hmm, we can't afford to spend every research action on the cure, I thought that the whole benefit of it was that it would allow us a few turns to work on other things. if not it just kinda seems pointless to me.
Lets not make any mistake, if you put Cassia in the suit and explain "look, I am going to get to this and this is a stalling measure but Shadow the Ultimate Life Form is about to break down the front door and I need to make this fake chaos emerald" they both will get it. They won't be super stoked about it, but they'll get it.

Don't put it off forever though.

The top priority should be reclaiming our empire so that we get more actions to use (iirc a qm said that was something that'd happen).
The more of Green Hill Zone you control, the better for you. It's also a good thing if you're the one that manages to remove a faction/fold them into the empire. Then you get all the prizes that faction was keeping.
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Hopefully Isara? can help with the ragnite research though we still have to wait until next turn before we plan anything conclusive.
Since the restoration (well cream ) may have access to emerl
They might actually be able to take down shadow
Shadow literally concedes that emerl is his equal in sonic battles
so, I did check the valkyria wiki since I don't know anything about that game and didn't know who Isara is. and it says she died before the first game was even over, how would a timeline where the villains won change that?
Considering that, yeah, probably a good way to go about it would be putting priority on make sure we aren't all killed by a evil Shadow the Hedgehog.

Like Even the eggbosses knew that Sonic could give them leeway when it came to battles.

If said battles were being fought againts either Shadow or Omega, expect a Lot of broken bones and Burns.

Those 2 never played around, especially since Archie Rouge is a Lot more of a loose cannon than Game Rouge.

Since we can take the suit and then do the gene teraphy a good idea would be doing that.

I suppose the suit would only take away half of the malus on Clove as it was pretty much the same promise Archie Eggman Made with the cybernetics.

But as long as we are able we should take the gene teraphy.

Of course that Will depend on the DC but well problem for turn 3 Eggman.
Why people think Isara like there are tons of darcen characters plus it's also possible this a OC chracter the QM made specifically for this quest as well.

It's possible, that's why I put a question mark. I did go through all darcsen characters but none wear a shawl. So unless I missed one then it's just normal to assume it's Isara or an OC I guess.
so, I did check the valkyria wiki since I don't know anything about that game and didn't know who Isara is. and it says she died before the first game was even over, how would a timeline where the villains won change that?
I guess it depends on how the events of the first game played out. If Gallia folded in any way without the main characters militia unit getting completely and totally slaughtered she could have survived. War's chaotic like that.
I guess it depends on how the events of the first game played out. If Gallia folded in any way without the main characters militia unit getting completely and totally slaughtered she could have survived. War's chaotic like that.

VC1 Gallian military commit a lot of mistakes that easily could cost the war.

In VC1 the Gallian military lost access to northern Gallia where most factories and Ragnite mines are located so they make a push to reclaim them since without it the war is over. VC3 however mention that at that time the Nameless try to assassinate Prince Maximilian they fail however they stall the deployment of a elite tank division that was too busy hunting them to reinforce the north.

The point of diversion could be there or it could be somewhere else.

As you said war is chaotic.
OK, from what I'm seeing after I just woke up. I feel like everyone's kind of panicking, a little bit with the whole shadow situation and him looking for the chaos emerald which we currently have. do I agree that he is a very dangerous threat and would try to murder us no second thoughts? Yes,

But we just need to stay calm and work through this. I say we should recruit next pistoel for her mystic abilities and access to her ship which would be very helpful. Thankfully, it's a logistics action to fix it. As the Qms stated. And it's a bit of a shame that we have to hold off on trying to find the conch, but having canna will help as we help find her Maria so she doesn't leave is important as well.

But please believe me when I say this, I understand completely that shadow does not mess around and him working with the black doom is the worst case scenario. But we have to stay calm and think this through and get those two interludes.

If we're lucky on the rival reports, shadow would fail, and we would have time to make the fake chaos emerald, which would help very much. Does this eat at our action economy and future plans? Very much it does. But we are working with nothing with only one percent of our territory back.

We knew that it's going to be a long intro track back to getting back our empire. As long as we play it, smart and have luck on our side. It's gonna be great.

If it's not gonna be great, then we're just gonna have to stay calm and think this very thoroughly.
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OK, from what I'm seeing after I just woke up. I feel like everyone's kind of panicking, a little bit with the whole shadow situation and him looking for the chaos emerald which we currently have. do I agree that he is a very dangerous threat and would try to murder us no second thoughts? Yes,

But we just need to stay calm and work through this. I say we should recruit next pistoel for her mystic abilities and access to her ship which would be very helpful. Thankfully, it's a logistics action to fix it. As the Qms stated. And it's a bit of a shame that we have to hold off on trying to find the conch, but having canna will help as we help find her Maria so she doesn't leave is important as well.

