"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Part 2-Leaving so soon?
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Winning vote:;
[ ] just continue on ahead
No! Focus Starline! You came here for one reason, and one reason only! To steal that Relic for the doctor! You couldn't afford fooling around!
????-Investigate the Warehouse
DC 50/70/90
Silently signaling Agent Stone and Canaan, the three of you quickly entered the backstage, making sure no guard was around to notice you.
Result= 16(Roll)+27(??? Trickery)+20(???)=63
First Tier Success!
Entering through the backdoor, you were inside the Building now. Step 1 has been completed. Now for step 2… Time to locate the Relic.
Trickery check: Proceed further into the Warehouse without alerting the guards
DC: 80
Result= 89(Roll)+20(Starline)+22(Canaan)=131
The Back Area of the warehouse had a simple layer, it was just a series of Hallways, connected to a few offices, but luckily you knew you didn't have to check any of them, your target was obvious.
???-Infiltrate the Warehouse
DC: 100
The sound of the event was the clue. It seemed like Nack had bothered to make this event as "Glamorous" as he could. The sound of chatter and ambient music filled the place, making an excellent blanket for infiltration.(Invisible text)
Result= 75(Roll)+27(??? Trickery)+15(???)+20(???)
One time, as you were nearing the corner, Canaan pulled you back before you could take another step, before you could ask what the deal was, she made a motion to shut up, and none a second later, a pair of guards passed by you, none the wiser.
Well that could have gone badly, still, the mercenary didn't need to be so rough when helping!
???-Proceed further into the Warehouse without alerting the guards
DC: 80
Result= 27(Roll)+27(???)+15(???)=69
Trickery check! Notice the ???
DC 100
Stoneline Procs!
Result=30(YOU GUYS ROLLED THE SAME!!! HOW?!)+20(Starline)+22(Canaan)=72
Failure! AGAIN!
After a few more minutes of skulking around, you manage to finish walking through the hallways and arrive at an open area without being noticed by anyone!. Similar to what you would see in an auction or a theater, there was a stage in the center of the room, in the middle of it, a white lance, seemingly made of something like marble perhaps(?), with a spiral like design, held inside a glass container, obviously as a way to showcase Nack's prize.
At the end of the room, a giant curtain was in place, separating you and your lackeys from the guests that arrived at this Auction.
???-Try to salvage the situation?
DC 60
Result= 4(Roll)+18(???)+20(???)=42
There was no sight of Nack anywhere in sight weirdly, but you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and be thankful for that. You needed to be quick and retrieve the Relic and exit before anyone became aware of your presence.
???-Dealing with the guards
DC 30/70
"Now it was time to shine." You whisper to the pair. as wiggle your fingers, ready to complete this heist flawlessly.
With a flex from your glove, a spark of energy was emitted straight to the warp topaz, and not a second later, a Portal appeared right below the Relic, making it fall through it and arrive at your waiting hand.
Result= 64(Roll)+23(???)+10(???)=97
And then you fell over, this lance was incredibly heavy! Luckily the sound of it hitting the ground wasn't noticed with all the music and chatter around but still, you were barely able to lift it!
Signing, Canaan reached over. "Give it to me." Without your confirmation, she just grabs the Lance and effortlessly raises it.
"I had it handled…but thanks." You said, just a tiny bit pissed that you wouldn't be able to deliver the Lance to the Doctor's hands yourself, but no matter.
"So it's time to go now right?" Agent Stone asks, saying his first words since the Heist began. As he looks over where the curtain is. "Not sure it's a good idea to remain here once this starts."
"Correct, Sr. Stone, With the lance in our possession, it's time to make a strategic retreat." You say as you prepare to make another portal back to the base. "If you guys give me a mo-"
"Hey! Whatcha doing here?!"
Uh Oh, you think as you look over to the hallway you just came from, and standing there was a pair of Skunks you were passingly familiar with.
"If you are here for stealing, then get ready for some Rumble!"
"Cause now you are dealing with ROUGH AND TUMBLE!"
