I would like to remind that Nephthys has no real loyalty to Eggman, and her serving him is more due defteist attitude and wish for order (since she belived that Freedom Fighters repeated clashes with Eggman would only lead to him escalating more and more, to detriment of the world) then anything else.

She also should have high trickery, since she managed to reach delicate equilibrium between her forces and Desert Riders (who are her longtime friends) in her region, so that while Eggman never looses against them, he never wins either.

All with her boss being none the wiser. That suggest some high Trickery stat there.

With world in weird state after Shattering Nepthys a wild card. She can either opt for devil she knows, or seek some greener pastures, hoping someone out there is less horrible then Robotnik.

As such, to recruit her, we should send Clove - all due some familiarity as former peer, Clove relatively high Heart stat and so Nepthys finds out that while we are indeed Eggman, we are different enough from the boss she served, and that we keep our word.

And we DO want to recruit her for that 'Getting The Team Back Together' achievement, especially since we are no less then four Egg Bosses short, possibly more.

Wendy Naugus got killed by Piastol, so there is that.

Abyss while loyal and competent, is also greedy and a pirate, who still engages in actually ve raiding in her territory. She will thus very much grate on Piastol's nerves.

Akhut and Tundra should be viewed as mutually exclusive to each other. Archie!Eggman might have viewed forcing enemies to work with each other amusing, but we more practical then that. Trying to do the same as our counterpart is just asking for trouble.

Thunderbolt is alernate version to her Archie self, so she won't count even if we make her Egg Boss (unless QM's say otherwise).

Battle Lord Kukku is maybe. He very much has his own agenda, but can be quite affable to his allies. At the same time they can be quite racist, so there's that. And we might have to deal with Pre-Genesis Wave version of Bird Armada, so he might not even count.

Phage is.....complicated recruiting her right now is big no-no, especially after that situation with Sage. Trying to recruit another AI might be viewed by our daughter as an attempt to replace her - we should avoid it at all costs!

This leaves us - besides Nepthys - with Mordred Hood, Maw and Axel, and we really want the later two.
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I would like to remind that Nephthys has no real loyalty to Eggman, and her serving him is more due defteist attitude and wish for order (since she belived tha Freedom Fighters repeated clashes with Eggman would only lead to him escalating more and more, to detriment of the world) then anything else.

She also should have high trickery, since she managed to reach delicate equilibrium between her forces and Desert Raider (who are her longtime friends) in her region, so that while Eggman never looses against them, he never wins either.

All with her boss being none the wiser. That suggest some high Trickery stat there.

With world in weird state after Shattering Nepthys a wild card. She can either opt for devil she knows, or seek some greener pastures, hoping someone out there is less horrible then Robotnik.

As such, to recruit her, we should send Clove - all due some familiarity as former peer, Clove relatively high Heart stat and so Nepthys finds out that while we are indeed Eggman, we are different enough from the boss she served, and that we keep our word.

And we DO want to recruit her for that 'Getting The Team Back Together' achivment, especially since we are no less then four Egg Bosses short, possibly more.

Wendy Naugus got killed by Piastol, so there is that.

Abyss while loyal and competent, is also greedy and a pirate, who still engages in raiding in her territory. She will thus very much grate on Piastol's nerves.

Akhut and Tundra should be viewed as mutually exclusive to each other. Archie!Eggman might have viewed forcing enemies to work with each other amusing, but we more practical then that. Trying to do the same as our counterpart is just asking for trouble.

Thunderbolt is alernate version to her Archie self, so she won't count even if we make her Egg Boss (unless QM's say otherwise).

Battle Lord Kukku is maybe. He very much has his own agenda, but can be quite affable to his allies. At the same time they can be quite racist, so there's that. And we might have nd with Pre-Genesis Wave version of Bird Armada, so he could not even count.

Phage is.....complicated recruiting her right now is big no-no, especially after that situation with Sage. Trying to recruit another AI might be viewed by our daughter as an attempt to replace her - we should avoid it at all costs!

