Honestly, we should have done this a bit earlier, but we thought we could handle the amount of omakes you guys did.
But boy, we were wrong.
First, let me tell from that we enjoy all the omkaes you guys have written for the quest, your ideas that you come with are a marvel to see. We appreciate all the time and effort you have invested here.
But the rate of omake is a bit ahrd to keep up to be honest, so we will have to implement a new rule.
From now on, Omakes will only be rewarded after the rivals report of the current turn is done, and before the next turn starts. We will go throught all the omakes posted and reward them accordingly.
So yeah, all current unrewarded omakes will only be rewarded once rivals report of turn 4 are done. Any omake posted after the rivald report won't be rewarded until the end of the next one. In the interval between the RR and the beginning of the next turn will be a chance to prepare tne bonuses you want to use.
That will be all from me about the new omakes rules, you can post omakes if you want, go wild!