Potentially frustrating too. Remember, they were excited for the Sky Pirate. When we don't have the time to deal with him and we have Piastol as a Hero Unit.
Just cuz it's potentially good for us doesn't mean it won't add more pressure on our already suffocating AP.
Frankly I think we are doing pretty well all things considerate with our limited AP, we just need to balance the actions and we are golden.
With Sage action don't count in total we can literally send her in any category barring some exceptions.
Speaking of Sage, it's interesting that Froniters hinted there's more to her than let on than everybody is awars, even Sage herself. The symbols that show in Eggman's screen when put her back togheter in Normal Ending were revealed in Final Horizon DLC as they word for god when Sage and Sonic discuss the topic of the Ancient's religion and the camera do keep zoom in Sage during that talk.
Cyberspace allow Sage to achieve free will in nano seconds when she was connected to it but it may have not being the only thing it did to her, after all in Final Horizon it also allowed Sonic achieve another super form too when combined woth his cyber corruption.
I know we are following the Normal Path of Frontiers but it don't erase all the information revealed in Final Horizon.
Also we should research Rings next turn, imagine if we could use the Red Star Ring to make Sage a super form.
Overcloaked Sage, would be ustopable in the Eggnet and could allow her to defend herself from even the most dedicate cyber attacks, like Phage from Post-SGW may have been sent here and she would love to devour Sage if given a opportunity.
For those unaware Post-SGW!Eggman created Phage to handle the Eggnet, much like Sage, however something gone wrong and she imidiatly start devouring all data she come across until Eggman manage to isolate her, she escape from her cyber prison and did try to apologise to Eggman. She decided to prove her loyalty to him by geting rid of another annoying AI, Nicole, that is a constant torn on his side.
Nicole barely stood a chance against her until Sally decide to stuff a Red Start Ring on her to overcloak her and have enough power to defeat Phage.
Nicole in Post-SGW was a AI born of a failed digital upload experiment of the daugther of a scientist but is extremely powerful in the cyber world and would not be exageration to say she and Sage should be matched in power if they ever get to fight each other.