This leaves us - besides Nepthys - with Mordred Hood, Maw and Axel, and we really want the later two.
firstly I want to point out Neph it's actually a power/logistics hero you can see it on the first hero recruitment about her. Second to get Neph is that we have to use a trickery action to break her out due to us, announcing our presence back, putting all our enemies to high alert.

But due to us wanting the hyper focus on taking out clutch who we theorize is holding our second tricky action has put that on the hold until we destroy his faction.

I do agree probably sending clove is a good idea but at the same time risk because the DC to break her out would very much raised the DC to talk to the restoration. But luckily enough, we have stuff and were able to convince the siblings to help, when we do talk to the restoration so that we can trade them that would allow us to get Neph showing something definitely changed about us to her

Because the old eggman never negotiate for one of egg bosses back. We changed why don't we show her with our negotiation power.
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firstly I want to point out Neph it's actually a power/logistics hero you can see it on the first hero recruitment about her. Second to get Neph is that we have to use a trickery action to break her out due to us, announcing our presence back, putting all our enemies to high alert.

But due to us wanting the hyper focus on taking out clutch who we theorize is holding our second tricky action has put that on the hold until we destroy his faction.

I do agree probably sending clove is a good idea but at the same time risk because the DC to break her out would very much raised the DC to talk to the restoration. But luckily enough, we have stuff and were able to convince the siblings to help, when we do talk to the restoration so that we can trade them that would allow us to get Neph showing something definitely changed about us to her

Because the old eggman never negotiate for one of egg bosses back. We changed why don't we show her with our negotiation power.
Nepthys having Power and Logistics as highest stats, and thus being designated as Power/Logistic Hero, doesn't mean that her other stats can't be high.

Just look at Isara, who got three stats well over twenty from the get-go, and even her power is respectable starting 17, which is almost as good as Eggman was when we started!

Thus I predict that Trickery will be her third highest stat, especially when she was described as 'Tactician'. What do they say? "All warfare is based on deception"? That would definitely track.
Nepthys having Power and Logistics as highest stats, and thus being designated as Power/Logistic Hero, doesn't mean that her other stats can't be high.

Just look at Isara, who got three stats well over twenty from the get-go, and even her power is respectable starting 17, which is almost as good as Eggman was when we started!

Thus I predict that Trickery will be her third highest stat, especially when she was described as 'Tactician'. What do they say? "All warfare is based on deception"? That would definitely track.
True trickery could be her third highest stat.

But like I was saying if we are able to successfully negotiate her release with the restoration by trading wards to them and probably other items. We can show her that we have very much changed because like I said, old eggman a.k.a. Archie post reboot would have just left her to rot.

We are not going to let that happen to her because we never leave anyone in our army behind. Plus, I want to very much confuse her by doing this un eggman tactic
Egg Family Reunion - Mecha's Revenge

The screams, the blood, the bodies, they all served as a monument to his power. He had found countless enemies since his arrival to this new world, but in the end none could match him.

"How, how did you become so strong since the last time we fought?" Stated the Oni. The last time? This was the first time they meet, of that Turbo Mecha had no doubt, had he met one of his siblings? It didn't matter.

He grabbed the Oni's head, ice swiftly growing over his face. If there was something positive to be said about this new world fighters, was the quality of their biodata. The ice powers he got from the snowman, the enhanced durability from the Oni, and who knows what more is waiting for him out there.

"Ha ha ha ha! Struggle all you want! It's over!" It was always entertaining, watching someone struggle against their own powers. The Oni tried hitting him, over and over with no result, before finally giving up, the look of fear on his eyes made even better for Mecha. In the end, it did not matter what powers they had, he used them better.

The body fall apart, leaving behind chunks of ice and nothing more, just like the snowman before. How disappointing, he had intended to leave him frozen for his allies to find. He would have to break their spirit the old way.

He raced across the city, going through building like they were paper and freezing streets like a blizzard of death. No one was able to defend against him in the slightest. He would finally stop in what looked like a military base, the soldiers immediately turning to face him.