The knuckleheads skunk brothers stand before you, wearing some badges and security caps. What? They were working here? How?
Trying to put a facade of confidence, you smirk at the pair. "My…stinky gentlemen…" You see both of them growl at your words, as from the corner of your eye, you see Canaan handle the Lance to Stone as she reaches for her handgun. "I'm afraid this Lance has a new owner and we-"
"We don't care, you nerd! We are not losing this job! Let's beat them Brother!" The small one replies. "Righto!"
Ohhh how unfortunate, needing to debase yourselves to some base violence.
Combat time!
Rough and Tumble Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (66) + 26(Rough and Tumble Power) + 5 (Professional Goons)
Total: 97
Starline and Canaan Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (98) + 11(Starline) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Synesthesia) + 5(Egggun)-5(Stink Bomber)-5(Stink Bomber)
Total: 136
Rough and Tumble Failure!
Rough and Tumble receive one wound (-1 hp)
Remaining 3 HP!
Rought and Tumble Trait revealed:
Stink Bomber: The odor of these two is so repugnant they have actually managed to weaponize it. (All units in melee with Rough And Tumble have -5 to their rolls from the sheer smell of these two.)
Before any of the two skunks can reach, Canaan rushes forward, delivering a solid spin kick to one of the brothers, the big gray one. And before the small one can react, Canaan pistol whips him and as he falls to the ground, she smashes her boot on his neck, making him gasp in pain.
"Can we leave now?" Canaan ask, non impressed with the security of this place.
Not that you could fault her, if the best they could get was these two buffoons…well, you felt a tiny bit of sorry for Nack.
As you were about to retort and open a portal, you were rudely interrupted…again.
??? Interruption- Grab the Relic!
Roll with Advantage!
Result: 1d100 (81) + 23(???) + 10(???)
Total: 114
Result: 1d100 (71) + 23(???) + 10(???)
Total: 104
Final Result= 114!
Stone and Canaan Reaction!
Result: 1d100 (90) + 13(Stone) + 27(Canaan)+ 5(Synesthesia)
Total: 135
??? Failure!
Before you can say anything, Canaan raises her gun, taking aim at Stone and fire two bullets. Before you can ask what in Chaos was she thinking, you hear a gasp of pain.
Turning around, you are surprised to see what seems like a female version of Nack on the ground, nursing a shot to her shoulder. She had sneaked behind Stone and was almost ready to pounce and steal the Lance.
"And that damn Possum said this would be a simple job…right." The female weasel snarls as she gets up and draw a pair of pistols. "Now gimme that Thing! My paycheck relies on it!"
"No! You guys leave that thing! We need this job!" One of the skunk brothers reply, the one not currently being choked by Canaan's boot.
Okay, this was…not good. You were caught and the mercenary just using her gun right now, was sure to grab some attention. Your perfect heist was slipping from your fingers!
How could this day get worse?!
And right then is when the explosion started! It sounded like someone just fired some cannonballs towards here!
And as the whole building shook, and the curtain fell to reveal your lot to the guest of the auction, who were as surprised as you, you heard the following words.
"Attention Landlubbers! This is Captain Metal speaking!" Oh come on! Seriously!? "Hand me all your valuables and that thing the Weasel is offering, and I will just humiliate y'all!"
C'mon Starline, what can you do?!
Choose one:
It was risky, but the best move is to retire immediately, Open a portal and proceed with the extraction immediately. There is a chance that the Weasel or the Skunks, or even someone else, could interrupt your strategic retreat, or even worse follow you, but it was a risk work doing.
[ ] Try to fight your way through this.
Everyone saw that you guys were keeping the Lance, you were certain they would not just let you leave with it. But with Captain Metal distraction and the subsequent chaos, you were sure you could fight through the opponent and get away safely.
[ ]Don't even bother fighting, full retreat!
The situation was too hot to risk any extended confrontation, you needed to retreat ASAP. You were sure you would be interrupted every step of the way but as long as you could get a moment of calm to make a portal so all of you could exit safely, it could work.
QM NOTE: Did you guys think you were the only one trying to steal the lance? Yeah, nope, more people had the same idea as you.
