Let's Fighting Love! Part 2
"Hee hee. If you're going to get me to come along, I want you to prove your dexterity, your ability to handle the unexpected… I want you to dance!" Majima grinned, doing a little pose.

"...What." Dural said bluntly.

"Ok, this I gotta see." Breezie snorted.

"Hmmm. An unexpected challenge… but a welcome one, to be sure." You grinned, while Honey just seemed baffled but shrugged.

Ha! You would mop the floor with these imbeciles!

"If you choose to accept it, whoever I deem more impressive gets my services!" Majima grinned widely.

"...Let us get this over with." Dural deadpanned. Breezie just chuckled and got up, dusting herself off.

"Honey, let's put these fools in their place. We shall show them not to mess with the Eggman Empire!" You laughed, as you all got to your places.

Majima grinned even wider and snapped his fingers two times. His Construction Crew all got in a single file line and put their hands behind their backs….and started singing.

View: https://youtu.be/kz_vBV8XN4g?si=77ayAWbOhRxrFhBa

("What a strange individual…. Whatever! He better be worth it when I win!") You think.

You decide to go all out, wasting no time using your best moves as Honey serves as your back up dancer. She even makes a few copies using Shadow Sneak to serve as more than one! You bust a move like never before, ending in a slide across the ground into a perfect jump up into a dynamic pose. You didn't even know you had some of these mad skills!

Dural was as visibly emotionless as ever, and Breezie slow clapped. Bah! The arrogance of these two! You're not a novice, you know slow claps are always sarcastic!!!

"Not bad, not bad, Eggman. But I think we can still show you up. Dury, eat the eye candy." Breezie grinned, spreading out her arms.

"....Do not word it like that." Dural deadpanned, but she nonetheless looked Breezie up and down as she does a little side to side dance.

"New skill acquired." She declared.

"Wait Wha-" Honey blinked slowly.

If you weren't perfect at having a poker face, your mouth would have dropped. The devious duo were great dancers! Every move you did, they did an even better version! The nerve of them!!! After a bit, Breezie did a smooth running somersault towards her partner, spun in the air and was caught by Dural, who dipped her, brought her back up and tossed her in the air. Breezie did a spin in the air before landing on her feet with a dramatic pose as Dural slid in behind her before jumping into the same pose.

Besides the Construction Crew finishing up their little song, all was quiet. And then a smirking Majima laughed loudly.

"Wow! Not going to lie, things were close there! Real close! But there can only be one winner…. Well technically two, since I get what I want regardless it seems. Ha! Sorry doc, I think my choice is obvious." Majima wiped a tear before making his way over to the robot and hedgehog.

You were fuming, especially as that green menace gave you a smug smirk that would make Sonic jealous. You would wipe that smile off her face if it's the last thing you ever do!!!

"Better luck next time, Eggy. But hey, I'm sure you're used to losses, right?" Breezie quipped, wiping her sunglasses.

You took a step forward, and were satisfied to see her step back cautiously with a small look of fear in her eyes that She just barely hid.

"This isn't over, idiots. You will regret spurning Dr. Eggman." You growled.

"Somehow, I doubt that." Dural said simply. She started to leave, Breezie following soon after. Majima trailed behind.

"Hey, don't worry. Your pockets have a little consolation prize. Hee hee. Let's go boys!" The eye patch clad man clapped his hands, and his work force followed along, a few still humming the song.

Scowling, you check your pockets and are only mildly surprised to see, indeed, there was a slip of paper with a number on it and a little drawing of a wizard.

Bah. Whatever. You didn't need that fool.

"Let's go, Honey." You scoff, your voice leaving no room for debate. She sighed and followed along as you returned to base.

They would rue this day…

Results: Majima joins Dural!

Eggman gains a negative opinion on Dural, Breezie and Majima!

As a constellation prize, Majima Gave Eggman a number to a mysterious Mystic Unit to possibly recruit!


Eggman and Honey:

Result: 1d100 (36) + 22(Eggman) + 19(Honey) + 25(Moves like Carrey)
Total: 102

Dural and Breezie:
Result: 1d100 (97) + 5(Dural) + 24(Breezie) + 15(???)
Total: 141

Dural Trait revealed:
"Scanning Data: Dural can scan and gain the skills of people. When fighting Dural, add 1/2 of their Power to hers to all combat rolls. Can be upgraded. She also gets a weakened version of one Trait of her opponent. However, this Trait only procs permanently if she wins the fight."
Catching Heroes with Honey
"Stupid Eggmnan, sending me again…blaming me for that dance competition…Arrrggg!" Honey mutters, angrily, kicking a rock as she walks through the streets of the Restoration territory.

After the disaster that was the meeting with that thug, Honey expected to get a moment to rest, but no! Eggman just sends her right away, telling her to recruit whatever contract the guy gave him.

Before she had her doubts but now Honey is just a bit annoyed at this turn of events. She can't help but sigh, wondering how she ended up in this situation.

…Right, Zavok. She still wants to claw his eyes out. Something for later.

As she passed through, the happy and calm environment let her relax a bit. There were people strolling happily for the streets, locals of food and some shops starting to open. Made Honey realize that even with the current situation, people were really starting to adapt.ç

…A part of Honey couldn't help but feel jealous of them. Just being able to restart their lives just like that.

Realizing that her mind is wandering to bad thoughts, she takes a deep breath to calm down and refocus herself, as she resumes her walk.

Not too long after, she arrives at the address Majima gave them. It's a small apartment complex, one the Restoration made to house the influx of refugees that arrived. Curious of who the mysterious contact was, Honey quickly walked the stairs to the second floor, found the designated house number and knocked on the door.

As she waited for the resident to answer her, she took a moment to fix her dress, she needed to make a good first impression!

Not a moment later, the door opened and a figure stepped throught.

[ ] "Yes…can I help you?" A young human(?) lady greeted you, she had a small smile on her face, though there was also a bit of wariness to her, if her posture was anything to go by. Honey found she had one of the weirdest styles she had meet so far, a purple leotard with matching gloves and shoes…For Chaos! How can she wear something like that?!


Mystic Hero

Possess Magical Healing abilities.

Is a Neuman.

I Want a place to live.

Easiest to gain the loyalty of.

[ ] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.


Mystic Hero with a side focus on learning.


Possess a thirst for information that can't be satiated.

Fascination for ancient civilization and ruins.

[ ] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.


Mystic Hero!

Experienced Witch!

Claims to be way older than she looks.

Interest in the Magical anomalies and artifacts to be found in this new world.

QM Note:
Before you ask, no Unicorn overlord won't be appearing…at least a few characters yes, but not as a king or something like that.

Pick one option, you guys get to automatically recruit them for this.
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Fly To Freedom
Fly To Freedom

As much as Rouge may have gotten used to working alongside Team Dark, the clan of ninjas, the robot chameleon, and the doctor insisting on being present through the use of his Egg-Monitor, it was all a bit crowded for her taste. Years of solo work are not undone quite that easily, even if the two lugs did their best to keep up with her through their jobs.

Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, she focuses again on the details of the plan. As this was a base of the good doctor's, the layout was still available to them and the security measures were known unless the Zeti had taken the time to change things. She was working under the assumption that they had however, Zavok may not have thought of it but if this Thorndike was smart enough to backtrace Eggman and his tot's work, then he'd probably think to "change the locks" as it were.

"Okay one last check in before we get there." She calls to the assembled crew. Pointing to the Newton "you're on overwatch and camera tapping. You wind that tongue of yours around the base of any camera, the splicing cables on your tongue will let you take over that camera and keep us off the record." Pointing to what she gestimates is half the ninjas "you all will be clearing traps. The good doctor does so love his spring and spike traps, so you're all in charge of clearing the path we need to take to get the geezer out." Pointing to the remaining egg clan ninjas, "and you all are in charge of keeping the evac point clear. Anything that isn't a chameleon, a ninja, the most stunning bat you've ever seen, or a coot and his grandson, skewered with kunai, got it."

She casually leans her head to the left to dodge a kunai from a smart aleck as she finishes the briefing. "If you all do your jobs, that means I can get to Thorndike and the kiddo nice and quick and we can all get home in time for dinner, or in your case recharging and meditation. Questions, comments, or concerns?" She doesn't wait a breath before clapping her hands and moving on. "Alright then. Let's get this blowfish down and kidnap an old man."

'You know, having a bunch of minions to boss around isn't that bad.' Rouge mused as she watched the Egg Clan working on disabling a laser array. Sure, she could have flown through it with little effort, but there was a minute possibility that it slightly singed her outfit and she still hadn't seen hide nor whisker of her tailor since The Shattering so these suits had to last.

As the last of the lasers was removed she gave the ninjas a nod before jumping into a nearby vent that she had undone while they were focused on the lasers. "Remember to keep the evac cleared up boys!" She calls as she shatters a buzzsaw trap in the ventilation shaft.

What? Did anyone actually think you were going to work with a group of ninjas and let egghead actually keep an eye on her? No, that plan was designed to remove as many obstacles the geezer and the kiddo would have to take on their way out, not the quickest route to them.

Swooping out of the vent to dodge a flamethrower trap and gliding easily through an arrangement of smashing plates, she let out a small sigh. There was some fun to be had in solo jobs like this, some fun to be had in tweaking Eggy's nose by going off script like this, but she could admit she missed her friends. Omega was having a great time, she was sure, fighting that cyborg Amy the doctor had, but she did miss his colorful commentary as she worked. And Shadow…

The Black Arms were spreading across the world and she'd lost track of him. After he'd been rebuffed by the Restoration alongside the other black arms creature they'd managed to hear him call Eclipse, Shadow hadn't been spotted again. She knows he'd hate her worrying for him, but damn it all, she is allowed to! Even Omega has been worrying in his own way, needing to burn off the energy.

