"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Part 2-Leaving so soon?
Winning vote:;
[ ] just continue on ahead

No! Focus Starline! You came here for one reason, and one reason only! To steal that Relic for the doctor! You couldn't afford fooling around!

????-Investigate the Warehouse
DC 50/70/90

Silently signaling Agent Stone and Canaan, the three of you quickly entered the backstage, making sure no guard was around to notice you.

Result= 16(Roll)+27(??? Trickery)+20(???)=63
First Tier Success!

Entering through the backdoor, you were inside the Building now. Step 1 has been completed. Now for step 2… Time to locate the Relic.

Trickery check: Proceed further into the Warehouse without alerting the guards
DC: 80
Result= 89(Roll)+20(Starline)+22(Canaan)=131

The Back Area of the warehouse had a simple layer, it was just a series of Hallways, connected to a few offices, but luckily you knew you didn't have to check any of them, your target was obvious.

???-Infiltrate the Warehouse
DC: 100

The sound of the event was the clue. It seemed like Nack had bothered to make this event as "Glamorous" as he could. The sound of chatter and ambient music filled the place, making an excellent blanket for infiltration.(Invisible text)

Result= 75(Roll)+27(??? Trickery)+15(???)+20(???)

One time, as you were nearing the corner, Canaan pulled you back before you could take another step, before you could ask what the deal was, she made a motion to shut up, and none a second later, a pair of guards passed by you, none the wiser.

Well that could have gone badly, still, the mercenary didn't need to be so rough when helping!

???-Proceed further into the Warehouse without alerting the guards
DC: 80
Result= 27(Roll)+27(???)+15(???)=69

Trickery check! Notice the ???
DC 100

Stoneline Procs!

Result=30(YOU GUYS ROLLED THE SAME!!! HOW?!)+20(Starline)+22(Canaan)=72
Failure! AGAIN!

After a few more minutes of skulking around, you manage to finish walking through the hallways and arrive at an open area without being noticed by anyone!. Similar to what you would see in an auction or a theater, there was a stage in the center of the room, in the middle of it, a white lance, seemingly made of something like marble perhaps(?), with a spiral like design, held inside a glass container, obviously as a way to showcase Nack's prize.
At the end of the room, a giant curtain was in place, separating you and your lackeys from the guests that arrived at this Auction.

???-Try to salvage the situation?
DC 60
Result= 4(Roll)+18(???)+20(???)=42

There was no sight of Nack anywhere in sight weirdly, but you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and be thankful for that. You needed to be quick and retrieve the Relic and exit before anyone became aware of your presence.

???-Dealing with the guards
DC 30/70

"Now it was time to shine." You whisper to the pair. as wiggle your fingers, ready to complete this heist flawlessly.

With a flex from your glove, a spark of energy was emitted straight to the warp topaz, and not a second later, a Portal appeared right below the Relic, making it fall through it and arrive at your waiting hand.

Result= 64(Roll)+23(???)+10(???)=97

And then you fell over, this lance was incredibly heavy! Luckily the sound of it hitting the ground wasn't noticed with all the music and chatter around but still, you were barely able to lift it!

Signing, Canaan reached over. "Give it to me." Without your confirmation, she just grabs the Lance and effortlessly raises it.

"I had it handled…but thanks." You said, just a tiny bit pissed that you wouldn't be able to deliver the Lance to the Doctor's hands yourself, but no matter.

"So it's time to go now right?" Agent Stone asks, saying his first words since the Heist began. As he looks over where the curtain is. "Not sure it's a good idea to remain here once this starts."

"Correct, Sr. Stone, With the lance in our possession, it's time to make a strategic retreat." You say as you prepare to make another portal back to the base. "If you guys give me a mo-"

"Hey! Whatcha doing here?!"

Uh Oh, you think as you look over to the hallway you just came from, and standing there was a pair of Skunks you were passingly familiar with.

"If you are here for stealing, then get ready for some Rumble!"

"Cause now you are dealing with ROUGH AND TUMBLE!"

The knuckleheads skunk brothers stand before you, wearing some badges and security caps. What? They were working here? How?

Trying to put a facade of confidence, you smirk at the pair. "My…stinky gentlemen…" You see both of them growl at your words, as from the corner of your eye, you see Canaan handle the Lance to Stone as she reaches for her handgun. "I'm afraid this Lance has a new owner and we-"

"We don't care, you nerd! We are not losing this job! Let's beat them Brother!" The small one replies. "Righto!"

Ohhh how unfortunate, needing to debase yourselves to some base violence.

Combat time!

Rough and Tumble Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (66) + 26(Rough and Tumble Power) + 5 (Professional Goons)
Total: 97

Starline and Canaan Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (98) + 11(Starline) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Synesthesia) + 5(Egggun)-5(Stink Bomber)-5(Stink Bomber)
Total: 136

Rough and Tumble Failure!
Rough and Tumble receive one wound (-1 hp)
Remaining 3 HP!

Rought and Tumble Trait revealed:
Stink Bomber: The odor of these two is so repugnant they have actually managed to weaponize it. (All units in melee with Rough And Tumble have -5 to their rolls from the sheer smell of these two.)

Before any of the two skunks can reach, Canaan rushes forward, delivering a solid spin kick to one of the brothers, the big gray one. And before the small one can react, Canaan pistol whips him and as he falls to the ground, she smashes her boot on his neck, making him gasp in pain.

"Can we leave now?" Canaan ask, non impressed with the security of this place.
Not that you could fault her, if the best they could get was these two buffoons…well, you felt a tiny bit of sorry for Nack.

As you were about to retort and open a portal, you were rudely interrupted…again.

??? Interruption- Grab the Relic!
Roll with Advantage!
Result: 1d100 (81) + 23(???) + 10(???)
Total: 114

Result: 1d100 (71) + 23(???) + 10(???)
Total: 104

Final Result= 114!

Stone and Canaan Reaction!
Result: 1d100 (90) + 13(Stone) + 27(Canaan)+ 5(Synesthesia)
Total: 135

??? Failure!

Before you can say anything, Canaan raises her gun, taking aim at Stone and fire two bullets. Before you can ask what in Chaos was she thinking, you hear a gasp of pain.

Turning around, you are surprised to see what seems like a female version of Nack on the ground, nursing a shot to her shoulder. She had sneaked behind Stone and was almost ready to pounce and steal the Lance.

"And that damn Possum said this would be a simple job…right." The female weasel snarls as she gets up and draw a pair of pistols. "Now gimme that Thing! My paycheck relies on it!"

"No! You guys leave that thing! We need this job!" One of the skunk brothers reply, the one not currently being choked by Canaan's boot.

Okay, this was…not good. You were caught and the mercenary just using her gun right now, was sure to grab some attention. Your perfect heist was slipping from your fingers!

How could this day get worse?!

And right then is when the explosion started! It sounded like someone just fired some cannonballs towards here!

And as the whole building shook, and the curtain fell to reveal your lot to the guest of the auction, who were as surprised as you, you heard the following words.

"Attention Landlubbers! This is Captain Metal speaking!" Oh come on! Seriously!? "Hand me all your valuables and that thing the Weasel is offering, and I will just humiliate y'all!"


C'mon Starline, what can you do?!

Choose one:

It was risky, but the best move is to retire immediately, Open a portal and proceed with the extraction immediately. There is a chance that the Weasel or the Skunks, or even someone else, could interrupt your strategic retreat, or even worse follow you, but it was a risk work doing.

[ ] Try to fight your way through this.
Everyone saw that you guys were keeping the Lance, you were certain they would not just let you leave with it. But with Captain Metal distraction and the subsequent chaos, you were sure you could fight through the opponent and get away safely.

[ ]Don't even bother fighting, full retreat!
The situation was too hot to risk any extended confrontation, you needed to retreat ASAP. You were sure you would be interrupted every step of the way but as long as you could get a moment of calm to make a portal so all of you could exit safely, it could work.

QM NOTE: Did you guys think you were the only one trying to steal the lance? Yeah, nope, more people had the same idea as you.


Last edited:
D+B=The Greatest Pair Ever
And for interlude...eh, Number 3 for the Win.

Here is the Interlude we promised:

D+B=The Greatest Pair Ever

In a grey office, your robotic form stood, looking over your corporate empire.

You wouldn't admit It but it brought you a little pleasure, really, seeing the scientists who had made you deprived of meaningful work and stuck to assembly lines, bent to your will.

But only a little.

No, your true passions lie in one thing and one thing only: Fighting. Fighting the strongest beings you could find.

Maybe that was just your programming, maybe you wouldn't have cared if not for that, but you cared little for such inquiries.

Suddenly, there was a scuttling As a nervous being peeked in.

A red being, crab like with grey appendages, swallowed a bit thickly before piping up.

"Uh, ma'am, your partner is here…" The crab like creature explained.

"Send her in, Crabmeat." You order.

Crabmeat nods and scuttled off. After a bit, a green hedgehog in heels and a red suit strutted in.

"Breezie. Report." You command.

"Awww… no hello, Dury baby? I thought we were better friends than that." The Hedgehog mock whined.

"Do not push your luck, hedgehog. I could destroy you in an instant." You scowl.

"If you did that, who would run all your boring bits of your organization? And then you would inherit Breeze Media too…. Seems like a lot of work, tying you down." Breezie tutted.

"...Report." You repeat, well aware your lack of true response spoke volumes. Breezie was aware of that too based on her smug smirk.

"Well, sadly, the lance was a total bust. Captain Metal and his crew showed up so I made a tactical retreat-"

"You ran away like a coward."

"-Made a tactical retreat, but I looked into it later. Things went COMPLETELY belly up. The lance got stolen, Some guy from the Empire got himself kidnapped, I think two Friggin' polar bears were there…. It was nuts. It's a good thing I scrammed when I did."

You made a little hum. Loathe as you are to admit it, losing Breezie would be a not insignificant loss. With your newfound intelligence came the desire to do things between your combats and to leave your mark on the world, but ever since Breeze Media and Judgement Six's merger, you were aware you would have to spend more time running the place than fighting. That was unacceptable.

And, Even more loathe as you are to admit it, to the point you would never say it aloud… Breezie wasn't completely awful company.

"Mmmm. What's on your mind, Dural? The boys aren't bugging you too bad, are they?" Breezie asked, sipping some beverage from a fridge she kept in your office.

"I am merely processing the information you have given me and calculating our next move." You answer.

"Bah. I know what you wanna do, pal. You want to speed up our… little idea." Your business partner smirked.

"...Correct. The logistics of doing so are quite complex though. We must advertise, secure a location, hire security, check the credentials of security-"

"Dural, buddy, baby, you machine of mass destruction, relax. As long as I am still getting paid, you can count on me, I'll handle it." The Hedgehog chuckled.

"...Thank you." You say simply, turning back to watching the former scientists create merchandise to sell to the public.

"Anytime. Though if the check bounces, you're on your own." Breezie warned, smirking.

"I am well aware. And if you were to produced a failure, I will harm you greatly." You shoot back without turning around.

"Glad we're in agreement." Breezie snorted, completely unintimidated.

There was an unspoken thing between you two. You both knew the other would keep their respective promise, but both also knew they would probably crawl back to each other. They each needed the other. And maybe, just maybe, it wasn't just necessity that kept them together.

It gets lonely at the top, not that either were exactly eager to acknowledge it.

You enjoyed the comfortable silence.

"...I think you and Captain Metal would make a cute couple."

"Get out."

"Yeah yeah. We'll talk later. Just know everything is going according to plan."

Breezie sauntered off, leaving you alone in your office.

You looked
over at a secured box.

Yes. Everything was going according to plan.
"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Part 3-One Last Surprise
Winning vote:

Right, well as fun as it would be to mingle with the guest and other party crashers, you have already what you came for. Now it was time for you and your colleagues to make a dashing and urgent retreat.

Doctor Eggman will surely be quite happy once he receives the Relic. Bit first…time to run away!

"Mr. Stone, Lady Canaan, I think we overstayed our welcome! Let's go!" You shout as you immediately create a portal a few steps away from you. Stone, seeing what you were planning, starts rushing too towards freedom.

Canaan is the only one that doesn't move, instead, with her eyes flashing red, she shouts. "No, wait!" Why would she say that? Doesn't she see that you should get away to safety as fast as Possible?!

QM NOTE: To Escape a Trickery Check will be done, using the party stats and Starline warp topaz trait. The people in the auction will try to stop them. All will roll Power rolls to attack and impede you, and if they do beat your roll, your escape is foiled!

Starline Warp Topaz get away portal!
Result: 1d100 (20) + 20(Starline)+ 15(Warp Topaz) + 22(Canaan)
Total: 77

DC 77!

Rough and Tumble:
Result: 1d100 (58) + 26(Rough and Tumble)+ 5 (Professionak Goons)
Total: 89

: 1d100 (17) + 23(Nicolette Power) + 10(Sharpshooter)
Total: 50

Result: 1d100 (47) + 25(Nack Power) + 10(Sniper)
Total: 82

Commander Walters+Topaz
Result: 1d100 (100) +51(Reoll) 13(Walters Power) + 5(???) + 19(Topaz)+ 5(???) - 10 (Caught completely off guard)
Total: 183

Major General Berthold Gregor:
Result: 1d100 (56) + 18(Gregor Power) - 10(Caught completely off guard)
Total: 64

Rough and Tumble and Nack manage to stop the Egg party
GUN Completely stops them. Not only Nat 100 but also critically success the action(Double the party's roll)

Sooooo: Yeah, Starline is fucked up.
Starline receives 3 wounds (-3 Hp) Starline drops to 0 HP. CRITICAL CONDITION!
Stone receives 1 wound. (-1 HP). He has 2 HP left.
Canaan receives 1 wound (-1 HP). She has 3 Hp Left.

Many things happen at once, you are not sure why, but you feel your perception of time slow considerably, you had heard of this phenomenon but never knew it could happen to you.

First, The skunk who is pressed under her boot, uses this chance, now that Canaan is distracted, to grab her leg and push her away from him. Caught off guard, she can only take the punch that the second brother brutally delivers to her gut.

Next, you see as Agent Stone falls to the ground, a grimace of pain, as Nack stands behind him, with one of his guns drawn, looking completely pissed off.

And 3rd, you feel 3 sudden sharp sensations of pain from your back as you turn back to see who did it, you see a blond haired human drop from the ceiling right at you, and deliver a solid dropkick to your head.

Then Everything goes Dark.

You were Canaan and you were not having a good time right now.

Not only the platypus just decided to rush out like an idiot, and got shooted for the trouble, the situation was quickly escalating out of your control.

"I don't care that you are "Scary Badass Mercenary", nor who the hell are these two idiots." Nack says, a red aura of anger covering his whole body, as he looks absolutely pissed at you all. "But you can return the Lance to me, and then get shot for all the effort you put in." He says as his gun stays trained on Stone, who was on the ground, with a scorch mark on his back. At least the guy had not dropped the relic, keeping hugging it as he seemed to squirm from the pain?

No, it wasn't that, the green and brown aura around him denoted him worried but at the same time motivated…whatever it was, she hoped the guy had a plan.

Meanwhile, you were certain your ribs were bruised from the last hit these pair of idiots got it. Nothing you couldn't handle but more hits like this won't do you any good.

Nicolette Choice:

1) She opts the fuck out.
2) Joins the fight.
3) Tries to sneakily steal the Relic.

Result= 1!

"Screw this, that smart ass can keep his money. I did not sign up for this!" The female Weasel shouts, as she spits on the ground and starts running away during the commotion.

"Hey! Who said you could leave!" Nack says as he stops paying attention to Stone and you and raises his gun to shoot at the leaving intruder.

Now it's your chance!

Canaan Combat roll

Result: 1d100 (32) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5(Synesthesia) - 5 (Stink Bomber)

Total: 64

Rough and Tumble Combat Roll

Result: 1d100 (65) + 26(Rough and Tumble) + 5(Profesional Goons)

Total: 96

Canaan Failure!

Canaan Receives a wound! Canaan loses 1 HP (-2 HP TOTAL)

You roll away quickly from them, trying to gain some distance as you drawn your gun again and prepare to fill these Skunks with lead…

Until your senses tell you to move, but you aren't able to react in time, as the smaller skunk flies towards you, rolling like a ball. Bracing for the hit is the only thing you can do as the hit pushes you towards the glass case.

