There's a comic somewhere of Nicole and sage fighting
And Sage brought out Supreme against Nicole.
And now we are a proud father of someone who can get on her level and is technically more advanced that than old piece of junk the holo-lynx is stored in.
And that's not including what would happen if we give Sage a red ring.
Sally tapping away at a computer.
I'm guessing Nicole is working in the computer.

For anyone pre-SGW on the other hand, it would look like we have literally gone mad into over sanity.
Yeah they'll definitely hold a grudge against us.
I would rather not waste resources on dealing with a resistance that will happen if we do that

As opposed to wasting resources and time trying to court a bunch of people who hate us and will constantly fact check what we do so it aligns with their moral standards or else they'll leave? I dunno about that one. Seems like a bigger waste to me.
we are going to have to eventually conquer green hills, because like heck the other teams will be able to keep the nastiness outside from coming in! We are eggman and we WILL conquer the world. any alliance is technically on short term, at most they can expect is probably house arrest or something.

besides, kindness and control eh? might as well see how it all goes down.
How about a compromise? The Restoration can run Green Hills, and we can do whatever we want with the rest of the world! Everyone's happy then! Except all the people we kill, but they don't count because they're dead.
How about a compromise? The Restoration can run Green Hills, and we can do whatever we want with the rest of the world! Everyone's happy then! Except all the people we kill, but they don't count because they're dead.

how about 25% of green hills? at least portions were not in control of (or at least have soft control as it were)
I mostly want to work with them until either Black Doom and probably Max are dealt with.

Maybe the Vortex Queen too if Silver does finally manages to get into this timeline.

For as much as Eggman hates it, Black Doom took adventage of literally everyone fighting each other to do his dirty work.

Considering he has Shadow as an agent, we can leave aside grudges for the moment.

Like the Chaos Emeralds are literally thrown everywhere.

We don't really have much to go off alliances outside of fucking Satan on Primp Town and maybe that battle maniac Robot.

Hell if that fighting tournament does indeed go with a chaos emerald as a prize, we technically could stack heavely our chances of getting that emerald as with an alliance technically we could inscribe 3 people under the eggman empire, the restoration and G.U.N.

There is also that while the emeralds are powerful, unless we have the set of 7 we need to keep those things away as many eyes are already on them.

So by keeping them separated even if one is taken we can inmediatly take actions to try to secure the rest as much as possible.
No but maybe they will see us changing and be less critical
I genuinely do not want to deal with a resistance

Your really underestimating the blood and destruction on Dr. Eggman's hands. They hate him for what he has done. Rightfully so. And they'll never forget that. There is no amount of "good" we can do to offset the sheer amount of crap Eggman has done to their world.
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Yeah no, Eggman has a long list of crimes no doubt.

But the thing is that we will need all the firepower possible.

Especially when it comes to trying to take out the other kings.

We could use resources to decimate the restoration and G.U.N. sure.

But no doubt they won't make it easy for us.

Keep in mind we just kicked the black arms out because someone else managed to kick their strongest agent down.

If we start picking fights with everyone, other enemies will see this and take adventage that we just got into a heavy fight with other faction to try to take our territory.

TBH the problem with green hills right now is that it is pretty much a 3 way war.

Like the Zeti were actively fighting back againts the restoration, GUN, the empire and the black arms until a while ago.

And you saw how the dices screwed Zavok over in half for a good amount of turns.

Even if we take back our territory we are going to have to go over all the damage the zeti did.

If we start picking up fights with the restoration and GUN right now, then the Empire and no doubt the Black arms will take adventage of that.

Grudges are still there no doubt.

But at this point we are talking about war tactics.

Why the hell pick fight with someone who at least is willing to listen to you.
For as much as Eggman hates it, Black Doom took adventage of literally everyone fighting each other to do his dirty work.
Plus we don't know if he has territory in other parts of the world instead of just the neighboring ones.
Why the hell pick fight with someone who at least is willing to listen to you.
We can probably make a no man's land between us and the other two so we can focus on the Empire, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Archie characters do some sabatoge against us for intrigue options.
Can confirm, no way they will just lay down and submir to you.

Only way you annex rhem is by raiding and capturing them. Then you Can force whiever you Dont kill to work for Eggman.

If you want an alliance , Well, you have some steps learned of how to do that.

So yeah, annexing-you have ti conquer.
Allíance-Darcsen and ???
I wonder if that ??? has something to do with stopping the moon from killing everyone. Or maybe it's just giving the cure to NIDS free of charge.

Question, since Satan was elected mayor of his area for being the strongest (not because he intentionally ran for mayor) and does not actually seem to care much about ruling over it, could we possibly have him trade his territory to us in return for a Carbuncle robot?
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Honestly, we should have done this a bit earlier, but we thought we could handle the amount of omakes you guys did.

But boy, we were wrong.

First, let me tell from that we enjoy all the omkaes you guys have written for the quest, your ideas that you come with are a marvel to see. We appreciate all the time and effort you have invested here.

But the rate of omake is a bit ahrd to keep up to be honest, so we will have to implement a new rule.

From now on, Omakes will only be rewarded after the rivals report of the current turn is done, and before the next turn starts. We will go throught all the omakes posted and reward them accordingly.

So yeah, all current unrewarded omakes will only be rewarded once rivals report of turn 4 are done. Any omake posted after the rivald report won't be rewarded until the end of the next one. In the interval between the RR and the beginning of the next turn will be a chance to prepare tne bonuses you want to use.

That will be all from me about the new omakes rules, you can post omakes if you want, go wild!
Yeah don't worry about it, we honestly went overboard with them.

And tbh waiting till between each rival reports is a fair one so you guys can actually think things trough.
I find it hilarious there are people here that have convinced themselves the Restoration will just roll over and let Eggman take over the world again.

No matter what we do, they will always fight against us. The only times they won't is against the Black Arms and MAYBE the Empire.
Question, since Satan was elected mayor of his area for being the strongest (not because he intentionally ran for mayor) and does not actually seem to care much about ruling over it, could we possibly have him trade his territory to us in return for a Carbuncle robot?
that's not why he was made mayor, they elected him because he botched a love spell and instead of hitting one person with it he hit the entire region.
I find it hilarious there are people here that have convinced themselves the Restoration will just roll over and let Eggman take over the world again.

No matter what we do, they will always fight against us. The only times they won't is against the Black Arms and MAYBE the Empire.
Yup. Hell, the quotation marks on both Restoration and GUN Heart Actions seems pretty clear enough. With GUN, once Green Hills was cleared of foreign forces, it was back to the old times again. While for the Restoration, it was just in names only and will either join GUN in fighting againts us or waits further until a Hero Team like Sonic appears before trying to overthrow us like we are some kind of Demon King. Not something I am interested in doing unless we are forced into the corner.
Restoration was specifically MADE first to resist Eggman taking over the world. They wouldn't be fine with us doing so again and just leaving their homes untouched(not that Eggman would be satisfied either with not ruling the ENTIRE world.)