You know next turn we have enough Metal to build Egg Drones, Orbot&Cubot give +10 for any Logistic Action they are assigned. Egg Drones combined with the Egg Pawn [Variants] we built here would give the roll for finding the conch a +10 in total plus a EggRobo squad use 1/3rd of Eggman's own stats when commanding other badniks as well.
Current Forces:

Egg Pawns X9 (Power Cost 1)
Egg Robos X8 (Power Cost: 15)
Egg Hammer X12 (Power cost: 10)
Blowfish X6 (Power Cost 10)
Hey Ho X5 (Power Cost 6)
Toxomister X4 (Power Cost 5)
MotoBug X11 (Power Cost 3)
4 Spinner (Power Cost 5)
1 Blasteroids (Power Cost 4)
5 Turtloids (Power Cost 4)
2 Cluckoid (Power Cost 3)
12 Tunnelbot (Power Cost 8)
5 Shadow Android (Power Cost 15)
6 Balkiry (Power Cost 5)
4 Ice Ball (Power Cost 6)
2 Egg Knight (Power Cost 6)
4 Egg Magician (Power Cost 4)
6 Mega Chopper (Power Cost 5)
7 Firebreaths (Power Cost 6)
11 Quizons (Power Cost 2)
1 Jaws (Power Cost 2)
3 Big Icedus (Power Cost 10)
8 Newtron (Power Cost 5)
8 Burrowbots
6 Hotarus Hi wat
5 E-1000
5 catrerkiller
4 buzz bombers
3 Egg fighters
3 hotarus
2 swat bot
2 crabmeat
1 Kraken


EGG CLAN: Can be assigned and give a +5 bonus to trickery Actions where it would make sense for ninjas to be assigned. Bonus becomes 15 for Infiltration and sabotage actions.(Power cost 8)
+15 to combat rolls (3 HP) Currently 3 HP
Noise Tanks: A group of technophile otaku rudies, which are obssesed with technology, cybernetical upgrades and causing technological Mischief! (3 HP)

Cost: 10 Power Points: +5 to Combat rolls, +15 rolls to escape or retreat from fights. +5 to Trickery rolls.
Can be assigned to Brain Actions And logistic Actions, +5 Actions to Brain Actions, Bonus becomes +15 for technological research or Hacking Brain Actions they are assigned too
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I mean I'm glad to see you, but what are you doing here?!

I wasn't expecting to actually find her!

Oh and good work Metal. Definitely our greatest creation.
(Not confirming who that is) well, Metal picked them off from a Work Camp, you can guess what she was doing there.

As for how she ended up there? Take a guess, Hint: it's not pretty.
Jesus it was nice that we took that reroll on the disease roll.

Making the math original would have given us a 113 aka only a bare success, probably limiting our options a lot more at the moment.
I mean considering what I am reading, I feel the reason said girl was there was because the guards found her lacking in her work ethics and decided to teach her a lesson.

Wheneve or not she survived they couldn't give two shits about it, they still have a lot more of that specific work force ready to pick up the pace or else.
We just got a huge amount of Ragnite from the Empire camp raid, but we still need to study it.

Problem at the moment is that it is a brain action, meaning we eithe make that fake emerald or we try to study ragnite.
I think we just need to see what Shadow did this turn, and how well. If he didn't search us again or have low roll, we study Ragnite, if he got high rolls, build a fake Chaos Emerald.
I mean considering what I am reading, I feel the reason said girl was there was because the guards found her lacking in her work ethics and decided to teach her a lesson.

Wheneve or not she survived they couldn't give two shits about it, they still have a lot more of that specific work force ready to pick up the pace or else.
Willing to explain this (will be said in the interlude)

She decided to hide I. The crate as Metal was releasing all the anger he had contained in some poor Imperials and was indiscriminately destroy the camp and anyone on his way. She didn't expect for Metal to literally pick up the crate she was hiding. In
Thinking about brain actions, for coming turn we either put Belle or Clove for the fake chaos emerald if we need it.

Bella has a +15 on brain and will be one of the unit available due to us sending Stone, Starline and Rusty coming turn for the adventure.

Clove depends on how things go with Shadow this turn, since I don't doubt we don't need to say why a Shadow working specifically for the Black Arms is a very bad thing for everyone involved, especially if he is coming for us.

And especially why giving a Chaos Emerald to said aliens is probably a danger for everyone involved.

We still need a world to live in afte that disease is cured after all.
Thinking about brain actions, for coming turn we either put Belle or Clove for the fake chaos emerald if we need it.

Bella has a +15 on brain and will be one of the unit available due to us sending Stone, Starline and Rusty coming turn for the adventure.

Clove depends on how things go with Shadow this turn, since I don't doubt we don't need to say why a Shadow working specifically for the Black Arms is a very bad thing for everyone involved, especially if he is coming for us.

And especially why giving a Chaos Emerald to said aliens is probably a danger for everyone involved.

We still need a world to live in afte that disease is cured after all.

If we don't look for Sonic and make some progress on that end Eggman will receive a -10 mallus for obsseing with Sonic.

I think we just need to see what Shadow did this turn, and how well. If he didn't search us again or have low roll, we study Ragnite, if he got high rolls, build a fake Chaos Emerald.