[ ] just continue on ahead
No! Focus Starline! You came here for one reason, and one reason only! To steal that Relic for the doctor! You couldn't afford fooling around!
????-Investigate the Warehouse
DC 50/70/90
Silently signaling Agent Stone and Canaan, the three of you quickly entered the backstage, making sure no guard was around to notice you.
Result= 16(Roll)+27(??? Trickery)+20(???)=63
First Tier Success!
Entering through the backdoor, you were inside the Building now. Step 1 has been completed. Now for step 2… Time to locate the Relic.
Trickery check: Proceed further into the Warehouse without alerting the guards
DC: 80
Result= 89(Roll)+20(Starline)+22(Canaan)=131
The Back Area of the warehouse had a simple layer, it was just a series of Hallways, connected to a few offices, but luckily you knew you didn't have to check any of them, your target was obvious.
???-Infiltrate the Warehouse
DC: 100
The sound of the event was the clue. It seemed like Nack had bothered to make this event as "Glamorous" as he could. The sound of chatter and ambient music filled the place, making an excellent blanket for infiltration.(Invisible text)
Result= 75(Roll)+27(??? Trickery)+15(???)+20(???)
One time, as you were nearing the corner, Canaan pulled you back before you could take another step, before you could ask what the deal was, she made a motion to shut up, and none a second later, a pair of guards passed by you, none the wiser.
Well that could have gone badly, still, the mercenary didn't need to be so rough when helping!
???-Proceed further into the Warehouse without alerting the guards
DC: 80
Result= 27(Roll)+27(???)+15(???)=69
Trickery check! Notice the ???
DC 100
Stoneline Procs!
Result=30(YOU GUYS ROLLED THE SAME!!! HOW?!)+20(Starline)+22(Canaan)=72
Failure! AGAIN!
After a few more minutes of skulking around, you manage to finish walking through the hallways and arrive at an open area without being noticed by anyone!. Similar to what you would see in an auction or a theater, there was a stage in the center of the room, in the middle of it, a white lance, seemingly made of something like marble perhaps(?), with a spiral like design, held inside a glass container, obviously as a way to showcase Nack's prize.
At the end of the room, a giant curtain was in place, separating you and your lackeys from the guests that arrived at this Auction.
???-Try to salvage the situation?
DC 60
Result= 4(Roll)+18(???)+20(???)=42
There was no sight of Nack anywhere in sight weirdly, but you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and be thankful for that. You needed to be quick and retrieve the Relic and exit before anyone became aware of your presence.
???-Dealing with the guards
DC 30/70
"Now it was time to shine." You whisper to the pair. as wiggle your fingers, ready to complete this heist flawlessly.
With a flex from your glove, a spark of energy was emitted straight to the warp topaz, and not a second later, a Portal appeared right below the Relic, making it fall through it and arrive at your waiting hand.
Result= 64(Roll)+23(???)+10(???)=97
And then you fell over, this lance was incredibly heavy! Luckily the sound of it hitting the ground wasn't noticed with all the music and chatter around but still, you were barely able to lift it!
Signing, Canaan reached over. "Give it to me." Without your confirmation, she just grabs the Lance and effortlessly raises it.
"I had it handled…but thanks." You said, just a tiny bit pissed that you wouldn't be able to deliver the Lance to the Doctor's hands yourself, but no matter.
"So it's time to go now right?" Agent Stone asks, saying his first words since the Heist began. As he looks over where the curtain is. "Not sure it's a good idea to remain here once this starts."
"Correct, Sr. Stone, With the lance in our possession, it's time to make a strategic retreat." You say as you prepare to make another portal back to the base. "If you guys give me a mo-"
"Hey! Whatcha doing here?!"
Uh Oh, you think as you look over to the hallway you just came from, and standing there was a pair of Skunks you were passingly familiar with.
"If you are here for stealing, then get ready for some Rumble!"
"Cause now you are dealing with ROUGH AND TUMBLE!"
The knuckleheads skunk brothers stand before you, wearing some badges and security caps. What? They were working here? How?
