TBH It would be hella funny for the red guy to try to pry open the cockpit.

Only to be flattened by the seemenly decorative mustache being in reality something close to an hidraulic press.
Honestly, yeah, the Death Egg Robo getting a Crit Success? That would be amazing and funny that Isara is part of a second Critical Success in building something with Eggman.
I wonder, if we manage to Crit Decent DC Engineering/Robotics Rolls with Isara enough times if it'd create some kind of trait between the two.
Eggman 101. Omake Bounty about a non-Sonic Character learning more about their new boss Eggman. Bounty is +5 Loyalty from that Unit.

Remind people that some omake bounties can be taken more than once. Eggman 101 can still be used for Canaan and Piastol if anyone give a try. Also the one about Orbot and Cubot meeting the new recruits.

Canaan I imagine would try to understand Eggman's emotions, maybe she can see that somwthing incredible sad about someone so consumed by hatred of the world he gone so far to blow up half the moon and the planet in turn while constantly try to conquer it.

Btw @DarkKing98 I absolute love what you did in the omake with Isara, hope you try again with Canaan. Like I mention I think she would focus on Eggman's person and maybe conclude that's something incredible sad about him prefering the company of robots over people and so consumed by hatred of the world that he does not mind the consequences of his actions. However Eggman does find cities beutiful, case in point Metropolis in Sonic Forces was very clean and beutiful in futurist sort of way but have no plant in sight since Eggman see no worthy in nature and his strange affection with amusement parks and his Eggmanland dream.
Boy if we ever get to collab with the restoration.

Imagine if the one they sent over to built something was Tails.

If Eggman paired with Isara already can do so much BS, imagine adding Tails to that equation.
Boy if we ever get to collab with the restoration.

Imagine if the one they sent over to built something was Tails.

If Eggman paired with Isara already can do so much BS, imagine adding Tails to that equation.
I think it was stated Isara is actually quite close to Tails intelligence wise. Not to mention Tails would have probably negative loyalty, assuming loyalty would make a difference in this case. So it probably wouldn't be that great.
I think it was stated Isara is actually quite close to Tails intelligence wise. Not to mention Tails would have probably negative loyalty, assuming loyalty would make a difference in this case. So it probably wouldn't be that great.
Keep in mind loyalty in the collab actions only count for the king/prince that sents them, like say we sent Isara, her loyalty bonus only gets counted for our part.

If the Restoration sents tails, then his loyalty bonus will only take into account the loyalty he would have to the restoration.
Keep in mind loyalty in the collab actions only count for the king/prince that sents them, like say we sent Isara, her loyalty bonus only gets counted for our part.

If the Restoration sents tails, then his loyalty bonus will only take into account the loyalty he would have to the restoration.
Do you think we'll have to tell them that we've searched for sonic as well and say he's not here?

I think that would net us some goodwill because if the guy who spent his life entirely hating sonic says he's not here, there would be some truth to that
I admit I view my own work poorly. So I am curious. What about it with Isara did you like so much?

Pretty much everything.

I absolute love the idea she is emoured with all Eggman technology, after all two of her PA are about them.

However is not blind to the stuff the doctor did but at the same time is kinda impressive by them, not everybody can say they built a space station or a aerial armada.

I really hope you try with Canaan but focus on his emotions and maybe his Eggmanland dream.

Either way that omake, for me, was top quality.
EggMemo: A Study In NIDS
EggMemo: A Study In NIDS
NIDS. Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. A immunodeficient disorder that strikes the immune system, in a manner not too unlike illnesses such as AIDS. The constant strikes on it lead to the victim being highly susceptible to any sort of illness trying to infect the body: viruses, bacteria, you name it. Most known victims get this disease hereditarily, usually due to recessive genes triggering it. And most of the people who have it don't tend to live it for long, or, if they do, they are forced to spend most of their lives in the sterile hospitals, where they were least likely to contract the illness.

Historically, I never gave too much interest in matters of biology, and why would I? I did learn the basics obviously, but since early I was interested in robotics and rarely looked back. Yet...NIDS has a story in the family. It was the illness that Maria had, the thing that led grandfather to join ARK and set a chain of events that would change the world, for better or worse. Yes, when I say NIDS and I are old friends, I meant it.

I...never liked to give much thought to the matter, if I'm honest. It's a sore spot: people always spoke more about her than me, in spite of all the things I did, all the success I had...I would be fine with being overshadowed by grandpa, for I knew I would one day surpass his intellect, but how can I be higher than this seemingly angelical figure that was Maria Robotnik? Why did grandfather go through such extremes to save her, selling his soul to the Black Arms? Knowing he would go back on his pacifist ways and become the creator of machines of mass destruction? Not that this stopped me for holding a grudge against G.U.N. for killing her, but it was something I never really managed to get over.

...I began to understand with Sage. This wish to protect something precious, to the point that losing it was nearly maddening. And now I see it through Clove.

I know people loath me, and yet I can tell her hate is far higher than I've ever seen! My counterpart must have been quite a piece of work for her to keep such a deep grudge...and yet, when given the chance to save her sister, she jumped back into my "loving" arms. All for the sake of her sister.