She shakes her head free of the thoughts as she alights at the door marked on the blueprints. Knocking twice before sliding the pilfered keycard through the door scanner, the large metal barrier slid open.

The laboratory had clearly seen better days, broken glassware, half assembled machines, and an old man holding what appeared to be a glued together Eggzooka pointing at the door.

"Well I'd ask if that was a rocket in your pocket, but I can clearly see it on your shoulder." She drawls, not at all intimidated by the weapon pointed at her as she enters. Chuck slumps down, lowering the weapon and seemingly aging ten years as he lets the breath out.

"Rouge," he says with a smile, "never thought I'd say this about you, but it's good to see a familiar face, a friendly one even."

She pauses in her perusal of the workshop to give him an up and down before slowly shaking her head. "Sorry Chuck, but I'm not the bat you knew. Since you've been locked up a lot of us have figured out that since The Shattering, not everyone is from the same worlds, even if they share the same faces."

His face falls at that, the joy of a familiar face after all this time locked away quickly replaced with a more jaded and cautious look, the Eggzooka being held in a firmer grip once more. "Is that right? And am I to assume that the Rouge wearing this face works for Dr. Eggman?"

"He mostly waffles between Eggman and Robotnik depending on who's asking," she tries to keep a blase tone, but can see the steel that has come to the old man's gaze. "But yes, I'm temporarily working with Eggy to get his help on a personal matter. First job he stuck me on was getting you and your grandson out of here, the Eggclan should be getting to him now."

"Eggclan?" He seems confused, which is fair.

"Apparently some version of Eggman suborned a group of ninjas and their leader Connie. Nice girl in a 'if you impune my honor I will spend every moment of my life to destroy you' kinda way."


The two of them stand there for a moment, a kooky old inventor held captive by an alien brute and an anthropomorphic master thief as they both ponder the oddity of their lives before moving onward.

"Now I heard through the grapevine that you had a bit of data or a virus that you were holding over Eggman's head to get him to launch this little mission."

"Yes and I'm not giving it up until Chris and I are clear of here." He replies, a firm frown on his face.

"Great, I have no intention of taking that of you," she smirks at him as she approaches, looking at his terminal. "No, I'm actually looking for a copy myself."

Thorndike is no slouch and gets it, nodding slowly. "In case he tries to double cross you, I see."

With a few keystrokes, a small data drive is pulled from the computer and passed to the bat. She tucks it away and gives him a grateful nod.

"Thank you Chuck, I hope I don't need it but it's never bad to have insurance when dealing with a rotten egg."

"That's something we can both agree on." He nods and hefts the weapon again. "Now let's blast our way out of here and get my grandson!"

"Oooooor… we can take the nice clear route I had the friendly group of ninjas clear for us so you don't accidentally trip every security trap designed for someone of Sonic's level of fitness and, no offense Chuck, but you're no spring chicken."

He looks at his modified bazooka a little despondent and the bat woman sighs. "You can bring the bazooka Chuck, just don't shoot it while I'm in earshot, that thing looks noisy."

Dr.Eggman, genius extraordinaire sat at the head of the table as Chuck Thorndike was brought in.

[Shattered Memories DC:75
Roll = 6
No Memories, DC lowers to 65]

For a man with the absolute cajones to blackmail you of all people, you thought he'd be taller.

"Well congratulations Thorndike, you've been freed of Zavok only to be brought to me, Dr. Eggman." You lean forward in your chair and, as designed, you are cast into shadow as you continue, "do you feel safer?"

He looks unnerved and you can see beads of sweat running down his neck, but he does an admiral job of keeping a tough facade.

"Yes, especially considering I've still got the ability to activate the fail safe even through all your security." He glares back at you. "Now send my grandson and I to Sonic's friend like we agreed and I'll delete the program. I can get back to being a good grandpa and you can get back to being a would-be world conqueror."

"Oh ho ho ho!" You laugh in his face as you stand and motion to the display behind you, which shows your Victory. The Death Egg Robots roaming the landscape, Sonic's defeat, the world in Order. "I don't know what sort of Eggman you're used to Thorndike, but unlike that version, I have taken the world."

You wave your hand again and the images clear, this time your wonderful daughter appearing in a window on screen, peering out at the old man. "Granted, The Shattering has thrown a wrench into the works, but nothing my daughter and I can't handle."

"You have a daughter?!"

That wasn't the old man's voice as you look to the doorway to see a brown haired youth peering through the doorway, Orbot and Cubot doing the same lower down.

[Shattered Memories DC:65
Roll = 77
He Remembers!]

A flash of memories spike into your skull and for a moment you see it all. All of you transported to earth, you weekly back and forths with Sonic with a wide array of machines, Chaos, the ARK blocking out the sun.

But you remember something in particular as you see Chris staring at you in wide eyed wonder. You remember the last time you saw that look from him, when you stood in the arena against that blasted hedgehog, when the crowd was roaring and your heart was racing.

You remember… El Gran Gordo!

And many other things that you will have to take time to catalog, but you push past it, looking at the two robots.

"Bocoe, Decoe! I told you to keep Chris here entertained, not let him snoop around!"

There is a moment of silence as all eyes turn to you and you can't for the life of you imagine why.

"Father," your daughter's voice is slow, cautious even. "Who are Decoe and Bocoe?"

The gold and silver robots flash through your mind, the incompetent fools that they were but you're unsure of why Sage would even ask that as you turn your gaze to the two-

You blink as your eyes refocus on Orbot and Cubot.

Shaking your head slightly to refocus, "Robot helpers that I had at one point Sage." You explain to your daughter, not going any deeper with Chris and Thorndike so nearby. "But not the point. Chris, I am glad you're alright. Zavok wasn't too rough with you was he?"

The twelve year old shakes his head as he moves to stand next to his grandfather. "No, it wasn't fun and Zazz tried to scare me a lot but none of them hurt me."

You let out a grunt at that, disliking Zazz's attempts but moving forward. You had to decide what to do with these two…

Choose one

[ ] Make Them An Offer: Chris and his grandfather were absolute nuisances for their version of you it looks like. But you seem to be on a roll of getting heroic types working for you lately, make them an offer.
-Contested Heart Roll with a large malus considering the history between Eggman and the Thorndikes. On a success, gain Chuck Thorndike as a hero unit with Chris being a trait. On a failure, this defaults to I Wasn't Asking.

[ ] I Wasn't Asking: Well Chuck it's less you're freed and more… you're under new management. The man dared to blackmail you and he thought you'd just let that go without some sort of punishment? Oh you'll treat Chris better than Zavok did, but keep the old man on a tight leash as he works for you.
-Gain Chuck as a hero unit who deeply resents you. Chris will be kept safe and watched over by Sage. Chuck will probably activate his fail safe.

[ ] Get Them Out: You're a mad tyrant of your word. You'll get these two into Restoration territory and then they can be someone else's problem. The Thorndikes may know a thing or two about an Eggman, but they won't be able to cause too much trouble.
-Chuck and Chris will be handed over to the Restoration. They both will have a positive view of this interaction and may think better of you. Chuck will destroy his fail safe.

Trait Gained
El Gran Gordo!: In another life, I was the hero of the people, El Gran Gordo! While the costume may have been embarrassing, I did manage to wrestle that blasted hedgehog head to head! (Eggman gains +10 to all contested combat rolls when involved in hand to hand combat which becomes +15 if there is a large crowd watching, +20 if they're cheering for him.)

Actions Unlocked:
Recreate the E-Series (Brains)
Look For Your Lost Robots (Trickery)

Personal Action Changed
Getting Back To The Grind has become Get Back Into Fighting Shape!


4 Hour moratorium
666: Tokyoto Scramble- Part 1: Set up

View: https://youtu.be/2RixSVZAxQs?si=-ZtoTAUI65LfZhj_

Standing atop the main mast of the Avenger, Canaan felt the pleasant sensation of the wind pass through her body as she admired the view of the ship sailing high above the clouds.

"Y'know! I could get used to this!" Canaan shouted as she kept her balance, one hand grabbing on the mast. Feeling a sense of excitement and each second that passed she got close to her objective.

...almost there.

"Trust me, it'll lose its luster after a while." Canaan looks down to the grayish blue aura of Piastol, leaning on the ship's rail, with her pet sleeping right besides her.

"Come on! You can't truly mean that." She says as she gracefully descends from the mast, doing a cartwheel as she lands right next to the bounty hunter. Even though Canaan knew she was serious, she tried to lighten the mood.

Pistol just sighed, not feeling like discussing with her, her aura shifting to add some red tints as she looked Canaan. "...Do you really have to wear that?" She grumbles as she stares at the object Canaan was wearing.

"Of course! We are on a-" Piastol gives her a withering look, guessing what she was gonna say, making her shift her line of thought. "-a flying ship! We need to wear captain hats!" She says as she adjusts the tricorn hat that Honey had managed to get for all of them.

It was surprisingly easy to get big enough hats for all the Boss' robots, even that Metal Sonic.

Speaking of which…Canaan takes a moment to look away and towards the end of the ship, where the figure of the robotic Hedgehog with the tricorn hat was staring.

It mildly worried her that she couldn't see an aura coming towards him, even though she knew the Robot possessed some sort of sentience. She didn't know what happened to him, the day before when he came back to base damaged, and the doctor kept complaining of what had happened, but he seemed more…gloomy than usual.

"You think that is gonna cause more trouble?" Piastol comments, guessing she noticed Canaan staring at the robot for a long time. "If he is gonna have another episode where he just goes on his own, that's gonna cause problems."

