Soberan 123:

  • Egg Mobile Mishaps: +5 to an Eggman Personal Action of your choice. (used)
  • Shadows of Dominion: +5 to a Black Arms related action
  • Those Left Behind: +10 to the "Talk with the Restoration" Action.
  • Excerpt from the diary of Corporal Markus Brandt: +5 to the Next Action the Empire does (On rival report turn 2).
  • Scrambled Eggs: +10 to Recruit action
  • The Ghosts of Gallia: Mystery Box


  • A Genius's thoughts: +5 bonus to a National Action of your choice (used)
  • Starline and Stone in:A PLATYPUS AND A STONE MEET: Both Agent Stone and Starline get a trait for when going to adventures together.


  • EGG MEMO: +10 To a National Action of your choice!
  • Honor Among Mercs: Mystery Box
  • A Silver of Hope: +5 to the Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! action
  • If I Can't Have It: +10 to the make a fake emerald action

  • THE ISLAND OF MISFIT BADNIKS: +5 to a Brains national action


  • Tales of the Multiverse: +5 to Cubot & Orbot's next action
  • Black Revival: +5 to a black arms related one

  • Close Encounters Of The Mobian Kind: The Empire: +5 To a heart Action regarding the restoration

  • Readjustment of a War Machine: +5 to a Metal Sonic personal


  • BREAKFAST: +5 Stone Opinion


  • The Map: 3 Questions, 2 Character Sheets, and 1 Interlude

  • RISE LIKE A DRAGON!: A Kiriyu Scrambled Egg Negaquest!: +10 to Recruiting Majima


  • The Meaning Of Family: +10 To Belle Personal

  • Jet Set Rabbit: +10 to Cream's next action
Current Forces:

Egg Pawns X9 (Power Cost 1)
Egg Robos X8 (Power Cost: 15)
Egg Hammer X12 (Power cost: 10)
Blowfish X6 (Power Cost 10)
Hey Ho X5 (Power Cost 6)
Toxomister X4 (Power Cost 5)
MotoBug X11 (Power Cost 3)
4 Spinner (Power Cost 5)
1 Blasteroids (Power Cost 4)
5 Turtloids (Power Cost 4)
2 Cluckoid (Power Cost 3)
12 Tunnelbot (Power Cost 8)
5 Shadow Android (Power Cost 15)
6 Balkiry (Power Cost 5)
4 Ice Ball (Power Cost 6)
2 Egg Knight (Power Cost 6)
4 Egg Magician (Power Cost 4)
6 Mega Chopper (Power Cost 5)
7 Firebreaths (Power Cost 6)
11 Quizons (Power Cost 2)
1 Jaws (Power Cost 2)
3 Big Icedus (Power Cost 10)
8 Newtron (Power Cost 5)
8 Burrowbots
6 Hotarus Hi wat
5 E-1000
5 catrerkiller
4 buzz bombers
3 Egg fighters
3 hotarus
2 swat bot
2 crabmeat
1 Kraken


EGG CLAN: Can be assigned and give a +5 bonus to trickery Actions where it would make sense for ninjas to be assigned. Bonus becomes 15 for Infiltration and sabotage actions.(Power cost 8)
+15 to combat rolls (3 HP) Currently 3 HP
Noise Tanks: A group of technophile otaku rudies, which are obssesed with technology, cybernetical upgrades and causing technological Mischief! (3 HP)

Cost: 10 Power Points: +5 to Combat rolls, +15 rolls to escape or retreat from fights. +5 to Trickery rolls.
Can be assigned to Brain Actions And logistic Actions, +5 Actions to Brain Actions, Bonus becomes +15 for technological research or Hacking Brain Actions they are assigned too
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Here is a list of achievements we have come up for Scrambled Eggs. Keep in mind some of them are just bookmarks or bragging rights so to say, prove that you have achieved something really cool or amazing. Though other achievements do give some nice rewards.

You are gonna have to go out of your way for some of them, as well as try HARD. Remember, not all things worth obtaining are ever easy.

Also, we might add new achievements when we think of them/its time to show them, cause some of them might spoil some of the stuff we have come up with or is coming.

Possible Achievements that can be obtained:
Dear Father - Reunite Father and Daughter - Unlocked In Daughter of Mine
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Heart

You Just Told Me Fox Boy - Force a Hidden Faction to reveal themselves to you
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Trickery

I've Come To Make An Announcement! - Introduce yourself to another King in a very impactful Eggman manner.
Reward: Increased starting opinion with said King.