Okay…that…that actually hurt. You definitely hurt your ribs right there. And the taster of copper in your mouth makes it clear that these guys can pack more of a punch that you expected.

If she didn't do something fast then-

"Hey where did the guy go!?" Nack shouts. As you open your eyes and look up, you notice what the Weasel meant.

Agent Stone-Get Away from here

Trickery contested roll!

1d100 (38) + 19(Stone) + 15 (Rainbow Bottle)

Total: 72

Nack Trickery Roll:

Result: 1d100 (34) + 22(Nack Trickery)

Total: 56


Agent Stone manages to get from here safely!

Uh, it seems the guy used that weird bottle the Doctor gave him, smart of him. Hopefully the guy is competent enough to get out on his own with the Lance.

Meanwhile, you had to find a way to get away from here fast before Starlien finishes bleeding out. You just needed to deal with this pair of fools.

"Ahhh good grief, that doctor better keep his word." You mutter as you stand up once away as you clear the blood from your mouth, glaring at the pair of skunks looking ugly at you.

The sounds of battle outside were increasing with every second, and it seemed that things would get worse if you didn't retreat now.

"Well look here brother, the gal is asking for another beating." The big one says, as he cracks his knuckles, an orange aura surrounding him.

"Yeah! This time, let's send her down tripping!" The small one shouted, with the same intensity.

"Man, that does not even rhyme." You remark drily, which seems to just anger the two of them.

"DIEEEE!!!" Both shout as they rush at you.

Rough and Tumble Combat roll

Result: 1d100 (14) + 26(Rough and Tumble) + 5(Professional Goons)

Total: 45

Canaan Combat roll.

Result: 1d100 (69) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5(Synesthesia) - 5 (Stink Bomber)-5 (Stink Bomber)

Total: 101

Critical success!

Rough and Tumble receive 2 wounds. (-1HP Left!)

Letting them get near before acting, you ready yourself. Using all your strength, you gracefully jump above them as they charge at you.

Once you land, you quickly turn around and unload all the ammo in your clip towards the big skunk. Each shot landed his mark and made blood spurt out from the wound.

As he falls to the ground, with the little one rushing to his aid, you start running and in one fell swoop, grab hold of the bleeding body of the platypus and proceed to get away from the warehouse.

You were Starline, and currently everything was on fire. Your body hurts in ways you never knew it was possible. Some sort of haze seems to cloud your mind. Were before you would be able to think quickly, any thought you made seems to come too slow for your liking.

"Whaaa—where am I?" You slur, your vision blurry, bit the image of Canaan seems clear above you, as she seems to be doing something to you.

"Oh…you are awake. Good." She remarks calmly, as you feel another spike of pain in your chest, you manage to barely raise your head up to see what was happening and couldn't help but gasp.

Your stylish clothing was damaged, fully ripped out from you, and in it's place, your chest was covered with bandages.

"You took 3 rounds to the chest, hollow points." Canaan answers without you needing to ask. "We managed to get out and regroup at Stone's Cafe."

You look around and notice that yes, you currently are above one of the tables of the cafe, several medical supplies around you, as Canaan apparently managed to save your life.

This brush with death would certainly stress you more, but most likely the shock was helping with that, still there was something you needed to know.

"The Lance-what ha-happened?" You gasp, your body still in great pain.

"We managed to get away with it!" A cheerful voice rings out, you look to the side to see Agent Stone calmly walk out, sporting a few scorch marks on his clothing, but aside from that fine. He was carrying hot, smoking cups of coffee. "We managed to complete the doctor's orders. This calls for a celebration.!" He remarks happily.

"You realize that we are probably wanted fugitives now right?" Canaan remarks as she accepts the cup of coffee and proceeds to drink some of it. "Ahhh, thanks I needed that."

Stone nods as he offers the cup to you and you shakily drink from it. the warm beverage seems to get you back some of your strength as it passes thought your throat.

"So we did it then?" You ask one more time for confirmation, and with both of them nodding you couldn't help it.

"Yes!!! We did it!!! Hooray!" You exclaim, joy overflowing you, as you didn't fail the doctor a second time.

Then you pass out…again.

Adventure Complete!

You managed to retrieve the Lance! Actions to study it unlocked!
Stone used the rainbow bottle!
He gains +1 Trickery by pulling such a perfect escape!
Canaan gains +1 Power!

Starline receives +15 Loylaty from the doctor congratulating him on not fucking up this mission.

As Starline is currently at 0 Hp, any National actions or adventures that he partakes next turn receive a -20 malus to them
Next turn his personal action is locked to "Rest and Recover" until he gets back at 3 HP
Canaan is currently at 2 Hp, next turn if she enters combat, she will stay at 3 HP. (¾)
Agent Stone is currently at 2 Hp, next turn, if he partakes in combat, he will have full health back! (3/3)

Currently, the Restoration and GUN Identified Starline, Stone and Canaan as the ones who crashed the auction, currently they are wanted figures by them!

Agent Stone's cafe is shut down because of Restoration investigating it!

To find out what else happened in the Auction please wait for the Rival Reports!
Turn 3- March 2XXX Rivals Report

Produce super badniks DC40
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 94
Critical Success

Well, the Zeti was seriously ticked off. Ha! From your drones and what Sage was able to analyze, the Zeti has been putting your factories in overtime, producing an obscene amount of badnik that…not gonna lie, might worry you a little.

Zavok really is building an army to come and kill you. Well…he can try, you will show that beast why only you are worthy to lead the Eggman Empire!

Results: Increased amount of Super Badniks produced. All soon to be directed at you.

Fight against Empire's push DC Contested by Empire (Power)
Result: ???+???+???Total: 134
Bare Failure

Once again, the stupid Zeti were not able to stop the Empire from advancing. This time, that glowing woman with a Shield and Lance, who Isara told you was a Valkyrur (will need to check THAT later), had a rematch against Zass, and was able to get payback from last time, destroying his mech and grounding him. Not only that, the company of badniks he was sent with was pretty much demolished.

One hand, the Zeti failing fills you with joy…but the Empire destroying your stuff enrages you to NO END!

Results: Zavok loses territory and badniks to the Empire. Zazz didn't suffer much damage, if any, aside from losing his mech temporarily

Fortity territory DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 51
Bare Failure

After the string of attacks against their camps and other facilities, the Empire tried to fortify their position. Unfortunately, their lack of free labor left them unable to accomplish anything of the sort in time. The constructions seem half complete and done in such a disastrous manner. The scientist in you is disgusted by the quality of work here!

Result: DC to fortify territory is halved.

Make another push against Zavok forces DC Contested by Empire (Power)
Result: ???+???+???Total: 141
Bare Success

You admit, you might admit that Starline pushing to obtain the Lance might have been a good idea.

Now that you have someone coming from the Empire, you were able to learn a bit more about who had destroyed your precious Metal Sonic.

According to Isara, Brigadier Bles, the Azure Witch of the Empire, is what is called a Valkyrur(?), an ancient race from her homeland that seems to be some sort of great warriors of mass destruction?

That tracks you suppose, with how she was able to turn around the tables against Zass and deal with Zomon, you realize the Empire might be a few notches above in the threat department.

Still, that gives a few ideas, if the Empire has such pride in their fearsome agents at their disposal, you supposed you could show them why they don't stand against your creations.

Ideas for later.

Fortify territory DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result= ???+???+?? Total: 77
First Tier Success

You suppose your greatest announcement spooked the Restoration, this month they spend their effort fortifying their borders.

It wasn't that impressive of a work if you say so yourself. But you can't demand excellence from everyone unfortunately.

Results= Restoration managed to reinforce their border against upcoming attacks. DC to raid the restoration increased!

Organize civilians DC:60 (Logistics)
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 106

Well at least that Rookie managed to do his work right this time. The civilians were quickly able to learn drills for upcoming invasions and even how to defend themselves against attacks, or at the very least how to not get in the way of the competent fighters.

Restoration= Civilians trained, DC to raid the restoration increased!

Look for Chuck dc 100/140
Result: ???+???+?? Total: 69

Well, it seems that you were not the only one to get the message from Chuck, apparently that Lemur and some masked woman tried to infiltrate Zavok's territory to look for Chuck, if the recording you were able to scavenge suggests.

They didn't get that far unfortunately, Zavok quickly got on top of that and reinforced his borders, making it difficult for people to infiltrate deeply without issue.

That also means Zavok wisened up and realized people are looking for Chuck most likely, his security will be tightened no doubt.

Result: Restoration failed to search for Chuck, Zavok is aware of such advances and will take countermeasures. DC to find Chuck raised.

Fortify Territory DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 94!
Second Tier Success

On the Other hand, GUN did a better job at preparing for their comeuppance. They build more bases, installed more turrets and prepared an obscene amount of explosive mines in their area. Dealing with them will be…a tad more annoying.

Result: DC to raid GUN increased.

Try to Locate Chuck DC100/140 (Trickery)
Result:???+???+??? Total: 85

Well, At least GUN could be more smart than those animals, They tried to hack the Eggent and make contact with Chuck, according to Sage, but didn't manage to achieve anything significant. You assume with the Restoration pathetic attempts, Zavok is more careful with Chuck now.

Fortify Angel Island DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 92
Second tier success!

That dim-witted Echidna is doing what he always does: Guarding the Master Emerald in a way. And also protecting his new citizens.

With assistance from that man who helped calm down the crowd ages ago, they set up many handmade barriers and, with a bit of prodding from the man, Knuckles sets up patrol routes to keep eyes peeled for any ne'er-do-wells.

As a ne'er-do-well yourself, this is quite annoying.

Gather Supplies DC 50 (Logistics)
Total: 28

It appears that supplies are dwindling on Angel Island. Which makes sense one supposed, they are on a solitary island floating in the middle of the sky that was initially inhabitated by a single person.

Knuckles tried to go get some supplies himself, but he forgot to bring any money and was unable to barter with anything, forcing him to reluctantly go back empty handed, at least for now.

Recruit and ally DC Variable (Heart)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 32

That failure to procure supplies made Knuckles realize, as much as he appreciates the assistance of his human companion, the two of them can't manage everything completely alone.

So Knuckles put out a plea for someone to come over and assist them and the other refugees.

From what you can gather, not many people cared to take the journey with everything going on, but a young bee made her way over, claiming she finally had a new purpose.

Bah. Hopefully she is not a threat.

Captain Metal
Follow The North Start DC:Variable (Trickery)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 63

While the chaos of the auction was going on, Captain Metal's foolish first mate was searching around the seas once again for potential booty. Apparently he was following up that lead he obtained earlier, based on the rumours, but he wasn't able to fully track it this time.

However, he did find some treasure hidden in the remnants of Jack's ship that was missing last time, which he happily brought along to his captain, saying "Lucky!" Over and over again.

That's all it ever says though, so hard to tell what it's thinking.

Pillage And Plunder (See the auction)

How curious, from what you have been able to see, Captain Metal came out winning big time for that Auction raid, not only did he steal most of the money the guest there brought along. He even kidnapped a high level officer from the Empire!
A general or sergeant Gregor, you honestly couldn't care, but the captain was announcing to all that would listen to him that he was Asking their Prince for a Ramson, if they didn't comply, they would offer Gregor to anyone that would offer enough income.

…Well there could be an opportunity there.

Result: Gregor has been captured by Captain metal and is asking for a ransom to Maximilian to give it back, If Maximilian doesn't comply, Captain Metal will offer Gregor to any willing faction that pays high enough. (10 Income)

Look For Maria DC: 75/130
Result: 1d100 (93) + 39(Vector Trickery) + 28(Espio Trickery) + 10(Team Chaotix!) Total: 170
Complete Success

When you asked the Chaotix for help looking for this "Maria Osawa", a part of you didn't actually expect for them to actually succeed in the task.

Well…they proved you wrong. They actually managed to find her, more or less. They weren't actually able to bring her to you, but they were able to find her location pretty easily.

From what Canaan told you and you relayed to the Chaotix, this Maria worked as a photographer, and funny enough, that damn Chameleon was able to locate her thanks to finding some photographs in a thing called "Internet". Pfft, pathetic name!

Still, they were able to find several photos that supposedly were taken from a person named Maria Osawa. Coincidence? You don't think so! And the Chaotix didn't either.

Tracking the most recent photos taken, they were able to find that they originated from that city named Tokyo-To, near Green Hills, just past the territory of that Janken guy.

They were able to find evidence of Maria being there, taking photos of some guy in roller skates and playing with graffiti.

Unfortunately, they weren't actually able to enter the city. That place is totally in lockdown, no one enters nor gets out. And the Chaotix were not keen on actually breaking in if the girl was not in trouble, which didn't seem to be the case.

Anyway, once you relied your information on Canaan, she requested that you take her there as soon as possible, and apparently she wouldn't take a no for an answer.

How problematic are these minions these days.

Results: Chaotix were able to find Maria! Currently she is in Tokyo-To, which is in total control of Gouji Rokkaku. The city is in lockdown and hard to infiltrate in or out but that is barely an issue for a Genius like you!

Canaan gains +15 loyalty for helping locate Maria!

Adventure Unlocked! 666: Tokyo-To Scramble! This adventure is obligatory and must be taken in Turn 5! Canaan and Belle are automatically locked in to go!

Look into the auction DC: 100/150 (Trickery)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 61

Considering the sheer insanity of the auction, some people had a sneaking suspicion that a set up might have been in place. This included the Chaotix, so while Espio was busy searching into Maria, Charmy was tasked with doing the investigation here.

It was a valiant effort for the fool, but he was unable to find anything that wasn't public knowledge and quickly grew bored and gave up, based on Vector's grumbling in public.

Oh well, that auction was pure insanity anyways.


Try and fix ??? DC90
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 90
Exact Success

To be continued in the Interlude "The newest member of the Rabbit Family!"

Stealing from more museums (Trickery) DC 40/80/120
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 119
2nd Tier Success!

It appears, recently, there has been a string of robberies in museums, both local and in neighboring areas.

They were all done by a young, cloaked human woman with a cat's ears and tail, flanked by some of those strange cats the Restoration drove away months ago. They snuck in and ransacked the areas, stealing records, money and exhibits alike.

The only lead anyone has is her briefly being caught on camera before she destroyed it happily giggling "Doc brother might finally have happies!"

Ugh. Another evil doctor might be in the area? That was your job!
The newest member of the Rabbit Family!
Today was a tranquil day on the Rabbit Household. Even with the Shattering and the news of that meanie Eggman coming back, days continued to go by and you just had to make the best of it.

And currently, you were trying to do your best for someone who needed it.

"You think you can help her, Mr. Rotor?" You ask the young walrus, who continues to inspect his patient, with some sort of equipment connected to her head, and a computer showing several lines of code that you couldn't understand.

At first glance, her appearance would seem normal, a human face with purple hair and goldish-red streaks across it, she definitely had a cute face!

But that's where the human look ended and the more…mechanical part started to appear. Her white, and black sleek design, filled with cracks, and the broken left wing, clearly showed how the girl had been through some difficult times.

You were currently in the guest room, where she had been placed since you "found" her.

"Mmm…hard to say Cream." The young walrus gruffs, not unkindly but still showing a sigh of annoyance. You were sorry for having to ask him for help when he was already so busy with the work from the Restoration, but you didn't know who else to go to!

"I can fix her chassis no problem, with the pieces and equipment you have already gathered it should take me a few hours at most." He explains when he sees your worried face. "The thing is, I can't make sense of her programming. her…"Brain" seems to work differently and I cannot understand it. At the very least, I can see that the grand part of it is corrupted, so not sure how she will react once I reactivate her."

"Mr. Rotor, couldn't you replace her code with another one?" You say, trying hard to remember all the talks Tails gave about computers and the like, that was something he could do, so you hoped he could do the same.

"Nah, it would take me weeks, even months, to be able to achieve something like that." He replies, cutting your hopes short, as your ears turn downwards in sadness, Rotor quickly adds. "No need to look like that! We can still reactivate her and see how she reacts, maybe it won't be anything serious." Your ears perk up at hearing that, yay!!!

"Cream, I must protest about this course of action." Gemerl, your dear friend, interrupts kindly but sternly. "Reactivating such a dangerous robot could put you and Miss Vainilla in danger. This entity almost managed to hurt you before-"

"That was no fault of hers! She fell from the sky!" You reply quickly, having this conversation with Gemerl several times in the past. You couldn't help but protest, after all, surely this nice lady didn't mean to crashland directly on your bedroom, something bad must have happened to her to fall out of the sky!

