Oh hey Belle and Sage's new trait finally got added:

The Daughters Robotnik - While Sage and Belle may have different views of who their father is, neither deny their bond of sisterhood. While on an adventure Belle can host Sage and not be completely taken over by her. Additionally when Sage makes a Heart roll, Belle adds half of her Heart to that roll and when Belle makes a Brains roll, Sage adds half of her Brains to that roll.

...Does that work outside of adventures or not?

On the other hand, our at minimum +88 vs a negative loyalty doubled applied Loyalty Malus Zavok with only one unit's worth of stats?

Might had been enough to Crit Succeed.

Honestly, if we get insanely lucky, Zavok and Chuck Crit Failing their roll would be great. Especially since if they Crit Fail, we're likely to also Crit Succeed by default.

Yeah that would have been great. Oh well. We've got good chances anyway.
Yeah that would have been great. Oh well. We've got good chances anyway.
Yeah we do. If someone can use a reward on our Hacking roll it's essentially an inherent 98 difference before Zavok and Chuck's positive mods are applied.

Assuming Eggtronics doesn't apply.

If it does however, yeah, our odds of a normal success are absurd.
So here we go this draft of a earlier plan.

[] Plan: WIP
-[] Build Death Egg Robot DC80 - Isara
-[] Fortify the Perimeter DC??? - Canaan/Piastol/Rusty
-[] Recruit Minion: Nephtys DC??? - Belle/Canaan
-[] Evacuate Conquering Storm DC??? - Pronghorn Sisters
-[] Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess (Crabmeat) - Orbot&Cubot
-[] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. - Sage
-[] Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power: DC:60 - Rusty/Metal Sonic
-[] Infiltrate the Empire DC60 - Agent Stone
-[] Gather Rings/Trought the Ringer DC70 - Piastol
Personal Actions
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Isara)
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Canaan)
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Agent Stone)
-[] Dr. Eggman: Hire the Chaotix: Search for Marie (if fails)/ Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Pronghorn Sisters)
-[] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recover
-[] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
-[] Metal Sonic: Do Some General Training
-[] Agent Stone: Read The Manual
-[] Belle: Write Letters
-[] Proghorn Sisters: ???
-[] Canaan: Hang out with Belle.
-[] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
-[] Piastol: ???
-[] Sage: ???

I kind remember something Zavok may also bring aerial unitst and we may need to some sort of AA-guns against them so lol and behold another classic the Crabmeat that has a+15 against aerial units.

Plus hiring Nephtys, she is another Egg Boss and if she arrive on time we can add her, Pronghorn Sisters and Conquering Storm in leading our defenses.

If however the Chaotix find we hire them again to find Marie, I mean they will have the DC reduce if they fail.

Since Belle is going to emotional rollercoster, specially after meeting Sage make sense to me if she decide to write letters after goign all emotional and maybe nostaligia.

Also since Isara will help Built the Death Egg Robot her action this turn definitely should be to get used to Eggtech plus witht he doctor building a giant robot Stone get's nostaligic and read the manual of Paramount!Robotnik giant robot.
Turn 3- March 2XXX Rivals Report

Produce super badniks DC40
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 94
Critical Success

Well, the Zeti was seriously ticked off. Ha! From your drones and what Sage was able to analyze, the Zeti has been putting your factories in overtime, producing an obscene amount of badnik that…not gonna lie, might worry you a little.

Zavok really is building an army to come and kill you. Well…he can try, you will show that beast why only you are worthy to lead the Eggman Empire!

Results: Increased amount of Super Badniks produced. All soon to be directed at you.

Fight against Empire's push DC Contested by Empire (Power)
Result: ???+???+???Total: 134
Bare Failure

Once again, the stupid Zeti were not able to stop the Empire from advancing. This time, that glowing woman with a Shield and Lance, who Isara told you was a Valkyrur (will need to check THAT later), had a rematch against Zass, and was able to get payback from last time, destroying his mech and grounding him. Not only that, the company of badniks he was sent with was pretty much demolished.

One hand, the Zeti failing fills you with joy…but the Empire destroying your stuff enrages you to NO END!

Results: Zavok loses territory and badniks to the Empire. Zazz didn't suffer much damage, if any, aside from losing his mech temporarily

Fortity territory DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 51
Bare Failure

After the string of attacks against their camps and other facilities, the Empire tried to fortify their position. Unfortunately, their lack of free labor left them unable to accomplish anything of the sort in time. The constructions seem half complete and done in such a disastrous manner. The scientist in you is disgusted by the quality of work here!

Result: DC to fortify territory is halved.

Make another push against Zavok forces DC Contested by Empire (Power)
Result: ???+???+???Total: 141
Bare Success

You admit, you might admit that Starline pushing to obtain the Lance might have been a good idea.

Now that you have someone coming from the Empire, you were able to learn a bit more about who had destroyed your precious Metal Sonic.

According to Isara, Brigadier Bles, the Azure Witch of the Empire, is what is called a Valkyrur(?), an ancient race from her homeland that seems to be some sort of great warriors of mass destruction?

That tracks you suppose, with how she was able to turn around the tables against Zass and deal with Zomon, you realize the Empire might be a few notches above in the threat department.

