Stealing this question to ask if myself because I am also intrigued
In Sonic Boom, I would see Storm as a try hard ninja fangirl with a hot head, and a secret anime nerd. Starline would be mostly unchanged, but a little clumsier, and maybe gets flustered around attractive dudes, because I'm sure he's gay. Metal would have a running gag where he sees Sonic doing something mundane and try to copy him, leading to wild competitions between the two. And Belle would be comically unaware that Eggman is evil. Stone would be exactly the same.
Belle: "Hey Starline, do you support gay rights?"

Starline: "... I'm gay."

I'm also pretty sure he's a trans guy. Starline's boots have a poison attack, but male platypus' naturally produce venom in their hind legs, where as Starline's appear to be artificial. But I have no proof beyond that.
You know I got curious about Metal Overlord voice lines


It makes me fear Eggman intellect a lot more when it comes to his creations

Like Metal Overlord outright says he himself was responsible for getting his Neo Metal form with his own two hands, without Eggman help or Knowledge.

When we actually do Mecha/Metal Selvaria we are going to have to put certain things in place more than probably.

Some of our think happy creations have shown the ability of going rogue more often than not.
meh, just here waiting for Metal Sonic to kick ass and take names.

otherwise not getting into this other discussion, still though...whats the plan "If" we manage to suceed after this raid? because were going to get a whole heap of scrap, so far i know were hitting adventure time, along with the cure/ragnite healing research? because improved Ragnite Healing might help with the cure further on, along with a ragnite mine...
Speaking of the cartoons, any ideas on what characters would be possible hero units or just add some bonuses or traits to Eggman or any other Hero?
meh, just here waiting for Metal Sonic to kick ass and take names.

otherwise not getting into this other discussion, still though...whats the plan "If" we manage to suceed after this raid? because were going to get a whole heap of scrap, so far i know were hitting adventure time, along with the cure/ragnite healing research? because improved Ragnite Healing might help with the cure further on, along with a ragnite mine...
Well… we can give equipment to conquering storm andStarline, plus Rusty and Belle

And we can finally upgrade both Rusty and metal
The ragnite mine became something we must do if we want to experiment with it.

For the cure honestly Sage has us mostly covered.

With her stats we get a +88 already, to make the cure we technically need a 52 without counting any other bonus, we could honestly use that personal reroll for the cure to be done next turn.
The ragnite mine became something we must do if we want to experiment with it.

For the cure honestly Sage has us mostly covered.

With her stats we get a +88 already, to make the cure we technically need a 52 without counting any other bonus, we could honestly use that personal reroll for the cure to be done next turn.
We do have a +5 to Further Research Cassia's Disease. So that's a total bonus of 93

Meaning we only need a roll of 47.
meh, just here waiting for Metal Sonic to kick ass and take names.

otherwise not getting into this other discussion, still though...whats the plan "If" we manage to suceed after this raid? because were going to get a whole heap of scrap, so far i know were hitting adventure time, along with the cure/ragnite healing research? because improved Ragnite Healing might help with the cure further on, along with a ragnite mine...

First thing first we will colonize this area to handle all the refugee coming to us.