Well, I gave y'all the better part of 24 hours. Omake time, this makes 25 out of 25.
Don't Forget You're Here Forever
Clove the Pronghorn was standing alone, looking at the door.
Clove had been off-base when it happened. It was some kind of widespread psychic attack that had been fended off. There were no casualties, but it was not without consequences. For most, they simply suffered headaches. The Doctor, on the other hand, had one of his
other personalities emerge.
Doctor Eggman had been prepared for such a possibility. He would never let anyone else have control of the Eggman Empire, not even another version of himself. The other Eggman was immediately apprehended and locked away while Sage and Stone were running things for the moment.
Starline had checked and confirmed that this was temporary. The native,
better Eggman would reassert himself by the end of the day. However, it wasn't just any Eggman who replaced him, as Conquering Storm had discovered when she brought him to the prepared cell.
… She was hesitating. Clove wanted to do this, she
had to do this. To finally, fully close that dreadful chapter of hers and Cassia's lives. She steeled herself and entered the room, seeing
The Eggman she served before the Shattering barely gave her a glance from where he sat. "Come to gloat, Pronghorn? You didn't bring your sister, I see."
Clove took in the nearly empty room he was left in. Nothing but a chair, a table, an untouched sketchpad for blueprints, and a camera for Sage to ensure he didn't try anything before she could interfere. No other technology or tools for him to use.
"Like I'd expose her to a monster like you again. Haha, we spent
years with you and you couldn't cure NIDS with your entire empire at your disposal. This version of you did it in months with a fraction of the resources," she sneered.
"Yes, yes, the gene therapy," Eggman responded in a flat tone. "I know."
"How does it feel knowing you're the lesser Eggman?" Clove couldn't help but grin. For a man as egotistical as him, that had to be humiliating. "Finally, we're-"
"Free? Hah, you always were a fool," Eggman scoffed.
"What are you talking about!?" He was calm, too calm. It was setting the Pronghorn on edge.
"I already told you that cyberization was never more than a stop-gap measure." Clove could tell that he was rolling his eyes at her, despite the glasses. "But did you really think that I
couldn't fix your sister?"
The pronghorn stepped forward, fists clenched. "If it would have been so easy, you'd have done it," she hissed before forcing herself to continue in a more even tone. "We burned all our bridges, there was nowhere else we could go after we joined you. All you have now is talk to salvage your ego. You've been beaten completely and it didn't even take Sonic
or the Freedom Fighters.
"Nanomachines," Eggman replied blandly as he began using the sketchpad to draw some kind of schematic.
"Nano-, what!?"
"There were any number of things I could have done, simpleton. I had nanomachines that would have overrode and substituted her immune system. The prototype for another project called the Metal Virus." Eggman finished his illustration and it slid across the table towards her. Against her better judgment, Clove approached to have a look but could barely make heads or tails of it. All she knew was that if he sketched that design so quickly, it couldn't have been made on the fly.
"Ask my other self or that AI if you're idiotic enough to doubt my intellect. So, if I had them, why didn't I use them? It's because you were so much more useful to me when you were
desperate," the leader of another world's Eggman Empire answered his own question.
"If you thought that if you did a good enough job, someday I might take pity on your sister. You would have gotten yourself killed for her,
for me, if I demanded it. And in the throws of vengeance, I would have had your replacement in Cassia. Less capable, but a backup doesn't hurt." The monster grinned wide, causing Clove to take a step back with her eyes wide.
Clove wanted to scream. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this! She had- he didn't have any- it wasn't like back in her home world! Not even he should be able to design something like this! "You- YOU!"
Eggman leaned forward in his seat as she took another step back, all too aware of how small the room was. "Allow me to break this charade, Pronghorn. This softer derivative only fixed her because now it's his turn to be
desperate. He's in a fragile position without the full might of the Eggman Empire and he knows it. So he's gambling that the permanent cure means that you and Cassia will stay with him instead of leaving the moment there's a better offer."
"… This Eggman is different. Even if you think you're just as smart, he's a better man than you could ever be. I've seen how he treats Belle and Sage and how he's saved the Darcsen, even when it doesn't benefit him directly. He's not the same monster that you are." Clove's voice gained strength as she spoke. It was true, her version of Doctor Eggman would never do anything like that. If you didn't have a use, you were less than worthless in his eyes!
"Do you think he's any less a monster, just because he thinks he knows love? If anything happens to those girls, he'll sink to the same depths I did, maybe even lower." The words hit her like a punch to the gut. Nobody talked about it, but they all noticed how subdued he was when there was that tension with Belle. And then how unfocused he was when Sage was 'grounded.'
"And even if nothing does…" Eggman continued, "You hated working for me, hated conquering in my name. He will use you to kill countless more, just because they're in his way. With me, you endured that hatred for the sake of your dear little sister. So, now that you finally got your precious wish, why are you still here? It's because he owns you. Mind, body, and soul."
"Are you-" Then it all clicked and Clove couldn't help but laugh for a moment. "You're trying to get me to leave, to sabotage this world's Eggman. If you couldn't succeed, he's not allowed to either! You really are jealous of him, that he might succeed where you failed!"
Clove expected many things from her former boss. She thought he might yell, might be angry. He was a prideful man, after all. What she didn't expect was for the puzzle pieces she'd been putting together to fall apart when he started to
"Ohohohoho! Maybe I would be if I weren't trapped in his skull. But I don't care because I was never truly defeated. If he dies a failure, that just means that his methods were useless." Eggman tapped his paper once again. "But if he succeeds, it will be because of my own genius. My technology will take his to greater heights and the soldiers
I created will be his tools."
"Why are you-?" Clove backed up again, bumping against the wall.
Clove, I know why you didn't bring Cassia with you. You were arrogant enough to think you could face me to prove to yourself that you were free." Eggman stood up, his shadow cast over her "But even in this new world, you've burned every bridge but one. And where did that bring you? Back to me."
"You- you're just trying to hurt me!" The Egg Boss hated how shaky her voice was. "Because that's all the power you have left.
"I already have. I'm just showing you your scars. Now leave," he dismissed her with a careless wave.
Clove looked down at the ground, trying not to cry. "Y-yes Doctor."
A/N: So, I said this before, but on Discord one of our QMs (Ranger) asked if we could have any of our characters have a conversation with an Eggman, who would we pick. That prompted this idea, since I picked Clove and her Eggman. I don't have a whole lot to say on it, but I thought this was a fun idea.
Feel free to tell me what you thought!