Voting is open
So who do we use next turn to Locate Chuck and Chris? Stone or Storm?

I'm honestly torn.
I would imagine Storm and the Egg Clan can handle it pretty well, but Stone has a shiny new toy I'm sure he'd love to put to use. We need to keep in mind that the one we send to find Chuck and Chris won't be able to join the adventure with Canaan. That said, if we don't upgrade Piastol's ship, I don't think we'll be able to take the Egg Clan with them on their trip so...

I think I vote we use Storm and the Egg Clan to look for Chuck and Chris, and then Stone goes on the adventure. Haven't quite decided yet.
To be continued in: "Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius."

Ah battle speakers on the giant mecha. You know this requires the commissioning of a song that may have never been played, but with the Darscen Declaration giving hope to the downtrodden, the dispossessed and those dammed by their blood; it takes on new meaning. Faced with the many incarnations of the Doctor across time and space, Eggman looks to be the best version of himself and it starts by taking different steps…

Once we deal with the Deadly Six (and SOMEHOW pacify GUN and the Restoration)....we have other problems to deal with.

We know that directly south of Green Hills, in the territory of Empire City, we have Janken the Great. This guy is an alien. This guy has spread monsters around and is capable of turning people to stone.

In the territory of Never Lake, we have Dural from Virtua Fighter. Dural is a cyborg reminiscent of the T-1000. And she used to be a she's probably good at combat and trickery.

In the region of Westopolis, we have Satan of Puyopuyo. He's skilled in various magics, and is pretty tough to put down. THANKFULLY, unlike the actual Devil, this guy is pretty we can afford diplomacy here.

In the island of Grand Metropolis southeast of us, we have Dr. Knavik. While I haven't looked into it much, I DO know we have monsters and psychic powers involved here.

In Spagonia....we have Dr. Z from Dino King. Don't know much about this one....but from the name of the game alone, we have A LOT of dinosaurs here....inspiration for dinosaur badniks like Sonic Rush Adventure?

In Apatos, we have Dark Raven from Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. Dark Raven is skilled in sorcery, from my brief look over.

In Soleanna, we have Merlina. While in character, Eggman doesn't know much...but WE do. Merina has access to the scabbard of Excalibur, potent magics of her own, AND the Knights of the Underworld....Wouldn't be surprised if she has the Knights of the Round Table too (which includes Blaze as Percival, Shadow as Lancelot, Knuckles as Gawain, Jet the Hawk as Lamorak, and Silver as Galahad).

In the region of Shamar, we have John Adams from the Conduit. Now this one....THIS one is where we WILL need a LOT of factories, Egg Army/Legionnaires, GUN and the Restoration. Cause the aliens John leads could potentially rival the Black Arms!

And to the south west of the Empire....we have the Amazing Island...led by Black Evil. He's a demon, as far as I'm aware...Capable of possessing others, and wreaking a lot of havoc.

And all of this is based on the map we have. ON OUR SIDE OF THE PLANET. There's still the other continents across the ocean!

Avenger upgrades and Hacking options vote
Voting opening, seems you are mostly set On what you want to vote on.

By the way, the raid will be what happens first, then the interludes.

I would imagine Storm and the Egg Clan can handle it pretty well, but Stone has a shiny new toy I'm sure he'd love to put to use. We need to keep in mind that the one we send to find Chuck and Chris won't be able to join the adventure with Canaan. That said, if we don't upgrade Piastol's ship, I don't think we'll be able to take the Egg Clan with them on their trip so...

