While working on the next update, we updated the omake bounty with new options!!!
Girl's night out
The doctor had gathered a large amount of female minions, many who haven't had the chance to interact with each other. During their free time, there's not much to do in base while waiting for doctor Eggman to assign them a new task, one of them had an idea for a girl's night out.
Write an omake of 3 or more female hero units currently on Eggmna's employ having. girl's night out, and getting to know each other and having a good time.
Reward: +5 to The personal action all included hero units next turn or a +5 to personal action to the included hero units.
Eggman's Greatest Creation vs The Azure Witch of the Empire.
You were Neo Metal Sonic, Doctor Eggman's greatest creation. You were to be his ultimate weapon for world conquest...but he has dissapeared and the Shaterring happened.
This is unacceptable, there was only one thing to do! Start conquering on his name! Sooner or later you will find him and show him the fruits of your labor. Your target is the Empire, you gather your remaining troops and march towards them. Your victory is assured, specially with the power of a Chaos Emerald fueling you.
When you arrive to the battlefield, a woman stands before you, her silver hair flowing in the wind, carrying a lance and shield. She believes she can stop you? Ha!!!
Victory is inevitable! All hail the Eggman Empire!
Write an omake of the fabled battle between Neo Metal Sonic and Selvaria...and his defeat thanks to the interruption of a certain Ultimate Lifeform.
Reward: +10 bonus next time Metal fights Selvaria or A reroll of Metal's next personal action.
Yurashia's Eggboss VS Actually Satan!
After the Shattering happened, Conquering Storm and her Clan found themselves in a new strange land, separated by the rest of the Eggman Empire. Even so, that didn't stop her, she new, that her Boss had also arrived to this bizarre world. That meant one thing, it was time to gather the strange of her clan and took what they wanted.
Their sights on Primp Town, they marched under the cover of the night, ready to conquer these new lands.
Write an omake depicting Conquering Storm's efforts to take over Primp Town...and her subsequent struggles with Actually Satan.
Reward: +5 to Conquering Storm next Personal Action, or +5 to Conquering Storm next National Action she is assigned to.
The Angel Of Death Hunts
Piastol has been on this "Green Hills" for almost 5 months now, during this time. She had become quite know as a fearsome bounty hunter, bascially handling herself all the request made by GUN and the Restoration, slowly but surely, she had been making her mark on this place.
Write an omake of Piastol on one of her hunts, getting the bounty of a character of your choice!
Reward: +5 to Piastol Loyalty, or +5 to Piastol Next Personal Action, or +5 to Piastol next National Action she is in.
Eggman 101
The Eggman Empire has received some new recruits, but they don't know much of who really is the Doctor, only what they have heard from rumors from the inhabitants of green hills. It's about time they get a crash course of the greatness of the Man they are working for.
Write an omake of any non Sonic hero unit learning about Eggman's past exploits and their reaction to it.
Reward: +5 opinion with the respective hero unit.
The Egg fans
As much of a monster that Eggman is, his achievements have earned him the adoration of many people...some of them follow him with such fervor, while others are a bit more...obssessed with him. But the question rises, how did it began?
Write an omake giving a Small backstory explaining Starline/thunderbolt/Stone adoration with eggman.
Reward: +5 Loyalty with the respective Hero unit.
Fixing factories we would only get them by turn 7, since in 5 we would expand and 6 we would have to fix them.
Plus we need to pass a fice of 120 to even get the damaged factories with only a power cap of 20 badniks.
Building a factory in turn 4 we could at least get some badniks by Turn 5.
Reminder that the damaged factories is not a guarantee, there is also a high chance you obtain them with minimal damages and start producing next turn. It depends how well or how bad you roll.
Also taking territory will might next some extra metal too