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Welp folks. I did something here.

For real, would like some help to expand the page. At least put the image of the quest in.

OMG...I never expected to see this.

When I began this quest with my friends didn't think it would ballon to this.

I think I'm actually crying a little at seeing a tv tropes page...

Thank you, seriously.

Thank you guys for ejoying this quest and all the support and effort you guys have put on it.

You made my friends and me really happy with how much you much you guys are having a blast with each update
We could also just complete the cure and then do Black arms research.

Remember the achivement for that gives us a +5 on biology rolls

Welp folks. I did something here.

For real, would like some help to expand the page. At least put the image of the quest in.

*Cough hack hack* ALREADY?!

I mean it's well deserved but still!

OMG...I never expected to see this.

When I began this quest with my friends didn't think it would ballon to this.

I think I'm actually crying a little at seeing a tv tropes page...

Thank you, seriously.

Thank you guys for ejoying this quest and all the support and effort you guys have put on it.

You made my friends and me really happy with how much you much you guys are having a blast with each update

Oh're welcome.

If anything thank you for writing such a good quest.

We'll do our best to enjoy it...and thank you.

For the oppertunity to make a few happy endings where there weren't any.
I personally am a bit against it myself, given I think it's more fun that people confuse Sonic and Metal despite how obviously mechanical he is.
It makes him more "real"
He's the "real" sonic
So of course he has to have actual skin and fur
Or a hologram appearance
Also it would make it easier for him to blend in if he needs to infiltrate somewhere
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I wish we could see the Sonic negaverse's reaction when they see how good we've become. Curing diseases, rescuing slaves, kicking out dictators and monsters. If that was all someone knew about us they might confuse us with a saintly man with endless kindness.
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It makes him more "real"
He's the "real" sonic
So of course he has to have actual skin and fur
Or a hologram appearance
Also it would make it easier for him to blend in if he needs to infiltrate somewhere
Please enlighten me why we would ever send Metal for an infiltration Mission with the intent to actually infiltrate with his 8 Trickery?
Dark Timeline AU G.U.N Negaquest Part 2
Dark Timeline AU G.U.N Negaquest Part 2

Regi-Gig said:
I still wonder who is that person that despises us now. its been a couple of turns now.

GreenPun32 said:
Wasn't it Thunderbolt? She did disappear recently. I mean it could also be Sage but the Qm hinted that it was someone who didn't participate when we raided.

SilverQ said:
Theres a lot of Eggmans fanatics out there who would despise us, Stone himself lost it when we told him the news. Still I'm betting it's one of his robots.

InnerSperk said:
Doesnt narrow it down, there was also that pod thing Eggman was protecting before it disappeared.

EsDonRocin said:
Yeah that part was odd, I can't imagine him doing without any reason.

CuriosGlass said:
Nah your overthinking it, remember it teleported away in the end so it must have been his escape plan since everyone left.

MGun2 said:
He must have been pretty desperate given how it was shaking around the whole time.

The hidden base was dead silent as she stumbled through the halls, her mind in a daze. Every now and then she stumbled past a familiar face, some with similar or more neutral expressions. Until she bumped into someone.

Taking a moment to focus, she felt a bit happy to see who it was.

"Isara! You're alright." Belle said partly relieved.

"Yes most of us made it." Isara answered, her face showing exhaustion.

"Most? Belle questioned with a pit in her stomach.

"Yes...." She whispered her face downcast.

"I'll tell you later but first can you please talk to Sage." She pleaded. "Since our return she has completely closed herself off, no one can reach her. I'm really worried about her."

"Oh I can do that." She said in sudden realization as she parted ways with her. What she was feeling could only be the same or worse for Sage.

She headed to the room where the main console that houses Sage should be at. The many displays around the room are off but the computers are still running, showing she's still awake.

Finding a port, she prepares to connect herself to the console and enter the Cyberspace to look for her.

Colors started flashing and she began blinking as she adjusts to the new environment. She stared blankly at the emptiness of cyberspace before spotting a hunch figure way out in the distance.

"Sage?" Belle called out to the distant figure.

"Belle?" Sage questioned, standing up and floating at high speed until she was in front of her.

"Its me." Belle answered as she nodded

"Belle! Our father-" She said alarmed.

There might have been a time where she had been conflicted about the relationship they all share but now.....