I think we should build the suspension suit to extend Cassia timeline a little bit, she has dangerous few turns so we can cure her. This is a project we can't afford to put on hold.

@Kingster if we opt to go the long way around each dc roll we pass extend the timeline she need to live?

Also surprise no one make a omake about looking for the conch, I mean Eggman have to conduct a long and expensive search when he find it in the first place, could he not find a way to replicate how he find the conch in the first place or Starline, being Eggman fanboy, come up with such solution in trying to retrace the Doctor's step?
A young black haired girl dresses in some worker clothes with a shawl stumbles from inside the metal container
Now, my first thought is that this is Isara, in which case we have an excellent find. Now, for those of you not in the know Isara is one of the most prodigious engineers in all of Valkyria Chronicles. She took her father's EW 1 tank, and upgraded it to compete with the Empire's finest in EW 2. She invented smoke shells, and both drove and serviced the Edelweiss throughout the first chunk of the Gallian defense against the Empire. She also designed the world's first aircraft.

Technically, it could also be one of the other Darcsen from VC 1 but both of the Darcsen women that join Squad 7 are in their 20s so… my money is on Isara.
Mystic: 2 (Canaan seem really inexperienced when it comes to mystical dealing...uh. Mildly interesting.)
I am happy that we recruited Canaan. But at some point, my brain got twisted and I was like "Oh yeah she'll fix our Mystic problem." I think I forgot who was supposed to be good at what. So, please tell me there's a mystic hero somewhere in my lineup. I just desperately want someone, who's Mystic stat is in the double digits.
I am happy that we recruited Canaan. But at some point, my brain got twisted and I was like "Oh yeah she'll fix our Mystic problem." I think I forgot who was supposed to be good at what. So, please tell me there's a mystic hero somewhere in my lineup. I just desperately want someone, whose Mystic stat is in the double digits.
Well, Piastol is a Mystic unit so she probably has double digit
so, since a few people were saying that the strange motobug that showed up could be phage I looked up her wiki page, and it says she's actually scared of Eggman, so even if she did track us down to rejoin she wouldn't have hugged us.
Also surprise no one make a omake about looking for the conch, I mean Eggman have to conduct a long and expensive search when he find it in the first place, could he not find a way to replicate how he find the conch in the first place or Starline, being Eggman fanboy, come up with such solution in trying to retrace the Doctor's step?
The conch at least form what the QM's have talked about is a mystical object that seems impossible to replicate by our means at the moment.

Like if we had the thing and actually knew how it worked on deep level we could make that case.

But during lost world he didn't really try to see it as more than a tool to keep those lunatics at bay, which worked for a total of 2 worlds before Sonic is his great wisdom decided to kick it out of our hands.

I am happy that we recruited Canaan. But at some point, my brain got twisted and I was like "Oh yeah she'll fix our Mystic problem." I think I forgot who was supposed to be good at what. So, please tell me there's a mystic hero somewhere in my lineup. I just desperately want someone, who's Mystic stat is in the double digits.
One of our other options for hire was Piastol from skies of arcadia a Power/Mystic unit.

The problem is that we are dangerously juggling some actions at this moment, like not only we need to use trickery to find Sonic now, but also help Canaan find Maria.

I suppose we could solve Piastol problem by repairing her ship and then helping her find her objective.
The conch at least form what the QM's have talked about is a mystical object that seems impossible to replicate by our means at the moment.

Like if we had the thing and actually knew how it worked on deep level we could make that case.

But during lost world he didn't really try to see it as more than a tool to keep those lunatics at bay, which worked for a total of 2 worlds before Sonic is his great wisdom decided to kick it out of our hands.

I mean replicate the steps he did to find it not to make another conch.

Eggman imply the Cacophonic Conch while rare is not the only one in existence, so I was thinking someone make a omake how Eggman find it in the first place and try to retrace his steps from there so that we can locate the Conch.

Edit: if that conch is a mystic object than it should have a unusual signature that can be traced to it and so on.
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I think we should build the suspension suit to extend Cassia timeline a little bit, she has dangerous few turns so we can cure her. This is a project we can't afford to put on hold.
How many turns do we have left? Study Ragnite only have DC 65 which we could easily clear, and after it would problably lower the DC of another solution. At best we only need to do two study actions. At worst, 5 or 6. Hopefully it would be something we can blitz, but how much longer did Cassia have?
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yeah I don't think we should be recruiting anymore minions who have difficult quests attached for the moment, and Piastol would give us another Brain action we'd need to work through when we've already got 2 urgent ones.

I think Thunderbolt, Nephtyss, and Basil shouldn't come with a quest, while Honey or Roo should only be minor investments in Logistics (which we have nothing urgent in).

I don't know enough about Majima or Zobio & Zobiko to say whether or not recruiting them is a good idea, and I have zero interest in bad-boon
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yeah I don't think we should be recruiting anymore minions who have difficult quests attached for the moment, and Piastol would give us another Brain action we'd need to work though when we've already got 2 urgent ones.
I mean, fixing her ship would have been logistics if you are wondering, the category that you have an extra action.

That's the risk of hiring tier 3 units, they are a bit high maintenance but they are worth it.