"We still do not know why or how she fell. That is too suspicious to allow-"
"Gemerl…please." You reach for his hand and grab it with yours. "Imagine if you were in her place, would you not wish for someone to help you? We cannot just look away from people that need our help. Especially now that all of us must stand together." You say kindly, he worries so much about your mother and you these days. You understood why, but that also made him act too serious against anyone suspicious.

Gemerl looks at you for a moment before nodding. "Very well, changing the parameters of an unknown individual to assist them." You smile happily at Gemerl, sometimes people a change for kindness could change everything!

"So Mr. Rotor, what do we need to reactivate her?" You ask, fully committed to assist her.

The walrus rubs his chin. "Well, the most glaring issue is the energy core, hers is busted, but I think I can make due with some power rings, though she will need a constant supply of them to keep powered until I can get a more lasting power source."

"So you need rings? Leave it to us, we can get enough of them in no time." You turn to Gemerl, who nods before you ask.

"New mission parameters introduced. Time to collect rings."


After a quick trip to the forest to gather as many rings as you could, you return home with Gemerl and when you come back, Mr. Rotor is almost done fixing her. Once you gave the rings to him, he inserted a few in a container he made in her chest and closed it.

"Well…here goes nothing." Rotor says as he took a few steps back and clicked a button on his computer, the machine made a "ping" noise and a few seconds later, the sound of energy flowing could be heard, and the individual who crashed into your bedroom 3 months ago opened her eyes for the first time!

She slowly rises up from the bed, taking a sitting position, she looks around, her eyes all around the room until they land on you three. She stares for a few moments before tilting her head.

"Who…are you?" She looks again at the room. "And…where am I? What…happened?"

"That is what we wanted to ask you." You reply kindly. "You just crashed here one night and we never found out how it happened."

"Indeed, you crashed right into Cream's room." Gemerl replies, matter of fact. "The damage inflicted was too considerable. You must help by paying for the reparations."

"Gemerl!" You shriek. "You cannot ask her for that right after she got up! Why would you do this?"

"You are right that we must offer help for people. But, your mother paid a lot of Money for those repairs, and we haven't been able to recover the money. That is unacceptable."

"Oh…sorry?" The robot lady comments, lost so far.

"That is good to hear. Now please help us by gathering the necessary money please." You put yourself between both robots trying to stop the conversation. How did this happen?! Rotor was just looking as lost as you, and decided to not get involved, why wasn't he helping?

"What is…money, sorry?" The lady remarks, like if the term sounded foreign to her. "I don't think I have any…of that?"

"You don't need to give us any money!" You quickly reply before Gemerl could talk again. "Please don't worry. Miss, we just wanted to help you!"

"Really?" She blinks as she processes your words, blinking several times. "Why?"

"Cause it's the right thing to do of course!" You approach her and offer your hand. "It's always better to be kind to people! I'm Cream! What is your name?"

The lady frowns, trying to think, like if she didn't know her name? How was that possible?

After a few seconds, she replies. "...Giselle. I think that's my name?" She says, a tad unsure.

"Nice to meet you Giselle! I'm happy to make you acquainted!" You reply with a bright smile, one that Giselle looks unsure for a moment, before smiling back too.

Yeah, today was a great day on the Rabbit Household. You were sure of that.

Slowly but surely, Cream is amassing an army of loyal robots who will protect her from anyone that tries to harm her!

Also today, Cream just obtained a maid.

Last edited:
Turn 4- April 2XXX
Ah, another fine day in your territory.

To say you had nothing to worry about would, of course, be a ludicrous lie. You had a pirate hunter to please, That blasted Zeti and his ilk were surely coming for you… It wasn't as much to juggle as last time, but it was still a lot.

At the very least, Sage was getting along with your lackies old and new. She found Orbot & Cubot amusing (you loved her, but no accounting for taste), she already seemed to adore Belle and even Metal Sonic seemed to be neutral on her rather than despising her as you secretly feared initially.


As you enjoyed another coffee from Stone, a weedly little voice called.


A diminutive, mostly bald man in a green version of your outfit fearfully stepped forward and bowed low enough his large nose practically touched the ground.

"Now, I know we didn't end on the b-best of terms, but I learned my lesson-!" The man rambled on and on.

Shattered Memories Proccs!
DC: 75!
17 + 10(SNAP OMAKE) = 27!
He doesn't remember!


As the small man goes on and on debasing himself to you, you get a weird sense of irritated nostalgia that is gone as quick as it came.

"Shut up." You finally get a word in. He squeaked and does so.

"Now, who are you?" You demanded.

"Please Uncle, you made your point crystal clear-" The man hissed.

"What? Seriously, who are you!?" You repeated, baffled. You had no siblings to produce a nephew!

"You ... you truly don't recognize me?" The short fellow blinked, stunned. He then smiled.

"I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Let me.. explain. And offer my services. If you're half the man my uncle was, and I'm sure you're greater, I would be honored to serve you…"

The man spun you a yarn of his tale of woe, having been the loyal nephew of an alternative you, but his beloved uncle was taken down by hateful foes, forcing him to hide and fear for his life! He claimed his initial response was based on worries you were a spectre of his past that would refuse to forgive him, as he had been tied down in a control room and forced to watch his Eggman's demise.

It all seemed… convenient, but the man, Snively (that was certainly a name) had responses for anything you threw at him that all seemed perfectly plausible.

If his claimed skills are accurate (and to be fair, he did somehow get to your base without getting caught), he could be useful… but you had a hard time trusting this stranger.

Hmmm… you lose nothing either way, but what to do?

You had so much to do!

Accept Snively?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Colin Kintobor Jr. aka Snively Robotnik

Power: 4 (Snively is of small stature and even smaller physical might. Quicker to dart away from a fight or hide, at least without a robot suit in the way)

Heart: 16 (Snively has a way with words that can easily sway those of a lesser mind. He is capable of understanding the reasoning of my lessers and interpreting them to my best use.)

Logistics: 29 (Serving a Robotnik for decades as a right hand seems to have shown him the correct way to handle things. His plans have some small reflection of how I would do them, thus making them inferior copies but still better than most.)

Brain: 32 (All are my lessers when it comes to robotics and engineering, but I must admit the version of myself that trained him did well. I would never trust him to repair Metal without assistance, for even he could not understand my work, but he is sufficient for most other work.)

Trickery: 21(A well versed manipulator and seems to exude the same aura as many snakes, but he seems to think too much of himself.)

Mystic: 6 (A storied history of interacting with mystic forces has left Snively with a base understanding of the supernatural arts.)

Right Hand Toadie: Snively is just the right amount of pathetic and proud, seemingly hating to have his buttons pushed but knows his place. (Snively's Loyalty will NOT move no matter what happens.)

Practiced In Power Armor: Snively is an old hat at using many of my mechanical suits and weapons. (Snively gains 1.5x the power bonus from any weapons or suits designed by Eggman)

Lesser Eggtronics: If I ever find the version of myself that taught Snively, I must complement them. To take someone as pathetic as him and impart him with even a fractured, pale reflection of my own robotics is an accomplishment. (+15 to all robotic related rolls, either when building or researching some mechanical contraction or just general knowledge in robotics.)

Pass The Buck: Snively seems to have a way of worming out of situations that always ends up with another worse off. (If Snively would suffer the effects of a critical failure, flip a coin. On a heads, another unit that could suffer the effect in his place does.)

1 hidden base
1 public base (Mean Bean Machine) [COMPROMISED]
1 Chaos Emerald (Blue one)
1 Egg Mobile
1 Ragnite Lance
4 Income (From Stone's Coffee Shop and Attacking the Work Camp)
275 Metal Units.

You guys have 2 power actions and 1 action available in each other category.
Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Logistics action that doesn't count for the cap.
Any action Sage takes doesn't count against the total action limit
Dr. Eggman can pick 4 Personals per turn. Other hero units can pick only 1 per turn,

Build Death Egg Robot DC80
Ah one of your first doomsday weapons, it brings back such fond memories of trying to crush that blasted hedgehog. Not quite as powerful as some of the later models you would make, but the Death Egg Robot is a twenty foot tall titan of destruction, powerful enough to crush those underfoot and has rocket propelled spike fists! Such a brilliant design
Metal Cost: 125
Reward: The Death Egg Robot MK1 has been rebuilt

Reclaim Your Territory: Power DC 80/120
Badnik Power Cap: 20
Now that you have an actual badnik force (a small one all things considered, but one nonetheless), the next course of action is clear! Time to take back what is yours!
Rewards: Contest control of nearby areas from Zavok and reclaim it as yours. Gain metal if first DC passed and factories and facilities if second meet (might need to fix them).
Note: Cannot be taken with Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Will give away the location of your hidden base.

Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140
While Metal Sonic is currently fine as he is, of course, there is always room for improvement. You can still outfit him with more upgrades to make him an even better Sonic
reward: Each tier passed gives an Upgrade point to use for Metal Sonic:
Metal Cost: 30
Note: Metal Sonic cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Plasma Pulse: Can be used once per battle. Metal skips his turn and next turn he gets a +20 bonus to all combat rolls until the fight is over. (1 Point)
[ ]Ring Spark: Once per battle, Metal Gains a +10 to combat rolls and can attack all enemies nearby, but loses 1 life/Hp after use. (1 Point)
[ ] 6 Valve 300cc orgone engine: +5 Mystic(1 Upgrade points)
[ ] Upgraded Processing Power: +7 to Trickery and Brains (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Voice Module: +10 Heart to Metal: (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: changes Metal Mano focused for Badnik Commander. +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Increase cap in Copycat skill by 1 (1 Upgrade Point)(Can be taken multiple times, but each time the cost rises by 1)

Upgrade Rusty Rose: DC: 40/70/100/130
Now that you have been able to calmly look over all the data you collected for Rusty Rose, you are certain you can do a better job than those fools in the Chaos Council and make her a proper killer robot!
Reward: Each tier passed gives +2 upgrade points to use.
Metal Cost: 50
Note: Rusty Rose cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Rusty Hammer: +5 to Combat rolls (1 Point)
[ ] Upgraded Database: +5 to Brains (1 Point)
[ ] Adaptive Combat Protocol: Increase Power +5. Power stat +5 Bonus against enemies Rusty has faced before. (2 Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Personality Matrix Upgrade: +10 to Heart stat (3 Points)
[ ] Sage Housing And Protection Enclosure: Sage can passively ride along with Rusty, speaking with and helping her, granting her 1/3rd of Sage's stats, rounded down, when Sage has not used her Artificial Efficiency trait. (3 Points)

Power Attack The Ship Above Green Hills DC130
Badnik Power Limit 15 (Only flying badniks allowed)
Violate YOUR airspace will they? You might not have the Egg Fleet nor much in the way of air capabilities but if you don't let them know early and often not to violate your airspace, people will walk all over you. You should know, it's how you tested the nations you conquered.
Reward: The ship above green hills is scuttled and looted. Potential for prisoners. Piastol is pleased.

Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120
Badnik Cap 20(Construction bonuses only)
Now that you have taken territory be,o Gina to the Black Arms, you need to make sure you get to keep it! Time to make this hole the most defensible place in Green Hills.
Reward: each tier passed gives extra malus to invaders.

Expand your new territory (Contested Martial Dc against the chosen faction )
Badnik power Cap: 20
Now that you have shown yourself, Zavok and the other factions, forces will be on the lookout for any advances you try to make. Ha! Let them come, you will show the fools their place! Pick a faction:
Reward: Expand territory, chances to gain infrastructure and Metal.

Launch Attack Zavok's Base DC:165 (Actions can be taken to reduce DC)
That Zeti dares wield your own weapons and robots against you! And he dare do so quite effectively from a very well protected base! This shall not stand, this shall not stand so swears Ivo Robotnik! Build up your own forces again and show that magical menace what the might of true genius brings!
Reward: Begins assault on Zabok's base of operations with the possibility of defeating and capturing him, restoring the Green Hill Zone to your control.
Badnik Power Cap: 40

Steal The Master Emerald DC:150
...This might not be the time for this but blast it all if that emerald is not the largest source of Chaos Energy on the planet! If I can manage to get the emerald back to base, power and resource management will be a thing of the past!
Reward: Begins Attack on Angel Island with the possibility of stealing The Master Emerald
Badnik Power Cap: 40

Launch Attack on GUN DC:165 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
They're back!? These fools are like cockroaches. No matter. You will just put them in their place again. You did it once before, after all.
Reward: Begin assault on GUN bases, possibility to destroy GUN completely... Again.
Badnik Power Cap: 40

Launch Attack On The Restoration DC:185 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
"The Restoration". How adorable, they believe they can stop resisting and start restoring the world from me? I am the change this world needs and these animals need to understand that! Let's see if I can't make the lesson stick this time.
Reward: Begins assault on The Restoration base of operations with possibility of destroying them entirely and taking prisoners and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 40

Launch Attack On The Empire DC: 165 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
The Empire has managed to get a foothold into The Green Hill Zone and they don't seem too eager to leave considering how quickly they have fortified their foothold. They seem to have also brought the same woman who fought Shadow and Metal to make sure the ground is kept, but little matter. This is your land and you will show them what a *true* Empire looks like!
Reward: Begin assault on The Empire base, possibility of completely rebuffing them from Green Hill Zone, taking prisoners, and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 40

Try To Make Contact With "Captain Metal". DC:75
There's been rumors of a pirate roaming the seas near Green Hill, who has some similarities to your greatest Creation. This intrigues you deeply…perhaps you could try to start talks with him? While revealing yourself too soon before you are ready could be risky, this may be an opportunity.
Reward: Make contact with Captain Metal, unlock new actions, chances for collaboration with Captain Metal.

Reach Out To The Restoration: DC:120
While you acknowledge that you were the cause of almost literally every problem the resistance and now "The Restoration" has faced, you have worked together with many of their members, begrudgingly, in the past. Perhaps they would be willing to work under the banner of the Eggman Empire once more, especially in light of this new and changed world.
Reward: The Restoration "joins the empire" and begins feeding supplies and information to Eggman.

Reach Out To G.U.N. For An Alliance DC135
It absolutely galls you to even consider teaming up with these military oafs, but considering at this point the sky is literally falling, sacrifices must be made. You can stomach working with them long enough to deal with The Black Arms, Zavok, and The Empire. Then… well you're sure that G.U.N. will be happy to return to the status quo.
Reward: The Eggman empire and G.U.N. enter a *very* temporary truce, sharing information and some resources.

Hire A New Minion
You loathe the fact you don't have your badnik facilities at full operation, so you must rely on the fleshy hands of others. Both disgusting and frustrating, but needs must. Send someone to collect them.
Reward: The selected minion is added to the hero roster.

Roo: DC 25
Zobio & Zobiko: DC 30
Honey The Cat: DC 50
Tier 2
Basil The Bernard- the Conductor DC 35
Tier 3
Goro Majima DC 85 (Dc should have been 80 last turn, our bad for not noticing) (Heart and Fist of Steel Trait Applies!)
Dr. Bad-Boon DC 45

Launch a PR Campaign DC: 100
You are well aware you aren't exactly the most... Beloved amongst the populace. Which you care little about. However, perhaps a gentler touch will endear you to your future subjects. Plus, many don't know you to begin with.
Reward: Eggman starts a spread of good PR. People unfamiliar with him and maybe even some younger people not privy to the full extent of his actions start to gain a more positive view on him.

Heart Contact The Ship Above Green Hills DC 30
A ship very similar to the wreck Piastol brought in has made its way into the skies above Green Hills. I might be able to trade or gain information from them if we can make contact with the occupant. It seems as if they won't be here too long though.
Reward: Make contact with the ship with the potential to trade or gain information on the world at large.

Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly DC: 75
Hmmph. From what you can gather from young Isara and observation, the Empire truly seems to loathe her people. Ridiculous! All are equal under your boot.
Reward: Eggman shares an announcement that all Darscen are welcome in his empire. Many may flock to him as a result. Potential to further upgrade Isara's Darscen Workers trait on a high enough roll.

Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess.
Metal Cost: Variable (select a badnik squad to build)
With most of your factories either taken over or destroyed, you are forced to create more of your precious Badniks by hand. Not that it is really an inconvenience! You can create a squad of them with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back!
It just will take time and resources to do. You need an efficient way to produce more of them but for now this will do.
Reward: Construct a squad of the selected badniks.

Make a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms DC:65
Thanks to Rusty Rose, an idea for a new type of Badnik just came to you! This will be a nice addition to your forces!
Metal Cost: 25
Reward: Made a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms, becomes available to build for free when taking the badnik building action

Build some Egg Drones DC:70
After your meeting with Agent Stone, somehow you came up with a design for a recon and scanner badnik Model...It's strange, it's like all the schematics are already in your brain just like that...Odd. Still you won't say no to this gift.
Metal Cost: 30
Reward: Batch of Egg Drones made. (Gives -10 malus to enemies trying to infiltrate your territory. and +5 To trickery Actions when Searching for stuff)

Build A Badnik Factory DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Metal Cost: 50
There is something nostalgic about breaking ground on this badnik factory, reminding you of a time so long ago… Ah well no time for that nostalgic nonsense, there are engines of terror and destruction to be made!
Reward: Create a badnik factory that will passively make 1-2 batches of badniks per turn in exchange for Metal.

Create a Metal Mine on your new TerritoryDC: 65
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Heigh ho, heigh ho, no wait, those are for lumber yards not mines. Ah well, time to send badniks into the mines to get yourself some more Metal to power your war machine against your many foes!
Reward: Create a Mine that will passively generate Metal each turn.
(WARNING: Egg-colonize the territory must be taken first before this can be done)

Create a Ragnite Mine DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
That interesting material Ragnite seems to have been seeded all throughout Green Hills thanks to The Shattering. I am sure my brilliant mind can put it to better use than those idiots in their so-called "Empire", but I will need to get the stuff out of the ground first.
Reward: Create a Mine that will gather as much Ragnite as you'll need.

Build A Ring Reactor DC: 100
Metal Cost: 90
I need more power if I am to build any true weapons of war to retake the world and build it in my image, and these rings will provide that necessary power! Reward: Create The Ring Reactor which lowers the DC on many fabrication options and opens options for more energy intensive actions. (Lowers DCs by 10-15, unlocks creation of tier 3 badniks, and unlocks build super weapon action with HUGE DC)

Create a Robot Body for Sage DC:120
Metal Cost 50
You could never settle for anything less than the best for your daughter! She is your... well not flesh and blood but even better as she was born solely from your sheer brilliance! You must build her a suitable body and not one that would be lacking. You don't normally make actual human looking robots but its not too hard, though it is more likely to look like a robot than a person.
Reward: Sage is given a body of her own to interact with the physical world.

Logistics Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass
It won't be difficult to retrieve the newest discovered Eggboss, but it will take some effort for them to collect all evidence of their existence there so this... Satan, won't know where they went or who they worked for. She seems competent enough and will be a welcome addition to my minions!
Reward: Conquering Storm is added as a Hero unit.

Egg-colonize the territory: Logistics Dc 90
Metal Cost: 120
Badnik Cap 15 (Construction bonuses only) Your new territory is a mess, simple as that, the ruins if the black arms fortress and all the conflicts happening is just littering the place. That won't do at all. Time to give this place your personal touch
Rewards: Black arms territory is urbanized. Allows us to build factories, mines, and other infrastructure here.

Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140
Metal Cost: 60
Badnik power cap: 15(Construction bonuses only)
So you just needed to repair this ship to keep that bounty hunter happy? Pfft, that would be easy, it shouldn't take more than an hour to...What in Chaos? What does that ship use as fuel?

Rewards: Passing the last Dc gives knowledge to Eggman of Moonstones, repairs Piastol ship and unlocks 2 upgrade points for each tier for upgrade options for Piastol Ship. hHr Ship can be used to go on adventures!

Upgrade Choice:
Expanded size: Increase size of the vessel so not only Hero units can go in, but also Add a Badnik Cap of 20 to it. (2 Upgrade Point)
Basic Weapons Defense System: Install armament for Piastol's ship to use in aerial battles. +10 bonus to combat rolls. (2 upgrade Points)
Upgraded Haul defenses: Gives Piastol ship 5 Hp total. (2 upgrade points.)
Camuflage System: +20 Bonus to stealth rolls (3 Upgrade Points.)
Communications Relay System: Allows for the Ship to connect to the Eggnet and keep in contact with Eggman and the homebase (1 Upgrade Point)

Logistics Create Propaganda Cartoons DC120
A wild thought has spiraled into a full blown idea as you're actually considering making an entire series of cartoons that will... not brainwash, that's such an ugly word... appropriately reeducate the public on how you should be viewed. You are the good guy, you always have been! You have been trying to bring the wonders of the modern age to this world and making marvels of machinery to make people's lives better and nothing but a certain blue rat and his foolish three tailed fox friend have stopped the great Egg-Man from saving the world! It will be hard to make the entire series and get it to the public without your usual infrastructure base, but you're the greatest mind in the world!

Reward: Create a cartoon series that paints you in a brilliant light and your many, MANY foes in a very negative light. Public opinion increases for you and public opinion decreases for most of your foes.
Locate "Evila's Swingin Report Show" Network Frequency DC:30
According to Starline, there's a TV station called Space Channel 5 that is constantly transmitting a news channel that relays the newest and most exciting content. Mmm... checking this "Evila" could allow you to find more of what's happening around the world. With your satellites down, your intel gathering has been... "limited".
Reward: Unlock Global Rivals report, Will be shown public things that other Kings around the world do that Space Channel 5 manages to broadcast.

Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck.
Seems like Zavok has taken control of all my systems, having configured the badniks to recognize him as supreme leader! I could try and send a virus to the current base he uses through the Eggnet to possibly snag control of the badniks, or at the very least, put viruses to cause trouble for him.
Still, it's a risk, if this goes wrong, they could have the means to trace me... No matter, I must do it!
Reward. Managed to hack into Zavok's database, unlocks options of how to debuff him, possibility to take control of badniks back to Eggman
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid

Make A Fake Chaos Emerald DC:100
You have to admit that with so many more interested parties after the emeralds, you may need a way to keep anyone interested in *your* emerald off the trail. Luckily the fox boy made such a tool already and your genius will only further refine it!
Reward: You make a fake Chaos Emerald. It looks and feels almost exactly identical to a real one but when analyzed or used to power a machine or mystic construct will actively sabotage the process. It can be a source of Chaos energy for Chaos casting at a -20 penalty.

Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power: DC:60
Honestly the main reason I've never done this before is that the blasted hedgehog destroyed enough of my badniks without them having the rings he collected each time we came to blows. With him gone, this is much more viable.
Reward: Badniks can now be created with Ring Power, decreasing Metal cost and increasing their power but using Rings which aren't unlimited.

Create Ring Retrieval Units DC:50
If I am going to be switching to Ring power over chaos drives or flicky engines, I will need a steady supply of them, which is difficult considering they appear hither and yon. A specialty badnik will need to be made to collect them.
Reward: Create the Ring Tosser badniks, small non-combatant badniks designed to retrieve rings from all over the Green Hill Zone providing you a steady supply of rings.

Study Ragnite DC:65
An interesting element and one The Empire seems fixated on, using it in many different forms and desperately digging for wherever it can be found. I am sure they have many mundane applications for such a mineral, but let's see what a mind as brilliant as my own can discover for this mystical element.
Rewards: Discover uses for Ragnite and unlock actions to mine and refine it.

Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (This action must be taken twice to finish.)
No one ever said rewriting the DNA of an entire body to make sure none of a genetic disease was a day or even a week tast. To a mind less brilliant than my own, it may even be the labor or years or decades! But my mind is truly the greatest in all of the universe and while the methodical and somewhat dull pace of the process may not be as efficient as I like, this process is guaranteed to get the youngest Pronghorn back on her feet by the time the process is over.
Result: Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty.

Further Research Cassia's Disease DC160
I now step beyond the research of my grandfather and into the unknown beyond. I have scans of Shadow as he was to somehow carry the cure for Maria, I have all of the scans of how the disease progresses in Cassia, and I have my own brilliant mind. This disease will be conquered by a Robotnik in the name of not only the Eggman empire, but in the name of the two Robotniks lives it consumed and doomed. The might of my mind will not allow this thing to stand, not ever again.
Reward: A cure is created. This cure will be 100% effective, easily distributable, and work in a matter of hours. Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty. Choice

Study the Black Arms Materials: Brains Dc 100/150
Studying the remains of the Black Arms Clove obtained during the raid, feels you with a sense of worry, seeing what the Black Arms are and what they are capable of, you would prefer to keep away from this. But you also require more information. If you are going to defeat Black Doom once and for all, then learning as much from it as possible is necessary.

Reward: Study and comprehend more about the Black Arms, new actions unlocked.

Study the lance: Dc 150
This lance seems to be made of ragnite, same as the one you obtained In the Camps, but seems too different, the purity and concentration is beyond anything seen before. You need to do a full research of this.
Reward: full understanding of the Lance composition, Learn how to refine ragnite on the same level, capacity to reproduce the lance or make similar artifacts, ???
(Studying ragnite Can reduce the Dc to 130)

Research Humanoid Androids DC100
You've put some thought into infiltration style badniks before, but if you're going to make a truly humanoid body for your daughter you need to understand this stuff inside and out. A trifle for a mind as brilliant as yours honestly, but nothing less than the best!
Reward: Unlock action to make a humanoid android body for Sage, bonus to spotting robots faking at being human.
Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60
Apparently since the "Shattering." The world was completely changed, from what Starline was able to tell you, only the Green Hill Zones and Angel Island remained, everything else has been replaced by other places from other worlds or even universes! One of the closest ones to hear is a territory called the Empire, who Metal attacked and might have...spurred a bit. Now they are in a three way war between Zavok and Black Doom.
So far the Empire has managed to take over some of the territory originally to Green Hill Zones... Perhaps it could be worth infiltrating it to have some eyes on it?
Reward: Infiltrate the zone that connects the Empire with Green Hill Zone. Unlock new actions.

Infiltrate Another Faction DC Various
You've got more than enough minions to now consider sending some on deep cover missions or at least attempting to spy on some of the other factions. Granted, some of them may be more dangerous than others to attempt, but you're sure that is a sacrifice you're willing to have your minions take! Oh ho ho ho!
The Restoration DC 60
G.U.N. DC 80 (DC 70 if human or human passing)
Zavok DC 150
Black Arms DC 300

Sabotage Another Faction
This is what I call a "Target Rich Environment" just because there are too many people running around in what should be my empire! I don't quite have the territory or the forces to want to face them in head to head combat, but a little bit of sabotage never hurt anyone who matters, namely me. Oh ho ho ho!
Restoration DC 90
G.U.N. DC 100
Zavok DC 50
The Empire DC 60

Reward: Malus to the factions rolls this turn, potentially longer lasting effects. Temporarily lowers DC for base raid of selected faction.

Look For The Cacophonic Conch DC: 90
At first, I thought that the conch would not be a viable way to quickly defeat the Zeti, but I just realized that with Starline assistance, finding that artifact is actually within my means!
Obtaining that conch will be a powerful equalizer against my enemies, and a step towards reclaiming my Empire!
Rewards: Re-obtain the Cacophonic conch.

Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Dc 100/130
Badnik Power Cap:15 (only Badniks that boost trickery or stealth)
While making a show about your return is tempting, caution might be the best…quietly infiltrating nearby areas and wresting control of those facilities could be for the best…
Reward: Reclaim territory from Zavok, taking nearby areas, none being the wiser.

Locate this "Chuck Thorndike" Dc 120/160
So this man is the one responsible for allowing Zavok to take your Empire right? Well, you will give a Man a piece of your mind once you rescue him, but first.
Reward: Locate where Chuck/Chris is held prisoner. Unlock adventure to free them!

Free A Jailbird
It seems with you announcing your glorious presence, two of the potential minions you had eyes on are now either under lock and key or very severe surveillance. Well no use for it then, time to bust them out and get them back to work for the glory of the Eggman Empire!
  • Thunderbolt DC: 80
  • Nephthys DC: 75
Note: This action will dramatically increase the DC of the "Reach Out To The Restoration" action.
Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
Rings are a strange naturally spawning mystic item that covered most of the world back before the transformation. It seems they have not stopped appearing in the Green Hill area and there may be some use I can make of them, if only as a source of power.
Reward: Gain rings, the amount depending on level of success and ???

Through The Ringer DC: 70
Power Rings are an abundant resource of naturally occurring chaos energy. For years, they've only been useful to you as a power supply, but others like that damn hedgehog could use them for so much more. What better place is there to have a look at your foundations than at rock bottom?
Reward: Discover uses for rings beyond power, new actions unlocked

Study The Warp Topaz DC: 70 (Only Starline May Be Assigned)
I have seen many different versions and knock off gemstones trying to match the power of The Chaos Emerald, but if Starline is to keep the thing he better study it, understand it, and fill out a full report.
Reward: The effects and powers of The Warp Topaz are completely understood and possible research into duplicating its effects unlocked.

Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable
Back on Mobius I couldn't walk ten steps without tripping over some world ending gemstone, key to a mystical prison, or some other such magical nonsense. Those are all useful things to both have and prevent others from having, however, best check to see if things follow suit in this new world.
Reward: Possibly find various magical stuff from any of the worlds that have combined

Visit the Strange Fortune Teller (Underdog emiya Mystery Box reward: RER: 62 Mystic: dc 30

A random fortune teller has made shop in Green hills and is offering her services for free at anyone interested, You wouldn't believe this scam but it seems like she might be the real deal? According to rumors that Starline and some of your minions have heard? This might be word checking…

Reward: ???

Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals)
There is no time to allow such frivolities! Not until the Empire is yours will you rest and relax! There is work to be done!
Reward: One action of your choice is rerolled and the higher die is taken.
INVISIBLE TEXT: Someone may check on you, you've been doing a lot of focusing on your work.

Getting Back To The Grind
Despite what that blasted hedgehog believes, you do take care to keep yourself in good physical condition, otherwise how in the world would you manage to keep one step ahead of him?
Reward: Eggman works out, potentially gaining Power on High Rolls.

Do Some General Tinkering
You are, at the end of the day, an engineer. And there's nothing good on TV right now!
Reward: Eggman tinkers with random parts, getting items dependent on roll.

Draw Up Blueprints
When I have time it is nice to simply relax and allow my mind to rest, drawing up complex machines of war and conquest and plotting out the odd invention or two
Reward: Eggman draws up blueprints for one of his many weapons of war. High rolls have him remember something that he never made, but a version of him did.

Develop a Counter
The most annoying part of having so many people surrounding me that I didn't create is that they may at any point decide they know better than I do. Always handy to have a direct counter to them on hand for that case.
Reward: Eggman develops a counter against the hero unit, negating one of their traits and granting +20 in combat against them. If the hero discovers this before it is used, it is enough to shake the most fervent of loyalties.

Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
...You may not admit it to anyone else, you may not even speak it aloud when by yourself, but in your mind you can admit the feel of Tinker's simpler tools in your hands feels just as right as a plasma torch or a hex wrench does. You just need to... get it out of your system. Certainly, do it once and get it out of the way.
Reward: Eggman attempts woodcarving.

Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment.
As much as you hate to admit it, if you want your minions to do actual decent work, that means outfitting them with the proper tools. (Choose es hero unit, Eggman will créate equipment specially for them)
Reward: chosen hero unit gets equipment that provides bonus or traits. High rolls May use metal to create them

Hire the Chaotixs:
Those detective fools are still around and kicking eh? While not a fan of them you suppose they have their uses. Hiring them secretly for a task or 2 could be worth it, just need to make sure they don't find out about you (Cost 3 income.)
Hire the Chaotix to take a national action for the Rivals Report. Current Actions:
Check Sonic's current Whereabout.
Find more information about the Empire.
Check GUN's current state.
Gather Ring.
Search for a Mystic Item.

Rest and Recover (Must take this turn!)
You had a rather eventful last month and your body is telling you that you need to take it easy. After such a coup for the Doctor, he has given you some time to recover and you plan on taking him up on that. You're glad you had thought to actually have Metal bring in a few comfortable mattresses for all of you some time ago.
Reward: Starline recovers 1hp with the possibility to recover more depending on the roll.