"Yes....he's gone." Belle said as she burst into tears before lunging at Sage and pulling her into a hug.

Sage struggled against the hug at first as if to deny her statement but then also broke out crying and hugged her back.

"Its okay." Belle whispered weakly, tears dripping down her eyes. "Its okay." She repeated as they both kept clinging to eachother for support in the quiet presence of cyberspace.

She didn't notice when she fell asleep but she woke up to find Sage curled by her side and a humming noise by her side.

Opening up one of her pouches, she realized it was that strange device her father had given her. Free from it's confines, the noise from the device grew loud enough to wake Sage. Her bleary eyes staring tiredly at her and the device before becoming wide alert.

"Belle!!" She shout in excitement. " This is a personal storage device from father!" She point her hand at the device and soon a massive display was formed in front of them with words appearing.

They both held on to each other's hand as Belle anxiously read her father's last message.

The fact you are reading this means that I have not made it back under a certain time frame. If so, then I leave you in charge Belle until my return.

Bellle's eyes widened in disbelief.

If your asking why you instead of Sage it's because in the end she is still just a child, even more than you. I have full confidence in her ability to manage my Empire but people are another story. In many ways she can be more easily fooled than you, and right now we are surrounded on all sides.

You have a way with people Belle, one that I have no need for but has use in this Shattered landscape. As long as Sage is with you. I am sure you both can handle things on your own. I left some designs and upgrades you can use in the meantime.

For now I will say this Belle, I still have my doubts about about Kindess and Control but I do want to believe it's more than a theory. Prove me right.


Belle couldn't hold back a new set of tear as she she gently held onto Sage's hand. Her father truly did believe in her. After some more comforting silence Sage raised other free hand to create dozens and dozens of large holographic images in the space above them that were pulled from out of the device. Taking a look, she sees various blueprints referencing her, these designs being the ones her father must have mentioned.

As she looks more at these designs, she found them brilliant and would have been overjoyed before the invasion but now....

"Its not enough." Both Belle and Sage said at the same time. They blinked as they looked at eachother.

"Yes it's good but...." Said Belle hesitantly.

"It needs combat capability, weapons, gadgets of the lethal variety that I can include." Said Sage confidently.

"How fast can you work on it" Belle asked, before blinking as she found herself back in the real world. She saw a panel opened up to her right to reveal a room full of automated tools that swerve in her direction.

"I'm doing it as we speak." Said Sage from a display. " I already completed the basic overhaul, we can get started when you give the word."

Belle looked at her hands, it's wooden exterior was cracked and damaged in many places due to her efforts to break open the pod. She knew on the surface she would still visually look the same or at least similar but on the inside....

She wondered what her other father would think of her choice. Would he be disappointed in her path or would understand she had no choice in it?

In the end she shook her head, she thought it in world like now, kindess cannot truly exist by itself. Kindess and Control, both can exist and she will prove it.

"I'm ready." Spoke Belle as tools whirrled into action.

"Now wait just a minute!" Shouted Starline as he stormed into the center of the room.

Its been a few days and Belle had just recently gathered everyone along with Sage to make announce the new change in leadership before Starline's interruption.

Starline had seen better days, his outfit still showed signs from the base attack and it's obvious he hasn't been sleeping.

"Starline-" Belle said softly, careful not to make any sudden movements as she adjusts to her new body

"I am not just going to let some insignificant bandnik try and take his place." He yelled outraged.

Belle watched as he continued his tirade nonstop until she managed to get her word in as he struggled to catch his breath.

"You really care about Eggman, didn't you." She said with a sad smile.

"Wha- Of course I cared! He was everything to me! He was-" He blustered.

"Then you already know this." Belle interrupted.

" I am not his equal, I don't have his genuis, I don't have his way of planning nor his achievements." She said quietly briefly closing her eyes.

"But" Her eyes met with Starline, causing him to go pale. "I won't let his killers get away with it, no matter what it takes I'll put a stop to them, but I can't do it alone. I need help, especially from one who dreams of being my father's equal." She said intensely, her face emotionless.

He looked away "......very well." He grumbled. "Still even if you are his creation, don't expect me to follow your every word. I expect results." He threatened before stalking off.

Belle sighed inwardly in relief, she glanced around the room noting the worried and concerned faces from everyone else. There's a lot more she has to say to everyone here and in private. Yet she couldn't help but look in the direction of the G.U.N held territory where the people missing here are likely held.

