Alright @Boohoo the 3rd @Ranger65 @KA$H @Kingster and @ShepardCom

Shadow the Hedgehog vs A Billion Lions

This omake was written in Turn 4 and was not rewarded.

This is the list of omakes from Turn 5, it will be updated as we go:

A Meeting of the Minds

Eggmemo: unexpected variables

Eggmemo: Orbot and Cubot


War is just another business

Insight in the Mind of a Genius

EggMemo: Project GARDNA

Only the Worthy May Wield

Warn me guys if I miss one omake or another.
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But yeah here.

The guy gave us his mask and Whisper rocket wispon.

On the other hand re-reading the issue.

It is obvious there is more to the deal that Eggman offered Mimic than meets the eye.

Mimic was the one that tipped off the diamond cutters of the operation that would get them killed.

Mimic was with his equipment to sell the diamond cutters he hasn't betrayed them.

And considering his thoughs about them during this year annual.

I am really thinking that Mimic was the one that suggested Eggman the idea of sealing them in the chamber with the shadow androids.

Like I said, Eggman would be willing to do it no doubt, but the lack of gloating and laughing his ass off at some pains in the neck really tips me off that he didn't come up with that idea originally.

Mimic wanted to burn as many of those memories as possible so they wouldn't tie him down.

And it is obvious he meet with Eggman before without his equipment to sell him the plan.

I am starting to think that we could really pin it all on the Octopus after all, the bastard used us too.

It is easier to target the guy dressed as a circus master than a damn cousin of a chameleon after all.
I just notice this but thanks to the Second phase we at least get a +10 in permanent collabs against the Black Arms but find out a hidden mechanic of Black Doom, that he can resurrect as long the Black Arms exist.

Either is really annoying that we almost score a NAT100 on the action.

Also @Boohoo the 3rd now that we build the Egg City, will Eggman and his heroes move to the city instead of living in the hidden base?

Because it make sense to me if that's the case because Eggman would refuse to live in a forgotten base of his where he can live in a shiny new city.

Also does building the city naturally increase the dice for Whsiper to mess stuff or we still have to take the appropriete action for it to happen?
Actually…can black doom mess with time? Since his fandub version the literal devil reset time multiple times. And is his immortality stronger since he also has the fandub devils regeneration ability's
Bigger question is how the hell are we gonna save shadow from black doom clutches we either make something that would very much destroy the connection permanently between him and black doom, but we would also have to deal with the possibility. He'll try to come back in shadow.

There's always the second way we could probably try to help shadow and that's by purging all his cells with the black doom, DNA and replacing them with a substitute that can't be controlled by the black doom.
It is obvious there is more to the deal that Eggman offered Mimic than meets the eye.

Mimic was the one that tipped off the diamond cutters of the operation that would get them killed.

Mimic was with his equipment to sell the diamond cutters he hasn't betrayed them.

And considering his thoughs about them during this year annual.

I am really thinking that Mimic was the one that suggested Eggman the idea of sealing them in the chamber with the shadow androids.

Like I said, Eggman would be willing to do it no doubt, but the lack of gloating and laughing his ass off at some pains in the neck really tips me off that he didn't come up with that idea originally.

Mimic wanted to burn as many of those memories as possible so they wouldn't tie him down.

And it is obvious he meet with Eggman before without his equipment to sell him the plan.

I am starting to think that we could really pin it all on the Octopus after all, the bastard used us too.

It is easier to target the guy dressed as a circus master than a damn cousin of a chameleon after all.


I very much doubt the Diamond Cutters were even much of a bother to him actually. Eggman is very much use to people try to kill him and destroying his stuff. It take something monumental to attract his personal attention and the fact the doctor barely pay attention to Mimic show the Diamond Cutters were very much little threat to him.

Like even with Whisper try to kill him and Storm on this Quest he still see her more of annoyance than anything else, a annoyance mind you that he wants gone, but not one he will go personally after or is much interested what happen to her besides wanting the attacks to stop.

It sound cruel and heartless but Eggman barely remembers the Diamond Cutters or even Mimic.

Actually…can black doom mess with time? Since his fandub version the literal devil reset time multiple times. And is his immortality stronger since he also has the fandub devils regeneration ability's

I don't have no idea what this Black Doom fandub but Black Doom is a very much a Mystic King.

Like he can directly transport his troops in the digital realm and wreak havoc inside and have enough power to take advantage the Time Eater Incident for his own plans and activly mess in ways not even two Eggmans were capable such as sending Black Arms directly into the Time anomaly.

Bigger question is how the hell are we gonna save shadow from black doom clutches we either make something that would very much destroy the connection permanently between him and black doom, but we would also have to deal with the possibility. He'll try to come back in shadow.

There's always the second way we could probably try to help shadow and that's by purging all his cells with the black doom, DNA and replacing them with a substitute that can't be controlled by the black doom.

I suspect ways to deal with Shadow will be part of the new unlocked actions regarding the Black Arms.
Bigger question is how the hell are we gonna save shadow from black doom clutches we either make something that would very much destroy the connection permanently between him and black doom, but we would also have to deal with the possibility. He'll try to come back in shadow.