Read up on Eggman Lore
Sure, you are quite knowledgeable on the genius that is Dr. Eggman, but you can't Allow yourself to get rusty and overlooked!
Reward: Gain more insight on Eggman, potential ability to recreate something Eggman has done in the past as New Personals

Check Out The... "Local Talent"
Several of your more personal experiments are in need of "locally sourced" talent. Taking a trip into Green Hill Zone and people watching may be an excellent way to find the right people for the "job".
Reward: Dr.Starline people watches and perhaps finds subjects for a later experiment.

Talk To Orbot
You utterly refuse to entertain Cubot, you have some degree of standards even with the brilliant Dr. Eggman's tech. But Orbot is... Tolerable.
Reward: Starline talks to Orbot, potential to learn some interesting tidbits about Dr. Eggman.

Search This Base
Apparently the Eggbase you commandeered for the good Doctor is one he used to store nostalgic inventions he has no other use for. It's quite possible there could be useful items lying about.
Reward: Starline finds salvaged Eggman inventions that could potentially be repaired for his own usage.

Study The Unique Badnik
Oh you've been trying to hold yourself back but this is an Eggman original that is completely unlike any other badnik he has designed before! This Belle is an incredible feat of the doctor's brilliance, one that will never see the likes of again now that he is back in his right mind. You're sure the doctor wouldn't mind if you just took a quick peak at how it works.
Reward: Starline studies Belle

Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
According to your data, Dr. Eggman's greatest rival is that blue hedgehog. In order to assist the doctor in his plans for world Conquest, defeating that menace is a must!
Reward: Chances of Rusty of gaining a trait when fighting Sonic.

Practice Limbs Akimbo
Upgrades and repairs have been made to your form and you must recalibrate and gain proficiency in your limbs again. They are an extension of yourself and you an extension of the Eggman Empire, there may be no flaws.
Reward: Rusty takes time to recalibrate and settle, high rolls may improve the Limbs Akimbo trait.

Observe the Local Wildlife
You spent some time in the surrounding forests as you marked out the defenses for the base and you observed many different kinds of animals and small creatures while out there. The flickies in particular drew your attention. Perhaps you should observe them some more…
Reward: Rusty takes some time to watch the birds.

Perform Personal Maintenance
The Doctor is keeping you in top working order, but you can also do a bit to make sure it takes less of his precious time to keep yourself in good condition.
Reward: Rusty does a bit of personal maintenance. On high rolls she gains +5 to her next national action.

Patrol The Perimeter
You must make sure that the doctor's borders are secured and none have found the hidden base. This will lead you through the heavily forested areas around the base, along a running river, through a glade that is normally a home to wildlife, and then finally returning to the base. This is only for base security and not for any other reason.
Reward: Rusty patrols the perimeter and definitely doesn't go on a nice walk where she enjoys the animals and nature surrounding the hidden base.

Study Footage Of The Hedgehog
Metal is taking some time to analyze the old footage we have of all of sonic's battles against my forces, all at once. The blasted rodent may not be around anymore, but it's always good to be prepared.
Reward: Metal +10 to his next combat against Sonic.

Do Some General Training
You cannot beat that faker if you allow yourself to grow sloppy. Time to train.
Reward: Potential +5 to Metal's next action. Potential to raise Power stat if rolled high enough

Cubot and Orbot have set a list of videos to provide you details of the world so that you can better understand it and destroy the Blasted Hedgehog and rebuff his own banter. You will be his superior in every way, including in wits.
Reward: Metal Sonic watches Eggtube. High Rolls may increase his Heart while low rolls may decrease it further as he picks up jank slang.

Study The Foes
When you had ascended to your Neo form you were unstoppable. Until you were stopped. This should not have been possible and must be rectified to never happen again. Observe. Adapt. Overcome. Destroy.
Reward: Metal observes the footage of his battle with The Empire and Black Arms and gains +5 to his next combat roll against either faction.

Destroy Empire Property
The Empire are appropriate terror attack targets as designated by The Doctor. You still remember the humiliating footage of their valkyrie managing to match your ascended form. This is a completely tactical move and not simple vengeance, but if you have learned anything from your creator it is that attacks can have more than one benefit. The Empire will burn.
Reward: Metal Sonic launches terror attacks on Empire territory. Metal's mood improves and possibility of Metal gain and accidentally freeing more Darscens.

Make Coffee for the Doctor
One of the few reasons you know for certain your Robotnik kept you around is your great coffee making skills. Let's see how things go with This version of him.
Reward: Potential +5 to Stone's next action. Potential +5 to Eggman's next action as well if Rolled high enough.

Work on Your People Skills
As the Doctor's middle man (at least back in the day), you often have to communicate with others. One day that may extend beyond making simple deals and then leaving, so let's brush up on this.
Reward: Potential to raise Stone's Heart Stat.

Read The Manual
One of the few things you actually managed to pull from the wreckage and keep with you after the Shattering, the manual for the Giant Eggman Robot is now one of the few things you have left from your time with your doctor. His genius really did know no bounds as he created such a machine of destruction...
Reward: Stone spends some time going through the manual of the Giant Eggman Robot.

Field Work Training
The Doctor has sent you out on your first mission for him and things... could have gone better. You managed to salvage the mission and recover the objective but you feel like you could have done more. You must train yourself and become a better instrument for him to change the world! Reward: Stone gains 1d4 in either Power, Trickery, or Brains randomly selected. Note: This option can only be selected after Stone is sent on an adventure.

Talk to a... Co-worker?
You honestly aren't sure how you feel about any of these people. But they know more about this Eggman guy than you do...
-Orbot and Cubot
Reward: Belle learns about Eggman, at least from the perspective of the selected Hero Unit. Chances to bond with the selected Hero Unit

Write Letters
You... aren't okay. But you're trying to be. You don't know where you heard this before, but you know you have heard that writing letters to people who are... gone, is supposed to help you remember them how they were. Your dad might not be here right now, but you'll still make sure that if he ever does come back, he'll know you didn't forget him and made sure he'll know everything that you've been up to.
Reward: Belle begins writing letters to her Father.

Spend Time With A… Friend?
You have managed to make some friends here, or at least you think you have? Maybe they'd like to spend some time together? You're not exactly sure what you can do in a hidden base of a scientist, but there has to be something.
Reward: Belle spends some time with one of her friends and bonds with them further.

Tinker Time
It's in your name and you need to not really focus on what's going on right now. You can use this time to make some nice toys and trinkets! Maybe you could even make some for some of the people in the base… would they like that?
Reward: Belle takes some time to make some toys and trinkets. High rolls have her make a couple of trinkets personalized for some of your heroes.

Catch Cassia Up
Since the two of you had been here, Cassia hasn't really had a chance to learn about this new world or any of the many timelines that seem to have crunched together. She's actually interested in learning about them so why not take the opportunity to actually teach her and maybe learn a bit about this new history as well.
Reward: The Pronghorns study up on the various histories and timelines of the sonic multiverse that have come together in The Shattering.

Talk to your New Co-Workers
You aren't quite sure what to think about these individuals....at least Orbot & Cubot are about the same.
Reward: Clove interacts with a Hero Unit. Potential to gain a Trait when on Adventures with them if rolled high enough.
-Agent Stone
-Metal Sonic

Get Some Ice Cream
You need to do something, you need to move. Cassia's awake sometimes and maybe you can get the both of you a treat for when she's feeling more lucid. It might be a bit of a walk to find some, but she's worth it.
Reward: Clove gets some ice cream for herself and Cassia.

Take another contract: Your current "Boss" wouldn't mind if you take some of your free time to take a small job in the meantime. It would beat staying all time in the base waiting for him to plan his stuff.
Reward: Canaan Takes another small time mercenary contract, higher the roll chances for better rewards, either income, items, information or meeting certain people.

Hang out with Belle.
You will admit that strange Wooden Girl intrigues you, you wonder why someone as sweet as her is with that Eggman?
Reward: Canaan spends time with Belle, chances of Belle and Her developing a trait for adventures.

Practice your marksmanship skills
It would do no good if your skills were to become rusty, especially that it seems that you will be facing tougher and more dangerous enemies. Let's fix that.
Reward; chances to upgrade Canaan Sharpshooter trait.

Hang out with some of the other people In the base. That Stone guy wasn't as bad of a guy as you thought. Even when his obsessionn with that Egg Shaped doctor worried you a bit, but perhaps the rest of the people on the base aren't so bad?
Reward: chances for Canaan to bond with another of Eggman's hero units.

Obtain more Firepower
If you are going to be dealing with weird alíen people, Nazis and robot pirates, you will need more weapons than just your hand gun…time to see what else you Can find.
Reward: chances for canaan to obtain weaponry that gives temp. Bonuses

Study the Boss' Robots
You are utterly amazed by these robots! They're straight out of a novel! Scary as your situation is, you have to get to know more!
Reward: Isara studies Eggman's Badniks and robotic Hero units. Possibility to become friends with a few of the latter on a high enough roll.

Find Your Fellow Prisoners
You aren't sure if this... Metal Sonic left any survivors besides you. But it couldn't hurt to check...
Reward: Isara may find the other Darscen who escaped the Camp she was "rescued" from. May unlock them as a Trait on a high enough roll.

Learn more about "Green Hills"
You admit you are in the dark about this new place you are in. Your time in the Camps didn't allow you to learn more about the nearby places to the Empire. Perhaps you could ask a few questions about the place...or even go for a stroll? There's this territory from the "Restoration" that should be safe right?
Reward: Isara learns more about Green Hills and Eggman's world. Chances for her to possible meet other people.

Get used to this world's technology
When you told Eggman about you being an Engineer he was curious about your capabilities and after a quick demonstration, he said that while your skills were "acceptable", there level of knowledge from your World doesn't compare to it. What does that mean? Fine, you will use your free time to study then! This strange technology this place has, you will learn it.
Reward: Chances for Isara to raise her Brains stat on a high roll. She gets familiarized with Eggman's level of Tech.

Speak with Doctor Eggman
You…really can't understand the man. He Can build such amazing inventions but seems to use them all for just Conquering and war? Why so focused on that? Though he Spared you and helped the other Darcsen…you really dont get him.
Reward: Isara talk s with the Doctor, ???

Sage Family Night
You don't just have two brothers, you have 3! And a sister! You adore them already, but you must bond further.
Reward: Sage has a game night with her siblings (Metal, Belle, Orbot and Cubot). They bond further depending on the roll.

Watch Father's Exploits
Your father is a brilliant man, who has done many extraordinary things. You wish to further study these past adventures. Reward: Sage further studies Eggman's past adventures.

Sage Study these Other Versions of Father
Apparently, some of your father's new minions know different versions of him. Fascinating! You must know more! Reward: Sage learns about the other versions of her father from those who know them. Her reactions will vary. Potential +5 to her next Roll.

Do Some Bounty Hunting
You may be working for someone, at least for now, but scum is still out there, hurting innocent people. And you won't stand for it.
Reward: Piastol takes some personal time to hunt bounties. Potential to gain income or information.

Feed Deathhound
He is your closest companion. He's been with you through thick and thin. Time to repay the favor.
Reward: Deathhound is well taken care of Chances of Deathhound gaining temp. Bonus for next combat piastol takes part in.,

Study these New Pirates They may think otherwise, but a pirate is a pirate at the end of the day. They will perish like any other. Reward: Piastol studies the new pirates of this world.
Potential +5 the next time she attacks a pirate if rolled high enough.

Current Equipment:

EggGun: Gives +5 bonus to combat rolls (Warning, can only be equipped to hero units with a base power lower than 20) Current amount: 2
Give Someone an EggGun?
-Write in who:

None at the moment

Last edited:
Turn 4- April 2XXX Results
[X] Plan: Oncoming Storm
-[X] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 - Isara
94 + 18 (Eggman's Power) + 20 (Eggtronics) + 19 (Isara's Power) + 20 (Mech Valk) + 2 (Loyalty)+10(Catxfighter 3 1 omake bonus) = 183
Critical Success!

When you told Isara that this month she would be helping you with creating the Death Egg Robot, a part of her was confused, but excited at the opportunity to work on such a marvel of engineering.

It took almost all the month to pull off, especially with the lack of badniks to assist in the construction, but in the end, it was complete. One of your first mechs had been rebuilt and better than ever!

Young Isara helped quite a lot on this project, while you wanted to build it exactly as your blueprints indicated, the young lady had a burst of inspiration, and several ideas blossomed that you deemed worthy to implement.

From her previous talk about ragnite, you were able to synthesize some of that alloy and incorporate it in the design, increasing the durability of the Death Egg Robot itself. Isara also had the idea of installing some shoulder cannons, greatly reminiscent of ones coming from tanks, but with a mixture of your usual payload and ragnite.

Finally and this came to you in the middle of the night, you decided to incorporate a pair of Jukeboxes on the Robot's knees, blasting at full volume the music you sang during your grand debut.

You were so satisfied with the work, you didn't mind that Isara painted the symbol of her people all over the Mech, though you made sure it didn't interfere with your personal logo!

Results: The DARC-EGG-ROBOT has been built! Needs a pilot to be equipped to. When equipped, it replaces the hero unit's base power stat by 35. Negates most combat traits the unit may have. And offers the following traits.
Ragnite artillery: +10 to combat, but has limited ammunition. (bonus only applies to the first 4 combat rolls the Mecha is involved with, after that, it needs to restock supplies for the trait to be active.
Ragnite Steel= If an enemy score a victory in combat against the DARC-EGG ROBOT, but the base roll is 25 or less, there is no wound nor lose of HP.

Possesses 5 HP.

To be continued in: "Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius."

-[X] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 - Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot
55 + 18 (Eggman's Power) + 29 (Pronghorn Power) + 10 (Eggboss) + 2 (Loyalty) + 15 (burrowbot) = 129
Complete Success

With the incoming armies of the Zeti preparing to march to your recently acquired territory, you set the Pronghorn sisters to start fortifying it.

They did an exceptional job, mostly thanks to Clove leading the Burrow Bots to assist on construction. They managed to repair the Stronghold that the Black Arms used and easily set several traps and similar defenses to fend off the upcoming army.

You hoped that this would be enough for the upcoming fight.

Result: Area fortified! Invaders receive -30 to attack or raid roll and -15 malus to try to infiltrate it.

To be continued in: "Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius."

-[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly DC: 75 - Canaan
90 + 7 (Eggman's Heart) + 25 (Canaan's Heart) + 11 (Synesthesia) + 2 (Loyalty)+5(Aaron593 omake bonus) = 140
Huge success!

You tasked Canaan with the task of proclaiming your glorious Empire Darcsen friendly! If Isara was gonna bring strays to you, might as well do this. If from what you understood of the Empire was right, and it obviously was, this move would easily piss them off.

It was a matter of just finding their correct radio frequency to hijack so the mercenary could say her speech, proclaiming how everyone in your Empire was equal, as long as they understood their place under your machines. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

All Darcsens that want to escape the Empire are welcomed here, as long as they can pull their weight. Hopefully this gives the Empire a bad time.

Cordelia roll: 87

Hidden in the wilderness alongside other Darcsen refugees, a heiress hears this message from the radio they were able to scavenge. With weary hope in her heart, she and the other Darcsen have a destination in mind now.

-[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass - Orbot&Cubot

Starline was very reluctant to let Cubot anywhere near his precious Warp Topaz, but you were quick to remind him you gave the orders around here and that the goober and Orbot would get an earful if they somehow screwed this up.

With that, he handed it over for now, and You in turn gave it to Orbot and Cubot and told them to gather the Conquering Storm and her allies.

They were successfully able to do so, as they were waiting patiently exactly where they said they would be. They seemed a little surprised you entrusted Orbot and Cubot with the gathering, but none were foolish enough to voice it aloud.

Still, having ninjas around was both useful and, although you wouldn't admit it, quite novel.

Shattered Memories Proccs!
He doesn't remember!