But please believe me when I say this, I understand completely that shadow does not mess around and him working with the black doom is the worst case scenario. But we have to stay calm and think this through and get those two interludes.

If we're lucky on the rival reports, shadow would fail, and we would have time to make the fake chaos emerald, which would help very much. Does this eat at our action economy and future plans? Very much it does. But we are working with nothing with only one percent of our territory back.

We knew that it's going to be a long intro track back to getting back our empire. As long as we play it, smart and have luck on our side. It's gonna be great.

If it's not gonna be great, then we're just gonna have to stay calm and think this very thoroughly.

Agree, Shadow is powerful true however our base offer a -30 in rolls to anyone invading and Metal Sonic, Rusty and Eggman will be there to protect it when we send most heroes to this mini-adventure.
--[X] Rusty Rose
---[X] Find Out Who This Amy Is = 81

You soon enough get a filed report on your desk from Rusty Rose. Hmmm. How efficient. You wish ALL your minions bothered with that without having to be prodded or reminded!

As you read over it, what you see makes sense, you suppose. Apparently, That blasted Hedgehog's sycophantic stalker and his sidekick, Amy and young Miles "Tails" Prower, have been seen all around Green Hill and its surrounding areas, on a never ending search for their missing comrade. Hmmm.

Nice to know it's not just you wondering where he is, one supposes, and useful that they're out of your hair! Still, you should keep an eye out for if they return…

DC for the second tier for "Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog!" has been reduced by 10!

You know I was wondering, does this action satisfy our Drive to search for Sonic?
(Not confirming who that is) well, Metal picked them off from a Work Camp, you can guess what she was doing there.

As for how she ended up there? Take a guess, Hint: it's not pretty.

...We are burning that place to the ground.

Wait no Metal already did that.


Well hold on now, they're not going to eat LITERALLY everyone. Then there would be no one left to eat.

They'd be like pigs at industrial farm, but they'd be alive.

...That's worse actually.

I mean, fixing her ship would have been logistics if you are wondering, the category that you have an extra action.

That's the risk of hiring tier 3 units, they are a bit high maintenance but they are worth it.

You mean the one category where we aren't in AP hell? While fixing a weakness of ours? Oh yeah we can do that.

Lets not make any mistake, if you put Cassia in the suit and explain "look, I am going to get to this and this is a stalling measure but Shadow the Ultimate Life Form is about to break down the front door and I need to make this fake chaos emerald" they both will get it. They won't be super stoked about it, but they'll get it.

Don't put it off forever though.

I was thinking more 'Yes it's stalling but it's to ensure we have enough time to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the actual cure.'

Course I'd perfer to cure her outright.

Agree, Shadow is powerful true however our base offer a -30 in rolls to anyone invading and Metal Sonic, Rusty and Eggman will be there to protect it when we send most heroes to this mini-adventure.

Don't forget our recent windfall of Super badniks.

Considering everything? I'm pretty sure we can drive him off at the very least.

I mean I would trust Eggman with a child more than any of the other lunatics out there especially if they are useful for the empire.

Like not even the good guys can be trusted, Sonic literally takes a 8 year old out in his adventures and that is without counting Cream.

Tangle wouldn't be alive if Jewel didn't make sure her adventures drive didn't get her killed.

And please do You honestly think leaving G.U.N. with a child is a good idea, especially after the last time.

...It is sad, really truely sad, how true that is.

Anyway ideas for omakes? I was thinking of a Mook Horror Show when Metal attacked, Starline fretting over his failure, Metal Sonic begrudgingly respecting Belle for her success. That sort of thing.

Anyone have anything in the works?
Anyway ideas for omakes? I was thinking of a Mook Horror Show when Metal attacked, Starline fretting over his failure, Metal Sonic begrudgingly respecting Belle for her success. That sort of thing.

Anyone have anything in the works?

There still unclaimed bounty if people want to take a crack.

The Camelot imake would reward a Mystery Box or +10 in Mystics.

Also that action is prime ground work for Darcsen Plight, with prisioners trying to escape to Restoration or GUN, after all according to Rival Reports mobians are also been sent to these camps as well so they could try to guide everybody for greener pastures.

It's not everyday a murder machine drop from the sky and take care of the guards for you.
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There still unclaimed bounty if people want to take a crack.