"Hold on everyone, I'll be there soon." She thought to herself as she gripped her hands tightly. "and I will be the last thing G.U.N see".

Random Event Roll: 3

??? + ??? = ???

Defense: 51+30(Security) + 5(Omake)=86


Utter disaster! It wasn't discovered until the next morning when your people found the cell holding Stone to be completely empty, and the specialized lab holding Rusty Rose to be utterly ransacked. All camera and recording was acessed and wiped without anyones notice. What's worse was whoever they are messed with various key files and databases in the network, who knows how long it will take to fix.

Results: Rusty Rose Wreckage Lost, Agent Stone Freed. Base Sabotaged, - 5 to Logistics Actions next turn.

InnerSperk said:
Crap, thats a bad roll for us,

SilverQ said:
Its those Egg remnants, how are they still a faction after we took out Eggman.

MGun2 said:
I mean its just Sage running things with Starline though, she's the only real threat.

AridRed said:
Yeah I seriously didn't expect Zavok to be pissed that we stole his kill and focus on us. If he hadnt we would have hunted her down.

Reg-Gig said:
I'm just glad we moved Metal Sonic to a more secured lab for research, I really don't want those egg remnants getting their hands on him.

UncivilExecutor said:
Still worth it in the end, not having to worry about Eggman makes things a lot easier in the long run.
Sure we have a lot of threats right now like Doom Shadow's return but its better than Eggman's secret super weapon that can wipe us out at a press of a button, trust me.

Rival Report

Egg Remnants

Collect The Last Piece
DC: Contested By You
???+???= 138
Major Success

The fortified lab holding Metal gone. All the personnel stationed there have been killed to the last man. Much of the research data that hasn't been transfered yet is lost as all computers have been deliberately damaged or destroyed. The body of Metal Sonic is gone and all surveillance recordings has been corrupted which brings the question of how could this have happen!

Results: Metal Sonic Lost. Certain Actions Lost. Territory Lost, Shown in Next Turn. 6 G.U.N Units Lost.

AngelicMace said:
Ahhhh!!!!! they stole METAL SONIC!!!

CuriosGlass said:
Not good very not good we barely unlocked a cheap knock off prototype version of Shard

AridRed said:
I'm going to use up one of my questions to ask how the Egg Remnants are a thing because if this happens everytime we take down a faction leader, it's practically pointless.

Queenly said:
One of the secret rolls was if faction could be held together by someone. They rolled high enough and combined with a base you haven't discovered let the faction stay intact. It would similar if your leader was killed, the rest of your Hero Units would regroup at a nearby base in your territory. Unlike Eggman's however there won't be a roll needed to keep it together as you are a organization not a regime for a tyrant.

MGun2 said:
So we just have to hunt them down, we really should have done that earlier. We can't give them time to fix Metal Sonic.

Queenly said:
You had plenty of chances to investigate the Egg Remnants before but chose not too. Luckily, there will be a option to recover the corrupted footage in the next turn which might shed some light if you get lucky.

-[X] Restore the Corrupted Data DC: 75 - Frances roll= 55+1(Loyalty) +23(Frances) +5(Omake)=84

You finally have access to the footage of when the perpetrators attacked and took Metal Sonic from your lab.

"Stay back I'm warning you!!" Yelled out a G.U.N Officer as he along with two others guarded the door leading to where Metal Sonic is stored.

Ahead of them in a long hallway stood a figure cloaked in darkness. As the person walked toward them, the lights a few feet ahead of them flickered and died, turning the hallway more and more dark.

Losing his nerve. "Open fire." Screamed the officer as they all shot at the figure.

The figure seamed to melt into the darkness as bullets pinged off the walls at constant rate.

After what felt like minutes, their guns clicked empty and they nervously peered into the darkness.

"Aahh!!!!!" A guard screamed as he was suddenly yanked into the air by a long mechanical hand before being pulled into the darkness. Before the others can react, they too were grabbed with only the officer managing to get his pistol out as he was sucked into the darkness.

For a brief time there was only screaming and the sound of bullets firing in the distance before....silence.

Eventually a figure stepped out toward the doors, still half covered in darkness from an umbrella that jutted from there palm.