Isn't it weird how far one can go for the sake of their loved ones? How much they're willing to stomp through their ideals for the sake of the things they want to protect the most?

...what would have I done if I hadn't been able to recover Sage?

This makes me wonder if my counterpart was truly as incapable of healing NIDS as Pronghorn claims. Clove is a natural leader, someone who could single-handedly command a force to crush entire cities. Wouldn't it be better to keep it on a tight leash?

BAH! Now I know this won't work. I am too weak and lack the technology he used to do such. But...above all else...

Power and kindness. Belle claimed such could coexist. Part of me doubt it...but another pushes me to try. Probably some shade of that damned Tinker...an emperor has no need for a soft heart...or does it?

But, at the end of the day, that bastard claimed he was unable to heal her. Unacceptable. To claim such a blatant lie? Peh. I will heal Cassia the Pronghorn if only to fix this stain in my pride!

As of now, I have in mind two approaches to further refine the cure:

1 - Use Black Arms genetic data. This was one of the factors that helped turn Shadow as naturally resistant to diseases as he is, almost an universal panacea. Much of grandfather's research is based on using that material, so, although I lack the hedgehog himself, I think I can repurpose it so it becomes more adequate to use.

2 - Ragnite. I hadn't too much time to look at it due to more pressing concerns, but I heard Gunther claim something about they being used for healing? Again, I would have to look at it to understand it's workings, but there's some potential to be explored...though I'm sure how much I would need to make the cure. Likely would have to open a mine specifically to collect it.

Still...for the first time in decades, the cure for NIDS is at humanity's reach. This makes me wonder...what would grandfather make of this?


Hmph. No time to be reflecting on this. I need to see off Starline for his mission. Hopefully he won't screw things too badly...​
Do you think we'll have to tell them that we've searched for sonic as well and say he's not here?

I think that would net us some goodwill because if the guy who spent his life entirely hating sonic says he's not here, there would be some truth to that

I honestly half-suspect that some people might think we're saying Sonic's not here because we have captured sonic ourselves. (Which isn't true, but it's a thought-line I could see some of the restoration having.)

(They wouldn't believe killed, because that would absolutely get a global announcement from Eggman.)
I honestly half-suspect that some people might think we're saying Sonic's not here because we have captured sonic ourselves. (Which isn't true, but it's a thought-line I could see some of the restoration having.)

(They wouldn't believe killed, because that would absolutely get a global announcement from Eggman.)
True and Eggman if he did kill them would have made a play, by play of how he killed sonic showing how and what he killed sonic just to tell the world that it was his tech that killed him
Pretty much everything.

I absolute love the idea she is emoured with all Eggman technology, after all two of her PA are about them.

However is not blind to the stuff the doctor did but at the same time is kinda impressive by them, not everybody can say they built a space station or a aerial armada.

I really hope you try with Canaan but focus on his emotions and maybe his Eggmanland dream.

Either way that omake, for me, was top quality.
The Conflictive Feelings was my goal with Isara. Eggman invented and built a bunch of things that are nearly beyond Isara's comprehension. As an Egineer she has to respect the clear genius.

She is also sympathetic. Looking up to an older figure in your family and being inspired by them to follow their path, while also losing them far too soon.

And then there's the horror. It would always come. That good Heart Stat and her being a genuinely good person would be horrified by what Eggman has done.
That's the thing I don't think eggman would really kill him.

I mean, think about it he would rather have him alive and gloat to his face that he lost.

He pretty much did that in Sonic Forces.

English dub claim he torture Sonic, somthing that's weird since it's no his typical M.O. but the japanese dub just mention he's a prisioner and nothing more.

I just think his "torture" was just him gloating to Sonic how he's winning.
He pretty much did that in Sonic Forces.

English dub claim he torture Sonic, somthing that's weird since it's no his typical M.O. but the japanese dub just mention he's a prisioner and nothing more.

I just think his "torture" was just him gloating to Sonic how he's winning.

that and sonics worst enemy is *boredom*, so as to the point its the most effective way to mess with the hedgehog, he is always going on a adventure and seeing new things, fighting new enemies, spoiling the doctors newest plans (which in turn makes the world more worthy of being conquered by him), and the cycle continues until one day they cant do it anymore...and then, only then will they take that final step.
I think Eggmans personal actions should all be spent on making equipment for as many of our hero units as possible. We already saw that a re-roll can still be bad. So better to spread out our actions, making more of our hero unit's better, than instead of trying for a critical on the Death Egg Robot MK 1. If anything, we should try for a critical on the later versions, like MK 3 and higher, instead of the MK 1. Especially in our current situation that can also happen if others decide to do the same. Better to have multiple units that can hit harder, instead of one single powerful unit that can be taken out by a bad roll of the dice.
Litteraly look at her charecter sheet
It says her engineering skill reminds him of Tails when he was younger. That's all. I take that as pretty good, but not one Tails' level.

Given Tails has built combat robots, handheld lasers, successfully translated an alien language in a couple hours, built super computers, and would have cured the metal virus if the zombots hadn't broken down his doors, I'd say it's tough for anyone to come close. It's not a failing.