The Camelot imake would reward a Mystery Box or +10 in Mystics.

Also that action is prime ground work for Darcsen Plight, with prisioners trying to escape to Restoration or GUN, after all according to Rival Reports mobians are also been sent to these camps as well so they could try to guide everybody for greener pastures.

It's not everyday a murder machine drop from the sky and take care of the guards for you.

Oh that works well with the Mook Horror show idea.

It'd be funny if this actaully gets Eggman some loyal citizens...although they have no idea who he is.
Oh that works well with the Mook Horror show idea.

It'd be funny if this actaully gets Eggman some loyal citizens...although they have no idea who he is.

Joke aside maybe you can try the Darcsen Pligth, it seems more fitting to the situation than this Mook Horror idea of yours. People that work in this places are disgusting since they are sadistic bastards or banalize evil so much they become apathatic to the suffering of people by coming with self-serving justifications to why they aren't guilty or the prisioners deserve this treatment.

I really don't want to know what past in the heads of people that work as staff on this places. The previous omake I made about Imperial Soldiers were just the rank and file guys that has no idea what goes in this type of places and serve they country for the usual reasons from just wanting a steady job to conscription.

Anyway there's a important question, where the Freedom Fighters from Archie Comics could have landed?

I was reading a bit and it make sense to me they end up in the lands dominate by John Adams, since both him and Archie!Eggman use technology to estabelish a opressive authoritarian regime so naturally Sally and the rest would pick arms to fight him, sunce they can't ignore tyranny.

I would write about it but I have no idea what Conduit plot even is besides a brief reading about the game.
Joke aside maybe you can try the Darcsen Pligth, it seems more fitting to the situation than this Mook Horror idea of yours. People that work in this places are disgusting since they are sadistic bastards or banalize evil so much they become apathatic to the suffering of people by coming with self-serving justifications to why they aren't guilty or the prisioners deserve this treatment.

I really don't want to know what past in the heads of people that work as staff on this places. The previous omake I made about Imperial Soldiers were just the rank and file guys that has no idea what goes in this type of places and serve they country for the usual reasons from just wanting a steady job to conscription.

...I can try but I'm not sure I'll succeed.

I just...can't understand those sorts of people. If I tried...I'm pretty sure I'd hate it.

Which to be fair is the point.

Though I suppose Metal showing up would help with that.
...I can try but I'm not sure I'll succeed.

I just...can't understand those sorts of people. If I tried...I'm pretty sure I'd hate it.

Which to be fair is the point.

Though I suppose Metal showing up would help with that.

Who the guards or the prisioners?

Because Darcsen Plight would be about the recebtly escaped prisioners in the wake of Metal Sonic assault.
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What the term...oh yeah. 'Good can't comprend Evil.' That should make it clear enough.

...Okay that I can work with. Might be awhile though.

If I am allowed to suggest maybe trow GUN a cookie in your omake?

A previous one I made that become cannon Rouge was tasked in infiltrate one of these camps to gather information so the favorite conventional forces of Sonic's Earth it's keeping a eye on them and want them gone both for moral and practical reasons.

Like in the very end the group reach a GUN base and are rescued by the soldiers or something.
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...I can try but I'm not sure I'll succeed.

I just...can't understand those sorts of people. If I tried...I'm pretty sure I'd hate it.

Which to be fair is the point.

Though I suppose Metal showing up would help with that.
You can always write it in third person, or from an observer watching the action of this evil person. You can't see what goes on their heads, but you can make implications on what they do.
You can always write it in third person, or from an observer watching the action of this evil person. You can't see what goes on their heads, but you can make implications on what they do.

Honestly I haven't quite worked that out either. It's a weakness of mine that I just have trouble figureing out what people actually do.

I can make a plan decently but figuring out the steps to carry it out? That's another matter.

Still thank for the advice. It is something I need to work on.

...Also there is the small issue of not trying to strangle them through the screen. As I write.

If I am allowed to suggest maybe trow GUN a cookie in your omake?

A previous one I made that become cannon Rouge was tasked in infiltrate one of these camps to gather information so the favorite conventional forces of Sonic's Earth it's keeping a eye on them and want them gone both for moral and practical reasons.

Like in the very end the group reach a GUN base and are rescued by the soldiers or something.

I think someone mentioned Mobians were there too right?

I was thinking of having a few talk during the exodus before going their seperate ways.

Knowingly or not Eggman has treated the Darcsens better than 99% of the world, and after everything they've been through? They'll take what they can get.