Canaan hums, thinking it over for a second. "Maybe…but I trust Belle to keep him in check." You shrug,the Doctor making it clear he was sending him to babysit her, making him her priority.

"U-Um…Canaan, Piastol?" Speaking of the wooden girl, Belle's voice comes from inside the interior of the ship. The poor girl had been terrified since they took flight, staying in the cabin, with Clove.

She turns away again to look at the bright yellow from Belle greeting her, the girl opening the door to the cabin, and timidly exiting it. Canaan is happy to see she is also wearing the hat, while Piastol can't help but get more annoyed.

"The Egg-Robo has determined we have arrived." Belle says as Metal Sonic turns to look at her too. "Clove is calling us inside to plan what to do next."

Yes, Finally!

Giving a small smile, you start walking towards the cabin. "Thanks Belle, it's time to get this show on the road."

"On that, we agree at least." Pushing herself from the rail, Piastol accompanies them. "Could you at least put the hat away while we are inside?"

"Never!" The annoyed groan from Piastol, answers in kind.

(Line Break)

"This is a map that Eggman was able to get us from the city." Clove says, a calm green aura emanating from her. All the party is inside the cabin, gathered in Pistol's room, who…could really use a bit of cleaning…as well as something to brighten it, it's way to spartan, even for Canaan tastes.

"According to what that Crocodile Rapper was able to find. Maria has been sighted so far taking pictures in "Shibuya-Cho", that means she must be around there somewhere." Canaan says as she taps a finger on top of the area in the map. "So we've gotta get there." She says with a confident tone.

"You make it sound so simple." Clove remarks as she takes a data pad. "From what we have seen, the entire city is in lockdown… outposts in all entrances and exits, it will take time to find a way to sneak in."

"We could just descend right away, no?" Piastol adds with crossed arms. "I don't expect these people to be able to detect us, we can find a place to land and store the Avenger safely, no need to deal with the welcoming committee."

"You mean to descend this ship in the middle of the city, giving them chances to shoot us down?" Clove asks incredulously.

"We don't know that for sure." The bounty hunter shrugs.

"They have literal tanks roaming the streets!" She says as she shows Piastol the footage of a literal squad of soldiers and tanks roaming one of the streets, from the footage the Boss was able to collect.

"I'm not sure they will take kindly to us just sneaking in unannounced," Belle comments while pressing the tips of her fingers. "We could…perhaps, ask if they let us inside?" She asks with a shaky smile as both Canaan and Piastol look at her.

"Hey, who knows, maybe it could work?" Canaan says, jumping to the defence of her.

Clove just sighs as she shakes her head. "We need a plan of action."

And so the party began to plan.


[ ] Park the ship outside the city and find a way to sneak past the military outpost. (Clove suggestion, Ship will remain hidden, Will need to pass a series of Trickery checks to get inside the city, if failure, chances of the city military to catch them and a fight will begin.)

[ ] Descend right into the city, Shibuya-Cho section to be specific. (Piastol suggestion, Trickery check and the Logistics check, if successful, will manage to approach undetected and find a safe place to land respectively, if failed, Military will be aware of the arrival of an unidentified vessel.)

[ ] …Ask for passage inside the city? (Belle Suggestion, Heart check to be let inside, automatically given their presence away to the authorities, if failed, Automatically will resort to a trickery check to sneak inside the city, if failed, combat will begin.Ship will remain outside the city as you walk up to the outpost)

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666: Tokyo-to Scramble- Part 2: Bout the City
Winning vote:

[X] Descend right into the city, Shibuya-Cho section to be specific. (Piastol suggestion, Trickery check and the Logistics check, if successful, will manage to approach undetected and find a safe place to land respectively, if failed, Military will be aware of the arrival of an unidentified vessel.)

Trickery Check: Get the ship close without alerting the city.
Dc 100
Result: 1d100 (22) + 22(Canaan) + 18(Clove)
Total: 62

"This is a bad idea." Clove remarked with her arms crossed, a mild orange aura evolving her as she, Canaan, and the rest of the party, were outside the cabin, watching the city get closer as the ship descended.

"I mean… perhaps they won't notice us?" Belle says sheepishly. "M-Maybe they just let us be, right?" She asks hopefully, as a greenish aura involves her, trying to act positive.

"You worry too much, what, you think they have cannons ready to blow up any ship getting close?" Piastol says as she leans on the rail, with her eyes closed.

A few minutes laters, and the small dot that was the city, was able to be seen much clearer, the buildings who before were small figures, little by little, started to gain size and Canaan was able to see more clearly which ones were taller than the others.

It was nearing midday and while it was hard to notice, so high above, life could be seen in the city. It was overflowing with activity, almost like if this place had not gone through a weird event lik the Shattering almost a year ago and everything was going as if it were normal.

Just then, Canaan saw something that made her eyes go wide. She saw the multiple roofs of the skyscrapers withing in the city…open up and reveal hidden missile launchers, all prepped up and aiming towards them.

"...They are aiming missiles at us." Canaan deadpans as she draws The Maria and starts preparing the Judgement as Belle gets away from the rail, afraid, and Clove just sighs.

"I knew it." She just shakes her head. Canaan had to give Clove this…she might had a point.

"Perhaps they just give us a warning to get out?" The wooden girl ask while shaking as if a woodpecker was hitting a tree fiercely.

Just then, the first volley of missiles are fired, all of them aiming at the ship!

"Nope! They really don't want visitors!" Canaan shouts as she takes aim with her gun.

"God damnit! I will take the wheel!" Piastol shouts as she rushes to the cabin. "We need to find a place to land!" She shouts to the others.

"On it!! Clove says as she takes flight with her boots, she turns to look at Canaan. "Can you handle the welcoming party?"

Canaan just shrugs. "We will see." And then Canaan fires the first shot from her gun. The energy blast making contact with one of the nearing missile, blowing it up, but many more were coming towards them.

"Oh Gears and Starters!!! M-Metal, help us, please!" Belle shouts, looking at Metal Sonic, who had been standing in the m,iddle of the bridge so far, looking at the horizon.

He doesn't respond, nor seems to register Belle's words, but then he reaches for his Captain hat, putting it on the ground, and a second later, the sound of a jet engine could be heard…

Canaan doesn't turn away to look, but feeling the rush of wind and the blue blur coming from behind her, she sees Metal Sonic rushing towards the Missiles, all of them exploding after Metal smashes through them.

"Well…that was quick." Canaan comments as she sees the missile launchers reload their weaponry, a new wave incoming.

Contested Power Check!
Protect the ship from the Missile volley!

Tokyo-to Anti Air defense System: Blow up the interlopers!
5d100 (34, 68, 10, 24, 36) + 15 (Missile Launchers)

Egg Party: Protect the Ship!
5d100 (7, 4, 47, 16, 97) + 28(Canaan) + 5(The Maria) + 30(Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 10(Metal Buster)+10

49 vs 85
83 vs 82
25 vs 125
39 vs 84
51 vs 175

Results: 1 success, 4 Critical Success!

Avenger doesnt take any damage

Egg Party manages to fend off the rest of the attack.
Metal Proceeds to destroy the Anti Air System of Tokyo-To!
??? Is enraged sooooo much!

Canaan had to admit, when the robot dude wasn't being by aliens, he was quite a deadly thing.

Metal never stayed still, moving from one rocket to another making sure none ever got close to the ship. But even as fast and effective as Metal was, there were too many missiles fired that some slipped through him.

Luckily she was there and with a few shots of the Maria, the rockets blew up a safe distance from the ship.

"Well…this doesn't seem too-" Canaan started to say, but thena explosion was heard, and the Avenger shaked badly.

"What are you doing!" The angry voice of Piastol could be heard from the cabin. "I just got this fixed! I'm not having it destroyed again!"

"We are trying! It's like every building here has rocket launchers on them!" Canaan shouts back as she keeps blasting away any rocket that sleeps throught Metal. "How many missile launchers do they have!?" She tchs as she sees, another volley incoming. And with Clove not coming back yet…

"Metal! Go for the Missile launchers!" Canaan shouts to the robot. "We need to neutralize them!" She shouts, hoping the robot follows her orders.

At first it doesn't seem like Metal heard her, but a second later, his chest engine began to glow and an energy beam was fired from it, hitting the roof of one of the skyscrapers. Blowing it up. Ohhhh.

"Oh geez! I-I hope there was no one there…" Belle says with a haunted look, leaning in to see Metal starting to not only destroy the missiles but also the roofs that housed the machinery.

"...I really hope the people here don't take this as an act of war…" Canaan remarks with a tense smile…seeing the destruction that Metal Sonic was inflicting.

Logistics: Find a place to land
DC 80
Result: 1d100 (50) + 20(Canaan) + 26(Clove)
Total: 96

Just then, Canaan and Belle hear Clove's voice. "I found a place we can land!" Clove shouts as she lands atop the cabin. "Piastol! Head starboard! Found an abandoned factory we can use to hide!" S

"On it!" The bounty hunter says as the ship quickly turns around and starts moving, all the while Metal continues to wreak havoc on all the Skycrapers of the city…

"...Don't say it please." Canaan pleads with Clove as she looks at the chaos that Metal Sonic caused.

"What? That I was right?" Clove remarks with an annoyed tone as she keeps guiding Piastol towards a safe place.

Canaan says nothing, just sighting, as she pats Belle in the head.

"It's gonna be alright." She says, but she is not sure the wooden girl or herself believes it.

She just hopes that whatever happens, Maria remains safe.