The Council of Eggs - Unlock the memories of 5 different alternate Eggmen.
Reward: Upgrade to Shattered Memories trait.

I'll Crush You! - Have one of your mecha units defeat a foe by 200 or more in a contested combat roll.
Reward: The unit receives the Crushing Combatant trait.

Who's The Supreme Gentleman With The Mental Plan? - Take over all of Green Hills and announce yourself to the world.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 to a stat of your choice.

The Egg-nipulator - Subvert a Hero unit from an enemy faction and have them join the Eggman Empire
Reward: Unlock a relevant trait.

Monster? I'm Not A Monster... - Eggman or one of his Hero units reaches a Super Form
Reward: ???

Eggman, Hero Of The Darcsen! - Have the Darcsen join the Eggman Empire!
Reward: Darcsen's undying loyalty and ???

Showtime! - Have Eggman personally fight and defeat a Protagonist level combatant. Mech suits and robots don't count, mano a mano only.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 in every stat, +2 in Power

I'm Starting To Think You're The Fake - Create a Metal version of a protagonist Hero unit and have them beat their original.
Reward: Metal version becomes a full Hero Unit

The Dog That Caught The Car - Defeat And Destroy Sonic The Hedgehog
Reward: ...

I Control The Chaos - Obtain All 7 Chaos Emeralds

Do I Look Like I Need YOUR Power? - Against all odds, defeat someone in a Super form without such a power-up

The All-Star Villain - Defeat another king and claim their territory
Reward: Relevant trait/item/or stat boost

One Big Evil Family - Have six children that you recognize as a child and they in turn recognize you as their father.
Reward: Eggman and all his children gain the "One Big Evil Family" trait and each of his children gain the Robotnik last name.

TAKE MY SUPER LAZER PISS!!! - Destroy The Moon
Reward: ???

The Work Of A Lifetime - Complete your grandfather's research and make your choice.
Reward: +5 to all future Biology rolls and ???

His Moves Are Too Eggcellent! - Beat someone in a dance battle.
Reward: Upgrade to the Move Like Carrey trait.

Technological Wizard - Find a way for Eggman to wield arcane Powers only with his Technology.

Reaper's Resolution - Help Piastol Complete Her revenge, one way or another.
Reward: Piastol Loyalty becomes 100, she obtains a trait.

Getting The Team Back Together - Reassemble at least half a dozen of your Egg Bosses
Reward: Improve the Eggboss trait for all your Egg Bosses.

Gun To Your Head - The Mask Is Worn To Show Who You Are

Condemned - Close The Doors To The House Of The Dead For Good

A Mad Man Of His Word - Help complete 7 Main Drives of your hero units.
Reward: Eggman gains +2 Heart

I've Got A Better Game - Challenge Janken To The Only Game You'll Never Lose

Ninja Vs Yukaza - Have Conquering Storm face a Yakuza character and come out victorious
Reward: Conquering Storm gains +2 Trickery

Coalition Victory - Perform a collaborative Power action to attack another faction and Critically Succeed.
Reward: Increased relationship with the faction you performed the collaboration with.

Piracy Is No Party - Destroy At Least Three Pirate Factions

Psycho NOT! - Fend of a mental attack using only your own Brain power
Reward: "Hard Boiled Head" trait for Eggman

Pirate Lord - Ally with or take command of at least three Pirate Factions

WE ARE LEGION - Perform a Raid action and only use Egg Pawns to fill the power cap completely

Lovebirds - Reunite Canaan and Maria. Unlocked in 666:Tokyo-To Scramble

Jet-Set-Egg - Take over or form your own band of rudies and establish a presence in Tokyo-To.

One More CEO Rejected! - Defeat ???

Strange Times Indeed - Make a "Good Guy" Hero Unit from the main cast of Sonic franchise join Eggman and raise their loyalty to 50.

Diamond And The Marias - Reunite 3 Marias with their not-Marias.

Get A Load Of This! - Have Eggman participate in a Kaiju battle in a giant mech and win. Unlocked in Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius
Reward: "Egg-Pilot" trait for Eggman

The Rise Or Fall Of Under-Camelot - Either Destroy or make an alliance with the Kingdom of Camelot and ???
Reward: ???

Power and Kindness - Don't Take The Final Step
Reward: ???

This Is A Regrettable Action - Ruin Something Wonderful
Reward: What you deserve
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Do these sound good to go with?