There's always the second way we could probably try to help shadow and that's by purging all his cells with the black doom, DNA and replacing them with a substitute that can't be controlled by the black doom.
That is the thing, it is obvious Gerald knew more than he let on.

Probably keeping stuff out of the books so people wouldn't get ideas, especially good old GUN who wanted a super weapon.

Like even on Shadow generations, Black Doom could only try to mind control Shadow, but not truly take him fully.

The shattering has been hinted did something to Shadow, but Black Doom only conservates his mental link and only that as far as we have seen.

We have his character sheet so we have some hints on how to go out.

We have seen the good old edgelord is still there as seen in his battle with Lanolin, while he still has his connections and memorries to Maria.

If we can trigger that while cutting off Black Doom Mental Link we may be able to overpower Black Doom control over him.
Oh yeah, speaking of the Black Arms: pretty sure one of the last couple reports had Eclipse the Darkling sighted alongside Shadow, so.... that and the Dark Arms are probably going to be problems in the future.
That is the thing, it is obvious Gerald knew more than he let on.

Probably keeping stuff out of the books so people wouldn't get ideas, especially good old GUN who wanted a super weapon.

Like even on Shadow generations, Black Doom could only try to mind control Shadow, but not truly take him fully.

The shattering has been hinted did something to Shadow, but Black Doom only conservates his mental link and only that as far as we have seen.

We have his character sheet so we have some hints on how to go out.

We have seen the good old edgelord is still there as seen in his battle with Lanolin, while he still has his connections and memorries to Maria.

If we can trigger that while cutting off Black Doom Mental Link we may be able to overpower Black Doom control over him.
The only way I can see us probably disrupting that is Maria herself, but we still don't know if she's still back and alive with our grandfather. If she is, she might be the only person who can reach out to shadow

I very much doubt the Diamond Cutters were even much of a bother to him actually. Eggman is very much use to people try to kill him and destroying his stuff. It take something monumental to attract his personal attention and the fact the doctor barely pay attention to Mimic show the Diamond Cutters were very much little threat to him.

Like even with Whisper try to kill him and Storm on this Quest he still see her more of annoyance than anything else, a annoyance mind you that he wants gone, but not one he will go personally after or is much interested what happen to her besides wanting the attacks to stop.

It sound cruel and heartless but Eggman barely remembers the Diamond Cutters or even Mimic.

I don't have no idea what this Black Doom fandub but Black Doom is a very much a Mystic King.

Like he can directly transport his troops in the digital realm and wreak havoc inside and have enough power to take advantage the Time Eater Incident for his own plans and activly mess in ways not even two Eggmans were capable such as sending Black Arms directly into the Time anomaly.

I suspect ways to deal with Shadow will be part of the new unlocked actions regarding the Black Arms.
But still, it's going to be a hassle just to try to get shadow to us and the only debate we have is our chaos emerald, but I'm not really feeling confident to flaunt that around yelling for that guy because he is a beast in combat. The only way I would think we might even have a chance is by basically upgrading metal to the maximum with all the goodies and any future upgrades.
Bigger question is how the hell are we gonna save shadow from black doom clutches we either make something that would very much destroy the connection permanently between him and black doom, but we would also have to deal with the possibility. He'll try to come back in shadow.

There's always the second way we could probably try to help shadow and that's by purging all his cells with the black doom, DNA and replacing them with a substitute that can't be controlled by the black doom.
We COULD try to destroy his mind....

Though....we may need some mystic shenanigans to do that. Merlina is one.....THOUGH....we could try to get Puyo Satan to help out. OR...we can try to engineer a conflict between Black Doom and Wyzman...
What I'm Made Of!
What I'm Made Of!

You were Metal Sonic. Objectives have… changed lately.

Your loathsome copy was still nowhere to be found. Shadow was driven away in disgrace. Even Selvaria was indisposed.

Pathetic. What would it take to find a worthy opponent?! One who would stick around.

Ever since your loathsome copy vanished, you could feel yourself growing… soft. It was within acceptable parameters to protect Eggman Empire assets, but you felt.. Strange lately. Belle was exactly that. An Eggman Empire asset.But.. you sometimes felt she was.. More.

Ridiculous. You would not humour Sage's insistence on you being "family".

And yet...

You needed the distraction.

As you flew around Green Hills, you kept your eyes peeled for your objective, scanning. Scanning. Scanning.

Eventually, there was a large spike in energy. It was a similar biodata to that traitor Omega, mechanical in nature. It felt… familiar.

Like, distressingly familiar.

No. Could it be..?

You had to check this out.


"Golly, thanks mister! I'm sorry I doubted you…"

"Don't worry about it. Us Robotnik creations don't exactly scream loving allies."

Your name was Shard, and despite your flippant attitude, that lack of trust did hurt a little. But you guess you can't blame people, especially in this strange new world. There was untold danger, let alone the threat a clear creation of Robotnik could have. Still, the blue dog Mobian (Gala the Hound was her name, you believe) gave you a chance, and you repaid her kindness by helping her tend to her fields. It was kind of boring, but it was the least you could do. She was a simple lass, but she paid good money for your repairs. You would repay her, somehow.