After managing to hide the Avenger in some factories Ruins, making sure they were not followed, Belle took a chance to inspect the damage done to the Ship

"Mmm…Luckily the hull was able to absorb most of the impact, the anti gravity systems are intact, so flying won't be a risk, but the hull won't be able to take more hits like that." Belle summarizes the rest after checking the Avenger. "I think I could fix it, but it would take me a few hours.

"If the ship can fly as it is, I say leave it for now…Staying here much time seems like a bad idea." Clove gives her point of view. "Let's just look for Canaan's friend and leave, we can fix the ship after we get out of here.

"I mean… I could stay here to fix it as you look for Maria?" Belle asks Canaan, who takes a moment to ponder it.

"Nah, not sure it's a good idea to split right now…I feel we might have pissed off a few people here with our…entrance." Canaan, says as the group is ready to depart.

"Very well…" Clove says as she checks her data pad. "It seems that we landed on the edge of the "Kogane-Cho" sector, we will need to cross towards Shibuya-Cho if that is where your friend is."

"Say…" Piastol, spoek for the first time since they landed. "This Maria…she is a blonde and carried a camera right?" She asks Canaan with a curious tone, as she picks up a piece of paper that littered the floor.

"Yes…why?" Canaan ask with her eyes narrowed, not waiting for Piastol to speak as she rips off the piece of paper from her hands.

Then She gasps as she looks at the contents for it.

Maria…what did you got yourself into?

Interlude ends for now, starting to be a bit too big, expect part 3 soon. Meanwhile leaving a vote here:

[ ] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)

[ ] Bring the Badniks along, bonus to combat rolls, but malus to Trickery checks to stay undetected. (Ship will stay undefended/nor will it be able to be used to pick the party.)

Current Location of the group (Red Spot)

Objective: reach Shibuya-Cho
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666: Tokyo-To Scramble- Part 3: Pressure
Walking through the streets of Kogane-Cho went….mostly without issue. For Piastol and Belle, the calm and urbanized streets of the residential area was a novel experience for them, while Clove and Canaan were already used to sights like this.

It was nearing midday after their… eventful arrival to Tokyo-To and so far they had not found any complications, the few citizens strolling through that saw them seemed to keep their distance, not only for the unusual appearance of some of them, but there seemed to be a deeper reason, if the purple aura of fear that surrounded them gave Canaan any indication.

There was one thing that was very…notable.

"This Gouji guy seems to have an ego as big as the boss…" Canaan remarks as they see the Rokkaku logo almost everywhere on the streets, from products being sold in the convenience stores, to posters of a bald man in a city posing with the words "Making Tokyo-to Great Again!" and "No Rudies! Only The Future!"

"Yeah it's a little off putting, to say the least." Clove remarks as she watches a truck with the Rokkaku Service sign pass by. "At the very least, we can assume that this Goji has to be the one calling the shots here."

"So we'll know who'll be pissed at us for breaking their toys." Piastol says as she looks at the scenery of the place, with Death Hound trailing behind, sniffing the air constantly, unused to the smells of the place.

"Basically yeah." Canaan says absentmindedly as she keeps staring at the wanted poster of Maria. "...What did you get yourself into?" She mutters with a worried tone.

"So, any idea where we are supposed to go?" Clove asks as she looks at a pair of people who gave them a wide berth and retreated when the Pronghorn looked at them. "I don't think people will be too kind to be our guides."

"I could try and talk to one of them?" Belle asks with uncertainty.

Canaan sighs. "Don't worry about that, I got it." She says, and gives no further comment as her eyes start to glow red.

Trickery Check:
Find traces of Maria ???
Dc 100
1d100 (72) + 22(Canaan) + 18(Clove) + 10(Can't never forget Maria's Aura)
Total: 122


It's faint…but Canaan can see it, traces of Maria…everywhere she looks, as if she had traveled these streets several times by now. It takes her almost no time to find a trace to follow as she observes the streets.

"Follow me!" Canaan shouts to the others as she rushes off. "I found-"

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A voice shouts out of nowhere, sounding far away.

Egg Party: Stay Under The Radar
1d100 (24) + 22(Canaan) + 18(Clove) + 15(Synesthesia-Judgement) + 30(Successful arrival)
Total: 109

Goji Contested Trickery Check:
Result: 1d100 (59) + 25 (Gouji) + 18(Onishima) + 15(Glory and Grace)+15(Gotcha!)+5(Tokyo-to Police)
Total: 137


Egg Party was founded by Captain Onishima!

Canaan Stares perplexed as a police car drives towards her, swerving and dashing, as a figure exits the car.

"Gotcha! You aren't getting off easy here!" The figure, a man with a clear brown duster and the most ridiculous delinquent hair Canaan has seen, exclaims, as he points at them, and for some god forsaken reason, proceeds to do a series of pelvic thrust.

"Belle…don't look." Canaan deadpans as she puts a hand to cover her eyes from the weirdo.

"You didn't think you could just invade Tokyo-To and get away with it right!" The figure shouts as the party notices more police cars arrive from behind him, several cops exiting from him. "Mr. Gouji wants some words with the lot of you! You gotta repay for the damage you caused!" And for some reason, the guy is still doing those pelvic thrusts!

"Um…Sir, with all due respect, we are in the middle of something." Clove asks, wanting to avoid a conflict. "Any chance we could…"

"I am NOT asking!" The cop said as he pulled out an oversized magnum from inside his duster and pointed it at Clove.

"Oh, neither were we." Canaan says as she draws the Maria at the same time, aiming it at the cop, this act springs the rest of the cops to action, all of them aiming their guns at them.

"C-could you please…not hurt them too much?" Belle asks, as she hides behind Metal Sonic, who just stares emotionless at the police, dismissing them as beneath him.

"We will try…I guess." Piastol says as she draws her Scythe, as Death Hound begins growling aggressively.

Combat time!

Contested Power Check

Result: 1d100 (64) + 28 (Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia)+ 15(The Maria) + 30(Metal)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster)
Total: 157

Result: 1d100 (53) + 25(Captain Onishima) + 5(BFG) + 10(Tokyo-to Police)
Total: 93

Great Success!

Result: The party beat the crap of Onishima and the police…in a non lethal way.

Captain Onishima groaned in pain, laid on the pavement, as he clutched his busted knee, that white haired brat had just pistol whipped him and then smashed his knee! Who the fuck does that!?

He looks up to see the rest of his boys in similar states of hurt, those…freaks, went through them like they were nothing! This is ridiculous. It's like when does stupid rudies mocked him!

Onishima was glad that Gouji had cleaned Benten-Cho and Kogane-Cho of all the rudies there, now, just Shibuya-Cho remained the only place left to clean, the surviving gang members managed to run like rats and group back there, and so far they had been hard to put down…specially because of that blonde haired bi-!

The ringing of his phone cut Onishima from his line of thought and he signed. He knew he would not like the following discussion.

Gingerly taking out his phone, he answered the call, without a chance to speak, a rough voice came through.

"Report." Oh… bugger.

"Heya Boss…" Onishima started saying as he groaned. "We found them, haven't had the chance to find that ship but found the invaders. We tried to arrest them but…"

"You failed." A chill went through him, The Boss wasn't in a good mood. Something messing up today's plans to wipe out the remaining rudies would have the boss really pissed off.

"L-Let me explain please! They are a group of freaks! Like the ones you employ! Me and my boys couldn't-" Onishima starts to explain quickly, fearing what the boss would do.

"I don't want excuses, I want results. Go back to HQ, I will put actual competent help on the case." Oh good, he wasn't gonna die today…

"T-thank you Bo-" He couldn't finish the sentence, the call ending abruptly.

He sighed, Onishima liked when things were far simpler and he just had to chase off teens.

"Well this…might be a problem." Canaan says as the whole group is hidden in an alley, watching the blockade on the streets, blocking the pass to Shibuya-Cho.

After dealing with the police, they quickly followed Canaan's track and eventually found themselves almost exiting Kobane-Cho, and enterin Shibuya-Cho. There was just a problem…

Every exit or entrance was blocked! Whole S.W.A.T Teams blocking every entrance, tanks, even Helicopters patrolling the skies! There was no opening they could take!

What were they supposed to do now?


[ ] Try to sneak through the guards! (Will be hard, but if they can sneak in without alerting them, they should be able to roam Shibuya-Cho and find Maria quickly, as long as they avoid drawing more attention.)

(Several Trickery Checks, if any failed, combat will begin, and Enemies will roll the first Round with advantage! ??? )

[ ] Open a way yourselves! (These people were keeping Canaan from reaching Maria, this was unacceptable! If they were looking for them, then if Canaan and the party deal with them now, she would not have to worry about them later!)

(Attack the Tokyo-To forces, starting combat, defeating them will give the party a free shot to Shibuya-Cho and chances to look for Maria unbothered for a while. Starts first Round of Combat with advantage, ???)

(3 hour moratorium)
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666: Tokyo-to Scramble- Part 4: Devotion
Winning vote:

[X] Open a way yourselves! (These people were keeping Canaan from reaching Maria, this was unacceptable! If they were looking for them, then if Canaan and the party deal with them now, she would not have to worry about them later!)


Contested Power roll against the Tokyo-To Forces!

Enemy forces:
Swat Teams X3
Tank squads X3
Helicopter X1

Contested Power roll:

Result: 1d100 (20) + 45(Total Swat Team power score) + 60(Total Tanks power score + 5 (Helicopter)=
Total: 130!

Egg Party!

Result: 1d100 (53) + 28 (Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia)+ 15(The Maria) + 30(Metal)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster)
Total: 146

Result: 1d100 (44) + 28 (Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia)+ 15(The Maria) + 30(Metal)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster)
Total: 137


Result: Egg Party Breaks Through the Blockade!