Trying to put a facade of confidence, you smirk at the pair. "My…stinky gentlemen…" You see both of them growl at your words, as from the corner of your eye, you see Canaan handle the Lance to Stone as she reaches for her handgun. "I'm afraid this Lance has a new owner and we-"
"We don't care, you nerd! We are not losing this job! Let's beat them Brother!" The small one replies. "Righto!"
Ohhh how unfortunate, needing to debase yourselves to some base violence.
Combat time!
Rough and Tumble Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (66) + 26(Rough and Tumble Power) + 5 (Professional Goons)
Total: 97
Starline and Canaan Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (98) + 11(Starline) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Synesthesia) + 5(Egggun)-5(Stink Bomber)-5(Stink Bomber)
Total: 136
Rough and Tumble Failure!
Rough and Tumble receive one wound (-1 hp)
Remaining 3 HP!
Rought and Tumble Trait revealed:
Stink Bomber: The odor of these two is so repugnant they have actually managed to weaponize it. (All units in melee with Rough And Tumble have -5 to their rolls from the sheer smell of these two.)
Before any of the two skunks can reach, Canaan rushes forward, delivering a solid spin kick to one of the brothers, the big gray one. And before the small one can react, Canaan pistol whips him and as he falls to the ground, she smashes her boot on his neck, making him gasp in pain.
"Can we leave now?" Canaan ask, non impressed with the security of this place.
Not that you could fault her, if the best they could get was these two buffoons…well, you felt a tiny bit of sorry for Nack.
As you were about to retort and open a portal, you were rudely interrupted…again.
??? Interruption- Grab the Relic!
Roll with Advantage!
Result: 1d100 (81) + 23(???) + 10(???)
Total: 114
Result: 1d100 (71) + 23(???) + 10(???)
Total: 104
Final Result= 114!
Stone and Canaan Reaction!
Result: 1d100 (90) + 13(Stone) + 27(Canaan)+ 5(Synesthesia)
Total: 135
??? Failure!
Before you can say anything, Canaan raises her gun, taking aim at Stone and fire two bullets. Before you can ask what in Chaos was she thinking, you hear a gasp of pain.
Turning around, you are surprised to see what seems like a female version of Nack on the ground, nursing a shot to her shoulder. She had sneaked behind Stone and was almost ready to pounce and steal the Lance.
"And that damn Possum said this would be a simple job…right." The female weasel snarls as she gets up and draw a pair of pistols. "Now gimme that Thing! My paycheck relies on it!"
"No! You guys leave that thing! We need this job!" One of the skunk brothers reply, the one not currently being choked by Canaan's boot.
Okay, this was…not good. You were caught and the mercenary just using her gun right now, was sure to grab some attention. Your perfect heist was slipping from your fingers!
How could this day get worse?!
And right then is when the explosion started! It sounded like someone just fired some cannonballs towards here!
And as the whole building shook, and the curtain fell to reveal your lot to the guest of the auction, who were as surprised as you, you heard the following words.
"Attention Landlubbers! This is Captain Metal speaking!" Oh come on! Seriously!? "Hand me all your valuables and that thing the Weasel is offering, and I will just humiliate y'all!"
C'mon Starline, what can you do?!
Choose one:
It was risky, but the best move is to retire immediately, Open a portal and proceed with the extraction immediately. There is a chance that the Weasel or the Skunks, or even someone else, could interrupt your strategic retreat, or even worse follow you, but it was a risk work doing.
[ ] Try to fight your way through this.
Everyone saw that you guys were keeping the Lance, you were certain they would not just let you leave with it. But with Captain Metal distraction and the subsequent chaos, you were sure you could fight through the opponent and get away safely.
[ ]Don't even bother fighting, full retreat!
The situation was too hot to risk any extended confrontation, you needed to retreat ASAP. You were sure you would be interrupted every step of the way but as long as you could get a moment of calm to make a portal so all of you could exit safely, it could work.
QM NOTE: Did you guys think you were the only one trying to steal the lance? Yeah, nope, more people had the same idea as you.
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