I think I vote we use Storm and the Egg Clan to look for Chuck and Chris, and then Stone goes on the adventure. Haven't quite decided yet.
Correct, you want to bring badass ninjas to adventures? Expand the size of that ship please.

here are the ship upgrades (You have 6 upgrade points)
Upgrade Choices:
Expanded size: Increase size of the vessel so not only Hero units can go in, but also Add a Badnik Cap of 20 to it. (2 Upgrade Point)
Basic Weapons Defense System: Install armament for Piastol's ship to use in aerial battles. +10 bonus to combat rolls. (2 upgrade Points)
Upgraded Haul defenses: Gives Piastol ship 5 Hp total. (2 upgrade points.)
Camuflage System: +20 Bonus to stealth rolls (3 Upgrade Points.)
Communications Relay System: Allows for the Ship to connect to the Eggnet and keep in contact with Eggman and the homebase (1 Upgrade Point)

Hack Options:

(Pick 2 of the next ones) (Plan format alongside the Ship Vote):

Sabotage all the factories in use, this way, the Zeti wouldn't be able to produce more badniks for at last a month, two tops, without repairing them. They would not be able to replenish any loses.(Any action the Zeti take to build badniks auto fails for 1d2 turns).

Find the location of Chuck and Chris (While you can create an antivirus now that you know better what you are dealing with, locating and "interrogating" the original creator of the virus could guarantee you make it in no time. You would need to find them only (Halves the DC to locate Chuck for 2 turns).

Secure a copy of a strand of the virus (Could be risky, but with Sage securing strands of code of the virus, you could study it and have a "live" for which specimen for which you can use to create a virus more effectively, Still, while the Zeti have Chuck, they can always find ways to counter your cure and restart the virus, but you don't think whoever he is can compete with the combined genius of your daughter and you.)

Retake control of your badniks. (While she can't fully erase the virus from the eggnet, Sage can locate all the deployed badniks and purge them, returning them to your rightful service. Though, you nor Sage can fully determine the amount you will be able to recover, and this will certainly alert Zavok that you have been snooping around in the Eggnet, might be able to prepare countermeasures for this…but not likely. Recover 5d6+5 random badniks.)

Cover your tracks (While the risk is minimal, Sage can double down and make sure any trace in the eggnet completely disappears, but it will take time. Zavok won't be able to attempt to hack and locate you.)
By the way, we're gonna need some good one-liners and speeches and stuff for the big fight with Zavok. Anyone got ideas?
Dice: "Man, fuck Archie Eggman. All my homies hate Archie Eggman."

Yeah we just like some of his minion and stuff.

Although there's a memory I would not mind to trigger.


Despite all the evil Pre-SGW!Eggman done he genuine love but order her self-destruction in a fot of paranoia ehen ADAM incriminate her, he cleary did not enjoy doing that and when he find the deception his rage against ADAM about her death was very real.

I would imagine Storm and the Egg Clan can handle it pretty well, but Stone has a shiny new toy I'm sure he'd love to put to use. We need to keep in mind that the one we send to find Chuck and Chris won't be able to join the adventure with Canaan. That said, if we don't upgrade Piastol's ship, I don't think we'll be able to take the Egg Clan with them on their trip so...

I think I vote we use Storm and the Egg Clan to look for Chuck and Chris, and then Stone goes on the adventure. Haven't quite decided yet.

Frankly I think a a party woth Eggman, Canaan, Belle, Piastol and Stone could be quite good.

[X] Plan: Eve of war
-[X]Piastol ship upgrqdes
--[X]Expanded size
--[X]Basic Weapons Defense System
--[X]Upgraded Haul defenses
-[X]Hack actions
--[X]Find the location of Chuck and Chris
--[X]Retake control of your badniks
[X] Plan Flying Reaper And Darc Eggs
-[X] Piastol ship upgrqdes
--[X] Expanded size
--[X] Basic Weapons Defense System
--[X] Communications Relay System: Allows for the Ship to connect to the Eggnet and keep in contact with Eggman and the homebase (1 Upgrade Point)
-[X] Hack actions
--[X] Find the location of Chuck and Chris
--[X] Retake control of your badniks
Frankly I think a a party woth Eggman, Canaan, Belle, Piastol and Stone could be quite good.
Personally I'd rather not be snooping around ourself on this one. Besides, I think that Starline would be very useful to have. They can evacuate to the Ship OR open a portal to the ship so whatever Badniks that are brought with can come out and add some more power in case they get into a tight spot.
Voting is open