Suddenly, there was a loud whizzing sound. You looked up.

If you could physically pale, you would.

"...Gala. Run." You ordered, more serious than you liked to be.



That seemed to get the message across, the dog farmer yelping and scrambling off.

"..Metal Sonic." You glared.

The blue menace stared at you, hate in his eyes. Good. He was focused on you.

"What's wrong, pal? No words for a ghost? Last time we met, you got me good. But I got you better." You continue with a little smirk. Metal stepped forward, still silent.

"Wow. You really are a good little lapdog now, huh? Not a single thought behind those dead eyes."

He aimed a kick at you with expectedly high speeds, which you barely dodged.

"...Please, Metal. We don't have to do this. Not again. It can only end one way. Both of us in the dirt. Don't make me do that again. You don't have to serve that madman!" You plead. You know it's pointless. You oughta have learned your lesson… but you see yourself in your Metal Sonic brethren. It was hard not to.

Metal paused. For but a moment.

And then he flew forward.

"Here we go again, huh?" You lament, as you grapple with each other.

Oh well.

Things were getting boring anyways, and at least Gala was safe…


You were Metal Sonic, and this faker was going down.

Metal Sonic Vs Shard!

Battle Time!

Round 1!


Metal Sonic has 2 Action Points (2 AP)

Please choose his actions in Plan Format

Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to dash and use his speed to make Shard lose sight of him, giving him an opening, +10 bonus to combat rolls this round)

Attack the faker right away!: You won't entertain the concept of banter like your annoying inferior copy would, you will smash this creation right here, right now! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will Attack Shard, Contested Power Roll against him)

Laid an Ambush!: The biodata you copied from that linx might come in handy now. Goad him into following you and once you have him right where you want to, pounce at him! (1 AP)

(Contested Trickery Check against Shard with a +5 bonus, if successful, will cause -10 malus to all of Shard's rolls for the round, if crit, the malus will persist for several rounds.)

Hold your ground!: You shall let the fake seize the initiative, letting him do the first move, you will react appropriately to whatever he tries to do and punish him for his insolence! (1 AP)

(Metal gets in a defensive posture, ready to react to any attack Shard does. Cannot be taken with Challenge him to a contest of Speed! -10 malus to Shard's combat rolls this round.)

Goad him to attack, then Scan his biodata!: To prove your superiority, you will not only smash him, you shall do so by using his own powers against him! Let him hit you, let him unleash his might on your body…then absorb it and return it twicefold!) (2 AP)

(Let Shard attack Metal (If he takes the action to attack, becoming an autosuccess, and Metal loses 1 HP, in exchange, Metal automatically absorbs Shard's Biodata, obtaining a trait and attacking right back at him, proccing a contested power check.)

Move this fight to a more…tactically useful place!: This faker seems to have that annoying hedgehog habit for wanting to keep "Innocent" safe. How cute, let's see if you can use that, if he is half as good as you, he should be able to keep fighting while protecting bystanders right? (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to drag the fight towards where civilians are, causing Shard to be distracted as he tries to keep them away from the fight, contested Power roll to succeed. If successful, Shard will roll with maluses for the rest of the combat while civilians are around, Metal will try to involve them in his following actions.)

Warning: This can bring unwanted attention if the fight takes too long)
Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

Enemy Status:

???(Shard): ??? HP


Bet you didn't expect this coming right?

By the way, saying this now, in the worst case scenario that Metal Loses, we promise he will be available to deploy in th
e adventure with full HP, thought his ego might get massively bruised, so don't worry if he gets damaged.

Good luck!
Bigger question is how the hell are we gonna save shadow from black doom clutches we either make something that would very much destroy the connection permanently between him and black doom, but we would also have to deal with the possibility. He'll try to come back in shadow.

When we got the roll info, the GUN scientist brought up the necessity of breaking Black Doom's connection with the Black Arms to permanently kill him. Therefore, it should be possible to break a Black Arms' individual connection to Black Doom/the rest of the collective. I'd like to propose capturing a Black Arms mook and then trying to see if we can break the connection there. Wouldn't risk his attention nearly as much as grabbing Shadow, be much easier in general, plus getting us ready to repeat the procedure with the Ultimate Life Form.
and we have so far to go for him to become Neo...and IMPROVED UPON! perfection is unatainable, but the path? that path leads to constant improvement, to unending growth and progress! so go on Neo-Metal Sonic! its time for you to one day become the OVERLORD YOU ARE MEANT TO BE!
I don't think we really need to do anything fancy? I just kind want to roll the test of speed and direct attack actions backed up by Increm. We could get the civilians involved… but I don't want to.
But man this, this is going to be fun.

Especially with the mental dread Shard will suffer once he gets up in speed with Lore.

After all this is not a simple production badnik like they were in Archie.

No, this is something else.

This is him.

This is what his fate would had been had archie followed the game continuity.

Almost as if they were facing their true self.
