Very fun omake. Love the mix of Kurt poking at Eggman's ego internally and panicking.

(this but a two-seater and ignore Metal)

Okay, but imagine Metal teaching Driver's ed. Lmao

I am not telling how to write omakes?

I am just point out some background material that could help his omake.

It very much comes off as policing for you to say what you did for your omake and recommend Cjdavis to do the same.

Plus the city design is such a minor detail compared to the goal of the omake, which is the insanity of driving in a Sonic level design.
Imagine how the Empire will see this.

...It's weirdly fitting that they're taking a cue from Metal Sonic.

He is the one who helped free the Darscens, so I can see some being inspired instead of scared.
Well now I want an omake about Metal, (who is for some reason walking around on the streets of the city,) coming across a group of Darcsen wearing Metal Sonic-themed clothing, and start cheering and thanking him as he walks by.
[]Upgrade Metal Sonic: Rusty Rose
[]Upgrade Rusty Rose: Belle
[]Black Market/Good PR (Figure out which later): Canaan
[]Build lots of mines: Pronghorn sisters + 10 buildbots
[]Build ring reactor: orbot + cubot + burrowbots
[]build repair garage: thunderbolt + more burrowbots
[]research imperial weapons: Isara + noise tanks
[]rescue: starline + 4 newsbots
[]infiltrate restoration: sage (+ 3 newsbots)
[]research curse: yahna
[]Response Force: Piastol + combat bots that are not toxomisters
[]omega distraction: Metal Sonic
[]adventure: Conquering Storm + Stone + Honey + Egg Clan
[]Eggman personals: Woodcutting, Talk to Belle, Workout, ???
[]Isara personal: talk to Eggman
[]conquering storm personal: train troops

Here's my current vague idea for a plan. No name yet, as well, I don't have it in a solid state yet.
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[]Upgrade Metal Sonic: Rusty Rose
[]Upgrade Rusty Rose: Belle
[]Black Market: Canaan
[]Build lots of mines: Pronghorn sisters + 10 buildbots
[]Build ring reactor: orbot + cubot + burrowbots
[]build repair garage: thunderbolt + more burrowbots
[]research imperial weapons: Isara
[]infiltrate restoration: Starline + 4 newsbots
[]cure research: Sage + noise tanks
[]research curse: yahna
[]Omega Distraction: Metal Sonic
[]Response Force: Piastol + combat bots that are not toxomisters
[]adventure: Conquering Storm + Stone + Honey + ninjas
[]Eggman personals: Woodcutting, Talk to Belle, Workout, ???
[]Isara personal: talk to Eggman
[]conquering storm personal: train troops

And an alternative plan for if we want to delay doing the rescue. (and take a damn good shot at ending the curse of NIDS once and for all.)
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I have realized something. The Zeti technopathy is bad, but Warheads might be even more dangerous, and it would be a disaster if we lost Metal again. Heart however counteracts this. In order to avoid this, we can upgrade him to give him higher Heart, or we can get traits. Who would likely give Metal a Heart trait through their biodata? The leader of the Heart faction, Jewel of course.

... What do you mean I just want an excuse to have Metal punch her in the face? This is purely for pragmatic reasons I assure you.
Jewel Being one of the characters you guys bully in memes consistently was definitely not on my bingo card XD

its perfect! we just need enough heart traits and bio-data storage for metalt to unleash his full potential!

this is clearly not a attempt to make him better then sonic! (it is)
this is clearly not a attempt to meme-punch jewel! (it is)
this is clearly not a attempt to one up our rivals! (it is)
Imma go through our own Hero Units and check us for Heart traits.

Why outsource when you can keep in-house?
Because doing both is even better still.
Belle and Canaan are the only ones with Heart traits, I believe.

Metal: Training arc~.

Belle shrieks in fear.
Actually, no.

Appalingly, Belle doesn't have Heart traits somehow - she has recruitment and helping others traits.

I'm not counting teamwork here.

In fact we do have two Hero Units with blatant Heart traits though - Canaan and Clove.
Calm and Collected: The Egg Boss has a way of speaking that is very calm and reasonable, even to her enemies. (Clove can add half her Logistics to her Heart rolls.)

Synesthesia: After being infected by a weird virus. Canaan seemed develop the ability to see emotions of people as colors...letting her easily sense someones motives as well as identify friend from foe... How Intriguing.

+10 to Trickery contested rolls. Allows to add half of her Trickery to any Heart roll she mades. +5 to Combat roll against living enemies.

Judgement - A set of goggles designed to further tap into Canaan's synesthesia, these help organize and analyze the colors she sees much quicker and also causes Canaan to see a darker hue around those with malicious intent. While equipped, these goggles increase the bonus from Synesthesia to 15+ in contested Trickery rolls, allow her to add 3/4 of her Trickery to her Heart rolls, and have advantage on Tricky rolls to identify threats.
For the record.
1) Purely for narrative purposes, but I want that Calm and Collected copied for Metal Sonic - he is entirely too volatile in narration, or at least that's my impression. CnC adds half of Logistics. In Metal's case - 5 out of 10, literally.

2) When it comes to Canaan's Synesthesia and her Judgement equipment, I think that Metal would copy these both as a single slot. With his 8-to-10 Trickery, it's a guaranteed 6 and possible 7 to Heart, and multiple other strong bonuses besides. Also want.

So Metal is potentially at 11 or 12 Heart from those two.