They went past the doors and stood in front of where Metal Sonic lay disassembled. With a flick of their wrist, the umbrella collapsed back inside them, the cling sound of bullets hit the floor as they got dislodged.

The light overhead briefly flickered on, illuminating the figure.

"" Said Belle, holding up Metal Sonic's damaged head.

Results: Discovered Leader of the Egg Remnants, New Options Unlocked to Resist Hacking Future Attempts.

SilverQ said:

AridRed said:
Thats BELLE! Did Eggman reprogram her!

InnerSperk said:
Oh no that makes sense, we never found her after we went looking for Mr.Tinker. Eggman must have brainwashed her after he found her.

Regi-Gig said:
He did have Sage, so it make sense he want his other daughter around even if its by force.

GreenPun32 said:
Thats some terrifying upgrades, shes gonna be horribly traumatized when she ever breaks free.

EsDonRocin said:
Yeah shes got blood on her hands now, but how did she take over the whole faction?

AngelicMace said:
Sage probably.
Actually you know what, I want to use my special reward to take a look at her spreadsheet, I'm curious on her stats.

Queenly said:
Be careful of what you wished for. I just want to say, it was a matter of rolls, luck and choices.

G.U.N. PROFILE 6: Dark Belle The Tinkerer

Power: 16 (Belle has made some improvements to her body, what she lacks in combat experience, she makes up in other ways.)

Heart: 29 (Belle has only matured since taking over, becoming a charismatic leader that can be the most charming or most intimidating depending on the situation)

Logistics: 16 (Belle can organize and manage projects well enough but excels in overseeing people)

Trickery: 22 (Belle dislikes schemes and lies but has made her body into the the ultimate tool, it be a waste not use it to its fullest potential. )

Brains: 18 (While Belle doesn't hold a candle to her father's genius, she uses her artifical nature to close the gap regardless of the futility.)

Mystic: 3 ( Unlike her father, she doesn't share his disdain of the occult and will willingly incorporate it for her own use.)


Combat Gadget Program: Eggman once made designs and upgrades for Belle that suited her nature as a Tinkerer and friend to all. Sadly it came too late and so both Belle and Sage made their own modifications to weaponize it, allowing Belle to internally house a massive array of gadgets for evey situation lethal or otherwise.

(+5 to all rolls. Belle can add 1/2 of her Trickery to Power in combat.)

Friend to All Children: Despite everything, Belle did not lose the core of who she was. All children deserve help no matter what. (+10 to Rolls Involving helping children, reduced to +5 if they are teenagers or adults.)

Kindness and Control: Belle once told her father that both can exist, while Kindness was second nature to her, Control was the same for her father. He showed both in the end, how can she not do the same. (Belle can use her Heart score for certain Power Actions, +5 to befriend potential allies. )

Sisters to the End: Belle and Sage lost their father, something they both shared in their grief. Never again, they will not lose anyone else even if the world stands in their way.

(During an adventure as long as Belle is still linked with Sage the first failure is rerolled. Sage will also convert 1/2 of her Logisitics to add to either Belle's Heart, Power or Trickery scores.)

Hatred of G.U.N : They killed her father, that's not something she can ever let go. Not until she scatters their forces into the wind, crush their buildings and drag both Omega and the one who gave the order back to her base to ask the question. Why?!

(Outside of protecting her faction, her priority will always be defeating G.U.N. +10 to G.U.N related actions and -10 to other actions when obsession is ongoing. Certain traits may not trigger when it comes to G.U.N.

Her Father's Daughter: Belle's enhancements and memorization of Eggtronics has given her a deep understanding of machines. (+10 to Rolls to tinker with machines and other Badniks. +5 to Upgrade Action )

***Cubot and Orbot:*** Two of her brothers that chose to stick by her in her time of need. They might not believe their help matters much in the grand scheme of things but it meant the world to her.

(Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Stewardship Action that doesn't count for the total Action limits in a turn, when they are assigned they count as a Hero Unit, they give a +10 bonus to the roll.)


Destroy G.U.N.

Reclaim Green Hill in your father's name.

Learn more of your father's killer.

Side drives: Learn more of the Occult

Wolat said:

Yeah I made Dark Belle a Heart/Trickery Hero, might have made her a bit too strong, I don't really know. I honestly have clue what to write for a part 3 so that might be it unless someone take over. Also don't do what I just did and write this all on your phone in one go, my poor hands hurt.