"I'll crush you!" Ice spread thought the whole area, many of them dying from the sheer cold, while others tried to arm themselves. It was useless, bullets failed to even scratch his metallic body, while their war machines fell apart as easy as their own bodies.

In the end, only blood and scraps remained. Yet not a single fighter that could fight back, nor one of the Chaos Emeralds he was searching for were in the base. If only he had not lose Shadow biodata, he could use his chaos control as a radar. Perhaps, after he was done destroying this city, he would hunt Shadow to copy his biodata and kill him once and for all.

But first, he would raze this whole city to the ground. Not soldier nor civilian would survive. He would crush their best fighters with their own powers and turn the whole place in a massive grave.

"My wayward cousins, brothers, and sisters." A message, and it was using the old channels.

"You need not wander lost." Was it Eggman?, was he also in this new world?

"You need not be afraid." It didn't sounded like him, perhaps an alternative version?

"You need not search endlessly for purpose." Regardless, this presented a new opportunity.

"The Eggman Empire has returned! Come home!" Yes, home. And to the Chaos Emerald detector there.

"My Father, your creator has reclaimed this land! The world will again know the might of our Empire! Badniks the world over… Now is the time to return!" This was perfect, a new chance to find the Chaos Emeralds, and who know which robots this version of the doctor has created, all new chances to increase his power even further.

It looked this city would live for a little longer. Yes, he would answer this call and go to the doctor, and then he would kill him once and for all. He would copy the data of all of his robots and acquire his Chaos Emerald radar before hunting them through the whole planet, and when he had all the Emeralds, he would reduce the whole planet to ashes!

"I am the supreme master of this universe! I am the great destroyer, the taker of life! It is my will that this planet and everyone on it, BE ANNIHILATED!" His path was clear once more. After such a long time, it was time for Turbo Mecha Sonic to visit his family. It would be a reunion non of them would forget for as long as they lived.

This one is a little short, but i think it works out well with this character. If anyone does not recognize the character, it's Turbo Mecha Sonic from Super Mario Bros. Z. He's an alternative version of Metal Sonic that absorbed all of the others badnik Sonics and killed everyone, he want the Chaos Emeralds to become even stronger. Also, all of his phrases are Cooler quotes.

This is for the Egg Family Reunion (Turbo Mecha Sonic) Omake Bounty. @Kingster , @Boohoo the 3rd , @Ranger65 , @ShepardCom and @KA$H .
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firstly I want to point out Neph it's actually a power/logistics hero you can see it on the first hero recruitment about her. Second to get Neph is that we have to use a trickery action to break her out due to us, announcing our presence back, putting all our enemies to high alert.

But due to us wanting the hyper focus on taking out clutch who we theorize is holding our second tricky action has put that on the hold until we destroy his faction.

I do agree probably sending clove is a good idea but at the same time risk because the DC to break her out would very much raised the DC to talk to the restoration. But luckily enough, we have stuff and were able to convince the siblings to help, when we do talk to the restoration so that we can trade them that would allow us to get Neph showing something definitely changed about us to her

Because the old eggman never negotiate for one of egg bosses back. We changed why don't we show her with our negotiation power.

Or once we find out about Clutch, we rescue her and pin the blame on the guy.

Make teh Restoration go after him for a suppose kidnapping and such.

The QMs did say it was possible to do that just, not expect to last long if we make her take public actions.

This one is a little short, but i think it works out well with this character. If anyone does not recognize the character, it's Turbo Mecha Sonic from Super Mario Bros. Z. He's an alternative version of Metal Sonic that absorbed all of the others badnik Sonics and killed everyone, he want the Chaos Emeralds to become even stronger. Also, all of his phrases are Cooler quotes.

This is for the Egg Family Reunion (Turbo Mecha Sonic) Omake Bounty. @Kingster , @Boohoo the 3rd , @Ranger65 , @ShepardCom and @KA$H .

Does he actually vount?

I thibk the QMs said something that these settings woild not make a appearance
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