Still, that gives a few ideas, if the Empire has such pride in their fearsome agents at their disposal, you supposed you could show them why they don't stand against your creations.

Ideas for later.

Fortify territory DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result= ???+???+?? Total: 77
First Tier Success

You suppose your greatest announcement spooked the Restoration, this month they spend their effort fortifying their borders.

It wasn't that impressive of a work if you say so yourself. But you can't demand excellence from everyone unfortunately.

Results= Restoration managed to reinforce their border against upcoming attacks. DC to raid the restoration increased!

Organize civilians DC:60 (Logistics)
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 106

Well at least that Rookie managed to do his work right this time. The civilians were quickly able to learn drills for upcoming invasions and even how to defend themselves against attacks, or at the very least how to not get in the way of the competent fighters.

Restoration= Civilians trained, DC to raid the restoration increased!

Look for Chuck dc 100/140
Result: ???+???+?? Total: 69

Well, it seems that you were not the only one to get the message from Chuck, apparently that Lemur and some masked woman tried to infiltrate Zavok's territory to look for Chuck, if the recording you were able to scavenge suggests.

They didn't get that far unfortunately, Zavok quickly got on top of that and reinforced his borders, making it difficult for people to infiltrate deeply without issue.

That also means Zavok wisened up and realized people are looking for Chuck most likely, his security will be tightened no doubt.

Result: Restoration failed to search for Chuck, Zavok is aware of such advances and will take countermeasures. DC to find Chuck raised.

Fortify Territory DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 94!
Second Tier Success

On the Other hand, GUN did a better job at preparing for their comeuppance. They build more bases, installed more turrets and prepared an obscene amount of explosive mines in their area. Dealing with them will be…a tad more annoying.

Result: DC to raid GUN increased.

Try to Locate Chuck DC100/140 (Trickery)
Result:???+???+??? Total: 85

Well, At least GUN could be more smart than those animals, They tried to hack the Eggent and make contact with Chuck, according to Sage, but didn't manage to achieve anything significant. You assume with the Restoration pathetic attempts, Zavok is more careful with Chuck now.

Fortify Angel Island DC 60/90/120 (Power)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 92
Second tier success!

That dim-witted Echidna is doing what he always does: Guarding the Master Emerald in a way. And also protecting his new citizens.

With assistance from that man who helped calm down the crowd ages ago, they set up many handmade barriers and, with a bit of prodding from the man, Knuckles sets up patrol routes to keep eyes peeled for any ne'er-do-wells.

As a ne'er-do-well yourself, this is quite annoying.

Gather Supplies DC 50 (Logistics)
Total: 28

It appears that supplies are dwindling on Angel Island. Which makes sense one supposed, they are on a solitary island floating in the middle of the sky that was initially inhabitated by a single person.

Knuckles tried to go get some supplies himself, but he forgot to bring any money and was unable to barter with anything, forcing him to reluctantly go back empty handed, at least for now.

Recruit and ally DC Variable (Heart)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 32

That failure to procure supplies made Knuckles realize, as much as he appreciates the assistance of his human companion, the two of them can't manage everything completely alone.

So Knuckles put out a plea for someone to come over and assist them and the other refugees.

From what you can gather, not many people cared to take the journey with everything going on, but a young bee made her way over, claiming she finally had a new purpose.

Bah. Hopefully she is not a threat.

Captain Metal
Follow The North Start DC:Variable (Trickery)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 63

While the chaos of the auction was going on, Captain Metal's foolish first mate was searching around the seas once again for potential booty. Apparently he was following up that lead he obtained earlier, based on the rumours, but he wasn't able to fully track it this time.

However, he did find some treasure hidden in the remnants of Jack's ship that was missing last time, which he happily brought along to his captain, saying "Lucky!" Over and over again.

That's all it ever says though, so hard to tell what it's thinking.

Pillage And Plunder (See the auction)

How curious, from what you have been able to see, Captain Metal came out winning big time for that Auction raid, not only did he steal most of the money the guest there brought along. He even kidnapped a high level officer from the Empire!
A general or sergeant Gregor, you honestly couldn't care, but the captain was announcing to all that would listen to him that he was Asking their Prince for a Ramson, if they didn't comply, they would offer Gregor to anyone that would offer enough income.

…Well there could be an opportunity there.

Result: Gregor has been captured by Captain metal and is asking for a ransom to Maximilian to give it back, If Maximilian doesn't comply, Captain Metal will offer Gregor to any willing faction that pays high enough. (10 Income)

Look For Maria DC: 75/130
Result: 1d100 (93) + 39(Vector Trickery) + 28(Espio Trickery) + 10(Team Chaotix!) Total: 170
Complete Success

When you asked the Chaotix for help looking for this "Maria Osawa", a part of you didn't actually expect for them to actually succeed in the task.

Well…they proved you wrong. They actually managed to find her, more or less. They weren't actually able to bring her to you, but they were able to find her location pretty easily.

From what Canaan told you and you relayed to the Chaotix, this Maria worked as a photographer, and funny enough, that damn Chameleon was able to locate her thanks to finding some photographs in a thing called "Internet". Pfft, pathetic name!