Sometimes, the simple plans were those that worked best.

There was no reason to make a very complex plan to sneak in and be eventually found by the authorities of Tokyo-To. Instead, Canaan decided that she rather get this over with and reunite with Maria now.

That meant dealing with the multiple S.W.A.T teams, tanks, and Helicopters roaming around the streets. For some, dealing with all that would take some serious firepower and planning, but Canaan had something the rest didn't.

A Jet-Powered Robot made by an Egg-shaped mad scientist.

As Metal flew through the air towards the armed helicopters, the rest of the Egg Party dealt with the ground troops, in other words, all the armed soldiers and tanks, who proceeded to fire at them.

"Attention, intruders!" A random soldiers they fired from the turret in the gun nest sets in the middle of the street. "You are in violation of Airspace!" They shouted as the fired at the blue and shiny robot who was systematically destroying each flying unit they had (And making sure the pilots survived, Belle was adamant on that).

The constant fire of the machine gun did nothing, all bullets bouncing off harmless from his metal chassis.

Seeing that the soldier changed their aim. "You are in violation of groundspace! You are under-Arrrg!" The soldier's talk was cut short by Canaan jumping over the cover and knocking him out, appropriating the turret and using it to shoot at the new waves of S.W.A.T. soldiers coming from behind where the Egg Party came from.

"There is no end to them!" Clove shouts, as her scythe goes through another tank, easily destroying the cannon and rendering the war machine useless. "Why did we just charged in again?!"

"Did you want to be found 10 minutes later?" Is Piastol answer as she finishes destroying another tank, Death Hound easily mauling another soldier that tried to sneak up to them.

"Look at it this way! The trip back will be easier! No one else will interrupt us! Canaan shouts as the turret runs out of ammo, and quickly draws The Maria and continues shooting the waves of soldiers, the gun's fire easily going throught their riot shields and downing soldiers with each shot.

"That is not as comforting as you think it is!" Belle shouts from behind the wreckage of another tank. "Did we really had to do this?!" She shouts distraugh.

"Yes!"No!""Maybe!?" Is Canaan, Clove and Piastol respective answers.

"At least we are almost done!" Canaan shouts to Belle after dealing with the las group of soldiers. "Not seeing any more soldiers! Those should have been-Where did those tanks come from?!" Canaan shouts as she looks behind her, towards where the barricade is settled, because beyond it several tanks were coming through, all ready to fire.

"Take cover!" Clove shouts, but the warning ends up becoming unnecessary, because a second later, a bright blue energy beam appears, going through the tanks, destroying them in a fiery explosion!

"Metal! Whyyyyy?!" Shouts Belle, who clutches tight her ponytails. Metal Sonic who just descended towards the ground, says nothing, but Canaan had a guess that if the dude could speak, he would just shrug.

"Okay, no more soldiers, tanks OR helicopters in sight!" Clove shouts from a top of a destroyed tank. "Can we leave now?"

"Sounds good to me." Piastol shouts who quickly scoops up Belle in her arms and heads to the other side of the barricade, Death Hound following right behind.

On the highest floor of the Rokkaku Headquarters, a figure sat in his private office, clutching a cigar between his lips, while, slowly, precisely, systematically, used his cane to tap the rhythm of a tune only he could hear.

Since that strange event happened, so many things had happened, many that infuriated him to no avail, and others that…well, they put a smile on his face.

The last few months had been tough, so many things not going according to plan, so many unexpected variables suddenly appearing, even the Devil's Disc ending up not living up to its hype. But at least it had another nifty function…

Today was supposed to be when he removed the last stains of resistance from this city, the final nails to the coffins that were for the Rudies were ready to be hammered…

But then that Ship appeared out of nowhere!

Gouji was starting to get really pissed off at the last moment surprises…He swears, if anything else appears right now…

His phone starts ringing, recognizing the tone, he swiftly opens it, never stopping the tapping of his cane, and quickly answers it.

He doesn't need to speak, his trusty assassins quickly reporting in.

Golden Rhynos:
Locate the intruders!
Dc: Contested Trickery Roll

Result: 1d100 (48) + 25(Gouji) + 15(Glory and Grace) + 15(Golden Rhynos) + 25(Helicopters)
Total: 128

Egg Party Roll:

Result: 1d100 (86) + 22(Canaan) + 18(Clove) + 15(Synesthesia-Judgement)
Total: 141


"I'm sorry Boss. The intruders managed to get through the blockade before we could reach them." The leader reports. "We are still tracking them but…" A short silence.


"We believe that they are heading where the operation is taking place today… We are not sure yet but…"

"Our man inside never reported about this, so it's unlikely these guys are friends of those brats." Gouji says, the tapping of his cane adopting speeding up. "Still, I don't believe in coincidences… Head straight there and assist the Demons with the clean up."

"As you command." A moment later, the call ends.

Gouji just closes his eyes and closes the phone, exhaling slowly.


The Egg Party had been walking for almost an hour now. The lack of security in Shibuya-Cho should have worried them, but so far, they didn't complain for the lack of interruptions, especially now that they have arrived at their goal.

Canaan stood in front of the entrance of a warehouse, her synesthesia guiding her towards her. The aura gave no room for doubt! She must surely be there.

Just as she was about to break into a run, Clove grabbed her arm. "We are not going to just rush like that." She spoke in a tone that held no room for debate.

"We are right here! And I don't feel anything else! There is no danger here!"

"That is no excuse to just drop our guards! Clove says aggravated as she and Canaan begin to discuss.

Meanwhile, Belle decided to just get this over with and strode towards the warehouse, gently knocking on the door. The sound of loud music could be heard as the wooden girl stood there.

A few moments later, the door opened, and Belle, nor the rest of the Egg Party were ready for who was opening the door.

or rather… What opened the door.

"He Hoo! Hello, fellas! What can I help you with?" The being(?) asked with a playful tone.

"What the…" Piastol muttered, lost for words at what she was staring at.

"Um…We are looking for Maria?" Belle asked, not seeing any reason to lie. "Her friend Canaan wants to talk with her."

"Oh! Are you friends with her? Of course! Any friend of hers is a friend of us!" The weird creature said as he moved out of the way, letting the Egg Party pass.

And entering inside they saw…

"Looka here lady! You ain't listening to us! You! Are! In! Dangah!" A crocodile with a punk get up was discussing with a blond woman.

"For the last time! I don't know any egg-shaped man you are talking about!" Maria shouted back, as if they have been discussing for a long time now.


"Maria!" Canaan shouted, running towards her, so many emotions going through her at the moment.

Maria turns to look at the new arrival, her eyes widening as she recognizes her. "Canaan! How-" She is cut short by a strong embrace from the mercenary, who proceeds to kiss her right away before she can ask anything else.

The blond haired woman widens her eyes at this, but doesn't hesitate and reciprocates the kiss.

"Woah!" Vector says surprised, as he blushes, covering his eyes.

"Oh my…" Espio says, too dumbfounded by what is happening.

"Awwwww." Belle can't help but comment, looking happily towards the Mercenary.

The pair is not sure how much time passed, but after they break their kiss, both totally out of breath, as they stare at each other, never breaking the embrace.

"Canaan…how did you…?" Maria tries to ask again, but Canaan interrupts her.

"I had some help, but that doesn't matter, I'm not going to let you go, again." Canaan says as she rubs her head with Maria's cheek, her eyes closed. For a moment, Canaan feels a mixture of tranquility and happiness, nothing could ruin this…

And that is when the ground shooks. and a figures descends from the roof, destroying it in the process!

"Here is Onnniiiiiiiiiii!!!!" A hulking red figure shouts as he flexes, wielding a massive weapon.

Before the party nor the rest of the people inside the warehouse can react. A mist starts appearing around them, causing a chill to go through all of them, even Metal Sonic.

"Can you hear it…the evening bell. It tolls for thee." A figure rasped, one moment there was no one in front of Canaan and Maria, and the next…

"T-they found us!"Maria shouted, with Canaan strengthening her hold over her. "How!?...Wait… Jack! Did you-?" She turns to look at the supposed being called Jack, who only laughs diabolically as it jumps happily.
"Sorry girlie, you were nice and all but a deals a deal and that deal says you gotta go~"

"So bye!!!"

QM Note:

Next update will be the start of the final fight of the adventure with the new system. Hope you are ready!!!
666:Tokyo-To Scramble- Part 5: The Final Groove-Round 1
And without more preamble, the Monster swung its scythe towards Maria, with such speed and strength that clearly couldn't be human.

Canaan knew she wouldn't be able to pull Maria and Her away from it, so immediately she shifted their positions, so Canaan was in front of Maria and closed her eyes, bracing for the upcoming attack.

But just then, Canaan heard the voice of their savior.

"METAL!!!" Belle shouted as loud as she could, and a second later, the sound of an engine roaring was heard, a burst of wind a second later, and a loud clang was heard.

Canaan looks behind her to see Metal Sonic grabbing the blade of the scythe with one hand, sparks coming out of it as it struggles to keep it still, but even so, Metal brings his other hand forward and wiggles his finger, as if telling the monster "Nah, Nah."

"You…a being of metal, dare interfere with the inevitable fate of Death?" There is a tone of anger in the face of the reaper. "Such Insolence!" With a burst of strength, the horsemen break the deadlock with metal and swing his scythe, creating a burst of wind that pushes back Metal and Canaan and Piastol. "All of you are sentenced to die!"

"Ahhhh! It's the bald man's demons!" A teenager in a white jumpsuit shouted, as the other 2 or 3 dozen of people that Canaan failed to notice before panicked and started running around like headless chickens, trying to get away from the monster.