Result= Conquering Storm obtained as a Hero Unit! She brings Along the Egg Clan and a modest badniks force with her.
Egg Clan: can be assigned and give a +5 bonus to trickery Actions where it would make sense for ninjas to be assigned. Bonus becomes 15 for Infiltration and sabotage actions.
They give +15 to combat rolls. (3 HP)
Badnik forces Acquired: (and yes, this ones do have animals as power source, if anyone ask)
4 Motobugs
2 Jaws
1 Big Icedus
2 Swatbots

Conquering Storm

Power 22 ( Conquering Storm seems to be a proficient martial artist. Her hand to hand skills are…aceptable )

Heart : 16 (The Lynx's attitude is full of arrogance and narcissism, specially against those she consider her lesser. At least she seems to show the proper respect to her superiors)

Logistics: 25 (Apparently she is the Leader of her "Raiju Clan", who she herself took over. Her followers seem to love Her and she has shown appropiate leadership skills)

Trickery: 28 (Being a Ninja, her skills at subterfuge are one of her best assets. Her ability to scheme and trick people will be an asset for you!)

Brains: 10 (Conquering Storm is qhat you would call "Book Dumb" unfortunately, when it comes to non-ninja or martial stuff, she really cant tell you much.)

Mystic: 9 (her experience with the mystic has been límited, she May have tango-ed with fabled beast, but she refuses to employ Magic and Focus only on her Martial Skills)

Loyalty: 50

Eggboss: Having loyally served an alternate version of you with her ninja clan, she had the skills to lead your troops in battle and claim victory!

(+10 to any rolls leading or organizing troops under the Eggman banner.)

Ninjutsu Specialist: Adds half of her Trickery to combat rolls.

Arrogant before the fall: Her pride in her own might also makes her overconfident, and if she isnt careful, this can lead to her suffering quite the hummilating defeat!

If Conquering Storm is defeated by someone in battle, next turn she will have -5 to all rolls to national, adventures and Personals. But next time she faces whoever humíllatete her, she receives a +10 to all rolls during the encounter.

Nin-nin: +15 to All infiltration rolls Conquering Storm is involved. +10 to all Contested Trickery checks she partakes.

-[X] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - Belle
28 + 32 (Eggman's Logistics) + 20 (Eggtronics) + 15 (Belle's Logistics) + 10 (Last Name Makes Sense) + 1 (Loyalty)+5(Soberan Omake Bonus)=111
Moderate Success

To keep that bounty hunter happy and to stop her from continuing glaring at you, you decided to indulge her and begin working on her ship.

Her ship, the Avenger she said was called, had a…very vintage design you guess. You were deeply curious how such a basic looking ship was able to rise to high altitudes, but unfortunately, with the risk of Zavok's forces arriving soon, that was a luxury you couldn't afford.

Belle helped quite masterfully by fixing the Ship's hull and all the interior, while you focused on creating an anti gravitational device that would allow the ship to set sail through the skies once more.

You admit you could have done a better job. Belle didn't have a fault on this. The constraints of time were just that big and you didn't have as much time as you would have wished to finish this. Still, the Ship was fixed and better than ever if you say so yourself!

That bounty hunter better be thankful for this by helping you chop the Zeti's head!

Result: avenger has been fully fixed and ready to take to the skies! Has been added as a trait for Piastol! Piastol gains +10 Opinion
Unlocked 6 upgrade points! Please choose the options you want for the Avenger(Plan format please):

Upgrade Choices:
Expanded size: Increase size of the vessel so not only Hero units can go in, but also Add a Badnik Cap of 20 to it. (2 Upgrade Point)
Basic Weapons Defense System: Install armament for Piastol's ship to use in aerial battles. +10 bonus to combat rolls. (2 upgrade Points)
Upgraded Haul defenses: Gives Piastol ship 5 Hp total. (2 upgrade points.)
Camuflage System: +20 Bonus to stealth rolls (3 Upgrade Points.)
Communications Relay System: Allows for the Ship to connect to the Eggnet and keep in contact with Eggman and the homebase (1 Upgrade Point)

-[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. - Sage
34 + 40 (Eggman's Brains) + 40 (Sage's Brains) + 8 (Loyalty) = 122
Contested by Zavok! ??? + ??? = 62!
Almost Critical Success!

If Zavok wanted to save you the work and come right towards you, you would not complain. This suited just fine. Specially once you took control of your badniks!

With the help of your daughter, hacking into the eggnet and entering the systems of your bases was a simple trick. Sage, being a digital being, was able to quickly and efficiently pass through any hardware that Chuck could have programmed. In no time, your daughter was in!

Now, you could work your magic and start preparing some…surprises for him. Unfortunately, as you see Zavok's army gathering and ready to march against you, you realize your options are…not limited, but don't have the same freedom you could have enjoyed if you did it before.

Eliminating the virus that spread through the Eggnet and made the badniks obey the Zeti was something that Sage could do, but only in limited amounts, by severing the badnik connection's to it, and downloading a previous file, the software of the badniks was reset, ready to follow any orders that come from your beautiful voice!

Unfortunately, purging the virus completely was out of her ability, as amazing as she is. The virus seems to be self replicating and able to corrupt anything that has your code, so Sage cannot fully purge it without the risk of getting infected herself.

You straight told her no when she proposed to try that maneuver, you lost her once. NOT AGAIN. Specially to the Zeti.

With the Limited time both have you choose to:

(Pick 2 of the next ones) (Plan format alongside the Ship Vote):

Sabotage all the factories in use, this way, the Zeti wouldn't be able to produce more badniks for at last a month, two tops, without repairing them. They would not be able to replenish any loses.(Any action the Zeti take to build badniks auto fails for 1d2 turns).

Find the location of Chuck and Chris (While you can create an antivirus now that you know better what you are dealing with, locating and "interrogating" the original creator of the virus could guarantee you make it in no time. You would need to find them only (Halves the DC to locate Chuck for 2 turns).

Secure a copy of a strand of the virus (Could be risky, but with Sage securing strands of code of the virus, you could study it and have a "live" for which specimen for which you can use to create a virus more effectively, Still, while the Zeti have Chuck, they can always find ways to counter your cure and restart the virus, but you don't think whoever he is can compete with the combined genius of your daughter and you.)

Retake control of your badniks. (While she can't fully erase the virus from the eggnet, Sage can locate all the deployed badniks and purge them, returning them to your rightful service. Though, you nor Sage can fully determine the amount you will be able to recover, and this will certainly alert Zavok that you have been snooping around in the Eggnet, might be able to prepare countermeasures for this…but not likely. Recover 5d6+5 random badniks.)

Cover your tracks (While the risk is minimal, Sage can double down and make sure any trace in the eggnet completely disappears, but it will take time. Zavok won't be able to attempt to hack and locate you.)

To be continued in: "Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius."

-[X] Study Ragnite DC:65 - Rusty Rose
90 + 40 (Eggman's Brains) + 10 (Rusty's Brains) + 2 (Loyalty)+5(Griffinlw omake bonus)=147!
Critical Success!

For some weird reason, you have started to use Rusty Rose more as a lab assistant than anything. You suppose she was useful enough to serve on that roll…Mmm ideas for later.

Anyway, now that you have some time, you decided to research on your own time this mineral called "ragnite" that the empire seems to employ and sought for so much. And you have to comment, Young Gunther was right about the applications of ragnite.

It's capacity to operate as an energy source was interesting, the amount of energy produced was indeed fascinating, though it didn't compare to your own power sources you have made over the years. Still you can see why the Empire would rely so heavily on this mineral.

The issue of overheating was a glaring issue, but you were sure you could find ways around it, or even use the overheating itself as an advantage.

It's flexibility to be employed as material or weaponry opened some interesting options if you were to incorporate it for your badniks, perhaps you could mix it with your own alloys to create an ever greater version?

But the one thing that did interest you was the healing abilities it possessed. From your own studies, it seems to put you in overdrive by accelerating the regeneration of damaged cells over the body that will also act as stem cells and substitute for the damaged parts. You couldn't admit it outloud, but you were thankful that the Empire seemed so technological backwards. In the hands of an actual modern scientist, the discoveries and experiments that could be done with this was revolutionary.

Too bad for those Imperials that you are a 300 IQ Genius! Little by little the secrets of ragnite are being revealed to you! You will find ways to turn one of their greatest strengths against them!

Results: learned general uses of ragnite alongside weakness it possess. Unlocked actions to use ragnite as an energy source! Can create ragnite reactors now! (Will need a mine to be created first.)

Unlocked actions to upgrade badniks with ragnite plating and armament.

Unlocked Actions to upgrade Badniks with ragnite reactors.

Discovered that ragnite has a specific energy signature too noticeable. Unlocked the ability to create a ragnite locator.

Action to study a way to neutralize ragnite/negate it's properties.

Action to create your own and improved ragnite based healing kits!

Dc for making the cure and researching the lance down by 20!

-[X] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 - Agent Stone
5 + 22 (Eggman's Trickery) + 20 (Stone's Trickery) + 4 (Loyalty) + 10 (Imposter Unit) = 61
Bare Success

With his recent success on the auction, you decided to task Stone with the duty to infiltrate the Empire. It was time that you had some eyes on what was slowly becoming another pain in your ass.

To assist him, you rushed out and gave Agent Stone his personalized Equipment, The Impostor Unit. with this you expected the guy to easily infiltrate the Empire in no time.

He did manage to get inside, though he almost got caught by some imperial agent when trying to sneak through one of their outposts.

Entering the Empire, Stone notified you that the area was about what you expected. Primitive Building and outdated technology all around the area.

What did catch your attention according to his report is how militarized the place was. Constant patrols all over the area, the cities designed as if they were to be places of battlefields…Interesting.

Still, now that you have eyes here, you can start giving the Empire some trouble!

Results: Options to sabotage the Empire unlocked. Options to infiltrate the Royal Palace! Options to attack More Work Camps!

-[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 - Piastol
70 + 8 (Eggman's Mystic) + 20 (Piastol's Mystic) +0(Loyalty)= 98
Critical Success!

Continued in the interlude "Full Moon".

-[X] Dr.Eggman: 4x Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Agent Stone, 1x Isara, 1x Pronghorn Sisters)
With the upcoming attack by Zavok and his forces, you took a bit of time to consider which of your minions actually needed more than just the standard Egg Gun and decided to roll up your sleeves and get something special to stomp that Zeti.

Roll for The Pronghorns = 65 + 5 = 70
Clove herself is already a deadly combatant and The Omega Care Unit is enough to make Cassia a nuisance on the battlefield, what you saw in the Black Arms Raid she had to make use of one of those aliens to fly and that just wouldn't do. So you had to come up with these!

Death's Flight - A dark black and, if I can say so, stylish set of boots that were designed to strike fear into the hearts of those that see Clove streaking through the air after them with her scythe! Oh yes, they also fly. This gives both The Pronghorns the ability to fly and +10 to any pursuit and flee rolls, as well as +10 against any foe that cannot fight back against flying foes. (Cost 20 Metal)

Roll for Agent Stone = 64
Stone was someone you didn't want to end up in combat not because you cared about him, but because the man doesn't hit nearly in the same weight class as your robots or even most of your minions. You needed him for different purposes, thus you created not a weapon for him, but a tool for further subversion and infiltration.

Imposter Unit - A simple steel ring that when activated projects the visage of another over the wearer, granting them +10 to Trickery rolls when attempting to impersonate someone or Infiltrate an area. It can also be used to briefly turn the wearer invisible, granting +20 to Trickery rolls to remain hidden, but after doing so it must recharge and cannot grant the holographic disguise. (Cost 20 Metal)

Roll for Isara = 40
If there had been more time, but between the Death Eg- *sigh* you mean the DARC-EGG-ROBOT and your other goals, you made due. An engineer needs a vehicle that they themselves can maintain and customize and Isara did speak of her experience with tanks and her abilities with them. You'd have done more but you think that she will not only make due, but be happy with this.

Tiny Tank - A compact vehicle designed to contain 90% of the function of one of those unsightly empire tanks while only needing a single person to operate it! Grants +15 to all combat bonuses where the Tiny Tank can actually fit but can only be operated by someone who is Tank-Proficient because they need to run an entire tank by themselves. (Cost 15 Metal)

Roll for Canaan = 97

After their successful mission with retrieving the Relic, you determined that making equipment for Canaan would benefit you the best. She was able to handle those "Rough and Tumble" on her own and extract herself with a dying Starline. She relies in such basic equipment, idf you provide her with some of your technology, she surely will be a useful asset against Zavok.

You decided to keep things simple and focus on her two strongest abilities. Her synesthesia and sharpshooting skills.

With the help of Sage and some testing, you were able to create a pair of Goggle that could connect with Canaan and allow to boost that special powers, boosting it by not only increasing the range of her ability, but also helping her analyze all the emotions she detects. Not only that, with her assistance you were able to refine an algorithm that allows Canaan to see a darker hue around those with malicious intent.

Next you spent some of your resources on creating a gun compatible with her goggles, not only offering an advanced targeting system, being able to work easily as a sniper rifle, but with the strength of a shotgun blast. The mercenary couldn't help but be impressed with your work. Like, please, this is child's play for someone of your caliber!

The Maria - A weapon designed to Canaan's exact specifications, it connects to Judgement and has advanced target projection based on the emotions Canaan's synesthesia shows her, giving her +15 to all combat rolls against those with emotions, +5 against all other units.

Judgement - A set of goggles designed to further tap into Canaan's synesthesia, these help organize and analyze the colors she sees much quicker and also causes Canaan to see a darker hue around those with malicious intent. While equipped, these goggles increase the bonus from Synesthesia to 15+ in contested Trickery rolls, allow her to add 3/4 of her Trickery to her Heart rolls, and have advantage on Tricky rolls to identify threats. (Cost 30 Metal)

Canaan loyalty raises by 10!

Roll x4: 97(Canaan) 64 (Agent Stone) 40 (Isara) 70 (Pronghorns)(+5 bonus from pronghorn sisters)

-[X] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recover(+5 from underdog emiya bonus)
87 + 5 = 92

You expected Starline to remain in the infirmary for much longer, but apparently, that platypus is more resilient than what you give him credit for.

Using most of the stash of ragnaid that you have recovered from the raid to one of the Work Camps, Starline was able to accelerate his recovery, ready to assist in the incoming invasion.

Starline has recovered and has currently 2 HP!

-[X] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo

After her stint as your lab assistant, Rusty realized she would be equally useful in combating your foes but she was far behind your other combatants. This would not do for her, and she had herself run drills to gain even better competency with her stretching limbs.

She didn't get to do as much as she would have liked, but what she did do was satisfactory. She seemed pleased when you told her so.

Results: Limbs Akimbo now adds +7 in combat!

-[X] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property+5(Omake bonus)
69 + 5 = 74

Metal didn't enjoy remaining in stand by for too long and using the first chance he got, he sneaked away and flew to one of the Empire Work Camps and let himself go wild.

You only learned of this after the deed was done and the reports of 1 work camp and a few outposts destroyed. Ha! That's what they deserve for harming your precious creation!

Still, no doubt all this carnage will certainly draw the Empire's attention, notifying them of metal's glorious return.

Reward: Obtained 50 metal, more crates of ragnite and imperial resources. The legend of the blue metal devil spreads among the Imperials!

-[X] Agent Stone: Field Work Training

Agent Stone tried his best to handle getting some training in after how nuts the auction went, but his near miss with the Empire left him stressed and tired, so he got some in, but not enough to significantly improve.

Bah! Unfortunate, but at least an attempt was made.

-[X] Belle: Write Letters

To be continued in "Things Change"

-[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up

Cassia and Clove took the chance to surf the eggnet and secretly chat with some of the people they have come to know in Restoration territory to find out more about the different realities that have come together.

They are surprised how the story of their world matches in several cases with the one from their Eggman. The Dark Gaia crisis and the Black Arms occured, but there was enough differences in them that while the final outcomes were the same, Sonic and his friends managing to save the day, the ramifications were more diverse.

The lack of places like the Kingdom of Acorn or the Freedom Fighters but the existence of Sonic, Amy Rose, Tails and other figures does point to them being a constant alongside several of their realities, while other factors are missing.

The Restoration and GUN had records from humans that show that their realities didn't have any mobians coexisting with them, but by one way or another, they found themselves in contact with Sonic and Eggman frequent conflicts.

What they found most interesting, and notified the Doctor, was that Apparently GUN was not exactly the version that they or even him were acquainted with; instead it seems to be an amalgamation of GUN's from several realities, their remnants coming together and forming one only organization.

There are signs that GUN is composed from agents from the pronghorn siblings' reality, Eggmans, one where Eggman and Sonic came from another dimension to theirs and even one where Eggman was a contact from Gun in the beginning, which Stone was able to collaborate on.