Still, they were able to find several photos that supposedly were taken from a person named Maria Osawa. Coincidence? You don't think so! And the Chaotix didn't either.

Tracking the most recent photos taken, they were able to find that they originated from that city named Tokyo-To, near Green Hills, just past the territory of that Janken guy.

They were able to find evidence of Maria being there, taking photos of some guy in roller skates and playing with graffiti.

Unfortunately, they weren't actually able to enter the city. That place is totally in lockdown, no one enters nor gets out. And the Chaotix were not keen on actually breaking in if the girl was not in trouble, which didn't seem to be the case.

Anyway, once you relied your information on Canaan, she requested that you take her there as soon as possible, and apparently she wouldn't take a no for an answer.

How problematic are these minions these days.

Results: Chaotix were able to find Maria! Currently she is in Tokyo-To, which is in total control of Gouji Rokkaku. The city is in lockdown and hard to infiltrate in or out but that is barely an issue for a Genius like you!

Canaan gains +15 loyalty for helping locate Maria!

Adventure Unlocked! 666: Tokyo-To Scramble! This adventure is obligatory and must be taken in Turn 5! Canaan and Belle are automatically locked in to go!

Look into the auction DC: 100/150 (Trickery)
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 61

Considering the sheer insanity of the auction, some people had a sneaking suspicion that a set up might have been in place. This included the Chaotix, so while Espio was busy searching into Maria, Charmy was tasked with doing the investigation here.

It was a valiant effort for the fool, but he was unable to find anything that wasn't public knowledge and quickly grew bored and gave up, based on Vector's grumbling in public.

Oh well, that auction was pure insanity anyways.


Try and fix ??? DC90
Result: ???+???+???
Total: 90
Exact Success

To be continued in the Interlude "The newest member of the Rabbit Family!"

Stealing from more museums (Trickery) DC 40/80/120
Result: ???+???+??? Total: 119
2nd Tier Success!

It appears, recently, there has been a string of robberies in museums, both local and in neighboring areas.

They were all done by a young, cloaked human woman with a cat's ears and tail, flanked by some of those strange cats the Restoration drove away months ago. They snuck in and ransacked the areas, stealing records, money and exhibits alike.

The only lead anyone has is her briefly being caught on camera before she destroyed it happily giggling "Doc brother might finally have happies!"

Ugh. Another evil doctor might be in the area? That was your job!
Adventure Unlocked! 666: Tokyo-To Scramble! This adventure is obligatory and must be taken in Turn 5! Canaan and Belle are automatically locked in to go!
Yeah so, we NEED to do Piastol's Airship Turn 4. Because Belle will be unavailable for Turn 5.

Unrelatedly, we should also try grabbing Conquering Storm so we can throw a Trickery Hero at this, and if we can get Nephthys Turn 4 throw her there to for a Power Unit to be there.

Or give them Metal.
Well another adventure locked for turn 5

We are going to need to make special equipment for Belle and Canaan.

Considering Starline is out of comission, I would recruit Goro to sent alongside Conquering Storm.

We would have one more slot available which tbh Metal Sonic could fill.
Looks like we'll need another hero that's good with infiltration to get Maria.

Nephtys and Storm could be a good combo.

Nephtys no doubt has a descent Trickery stats.

Since Chaotix have a amazing suscess than the Sisters now have better equipment fight!

[] Plan: WIP
-[] Build Death Egg Robot DC80 - Isara
-[] Fortify the Perimeter DC??? - Canaan/Piastol/Rusty
-[] Recruit Minion: Nephtys DC??? - Belle/Canaan
-[] Evacuate Conquering Storm DC??? - Pronghorn Sisters
-[] Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess (Crabmeat) - Orbot&Cubot
-[] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. - Sage
-[] Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power: DC:60 - Rusty/Metal Sonic
-[] Infiltrate the Empire DC60 - Agent Stone
-[] Gather Rings/Trought the Ringer DC70 - Piastol
Personal Actions
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Isara)
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Canaan)
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Agent Stone)
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (Pronghorn Sisters)
-[] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recover
-[] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
-[] Metal Sonic: Do Some General Training
-[] Agent Stone: Read The Manual
-[] Belle: Write Letters
-[] Proghorn Sisters: ???
-[] Canaan: Hang out with Belle.
-[] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
-[] Piastol: ???
-[] Sage: ???

Ehhh prisoner isn't worth it

Guy is kidna a high rank general of the Empire and knows a lot of their secrets, plus he's the one that used to run that giant Work Camp in Fouzon in VC1

Isara may want a a few words with him, plus it would be ultimate humiliating for him to have to rely at the mercy of a not only a forienger (guys is hard core patriot of the Empire) but at the mercy of a darcsen (that he has prejudice against).
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Hopefully Starline is all healed up by Turn 5… otherwise…

I guess Agent Stone will have to go along with Canaan and Belle, without out the Warp Topaz letting them portal in and out.
I am very sad chuck is now even more caught and we lost two units while one is down while being invaded? Or is there a chance the invasion will not happen the same "time" as the adventure