-Are we going to be attacked by another faction right after revealing ourselves?
-How many hidden factions are in Green Hills?
-Are all the Chaos Emeralds in Green Hills?
Character Sheet:
-Captain Metal
-Captain Metal Treasure Hunt

1) Only Zavok will attack you guys on turn 4. Right now he is bolstering his forces cause he do has taken some of a beating and is preparing for a counterattack, You guys appearing will only enrage him fiurther and made him put 100% maximum NO CHILL EFFORT!
Gun and Restoration are helping civilian organizations and preparing for the black arms counterattack.
Empire is busy recovering from loses from last turn and will make a push agaisnt Zavok.

2) Currently only 2 hidden factions are present in Green Hills.

3) Nope, only chaos emerald Present in Green Hills is the one you have, the other you know so far is in the Empire. No other chaos emeralds present in Green Hills.

Shadow The Hedgehog
Power: 40 (The Ultimate Life Form created by my own brilliant grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, and designed to be the ultimate tool of destruction, I can say without a shred of doubt Shadow is destruction unparalleled.)

Heart: 7 (Shadow's ability to connect with others had grown by leaps and bounds before the change, but as he is now he is much less than he once was.)

Logistics: 19 (A decent enough tactician and with plenty of knowledge on how to apply it, though he has little use to apply it with a creature such as Black Doom holding his leash.)

Brains: 21 (When my grandfather created him, he downloaded entire databases into Shadow's mind to have him become the perfect weapon and the Ultimate Life Form. This does not mean he is a man of science or one to stay in the lab however.)

Trickery: 6 (The alien/hedgehog hybrid sees little use in lies and has little time for those he believes are lying to him. This does make him fairly simple to trick if you lie to him with the truth.)

Mystic: 30 (There are few beings I have met with a better master of the powers of Chaos than Shadow, his master of Chaos Control being a true terror.)

The Ultimate Life Form: Shadow was created by the brilliance of a Robotnik and the power of Black Doom to be the ultimate engine of destruction. (Shadow has a total of 7hp and gains an additional +10 to all Power actions that involve violence or direct combat.)

Chaos Control: Shadow's master of the power Chaos is devastatingly effective and a truly terrifying combatant on the battlefield. (Shadow adds half his Mystic to all attack rolls and had access to Chaos abilities)

Maria…: Shadow's past on the Space Colony ARK still haunts him. (Shadow still remembers Maria and her wish for him to make the world a better place.)

Captain Metal

Power: 25 (He is a bizarre facsimile, but he is still a version of my greatest creation. He seems to hold his own well.)

Heart: 13 (He seems decent at getting along with his crew, but fails to see the point of niceties with enemies he truly dislikes.)

Logistics: 20 (He runs an entire pirate ship, and does so decently well.)

Brains: 16 (He has been boosted to.. slightly above average intelligence with his freedom from my programming. Hmmph.)

Trickery: 21 (As gimmicky as it is, he commits to the bit. A pirate has to be underhanded.)


A Pirate's Life For Me: +5 to All Rolls done on the water.

Me Hearty Crew: Captain Metal is normally accompanied by a slew of scurvy ridden hanger ons. They add +5 to combat rolls.

Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword: +10 to Combat rolls using a sword, reduced to +5 for other stereotypical pirate weapons.

Interlude will be worked on.

Thanks you guys for your support on this quest! Hope you continue to enjoy it!
SmashQueen's Reward for the Omake SpreadSheet
For the reroll, I would like to request this: for use at any time during the quest if anyone in Eggman's faction hits a Nat 1. Major failures can be bounced back from, but Nat 1s can be devastating.

Dang. Anyone in the quest? That's... You know what? Selvaria, please. Since she's going to become a super powered threat.

Thank you all. :) Have a good evening.


Noted! 1 reroll saved for the first time a Nat 1 is rolled by Eggman or one of his Hero Units anytime during the quest!

image hosting

Brigadier Selvaria Bles:

Power: 35 (Brigadier Bles is renowned as the Empire strongest soldier and for good reasons. Her combat capabilities and military experience makes her a force to be reckoned)

Heart: 13 (Seems like Selvaria doesn't have much experience in socializing, not only that, even her troops seem wary of her.)

Logistics: 22 (As a military commander, Selvaria Bles is proficient in administrative manners and handling large scale operations.)

Trickery: 7 (The Brigadier seems to be too honest and direct to even dare to lie, it's difficult for her to spot lies or deceit. Ha! That should make it easy to deal with her.)

Brains: 14 (Seems to have received an education as complete as her prince)

Mystic: 20 (Seems to be one of those fabled "Valkyria" that the citizens of the Empire mutter a lot. Whatever that may be, she does possess some kind of supernatural abilities that make her a formidable combatant.