"Nobody is leaving the Pain House!" The huge buff red monster shouted as it swung its weapons, which started glowing.

"Stop right ther' Mac!" The swing of the glaive was interrupted as Vector grabbed the shaft of the weapon. "The Pain House is closed today!" Followed by Espio jumping and throwing a kunai towards him.

But the thing is unfazed as the kunai bounces from his shoulder, just gasping. "How dare you! The Pain House is always open!" He shouts as he grabs Vector by the head and proceeds to throw him against the wall…and actually breaking the wall as Vector exits the building.

Meanwhile, the creature known as Jack was jumping and flapping his arms, as he released waves of ice towards Piastol and Clove, who stopped the creature from attacking the several other skaters currently inside, but wrecking the place and furthering the ongoing chaos.

As Canaan just laid there on the ground holding Maria, she looked up to stare at the current state of events, and only one thought came to her mind.

I need to get Maria out of here.

Right then, the sound of a jet reaches her ears once more, and before she can realize it, she is flying through the air, her hold on Maria tighter than ever.
A second later, she is dropped onto the ground and gives Canaan a moment to recompose herself. As Metal Sonic once again, speeds off towards his opponent.

"Canaan!" The voice of Belle is a balm to Canaan's state of mind, reminding her of one of the few people she can trust. "Are you okay?!"

"Never been better! Belle, this is Maria, Maria, this is Belle, she is a sweet girl." Canaan introduces them quickly as she finally gets them both, drawing her gun and staring at the Warehouse.

…Things were going wild. She saw several skaters with very strange get ups quickly exiting the place as the sounds of the battle seemed to increase with every second.

"Call the ship, Belle. We need to leave." Canaan tells the wooden girl as she then turns to Maria. "Maria we-"

"I'm not going to leave them!" She says with a resolve Canaan wasn't expecting. "If we don't do something, those demons will kill all of them!"

"But… You might-" Canaan starts to say.

"I'm willing to risk my life, same as you, same as before." She says resolute while grasping Canaan's hand tightly.

Canaan is lost for words for a second…realizing that Maria had grown more since the last time she met her.

"Big Sis Maria!" A loud robotic voice drew the three girls' attention, a group of… guys in white jumpsuits and weird hairstyles were skating towards them, doing some weird dance moves. "We need to exit this game session now!"

"What about the others? Gum and Beat?" Maria asks in a concerned tone.

"Managed to exit their USB out from this port!! They are looking for a place to regroup, we need to do the same!" Another of those weirdos said, still doing dance moves.

"Hold it right there, Fella!" The crocodile detective said, with the purple chameleon trailing right behind him. "Those guys are Eggman evil mooks! You cannot trust-"

"Canaan is precious to me! How dare you call her evil!" Maria doesn't take this standing down and slaps Vector.

"...are we the bad guys here?" Espio ask incredulous as Vector rubs his cheek, "Just what is-"

"Incoming!" Clove shouts as Piastol, Death Hound, Metal Sonic and she exit the building, just a few moments before the whole warehouse crumbles.
"Please tell me, you guys dealt with those monsters." Canaan asks as her eyes glow red, checking the warehouse, sadly…

"I'm here!" The hulking mass of muscles shouts, as he jumps from the wreckage and stands in front of them.

Then, mist starts appearing again around them, which means...

"I'm afraid your life is forfeit here!" The horseman said, as it appeared besides the muscle monster, witn that traitor Jack riding with him on the horse. "Once we kill the blond and her followers, we shall hunt every human that got away. As our Master commands, today the "Rudies" shall disappear!" The figure says as 2 white portals appear and 2 other figures join the trio.

Canaan had enough of this nonsense, stepping up to cover Maria as she raised The Maria, the Mercenary's only reply was…

"Over my dead body." She muttered with as much venom as possible.

"That was implied, of course." The skull head replied smoothly.




Egg Party Current Status:

Canaan 5/5 HP

Clove: 4/4 HP

Belle: 3/3 HP 5/5 Shield points (Reroll still available)

Piastol and Death Hound 5/5 HP

Metal Sonic 5/5 HP(Reroll available)
Ring Spark: 2 uses left!
Black Shield available

NPC: Current Status:

Vector: 6/6 HP

Espio: 5/5 HP

Maria: 3/3 HP
Noise Tanks: 3/3 HP


Pale Rider 6/6 HP

Jack Frost: 3/3 HP

Oni 5/5 HP

Archangel 4/4 HP

Fortuna: 3/3 HP


All members of the egg party have 2 action points. Please make a vote in plan Format:

Special vote: Maria and Noise Tanks current status:

Canaan Tells Maria where their ship is and that they escape to meet them there, or in the worst case, they hide and Canaan will find her soon. (Maria will leave with the noise tank and go on their own towards the Avenger, chances they meet ??? or ???. Chances to get away safely.)
  • (Can assign a Hero unit to guide them and assist them, means the hero units will be out of the fight.)

Tell Maria to stay behind them, they will protect her. (Maria and the noise tanks stay nearby, still a possible target for Gouji's demons, will need to take actions to protect them during the fight.)

Cover Maria (2 AP- Only if Maria remains on the fight): You will not let these monsters hurt her. You will not lose her, not again! (Canaan will protect Maria, she will add her stats to any roll Maria does when attacked, and gets advantage on it too)

Shoot one of the demons (1 AP) Which one (Specify in subvote)
(Contested power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Keep your distance! (1 AP) These "Demons" are clearly beyond humans, get some distance, let the others engage the creatures and pick your targets.

(Canaan keeps distance from the demons, making so most physical attacks cannot reach her easily. -10 Malus to anyone that tries to attack her).

Hold your ground (1 AP): If these monsters want to harm her, then you just need to kill them first! Take the shot immediately!

(Can only be taken with "Shoot one of the demons". Canaan attacks with a +10 bonus to combat rolls during all the round.)

Take to the air (1 AP): Using Death's fly, you will get more maneuverability and will be able to deal with attacks more easily.

(All attacks against Clove receive a Malus this turn of -10)

Coordinate with the others (1 AP)

Right now, you need to have a plan, not just running around and hitting and shooting things like you have done so far. You cannot play around against these guys.

((Reach out to another Hero unit no next turn to act together for their next action.)

Analyze the opposition (2 AP): Let's not make any rash decisions right now, stay calm for the moment and observe them. They must have weaknesses that you can exploit.
(Choose an enemy)

Logistics Check of 60/90, if successful, reveal traits and even moves that the Enemy may have (that have not been revealed yet).

Attack one of these demons (1 AP) (Choose which demon)
(Contested power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Keep your guard up (1 AP):

(This turn, any attack any enemy does against Clove gets a -10 Malus.)

Reach out to the Crocodile and the Chameleon ( 1 AP): P-Perhaps you can convince them you are not here for trouble? If you can get their help, then perhaps you will have a better chance for everyone to get away safely!

(Heart Check of 75, if successful, Chaotic will listen to Belle and the party and will cooperate)

Call the Ship (1 AP): All of you need to leave now! You can send a message to the badniks and have them fly the ship over here! Hopefully nothing stops it

(Belle notifies the Egg Robo to come here and pick them up. Will take a certain amount of turns to arrive)

Take Maria and The weird guys to a safe place (2 AP) (only if they stay in the fight): Right now, you really should not be anywhere near these monsters, better take Maria and her friends to hide somewhere nearby.

(Belle takes Maria and the Noise tanks and roll a trickery check to hide nearby, making it harder for the demons to target them WARNING! THIS WILL MAKE THE DEMONS FOCUS RIGHT AWAY ON THEM!)

…Use the gun? (2 AP) (Frei based attack) Choose demon:
You know you will regret this!!!
(Contested power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Give The Gun To Somebody Else (0AP)
Someone, *anyone* can use this better than you can! Why are you even still carrying it!
(Another unit will be given the Egg Gun)

Search the warehouse for something useful? (2 AP) While the others focus on fighting them, perhaps you could check on the warehouse and find something to use?

(Logistics check of 50, if successful, Belle finds a random item she may use during the fight/loot.)

I Behead The Face Of Death (2AP)
This creature claims to be Death. You will prove that it is incorrect.
(Metal focuses entirely on Pale Rider, Contested Power roll a +20 bonus.)

Speed Assault (1AP) Which one (Specify in subvote)
Speed is the only guarantee of death on the battlefield. Show them just how fast you are.
(Contested Power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Directive: Protect Belle (1AP)
Primary mission is to protect Belle. None shall touch her as you stand.
(Metal will interpose himself between any attack that would damage Belle, forcing all attacks made at her to be made at him instead, though all his Power rolls to defend from these attacks suffer a -10 malus.)

Take This Outside (2AP)
Directive of mission is keep Designation: Belle safe. Pale Horseman primary risk, remove it from premises and eliminate.
(Contested Power against Pale Rider. If successful, Metal deals 1 damage and both Metal and Pale Rider are forced outside the area and away from the rest of the Egg Party.)

Desire: Growth (2AP)
The opponents here are powerful. Power should be yours.
(Metal rips out one of his drives, taking 1 damage and removing one of his copied traits at random. He will then scan one of the demons at random.)

Blast these fools! (1 AP) (Specify with demon) (Frei)
Time to show these inferior being what they are dealing with! Start blasting them and don't give a moment of respite!