How interesting…

-[X] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
Canaan tried to use the little free time she had before the invasion to go out and acquire more personal weapons to employ…

Unfortunately, now that she was a wanted criminal, she wasn't able to easily acquire any weapons. When she tried to enter Restoration territory, several guards tried to apprehend her. She was able to quickly escape without any issue, but still, she couldn't reach any of her contacts to get any weapons.

-[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology

As she worked on the Death Egg Robot, Isara tried to familiarize herself with the tech that your base possessed.

Thanks to Sage, she was able to learn how to use the computers in your base and access the Eggnet, even if she still has difficulties grasping the concept of it, or how exactly it works.

Though you notice, little by little, Isara is learning, adapting to how modern technology is employed.

-[X] Sage: Sage Family Night

To be continued in "Things Change"

-[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound

Piastol was more than happy to take care of her animal companion. You swear, that thing was the only creature that brought her joy.

Plus, it had been hungrily eyeing Orbot and Cubot, so for the best it's fed.

She managed to get some decent quality chow, and fed it properly. Hmph. Good, you weren't going to do it.

-[X] Give Someone an EggGun?
--[X]Yes: Isara


Current metal: 275-125-60-20-20-15-30+50=55
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Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius- PRELUDE
Badniks roll:
(How many badniks they get back?): 5d6 (5, 6, 2, 5, 6) + 5 Total: 29


shadow android
hey ho
ice ball
egg knight
egg magician
mega choopers

"Well, there are a lot of badniks coming at us." Cubot commented from behind your seat.

"Yes, I can see that…" You remark drily, staring at the video feedback of Zavok, 2 of his lackeys and several hordes of badniks marching to war towards you.

"Father, at their current pace I calculate they will reach your newest territory in around 5 hours, maybe less." Sage, your precious and dutiful daughter informs you from the base computers. "With the size of the Army Zavok is bringing an engagement is…unwise. I calculate that our chances of a complete clean victory similar to what Clove did is less than 30%." She informs you.

You already knew this, revealing yourself to the world so soon was bound to get Zavok's undivided, furious attention, and you STILL did so, and would happily do it again!

"I know, Sage." You reply softly to her, her assistance in recovering a huge amount of your badniks will be indispensable for the upcoming fight. "Even so, We shall face that Zeti! He committed the greatest sin that can be in this place…he stole from me."

"If he wants a fight, then a fight he shall get!" You exclaim, as the video zooms in and focuses on Zavok's ugly face.

"Understood father, I shall assist you as best as I can." Sage nods, and you couldn't help but smile, you were thankful to have recovered her so soon.

You would have wanted to spend more time with her, but you had this usurper to deal with. You won't let some alien with an underserved ego to take more from you.ç

"Please assemble all my minions, Sage." You request your daughter as you get up from your seat. "We are to meet in the conference room. There are preparations to be made."

Arriving to the meeting room, you find all your minions here. From Starline, still not fully recovered, Rusty Rose, sitting diligently as always and saluting you once you enter the room, to Agent Stone who is amicably serving coffee to everyone, Metal Sonic standing in a corner looking ready to unleash some chaos.

Belle is sitting there looking nervous alongside Canaan, who was sporting the new Googles and gun you made for her. Both looked at you, one with clear worry and the other with pure calm, just waving an eyebrow.

The Pronghorn Sibling were also present, young Cassia looked excited for whatever was going while Clove showed a gaze full of worry and trepidation.

Isara looked straight at you, gaze fully determined, good, she seemed to understand what was going on. That will be useful

And finally, there were your two newest recruits, Piastol and Conquering Storm. One looking at this with sheer indifference, while the lynx was reclining on her seat, a look of eagerness in her face. Good, you hoped she would be as competent as Clove has been.

Finally getting to your seat, you take a moment to accommodate yourself before starting.

"Well, I hope you guys are wondering why I called you here." You say as you cross your fingers between each other, adopting a bridge-like pose. "And if you didn't, ehhh, no matter. Sage dear, visual please."
A second later, in the middle of the table a hologram appears, this one showing the very video you just observed a while ago. Of Zavok and your badniks marching towards the Black Arms territory Zavok just took no long ago.

"As you can see, we have an angry Zeti coming to kill me. And we can't have that can we?" You lean forward, giving a wide and happy smile.

"That stupid Zavok is coming right at me, just like I wanted. We shall defeat him and then we will reclaim what is rightfully mine. Any questions?"

Nobody speaks for a second, the weight of the situation settling in, specially to Belle, who couldn't help but start shivering like crazy.

"Perfect, then, this will be the current Battle plan…"

RAID BEGINNING! Zavok is coming to kill you!

This is how will be played. We decided to modify things a little of how this was gonna be done.

Zavok will send 3 waves after you, each one with a different set of enemies. To win, you must defeat all the waves or make enough damage to make them retreat.

For this you can assign a party of up to 5 hero units and a badnik cap of 40 to deal with the invasion. After each wave is done, you guys can decide to switch in any Hero unit, either because theyw ere knocked out or are too low health to continue, Badniks can be switched in too, as long as the Power cap isn't surpassed.

If your whole current party is defeated, hero units and badniks you can send more hero unots and badniks again, or can decide to bail and retire(as long as starline is alive still).

Reminder that any Hero Unit that is not deployed will remain on the secret base

Here is the Enemy waves composition if you are curious.

Wave 1

5 shadow androids
5 egg pawns
5 buzz bombers

Wave 2
2 shadow androids
1 tunnelbot
4 eggrobo
5 egg pawns
5 buzz bombers

Wave 3
Silver Sonic
4 fire breath
1 Egg Robos
5 egg pawns
5 buzz bombers

Please make a vote with plan format with the 5 starting hero units you want to have on the wave and what badniks do you want(Badnik cap of 40)

[ ] Plan Name
-[ ] (Hero Unit 1)
-[ ] (Hero Unit 2)
-[ ] (Hero Unit 3)
-[ ] (Hero Unit 4)
-[ ] (Hero Unit 5)
-[ ] (Badnik deployed)

There will be a 24 hour moratorium.

Also, if you are asking, Zik made his recovery roll and did slapped some sense into Zavok if curious.
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Tides of Metal

Tides of Metal

The clang of metal feet echoed through the deck of the Metal Marauder, Captain Metal's ship, as the rogue robotic pirate surveyed his crew. The stolen plunder, crates of gold, jewels, and tech taken from the weak and given to those much more deserving, himself, gleamed under the brilliant sunlight. His crew of metallic marauders moved with mechanical precision, sorting and securing their latest haul.

"Raise a mug, ya rust buckets!" Captain Metal's voice boomed, his single glowing red eye scanning the bustling deck. His robotic claw gestured to the loot piled high. "To a job well done, you scurvy scraps! But don't get too comfortable. There's more work to be done! So enjoy a pint of the good stuff and then back ta work with ya!"

The pirates cheered, hoisting mugs filled with some mysterious, bubbling green liquid. The Captain gave a low chuckle, then turned toward the lower deck. The sound of his footsteps resonated as he descended into the dimly lit hold.

Waiting for him was Black Bot, a towering frame and his new second-in-command. The towering cliche saluted at his approach. "Captain, the prisoner be secure. Yar."

"Aye, good work Black Bot." Captain Metal approached the steel bars of the holding cell. Behind them sat Major General Berthold Gregor, glasses broken and with a battered uniform, glaring at the captain with defiant, bloodshot eyes.

"Ah, Major General Gregor," Metal sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "How the mighty have fallen. Tell me, were those the 'finest soldiers' of your empire? Ha! They fell faster than a rusted anchor."

Gregor gritted his teeth, refusing to answer.

The silence simply made the pirate laugh, a mocking tone to his synthetic voice. "What be the matter Gregor? Are these accommodations not up to the mighty empire's standards?"

Captain Metal leaned closer, his faceplate inches from the bars. "You best be hoping that King Maximilian is willing to pay up. Otherwise, you'll be learning firsthand how it feels to join the fishes at the bottom of the sea. Perhaps you can start your expansions onto the sea floor then for your master aye?"

Black Bot let out a mechanical laugh, but Gregor's silence only deepened. Metal tilted his head, his red eye flashing in irritation. "Suit yourself. But don't get too comfortable in that cell. Your fate is just as expendable as this ship's scrap."

Satisfied with his taunting, Captain Metal left the Empire's great general to stew as he made his way to the crow's nest, where Lucky waited.

The small bell shaped robot waved to him as he reached the top, making a happy noise. None could ever be allowed to see it besides the bot in front of him, but something in Metal's gaze softened as he patted the smaller robot.

"Yes Lucky, I am happy to see you as well," Captain Metal said, his tone more contemplative. "Still tracking our prize, I trust?"

Lucky gave an enthusiastic chirp and pointed to the map and set the deep blue glowing Chaos Drive settle on the map before spinning it. All optics focused on it as the front of the drive ended up pointing in the same direction as it had every other time Lucky had done this. Out into the deeper waters, into the oceans blue.

Captain Metal stared at the shimmering blue light, his voice softening to a menacing whisper. "The Chaos Emerald… I can feel it. Once we ransom off that fool of a general, we'll have all we need to get after it, to claim the prize so rightfully mine!"

The captain raised a metallic hand toward the horizon, the vast ocean stretching endlessly before them. "Soon, the seas will bow to me. Captain Metal. The ultimate pirate. The ultimate ruler!"

He laughed, a harsh, metallic sound that echoed across the waves. Below him, the crew worked tirelessly, the general brooded in his cell, and the Chaos Drive pulsed, leading them ever closer to their true treasure.

AN: Sooooo... yeah it was actually a good call to ask for the interlude on Captain Metal. There was a reason just besides being a pirate that Metal has been raiding so hard. He's got a lead and a way to track it.

Enjoy mulling this over while we work on the Raid!
Last edited:
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius- Part 1: Live and Learn
You were Conquering Storm, and today, you would redeem the failures that your Clan has suffered at the hands of that Satan by proving her might.

As you stand on top of the ruins of what was the Black Arms Stronghold before Clove managed to eradicate them, you stare with your arms crossed, and a neutral expression on your face as you watch from the horizon the upcoming enemies.

Lack of Discipline, pathetic, unworthy. Those and more words come to your mind as you address the towering buffon coming towards you with the stolen robots of Eggman. You deemed him unworthy of your time, once you clean the floor with his forces, you hope you can make their leader come out and face you in combat!

Right then, her communicator turned on. "ETA of the Zeti's forces is 3 minutes. They just finished dealing with most of the traps that Clove and Cassia set up. Be ready." Sage, the Artificial Intelligence that the doctor created, informs you.

"It is about time." You remark calmly as you address the rest of your forces. "Listen up, remember the Doctor's orders. Follow my lead and those aliens shall be crushed under our foot!" You proclaim proudly as your body tenses up, ready for battle!

"The situation is thus: Currently, Zavok seems to only be sending the dumbass Zomon with a horde of my badniks to attack us." Eggman remarks from the meeting room, as an hologram of a fat circular yellow and black creature with the dumbest look on his face marches with several hordes of Badniks. Just then, an Hologram of a little girl appears right beside it.

"It seems like Zavok only sent a fraction of his forces towards the territory, holding back most of the badniks that have been confirmed." The girl explain as images of more and more badniks appear.

The doctor scratches his chin. "Does Zavok think that his neanderthal will be enough to deal with me?" Eggman smiles widely in an ominous way. "Oh, he is making this too easy for me!"

"Father, it's also likely that he is just sending the current forces to test our reaction. The possibility of this being some sort of ploy are more than 50% too."

"Right…as incompetent as that alien has been with running my Empire, he did manage to steal it from me in the first place, mmm." The Doctor strokes his mustahce as he contemplates their next move.

"Well, we shall respond in kind then!" He snaps his fingers, finally coming to a decision. He points a finger towards Conquering Storm. "Stormy, you are up! If Zavok wants to see what I have in reserve, who am I to deny him." The Lynx Egg Boss just smiles cruelly as she fixes her straw hat.

"You will be deployed alongside Piastol, Canaan, Isara, Metal, your egg clan and several of my newly reclaimed Badniks. I want you to kick the butt of that lummox so hard you send him packing straight towards Zavok!"

"As you command, Lord Eggman." Conquering Storm bows, eager to get some action.

"Um…Doctor, I don't mean to question your plans." Starline comments, drawing attention to himself. "But, is it wise to deploy Metal? With the Zeti's abilities to take over your machinery given them access to him would-"

"Pfft, Don't worry much Starline, I'm well acquainted with their dumb powers." Eggman waves him off, completely calm. "Only reason I would risk Metal is because only the fool is present, this gives us a once in a lifetime opportunity." The Doctor smiles brightly as he puts his fingers in a bridge-like pose.

"The reason Metal will be present is a simple one, his orders will be to get as close to Zomom unnoticed and engage him when he is caught off guard, giving him the chance to scan his biodata." Eggman points to Metal standing menacingly in the corner of the room. "If Metal can get a full scan of the Zeti, he shall be able to gain their powers to manipulate machines! With that, he will be able to contest and defend himself from any hostile takeovers! It's genius! Wahahahahaha!"

Starline just nods, feeling unsure of this plan. "If you say so, Sir." He concedes the points.

"Please, what is the worst that can happen?"

The plan was simple, as the badniks and your clan alongside that human girl that drove that strange vehicle keep most of the forces busy, you alongside the Mercenary and bounty hunter would face this Zomom, and once the opportunity presented itself, opening the chance for Metal Sonic to scan him, then finish him off in one fell sweep.

The plan was easy and simple, anyone from your Clan would have followed your orders perfectly, flawlessly, letting you destroy the opposition without an issue.


The assault began as you expected, with the badniks resembling the Ultimate Lifeform, the egg pawns and Buzz bombers rushing towards the waiting horde of blastoids, SWAT bots, cluckoids, turtleoids, crabmeats and burrowbots. Once their attention was fully focused on the machines in front of them, a surprise attack from your ninjas and that human girl and the tank she was driving managed to thin the horde in a significant manner.

Meanwhile, you and the Bounty Hunter were approaching the towering fool to finish him once and for all, with assistance of the gunslinger, using her weapon to snipe the opposition from inside the ruins of the stronghold.

You were about to engage this Zomon…but then metal Sonic comes zooming in from behind, trying to take out the Zeti, completely ignoring your perfect battle plan, and then…

"I ain't failing for that again!" The lummox shouted happily as Metal Sonic twisted in the air as sparks surged from his body. "Now you betta…uh, why aren't you killing the rest?" He thinks out loud as he sees Eggman's creation resist the Zeti's control.

Not missing this opportunity, you quickly rush towards the enemy, using all the strength on your legs, and catapulting towards the Zeti and delivering the strongest kick you can muster right into his head…

You feel your foot connect with his head, the resistance of flesh against your boot…and how it begins sinking for a moment, before your leg bounces from the head, moving you backwards as you spin through the air, and gracefully landing in front of Zomom, who falls to the ground, surprised.

"Ow! Who hit me?" He shouts annoyed as he looks around, his eyes finally landing on you. "Why did you do that?!" He grumbles angrily.

"Because this is a battlefield, you fatass." You remarks snidely as your legs flex and you assume your battle stance. "Now, show me your strength."

"I'm not fat! I'm just chubby!" He shouts as he waves his arms, tears seemingly spilling from his eyes. Pathetic, is this really the force that really has caused Eggman trouble? "I. AM. NOT. FAT!" He shouts pitifully, hoping someone would change reality.

"And I don't care." A chilling voice comes from behind Zomom, who turns around, just to receive a slash to his chest courtesy of the Angel of Death.

"You might not be pirates, but your kind are as despicable as them." Piastol says as she fixes her grip on her weapon, and stares daggers at the Zeti as her beast growls. "I will take pleasure in chopping your head." The Zeti stumbles back as a cut stretches across his chest, drawing blood, you observe the wound calmly.
"Not as deep as I expected. I guess that fat does work for something." You comment out load as you prepare for the upcoming assault.

"Grrrr…that's it! I'm not fat, I'm hungry, and angry!" The barbarian shouts, almost crying as he looks with murderous gaze at both of you. "You have made me hangry!!! I will crush your bones and then eat you!" He roars as he rushes towards you.

You easily sidestep a swing of his arm, and sweep your leg, managing to make the Zeti loose his balance, giving the Reaper another chance to use her scythe and deliver another cut to the back of the Zeti, making him fall over again.