Military Commander: +10 when leading or directing other troops in battle.

The Ruhm: A custom heavy machine gun that while a bit antiquated compared to my tech, is deadly effective and seems like Selvaria can wield with ease: +5 to Personal combat rolls, bonus becomes +10 when fighting at range against enemies that can't fight back.

Battle Maiden: Not only is Selvaria proficient in military tactics, she is a capable fighter herself, specially with that shield and lance she seems to carry around wherever she goes.
+10 Bonus to personal combat roles, cannot be used alongside "The Ruhm" trait.

Blood of the Valkyrur: Selvaria supposedly is a descendant of a famous extinct race of warriors from their homeland. While I'm not sure if I believe the legends about it, it's a fact that the Brigadier plainly possesses superhuman abilities when in contact with weapons made by the Empire's unique mineral, Ragnite.

(Selvaria possesses 6 Hp and allow's Selvaria to add half her Mystic to combat rolls. Gives access to the following subtraits: Valkyrur's Aura and Valkyrie's blast.)

Valkyrie's Aura: When her powers activate, it seems Selvaria is enveloped in an azure blue aura that seems to protect her from enemy attacks. She can easily shrug off normal bullets and weak explosions like if they were nothing!
(Any enemy that attacks Selvaria gets a -10 to their roll while Blood of the Valkyrur is active)

Valkyrie's blast: By concentrating her energy on her spiral-shaped lance, Selvaria can release concentrated energy blasts that have long range and impressive firepower. Something to be cautious about…)

Selvaria can give up one of her turns to charge a strong attack. Her next combat roll has a +20 bonus.

Heart of a (Pawn) Maiden: Selvaria seems to follow Prince Maximilian with such fervor, more seen than from other soldiers…I wonder what the prince did to make her such a loyal warrior to his cause.

(Selvaria's loyalty to her prince is set at 70 and won't go down except for the most extreme acts made. Gives her a -30 malus to any trickery check or contested roll she tries against Maximilian.)

1) We are THE Brains/Logistics units.
2) We have Sage having superior stats overall.
3) We have Isara as a potential pilot.
4) Both of them benefit from loyalty boosts.
5) We DON'T know of him in character and he has been trying to sell his fool's gold from start.
6) He has proved he can -and likely will - find ways to get to do his own shit under our noses.
7) The fact he has appeared right now and not as a result of an RER is highly suspicious on its own.

And, finally:

8) Our current philosophies are just too different. Game/IDW Eggman is less of the conqueror his Archie self was and more of a genius who sees things as either his way or the high way: we are fundamentally capable of being cruel and sadistic, but we are also open for kindness. Snively is the type of weasel that wants power for the sake of it and will follow whoever he wants so long they can guarantee his comfort.

And yet, for some reason, for some UNGODLY reason, people think it's possible to use him when, in the current state of things, he's the one unit most likely to sell us out to whoever offers him the most power!

I will be very direct right now. To you and everyone else.

Calm. Down. Please.

I'm sorry if it's our fault that such heated vote happen, this wasn't our intent and we didn't expect such a reaction.

We love watching you guys discuss and plan stuff, the ideas you guys can come off with are really interesting and we enjoy it (Metal Selvaria is my favortie one).

But what i have seen so far it's not that, you and others are at this point just shouting why they need to do this thing and why they shoudn't do that thing.

That ends NOW! am I clear?

It's okey to keep making arguments, of why vote one way or another, but not like this, not with this attitude and language. At this point the other COQMs nor me are having fun and I HATE THAT.

So i will ask all that calm down and discuss thing calmly abouy snively or maybe thing more about the incoming zavok invasion, or anything else. But seriously won't allow more post like this.

You have been warned.
Honestly, we should have done this a bit earlier, but we thought we could handle the amount of omakes you guys did.

But boy, we were wrong.

First, let me tell from that we enjoy all the omkaes you guys have written for the quest, your ideas that you come with are a marvel to see. We appreciate all the time and effort you have invested here.

But the rate of omake is a bit ahrd to keep up to be honest, so we will have to implement a new rule.

From now on, Omakes will only be rewarded after the rivals report of the current turn is done, and before the next turn starts. We will go throught all the omakes posted and reward them accordingly.

So yeah, all current unrewarded omakes will only be rewarded once rivals report of turn 4 are done. Any omake posted after the rivald report won't be rewarded until the end of the next one. In the interval between the RR and the beginning of the next turn will be a chance to prepare tne bonuses you want to use.

That will be all from me about the new omakes rules, you can post omakes if you want, go wild!