Suprise the Egg gun have not make appearance yet since Starline and Stone have one.

I guess however now that everything gone belly up Stone will be inclined to use the Egg Gun now and Starline too.
Relooking at what the stats 'mean', it really is impressive how intelligent Isara is, given how she's only 16. No wonder Eggman is reminded of himself with her.
So, another idea that came up from the inclusion of Snapcube's content, what are the odds that Nazo becomes a thing here?
So if we manage to crit Tier 3 Badniks with Isara's help when we unlock them, should we do an Empire Attack with Isara leading it filled with Tier 3s to fuck with the Empire? Show them what they lost out on?
It could also rally Darcsens into joining the Eggpire, maybe get Cordelia's attention?
This is going to be awhile. After all, first we need to unlock the Tier 3 Badniks, which is only happening when we either kick the Zeti out of our Empire, or when we create the ability to harness at minimum Ring Energy to have enough power to create Tier 3 Badniks.

And then we'd have to crit the creation of them too. Then make more.
The funniest thing is that even Base Metal would give one hell of a fight to Scourge.

Without anarchy Beryls, he is still technically Sonic sure, but one who has his worst traits amplified and likes to toy around with his enemies, alongside being hella out of practice compared to the blue bur himself.

Metal would still be put out at the start by Scourge.

But then he would start noticing the mistakes, the sloppyness, the lack of thinking his loathsome copy has.

And that is when he hits the jackpot.

Hmm...Round two I think. The shock is enough for Scourge to win the first round...but the Doctor and co are nothing if not speced in a very specifc direction. At which point--

he may not be yet superior to HIS copy, but this sonic is unrefined, arrogant even for the damn hedgehog, and its utterly outclassed in skill and experiance. Metal would enjoy this fight.

Heck in the season finale, NEO Metal can make his appearance...and show Scourge how a Real Hedgehog fights. basically think Abrigded Vegeta fighting a Serious Goku/mocking terms of Dante in terms of how dialogue and combat would go.

This happens.

The best part will be when Eggman shows just how dangerous Sonic could be, if he ever tried. Scourge soloed a whole planet in the comics. We'll plant the seeds of doubt in the populace....

With this as a side benefit yes.

he would be a jobber compared to the cast, untill he hits the beyrl's...which would result in a hurricane of untold power and unrestrained emotional outbursts...basically amplifying everything about scourge, while reducing his ability to rationalize and make any real decisions besides the now.

and the only one to manage to fight him on even grounds? METAL going full NEO with a Chaos Emerald using CHAOS CONTROL to basically pull a movie sonic and beat him down while making it all look easy...a sort of mind-war game that scourge is actually kind of weak against.

Edited: and i mean weak because he has not built the mental strength, courage, and endurance from constant fights to either the death, erasure, or worse. the kind of willpower to take things on and keep on going, he is still sonic however, and he is still a threat that grows throughout the seasons as he starts coming back with better plans, research, and of course some training.

Course even if Scourge is a Big bad wannbe, he's still a canadite.

If nothing he has a fleetway style super form, and after that fails he has spite.

Woe be to the world if he decides to improve himself.

See, I feel like that's unfair. And might make us look bad for losing to him (regular Sonic).

Scourge isn't weak, or stupid. He's reckless. Impatient. And lacks the ability to work with others. Beat him that way!

And yes, him getting the beryl should make him a manic, unhinged powerhouse.

Hmm...well he'll probaby be a bit on the direct side the first go around, but after that...well let's see how he does masterminding.

Not only did they kill gerald they filmed it too

...Unfortunately he still falls behind Gun in villainy. Though maybe if he took over...

So if we manage to crit Tier 3 Badniks with Isara's help when we unlock them, should we do an Empire Attack with Isara leading it filled with Tier 3s to fuck with the Empire? Show them what they lost out on?

Absolutely. Unfortunately it will be a bit of time before we can get the free time to pull this off.
Imagine being the empire and encountering the death egg robot
You see a massive dot on the horizon get closer and closer
Or we pull a pacific rim and walk out of the ocean
Imagine being the empire and encountering the death egg robot
You see a massive dot on the horizon get closer and closer
Or we pull a pacific rim and walk out of the ocean
Woe to the soldiers that have to deal with a death crab charging through their positions.