"Ahhhhh! Let me hit you!" The guy wails, as he lands on the ground, looking pitiful.

"And you call yourselves a warrior race?" You scoff annoyed at the challenge this has been. "If so, your leader must be pathetic for employing a ball of fat as one of his enforcers." You crack your neck, ready to finish this and move on.

"You asked for it!" The mammox growls angrily at you. "How do you like this?!" He shouts as he begins to focus, seemingly trying…something.

You don't pay attention to that, as you rush, ready to smash his skull with a hammer kick…when the Bounty Hunter pushes you to the side, making you stumble into the ground.

"What are you-?!" You start shouting, but then look up and realize what just happened. Piastol was holding back Metal Sonic, who tried to skewer you with his claws.

"Ha! How do you like them apples now?" Zomom as he gets up and stands towering over you. "You will pay for calling me fat!"

You tssk annoyingly, having one of Eggman's inventions being taken by them was an issue, but not something you would consider that dangerous.

"Keep the robot busy." You remark calmly to Piastol as your eyes never leave Zomon. "I will finish this quickly."

"Hmpp..easy for…you to say." She remarks as Metal Sonic rushes towards her, ready to crash into her, but she manages to avoid the attack, and letting him speed up towards the battlefield, he quickly drifts to the side, coming for another rush, and in the way, he smashes up on some badniks on the field.

"You will figure it out!" You shout as you jump over another sweep of his arms, and deliver another kick towards his face.

As he falls down once more, you jump and easily land on his chest. As you look down on the felled warrior with a dumb look on his face, you can't help but feel distaste at this beast.

"And this pitiful show is all you can offer?" You remarks as you ready your fist to begin punching him to unconsciousness.

But when you are about to deliver the final blow, you feel something impact your back and drag you through the air and away from your target.

You find Metal Sonic managed to tackle you and use his jet to separate you from your quarry. Growling angrily at him, you manage to grab unto him, and do a judo flip on midair, making the robot and you fall to the ground, and while he just crashes, you manage to stick the landing as expected.

"I told you to keep him busy!" You shout across the battlefield, your voice easily reaching the reaper, as you see Metal get up again and glare menacingly at you.

"I tried! He is way too fast to pin down!" You hear her shout, and by the sounds coming from behind you, it seemed that she was keeping Zomom busy.

"Fine, deal with him then! I will crush this robot easily." You say just as the robot again activates his jet, speeding against you, ready for another ramming attack.

This time you were prepared though, as he neared you, you raise your leg and deliver the most devastating hammer kick you can deliver right on his head!

You feel your foot going numb from the strength of the impact, but it does manage to stop him on his tracks, making him fall to the ground once more, there is even a dent where your boot landed.

You expect this to be the end of that, but a series of beeps and boops come from the robot and suddenly he grasps your leg and…

You are once more thrown away, making you annoyed for the amount of times this has happened, but when you look up towards your opponent you can't help but look surprised.

Metal was holding a pose similar to your own…no way, did that robot was able to copy and analyze your fighting style just like that?
You smile and you retake your pose. Now this will be a fight.

As you wait for the robot to make the first move, a cry resonates across the battlefield. You look from your opponent to see Zomom, filled with wounds all across his body, and the reaper ready to chop his head.

And then you hear a boom, and you see Metal Sonic rushing towards the pair, preparing a kick towards the Bounty hunter, who rolls away from the attack quickly, but isn't fast enough to stop the robot from Picking Zomom and literally carry him away from the battlefield.

"You will pay for this, you hear me?! After I get some lunch will I be back?" The fastass wails as Metal is able to retire him safely from the battleground.

Right then, Sage's voice sounds in the communicator. "All enemies have been defeated. Zomon…has managed to take over brother and get away." The A.I sounds sad at the last part. "Father wants all of you to regroup…he isn't happy about Metal." Figures.

"Next time…I will finish what I started." You promise as you fix your straw hat, and walk back towards the Stronghold, where Starline is ready to return you to base.

So far, this has been a complete victory for you.

Zavok can't help but growl as he watches the disaster of a battle occur. He didn't expect Zomom to be so incompetent to lose all his forces without inflicting any losses towards Eggman. At least, he managed to snag way Metal Sonic, he would make for a nice tool against the Doctor.

Just then, a ring resounds from the communicator on his wrist, activating it, the hologram of your Master appears.

"Master." Zavok nods respectfully towards him. "You shouldn't be out of the medbay so soon."

"And you shouldn't have rushed so recklessly towards the battlefield, young one." He remarks as he strokes his beard. "Rushing towards the battlefield with your head cloud in vengeance is dangerous."

"I know that now, Master." Zavok is thankful for his wisdom, thanks to him, he has been able to grow and become a leader worthy of the Zeti, but still. "I must ask again Master, why did you push so hard for us to attack Eggman this way, if we have send all our forces at once we could have-"

"Could have won?" He finishes you as he shakes his head. "Just as you thought we could have defeated the Empire? Or the Black Arms?" Zavok can't help but growl, remembering the loses he had sustained in the last months.

"Zavok, you show so much promise, but in some areas you are still lacking. War is a dangerous thing, while glory can be found on the battlefield, it's also were fools come to die." He says, imparting his wisdom once more. "Remember Zavok, vengeance must be exact, but above all, it must be a tool for you to employ, to strengthen yourself. Never let it consume you."

Zavok nods, taking the words by heart. "I will Master, but again, I must ask why act this way? We have been given a devastating defeat"

"Ohh…have we?" He remarks with a grin. "We may have lost some badniks and Zomom might have been hurt, but we have come away with more information than Eggman."

"I…don't understand?" Zavok says lost.

"We now know more about the forces he employs, he not only has recovered a significant amount of badniks, but also has powerful warriors in his employ. He might have won this fight, but be sure that it will be us that shall triumph in this war." Master Zik says with intensity in his voice. "Remember this, information is power. The more you know about your enemy, the more you can prepare for them and crush their futile attempts!"

Zavok stays silent for a moment, analyzing the information, nodding as he gets it. "Eggman wouldn't employ living beings in his army before…he has…adapted."

"And now we shall do the same!" Master Zik shouts with a hit from his staff. "Follow the plan Zavok, trust on your strength and preparations, and they shall bring you victory!"

"What now, master?" Zavok remarks, wanting more wisdom from his teacher.

"Now…" He grins evilly. "It's time to show Eggman that his days were counted when he made an enemy of us."

Wave 2 Incoming!

Wave 2
2 shadow androids
1 tunnelbot
4 eggrobo
5 egg pawns
5 buzz bombers

Egg Party:

Conquering Storm- 22+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)=46(5 HP)
Isara-17+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)=47 2 HP (Tiny Tank)
Piastol-22+20(Whitedarf+Deathhound)=42(5 HP)
Canaan-28+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)=53 (3 HP)
Blasteroid X3 -10X3=+30(1 HP)
Cluckoid -5(1 HP)
Crabmeat +5(1 HP)
Turtloids X2 -10X2=20 (2 HP)
Egg Clan +15 (3 HP)

Total Power Bonus=263

Make any changes? (Total Badnik cap: 40. Space to add one more Hero Unit)

[ ] Plan format please.

Wave 1 Starting: Calculating both enemies bonuses

Zavok's forces:

Zomon-30+5(Bulbous Build) (5 HP)
Shadow Androids X5-15=5=75 (2 HP)
Egg Pawns X5=5X5=25(1 HP)
Buzz Bombers X5= 5X5=25 (I HP)

Total Power Bonus=30(Zomon)+5(Bulbous Build)+75(Shadow Androids)+25(Egg Pawns)+25(Buzz Bombers)+115(Crit Overflow)-30=245

Egg Party:

Conquering Storm- 22+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)=46(5 HP)
Isara-17+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)=47 2 HP (Tiny Tank)
Piastol-22+20(Whitedarf+Deathhound)=42(5 HP)
Canaan-28+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)=53 (3 HP)
Metal Sonic-30 (5 HP)
Blasteroid X3 -10X3=+30(1 HP)
Cluckoid -5 +10(Blowhard)=15(1 HP)
Crabmeat +10(1 HP)
Turtloids X2 -10X2=20 (2 HP)
Burrowbots-5+5(From Below-only 2 turn)=10 (1HP)
Egg Clan +15 (3 HP)
Swatbot+10 (1 HP)

Total Power Bonus=328

Wave 1-Round 1

Zomom uses Trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control of electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zomom can use his Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)

Zomom roll-Attempt to control Metal Sonic

Result: 1d100 (60) + 2(???) + 24 (???)+ 10(???)
Total: 96

Metal Sonic-Resist Zeti's control (Heart Check)
Result: 1d100 (93) + 0(Metal Sonic Heart) + 10(Obey EGGMAN!)
Total: 103

Zomom Bare failure!
Metal's Ego is too big for a Zeti to handle!

Zomon can't fully control Metal Sonic, but he can at least stop him from acting this round!
Metal Doesn't Add his bonus this round!

Round 1! Fight!

Zomon Combat Roll (He rolls with advantage cause of crit):

Result: 1d100 (58) + 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build) + 75(Shadow Androids)+25(Egg Pawns)+25(Buzz Bombers) -30 (Blasteroids)+ 115 (Crit Overflow)=

Total: 303

Result: 1d100 (42) + 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build) + 75(Shadow Androids)+25(Egg Pawns)+25(Buzz Bombers) -30 (Blasteroids)+ 115 (Crit Overflow)=

Total: 287

Final result=303

Egg Party Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (60)+22(Conquering Storm)+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)17(Isara)+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)+22(Piastol)+20(Whitedarf+Deathhound)+28(Canaan)+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)+30(Blasteroids)+5Cluckloid)+10(Blowhard)+10(Crabmeat)+20(Turtloids)+5(Burrowbot)+5(From Below)+15(Egg clan)+10(Swatbot)=

Total: 358

Egg Party Success!

Zomon, Shadow Androids, Eggpawns and buzzbomber lose 1 HP!

Round 2!

Current Status:
Zavok's forces:

Zomon-30+5(Bulbous Build) (4 HP)
Shadow Androids X5-15=5=75 (1 HP)
Egg Pawns X5=5X5=25(0 HP) ELIMINATED
Buzz Bombers X5= 5X5=25 (0HP) ELIMINATED

Total Power Bonus=30(Zomon)+5(Bulbous Build)+75(Shadow Androids)+115(Crit Overflow)-30=195

Egg Party:
Conquering Storm- 22+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)=46(5 HP)
Isara-17+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)=47 2 HP (Tiny Tank)
Piastol-22+20(Whitedarf+Deathhound)=42(5 HP)
Canaan-28+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)=53 (3 HP)
Metal Sonic-30 (5 HP)
Blasteroid X3 -10X3=+30(1 HP)
Cluckoid -5(1 HP)
Crabmeat +5(1 HP)
Turtloids X2 -10X2=20 (2 HP)
Burrowbots-5 (1HP)
Egg Clan +15 (3 HP)
Swatbot+10 (1 HP)

Total Power Bonus=308

Zomom uses Trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control of electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zomom can use his Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)

Zomom roll-Attempt to control Metal Sonic:

Result: 1d100 (84) + 2(???) + 24(??) + 10(??)
Total: 120

Metal Sonic-Resist Zeti's control (Heart Check)
Result: 1d100 (33) + 0(Metal) + 10(Obey EGGMAN!)
Total: 43

Critical Failure!
Zomon, angry and hungry, has finally managed to make Metal submit to his Hangriness! He will remain under his control until Zomon HP Drops to 0!

Metal Immediately turns up and destroys some of the groups Badniks (Result of the critfail)

Rolling to see which badniks he destroys…

Burrowbot and Swatbot destroyed!

Round 2!

Zomon Combat roll!

Result: 1d100 (15) + 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build)+30(Metal) + 75(Shadow Androids)-30 (Blasteroids)+ 115 (Crit Overflow)=
Total: 240

Result: 1d100 (29) + 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build)+30(Metal) + 75(Shadow Androids)-30 (Blasteroids)+ 115 (Crit Overflow)=
Total: 254

Final result= 254

Egg Party Combat roll!

Result: 1d100 (38)+22(Conquering Storm)+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)+17(Isara)+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)+22(Piastol)+20(White darf+Deathhound)+28(Canaan)+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)+30(Blasteroids)+5Cluckoid+5(crabmeat)+20(Turtloids)+15(Egg Clan)=

Total: 296

Zomon Failure!
Egg Party Success!

Zomon, the Shadow Androids, and Metal Sonic lose 1 HP.

Metal trait Copycat Activates!

Rolling to see who he copies a combat trait from!

2) Piastol
3) Conquering Storm

Result: 2!

Metal Sonic copies Piastol Whie Darf!

Metal synthesises a fitting trait!

Silver Subdwarf: Metal adds half his Mystic stat to use in matters of Combat, Life, Death, and Void.
Metal Obtains 10 Mystic!
He learns to cast Eterni based spells like Piastol!

Round 3!

Current Status:

Zavok's forces:

Zomon-30+5(Bulbous Build) (3 HP)
Shadow Androids X5-15=5=75 (0 HP) ELIMINATED!
Egg Pawns X5=5X5=25(0 HP) ELIMINATED
Buzz Bombers X5= 5X5=25 (0HP) ELIMINATED
Metal Sonic-30+5(Silver Subdwarf)=35 (4 HP)

Total Power Bonus=30(Zomon)+5(Bulbous Build)+30(Metal)+5+115(Crit Overflow)-30=155

Egg Party:
Conquering Storm- 22+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)=46(5 HP)
Isara-17+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)=47 2 HP (Tiny Tank)
Piastol-22+20(Whitedarf+Deathhound)=42(5 HP)
Canaan-28+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)=53 (3 HP)
Blasteroid X3 -10X3=+30(1 HP)
Cluckoid -5(1 HP)
Crabmeat +5(1 HP)
Turtloids X2 -10X2=20 (2 HP)
Burrowbots-5 (0HP) ELIMINATED
Egg Clan +15 (3 HP)
Swatbot+10 (0 HP) ELIMINATED

Total Power Bonus=263

Zomon Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (14) + 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build) + 30(Metal) +5(Silver Subdwarf)+ 115(Crit Overflow) - 30=
Total: 169

Result: 1d100 (70) + 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build) + 30(Metal) +5(Silver Subdwarf)+ 115(Crit Overflow) - 30=
Total: 226

Egg Party Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (13)+22(Conquering Storm)+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)+17(Isara)+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)+22(Piastol)+20(White darf+Deathhound)+28(Canaan)+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)+30(Blasteroids)+5Cluckoid+5(crabmeat)+20(Turtloids)+15(Egg Clan)=

Total: 276

Zomon Failure!
Egg Party Success!

Zomon trait activates:
Bulbous Build: Zomom can only be damaged when on an unmodified attack roll of 35 or higher.

Zomon takes no damage!
Metal Sonic loses 1 HP!

Metal Trait Copycat activates!

Rolling to see who he copies a combat trait from!

2) Piastol
3) Conquering Storm

Result= 3!

Metal Copies Conquering Storm Ninjutsu Specialist!

Metal gains +2 Trickery!

At this point, Zavok recalls Zomon, telling him to retreat!

Zomon and Metal retreat from the battlefield!

This will proc one more Combat round, if Egg Party cannot drop the enemy to 0 on this round, the Enemy flees, while the enemy rolls with disadvantage (Negating their advantage)

Zomon retreating combat roll:

Result: 1d100 (85) 30(Zomon) + 5(Bulbous Build) + 30(Metal) +5(Silver Subdwarf)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist)+115(Crit Overflow)=

Total: 275!

Egg Party Combat Roll!

Result: 1d100 (44)+22(Conquering Storm)+14(Ninjutsu Specialist)+10(Eggboss)+17(Isara)+15(Tiny Tank)+15(Tank Proficient)+22(Piastol)+20(White darf+Deathhound)+28(Canaan)+5(Sharpshooter)+5(Synesthesia)+15(The Maria)+30(Blasteroids)+5Cluckoid+5(crabmeat)+20(Turtloids)+15(Egg Clan)=
Total: 307

Zomon failure!
Egg Party Success!
Zomon and Metal lose 1 HP (Zomon: 3, Metal: 2)

Wave 1 is over!
