I know there has been talk about how...unsatisfactory the currrent battle system is, for lack of strategyzing, we have been aware of that and tried to. come up with ways for changing it.

After a long discussion with my COQMs we have come up with a solution.

We have decided to try a battle system from another CK2 Quest, this one set in the 8 BIT Dystopia Deluxe,Bound to Earth. Made by Crosswire. Much thanks to them for giving their permission to employ it on this quest!

The following battle system (which will be used for raid and adventures) is as follows:

Here is the link were the original system is explained: Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia Crossover - Sci-Fi

When your Egg Party clashes with enemy forces, a Battle will be Proc:

During a Battle the players will be able to vote on the individual actions of any relevant controlled characters in that battle.

Be it the player character and any accompanying companions in a single team fight, or Hero Units spread across a larger pitched battle.

Each character under the control of the players in a battle has a set number of Action Points (AP) they can spend to make certain decisions in a fight.

Different decisions operate off the character's various stats. With some decisions requiring more actions to take then others.

Instead of trying to meet a set DC, the player's actions are directly pitted against the aims and actions of their enemies.

Once a course of action has been decided on by the players, the battle will proceed and the results will be shown. The battle may take a number of turns and will end once it's reached some type of conclusion.

Failing rolls during a battle doesn't automatically mean defeat, and succeeding your initial batch of rolls doesn't automatically mean victory. Battles can end in a number of ways and the results aren't wholly binary.

For Badniks, their control is much limited, they can be ordered simple actions, like "guard this place" or "Engage this enemy" or employ a special trait or ability they possess.

We are still fully adapting this system to our quest, for Raids and Adventures

We have not fully decided if the next 2 waves of the invasion will be done using this system or go with the current one and the following one will be employing this new one.

Please wait as we fully decide how to proceed and continue with the raid.
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Hey guys!

As per usual we truly appreciate you all. You've really made this Quest a great experience.

As promised, we wanted to give you a reward for getting us to 500 pages (Friggin' fast goobers/j)

That reward... Will be decided via vote!

Between three Interludes or a question to be decided by the thread

Here's your choices

1) Big's Grand Adventure

2) One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold

3) Zero + One Equals a Whole

4) The question you all decide on

Thanks again!

Voting for this will open at the same time as the current vote
Warning about full moon vote
For the record, I am thinking of this from an in character perspective rather then a "what do I want to know about the game world" perspective.

I don't want to influence the votes too much, but this is probably the best way to look at things

I hace tk agree, i really encourage you to think this fron an Incharacter perspective

Dont try to meta game please, that Wont end Well, i promise.

Dont try to be sneaky or game the system, think fron Eggman perspective lf what he would want to know.

Thats my Only advice to give you
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Aceptable questions for Full Moon Vote
Aceptable questions so far

Learning what Shadows deal is.

[] Can power and "kindness" coexist?
[ ] "Who is Selvaria Blest?"

Are Maria and Gerald Robotnik alive within this world?

[] Tell me, what is in store for I, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik?

out of all the vary factions in Greenhill, who is the biggest threat to me?

[] Who is this, GORO MAJIMA.
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Omake Policy-Egg Memos
I am glad you all are enjoying the update and yes, Whisper does hold quite the grudge doesn't she. It's almost like you all killed everyone she ever loved.

But on actual quest thread and QM news, we've been thinking about this for a while now and are going to make an addendum to the Omake Rules.

Eggmemos will no longer receive bonuses/rewards.

We appreciate how much you all enjoy the quest and want to write things for it, but the Eggmemos have been being pumped out incredibly quickly, with very small word counts, and little actual storytelling. You are still welcome to write them if you enjoy doing so, just we QMs will not grant a mechanical bonus for filling up the filing cabinet.
After some discussion we decided to give this a shot and make a Discord link, hopefully it goes alright.

Join the Scrambled Eggs Public Base Discord Server!

Check out the Scrambled Eggs Public Base community on Discord - hang out with 69 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Anyone who is interested in the quest is free to join, please make sure to read the rules and follow them.
Important Items
Chaos Emerald (Blue One)

Ragnite Lance

Strange magical medallion

Red Star Ring

Needs a pilot to be equipped to. When equipped, it replaces the hero unit's base power stat by 35. Negates most combat traits the unit may have. And offers the following traits.
Ragnite artillery: +10 to combat, but has limited ammunition. (bonus only applies to the first 4 combat rolls the Mecha is involved with, after that, it needs to restock supplies for the trait to be active.
Ragnite Steel: If an enemy score a victory in combat against the DARC-EGG ROBOT, but the base roll is 25 or less, there is no wound nor lose of HP.

Avenger (Piastol Trait)
Current Upgrades:
Expanded size: Increase size of the vessel so not only Hero units can go in, but also Add a Badnik Cap of 20 to it.
Basic Weapons Defense System: Install armament for Piastol's ship to use in aerial battles. +10 bonus to combat rolls. Points)
Upgraded Haul defenses: Gives Piastol ship 5 Hp total.
Heya all, dad here to tell you guys we're changing Omakes again.

Gonna be real honest, we love all the love you guys have for the quest and its humbling that you all love to write for it, but it's also daunting the amount you guys write for it so we're going to cap the number of omakes we reward on turn 6 and onward.

Let me be clear, we love the stories you all tell, but at time of writing this we have 50+ omakes to award and that's too much. The current cap is going to be 25 per turn but its not going to be the first 25, just 25 randomly selected omakes for that turn will be the awarded ones, though there may be some weight if someone writes a really good Negaquest turn or something.

Hope you all understand and are good with this.