*Crackles* Why just one? Let's bring an army!

...You know I feel like we're more excited for our eventaual fight with the Empire than actually nixing the six.
We have two Power Actions don't we?

...Huh. A two prong attack...@Kingster can we actually do something like that?

I mean Zavoc is doing it to us right? We should be able to do it too...
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D+B=The Greatest Pair Ever
And for, Number 3 for the Win.

Here is the Interlude we promised:

D+B=The Greatest Pair Ever

In a grey office, your robotic form stood, looking over your corporate empire.

You wouldn't admit It but it brought you a little pleasure, really, seeing the scientists who had made you deprived of meaningful work and stuck to assembly lines, bent to your will.

But only a little.

No, your true passions lie in one thing and one thing only: Fighting. Fighting the strongest beings you could find.

Maybe that was just your programming, maybe you wouldn't have cared if not for that, but you cared little for such inquiries.

Suddenly, there was a scuttling As a nervous being peeked in.

A red being, crab like with grey appendages, swallowed a bit thickly before piping up.

"Uh, ma'am, your partner is here…" The crab like creature explained.

"Send her in, Crabmeat." You order.

Crabmeat nods and scuttled off. After a bit, a green hedgehog in heels and a red suit strutted in.

"Breezie. Report." You command.

"Awww… no hello, Dury baby? I thought we were better friends than that." The Hedgehog mock whined.

"Do not push your luck, hedgehog. I could destroy you in an instant." You scowl.

"If you did that, who would run all your boring bits of your organization? And then you would inherit Breeze Media too…. Seems like a lot of work, tying you down." Breezie tutted.

"...Report." You repeat, well aware your lack of true response spoke volumes. Breezie was aware of that too based on her smug smirk.

"Well, sadly, the lance was a total bust. Captain Metal and his crew showed up so I made a tactical retreat-"

"You ran away like a coward."

"-Made a tactical retreat, but I looked into it later. Things went COMPLETELY belly up. The lance got stolen, Some guy from the Empire got himself kidnapped, I think two Friggin' polar bears were there…. It was nuts. It's a good thing I scrammed when I did."

You made a little hum. Loathe as you are to admit it, losing Breezie would be a not insignificant loss. With your newfound intelligence came the desire to do things between your combats and to leave your mark on the world, but ever since Breeze Media and Judgement Six's merger, you were aware you would have to spend more time running the place than fighting. That was unacceptable.

And, Even more loathe as you are to admit it, to the point you would never say it aloud… Breezie wasn't completely awful company.

"Mmmm. What's on your mind, Dural? The boys aren't bugging you too bad, are they?" Breezie asked, sipping some beverage from a fridge she kept in your office.

"I am merely processing the information you have given me and calculating our next move." You answer.

"Bah. I know what you wanna do, pal. You want to speed up our… little idea." Your business partner smirked.

"...Correct. The logistics of doing so are quite complex though. We must advertise, secure a location, hire security, check the credentials of security-"

"Dural, buddy, baby, you machine of mass destruction, relax. As long as I am still getting paid, you can count on me, I'll handle it." The Hedgehog chuckled.

"...Thank you." You say simply, turning back to watching the former scientists create merchandise to sell to the public.

"Anytime. Though if the check bounces, you're on your own." Breezie warned, smirking.

"I am well aware. And if you were to produced a failure, I will harm you greatly." You shoot back without turning around.

"Glad we're in agreement." Breezie snorted, completely unintimidated.

There was an unspoken thing between you two. You both knew the other would keep their respective promise, but both also knew they would probably crawl back to each other. They each needed the other. And maybe, just maybe, it wasn't just necessity that kept them together.

It gets lonely at the top, not that either were exactly eager to acknowledge it.

You enjoyed the comfortable silence.

"...I think you and Captain Metal would make a cute couple."

"Get out."

"Yeah yeah. We'll talk later. Just know everything is going according to plan."

Breezie sauntered off, leaving you alone in your office.

You looked
over at a secured box.

Yes. Everything was going according to plan.
Vote is closed!

Want for the next update either tonight or tomorrow!
Scheduled vote count started by Kingster on Dec 8, 2024 at 9:11 PM, finished with 97 posts and 32 votes.