You are…alive?" It hurt to hear her say that with such little confidence.

"Yes…yes general I am."

"What about… the others?" She hesitated and he did as well. She took his silence as an answer. "I see…"

She didn't say anything else, but if only for a little while, she had calmed down.

Oswald left the tent a little bit later with an empty tray, and Selvaria staring blankly at the tent's ceiling.

"Please get better quickly." He whispered once he was away. Perhaps it was a prayer, though he wasn't sure who would answer.

AN: ...I hope she gets better, and as much as I hate that this happened I hope this will help us save her.

@ShepardCom @Boohoo the 3rd @Kingster
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Thinking about it, @Kingster how likely would it be for us to get this skill card when Elizabeth comes back and how much would it cost us?.


Patra (パトラ, Patora)? is a healing skill. Patra is an ailment-healing skill that can cure certain conditions in 1 ally. The ailments which it can cure vary between games. In Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army, Patra cures all ailments that aren't triggered by striking...

This is a spell that literally deals with aliments, especially mental ones, considering what we saw last time this could come in handy.
Well plan is to randomizar the quality then what cards exactly will be put to sell

Also as a head up Neftalí turn Elizabeth Store will be open to buy ajilo cards.

Coutnfown will start from turn 5 and everything 3 turna she will be availble
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