(Metal keeps his distance, contested ranged power roll against the chosen demon, cannot be taken with "Speed Assault")

Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

Take Flight, Oh Angel Of Death (1 AP) (Pick a Target)
Demon, human, whatever: you'll cut them down all the same.
(Contested Power roll against the target, Piastol will move in close to the enemy to attack)

Send out a serrated cyclone (1 AP) (Pick a target)
Cast Welves and tear someone to shreds!
(Summons a cutting tornado around an enemy with a contested power roll. This attack will be at range)

Cast Eterni on a demon (1 AP) (Hama)
(Pick a target)
You'll show the Pale Rider and his entourage why you earned the name "Angel of Death"
(Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll) (Warning: eterni isn't an instant death effect)

Invoke Rakukaja (1 AP)
The power of the sea of souls lies dormant in your heart, and right now you have an urge to let it loose.
(Piastol give -10 to any opponent's attacks against her for 3 rounds)

Blade and Bite (2 AP)
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down!
(Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto an enemy and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll)

Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)
->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.

666:Tokyo-To Scramble- Part 5: The Final Groove-Round 1 Results/Round 2
Winning vote:
[X] No Death Run
-[X] Tell Maria to stay behind them, they will protect her. (Maria and the noise tanks stay nearby, still a possible target for Gouji's demons, and will need to take actions to protect them during the fight.)
--[X] Cover Maria (2 AP)
--[X] Attack one of those demons - Fortuna (1 AP)
--[X] Coordinate with the others (1 AP)
-[X] Belle
--[X] Reach out to the Crocodile and the Chameleon (1 AP)
--[X] Call the ship (1 AP)
--[X] Give The Gun To Somebody Else - 0AP (Maria)
-[X] Metal
--[X] Take This Outside (2AP)
--[X] Incrementus
-[X] Piastol
--[X] Invoke Rakukaja targeting the Noise Tanks
--[X] Cast Eterni on a demon - Fortuna
--[X] Incrementus targeting Metal

View: https://youtu.be/v6PDPMQVGDM?si=-7F9qqMvATF4zST-

There was a lull in the battlefield for a moment, as each party sized the other. One, wary of these otherworldly beings but ready to stand their ground. The other, just stared at them with a mixture of malice and hunger, not dissimilar to a hunter staring down at their prey.

That moment of tranquility was broken when Metal Sonic rev'd his engine at maximum power, straight towards the horsemen, ready to move their fight to a more private area and destroy it without interruption.

As he neared his target, his whole body was seemingly covered in fire, giving him more potency as he rushed towards the rider.

A second later, he and the Rider made contact and an explosion occurred, raising a cloud of smoke around them, Jack Frost getting thrown away from the horse from the strength of the impact.

Belle couldn't help but gasp as the smoke cleared, and the image of the rider's skeletal hand tightly gripping Metal's head, still wreathed in flames and easily stopping his charge.

"Hmmp, you may have speed, but that is all you have. Begone of my sight." As if it was nothing, Pale Rider proceeded to throw Metal towards the wreckage of the former warehouse, a loud crash being made as the robotic hedgehog impacted with the rubble.

"Metal!" Belle couldn't help but shout and that was the trigger that made the rest of the fighters spring into action. Canaan immediately grabbed Maria's hand and ran away with her, trying to keep her distance from the demons.

The first ones to act were Piastol and Clove, both of them rushing toward the demons and striking the first one in sight, in this case the strange woman figure with a wheel for a torso.

Piastol's eterni spell struck her and Clove circled behind her thanks to her boots and without much preamble decapitated the being.

The demon known as Fortuna couldn't do more than emit a hellish scream of pain as her head was severed, and as she died, her head and the rest of her body, melted in energy and disappeared into the nothing, no trace of her nowhere to be found, surprising both Scythe wielders.

That moment of surprise was all the armored winged figure needed to strike. "Begone, heretics!" He shouted as his sword shined brightly and swiftly swung it towards Clove's exposed back.

The attack struck true and Clove felt as if her back was on fire as she lost control of her boots and flew wildly towards the ground, crashing loudly against the floor and worsening her injuries.

"Clove! Are you okay!?" The young tinker shouted as she ran towards the pronghorn and helped her stand up. Belle felt something liquid across Clove's back as she held her, looking at her palm, she couldn't help but gasp. "Y-You're bleeding!"

"It's…okay. I-I had worse." Clove muttered as she used Belle as support, as they moved away from the fighting. "We…need a plan." She gasped, the pain in her back still too much.

Meanwhile, Vector once again faced off against the Oni, both of them in a contest of strength as the green and red powerhouses' fist clashed.

Sadly, it seemed like the demon had the upper hand in the strength department. "Ha! Haven't faced someone as tough as me in a while, little croc!" The Oni shouted as the Oni brought his glaive down once more trying to cut Vector in half, but the detective had a firm grasp on the shaft of the weapon, struggling to keep it from moving. "You ain't strong sadly!" And he rebuffed Vector's attempt by rearing his leg and basically punting the crocodile away.

…Towards Clove and Belle.

"Ahhh!" The wooden girl shouted as Clove used her jet boots to move away from harm, having the screaming crocodile sail past them. Belle, as she watched the crocodile fly away, had an idea.

"Ahhhh Man. I didn't expect this job to turn out like this." Vector said as he sat up, rubbing his head as he checked the place where he had been kicked. Luckily the monster didn't inflict much damage to him, but it still stung.

"Umm…excuse me, Mr. Crocodile Rapper…" He looked up to see a wooden badnik holding the one responsible for Eggman wiping the black arms walk towards them. "Any chance we could cooperate together?"

"No way Jose!" Vector refuted the idea immediately. "We may have no idea what Eggman is planning with the people here! But we already warned the Restoration about your schemes! You ain't getting away with nothing."

"We just wanted to find our friend's…um girlfriend I think?" Belle says, thinking that Canaan might have downplayed her relationship with this Maria.

"Likely story!" Vector said stubbornly as he finally got up. "We are wise to Eggman's tomfoolery, he ain't getting us a second time."

"Can you please at least help us with these monsters?!" Belle shouted as the trio turned around to see the demon that opened the door staring at them.

"He Ho! Seems you are a bit too heated! How about some cool down!" Having said that, he jumped, gave a little spin, and began launching ice from his mouth in all directions.

"Okay! You made a convincing argument!" Vector shouted as Belle, Clove and him went to the ground, quickly avoiding the shards of ice being thrown around.

"He Ho! Can't leave the guest of honor unattended!" He shouts as he jumps towards Canaan and Maria and lets out a volley of ice shards.

Canaan, having none of this, raises her gun and quickly shoots every single projectile thrown, and not stopping there, fires another shot that hits directly on Jack's head, pushing it back.

"He! That wasn't funny! Ho!" Jack shouts as he does a quick spin, and huge crystals of ice materialize around him, before all of them being shot towards the Egg Party and the Chaotix.

Just then a loud explosion can be heard from the warehouse, a blue bur launches forward and proceeds to destroy every single projectile before rushing towards Jack frost, and proceeds to run over him, basically throwing him away like a ragdoll.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Jack says as he is being thrown around, flailing his arms.

"That was awesome!" Shouts Maria with stars in her eyes. "That was a laser gun? I want one too!" She says, with an enthusiastic tone that ignores how moments before she was in mortal danger.

"You are not-" "Sure! You can have this!" Canaan begins to say, but a shout from Belle draws their attention, the young tinker throwing the Egg Gun Eggman gave her, making a perfect pitch as Maria grabs it.

"Awesome!" Maria shouts as she inspects the gun.

"Why did you give her that?!

"Because I didn't want it!" Belle shouts stressed, grabbing her ponytail while still helping Clove stand up. The wooden girl hears a loud thump behind her, and as Clove and she turn around they see Jack Frost HOLDING A GIANT SNOWBALL ABOVE HIM!

"He Ho!" He laughs maliciously. "Sorry little one! Got a deal to keep! Gotta get rid of them!" He says as the snow ball somehow grows twice as large.

"W-Wait! Didn't you complete your deal already?! You said you needed to find the rudies and trick us, you did all that!" Belle shouts quickly as Clove gets her scythe ready. "We don't need to fight! You can leave!" She shouts as she closes her eyes in fear, expecting the blow.

But it never comes. As she opens her eyes again, she sees Jack Frost stopping with a giant snowball above his head, thinking incredibly hard.

Jack thinks about his contract looong and haaaaaard and realizes it IS fulfilled. "Hee Ho! Now that's funny!" and he just pops like a soap bubble, fucking off completely.

"...That worked!?" Belle shouts, amazed.

"Enough!!!" The voice of Pale Rider resounds across the whole area, all eyes on him. "I had enough of this tomfoolery!" He shouts as he swings his scythe, power radiating from him.

Everyone expects an attack, but it doesn't come.

That is when Canaan senses go on overdrive, and acting on instinct she throws herself and Maria forward, and turns around to see an ice crystal several times larger that even Jack just appeared behind her, and not a second later, it explodes all, the fragments magically being shot towards them.

Reacting quickly, she proceeded to snipe off every single one of them. The gun she currently employs and her skills being enough to destroy every single projectile before they can reach them.

"So…you mortals may pose an actual challenge then." The horseman remarks as he strides forward. "In that case… Oni!"

"On it boss!" The red monster says as he takes a deep breath, and then proceeds to release a screeching shout towards them, red soundwaves coming from his mouth.

No one is sure what just happened, but all of them, even Belle, can't help but feel a deep sense of rage towards the oni… AND THE ONLY THING THEY WANT IS TO HIT HIM!!!

Round 1 Over

Round 2 Start!

Current Status:

Egg Party Current Status:

Canaan 5/5 HP

Clove: 2/4 HP

Belle: 3/3 HP 5/5 Shield points (Reroll still available)

Piastol and Death Hound 5/5 HP

Metal Sonic 5/5 HP(Reroll used)
Ring Spark: 2 uses left!
Black Shield available

NPC: Current Status:

Vector: 6/6 HP

Espio: 5/5 HP

Maria: 3/3 HP
Noise Tanks: 3/3 HP (Hidden)


Pale Rider 6/6 HP

Oni 5/5 HP

Archangel 4/4 HP

This turn all party members have been taunted! Can only take offensive actions that target Oni!

The Avenger will arrive at the end of turn 4!

All members of the egg party have 2 action points. Please make a vote in plan Format:

Cover Maria (2 AP- Only if Maria remains on the fight): You will not let these monsters hurt her. You will not lose her, not again! (Canaan will protect Maria, she will add her stats to any roll Maria does when attacked, and gets advantage on it too)

Shoot the Red Demon! (1 AP)
(Contested power Roll against Oni, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Keep your distance! (1 AP) These "Demons" are clearly beyond humans, get some distance, let the others engage the creatures and pick your targets.

(Canaan keeps distance from the demons, making so most physical attacks cannot reach her easily. -10 Malus to anyone that tries to attack her).

Hold your ground (1 AP): If these monsters want to harm her, then you just need to kill them first! Take the shot immediately!

(Can only be taken with "Shoot one of the demons". Canaan attacks with a +10 bonus to combat rolls during all the round.)

Hide away with Maria (2 AP)
These monsters are more dangerous than you imagined…you need to get her away from here first, then you can focus on them.

(Contested Trickery roll, if successful, Maria and Canaan will hide away, making sure Maria is out of the line of Fire, and next turn, Canaan will have advantage on any attack roll.)
(Warning, this will make the demons focus on them)

Take to the air (1 AP): Using Death's fly, you will get more maneuverability and will be able to deal with attacks more easily.

(All attacks against Clove receive a Malus this turn of -10)

Analyze the opposition (2 AP): Let's not make any rash decisions right now, stay calm for the moment and observe them. They must have weaknesses that you can exploit.
(Choose an enemy)

Logistics Check of 60/90, if successful, reveal traits and even moves that the Enemy may have (that have not been revealed yet).

Attack the Red Demon! (1 AP)
(Contested power Roll against Oni, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Keep your guard up (2 AP)
You are too hurt right now to risk getting hit again, focus totally on defending!
(Any attack against Clove this turn is rolled with disadvantage.)

Coordinated Actions with Belle (Uses both Ap from Clove and Belle-One options must be taken this turn):

-Open an attack of opportunity against the Red monster and slice his head! (2 AP)
Have Belle distract the Red Demon for a moment while you sneak up and deal a surprise hit!

(2 checks, Trickery Check of 70 with Belle and Clove stats added, if successful, Clove get's advantage on the attack roll and Oni disadvantage, if failed, Clove and belle roll with disadvantage if attacked against any enemy.

-Help Belle check the Warehouse (2 AP)
Belle wants to check the wreckage, thinking there is something she can find that could be useful right now…
(2 Checks, logistics check of 60, If successful, another logistics check of 80 is used as Belle obtains and prepares an useful item to use in the fight.

-Take Maria Away from here and Hide (2 AP)
Right now, Maria is a civilian who is a huge target for the enemy to abuse, If you can get away from here and find a place to hide, the others can fight without more distractions.
(Trickery check off ???, if failed, enemies will focus on the pair and a contested Power check will happen with as many demons focused on them, if failed, the action fails, Clove and Belle lose 1 HP and they don't get away)

Take Maria and The weird guys to a safe place (2 AP) (only if they stay in the fight): Right now, you really should not be anywhere near these monsters, better take Maria and her friends to hide somewhere nearby.

(Belle takes Maria and the Noise tanks and rolls a trickery check to hide nearby, making it harder for the demons to target them WARNING! THIS WILL MAKE THE DEMONS FOCUS RIGHT AWAY ON THEM!)

Search the warehouse for something useful? (2 AP) While the others focus on fighting them, perhaps you could check on the warehouse and find something to use?

(Logistics check of 50, if successful, Belle finds a random item she may use during the fight/loot.)

Coordinated Actions with Clove (Uses both Ap from Clove and Belle-One options must be taken this turn):

-Open an attack of opportunity against the Red monster and slice his head! (2 AP)
Have Belle distract the Red Demon for a moment while you sneak up and deal a surprise hit!

(2 checks, Trickery Check of 70 with Belle and Clove stats added, if successful, Clove get's advantage on the attack roll and Oni disadvantage, if failed, Clove and belle roll with disadvantage if attacked against any enemy.

-Help Belle check the Warehouse (2 AP)
Belle wants to check the wreckage, thinking there is something she can find that could be useful right now…
(2 Checks, logistics check of 60, If successful, another logistics check of 80 is used as Belle obtains and prepares an useful item to use in the fight.

-Take Maria Away from here and Hide (2 AP)
Right now, Maria is a civilian who is a huge target for the enemy to abuse, If you can get away from here and find a place to hide, the others can fight without more distractions.
(Trickery check off ???, if failed, enemies will focus on the pair and a contested Power check will happen with as many demons focused on them, if failed, the action fails, Clove and Belle lose 1 HP and they don't get away)

I Smash The Face Of Oni! (2AP)
This creature is really annoying. It provokes a great amount of anger in you! You will relish in breaking his spine!
(Metal focuses entirely on Oni, Contested Power roll a +20 bonus.)

Speed Assault on Oni (1AP)
Speed is the only guarantee of death on the battlefield. Show them just how fast you are.
(Contested Power Roll against Oni, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)

Directive: Protect Belle (1AP)
Primary mission is to protect Belle. None shall touch her as you stand.
(Metal will interpose himself between any attack that would damage Belle, forcing all attacks made at her to be made at him instead, though all his Power rolls to defend from these attacks suffer a -10 malus.)

Desire: Growth (2AP)
The opponents here are powerful. Power should be yours.
(Metal rips out one of his drives, taking 1 damage and removing one of his copied traits at random. He will then scan one of the demons at random.)

Blast that Red Fool!! (1 AP)
Time to show these inferior beings what they are dealing with! Start blasting them and don't give a moment of respite!

(Metal keeps his distance, contested ranged power roll against Oni, cannot be taken with "Speed Assault")

Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack. (CAN ONLY PICK ONI!)

->Sacrem: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

Chaotix Recital (with special guest) (2AP)
You are… unsure what the feeling you are feeling is as you shake the maracas given to you by Belle alongside the Chameleon and Crocodile, but it seems to be bringing pain to the demons. Acceptable.
(Vector, Espio, and Metal all play their hearts out and it's terrible enough to affect demonic entities. Make an attack against all enemies with a +60 bonus.) (Metal, espio and Vector must take the axction for this to happen)

Take Flight, Oh Angel Of Death (1 AP) (Pick a Target)
That red monster makes you as angry as HIM! Crush him!
(Contested Power roll against Onit, Piastol will move in close to the enemy to attack)

Send out a serrated cyclone (1 AP) (Pick a target)
Cast Welves and tear Oni to shreds!
(Summons a cutting tornado around Oni with a contested power roll. This attack will be at range)

Cast Eterni on Oni (1 AP) (Hama)
(Pick a target)
You'll show the Pale Rider and his entourage why you earned the name "Angel of Death"
(Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll) (Warning: eterni isn't an instant death effect)

Invoke Rakukaja (1 AP) (Choose the target)
The power of the sea of souls lies dormant in your heart, and right now you have an urge to let it loose.
(Piastol give -10 to any opponent's attacks against her for 3 rounds)

Blade and Bite (2 AP) (Can only pick Oni)
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down!
(Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto Oni and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll)

Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)
->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack. (CAN ONLY PICK ONI AS TARGET)

->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.

Punch that red Fella! (2 AP)
That musclehead infuriates you for some reason! Time to smash them's clock!
(Contested Power roll with a +20 Bonus)

Blew some Bubblegum! (1 AP)
Time for an old classic! Blew some of your fav' gum and let it free, if one of them monsters touch it, they will get a nasty surprise! (WILL ONLY HIT ONI)

(Contested Power roll against ONI, if failed, Oni will be immobilized for next turn, limiting his actions and will have a -10 to rolls.

Time for some Noise! (1 AP)
Let your beautiful voice out and sing! Let them Red fella fear your vocal talent!
(Contested Power check against all Demon in the area with a +15 bonus, if successful, they take 1 HP damage. Chances to inflict a malus of -10 to them Next turn.)

Catch that Oni Attention (2 AP)
That Musclehead thinks he can mock you and get away with it?! Nah! You ain't letting that one stand!

(Heart check against Oni, if successful, oni will be enraged and focus next turn on attacking Vectorl)

Defend yourself (1 AP)
(Vector gains advantage against any attack the enemy makes against him)

Release some burns on that fool! (1 Ap)
Time to make that Oni fella get some of your heat!
(Vector does a contested power ranged attack against Oni, if successful, Oni loses 1 HP and chances of Oni to get burned and received a malus)

Chaotix Recital (with special guest) (2AP)
You're gonna show these rudies and demons what real music sounds like! Enough to make a grown man cry or explode a demon where it stands! You told Espio bringing the instruments was a good idea!
(Vector, Espio, and Metal all play their hearts out and it's terrible enough to affect demonic entities. Make an attack against all enemies with a +60 bonus.) (Metal, espio and Vector must take the axction for this to happen)

Ninja Art: Throwing Lots of Kunai! (1AP)
It isn't the most complicated ninja art you know for sure, but a storm of sharp metal objects flying at you makes people react in a certain way. Because you're not aiming to damage, that's a happy accident. Make them dance.
(Espio throws a barrage at the Oni, who must succeed a DC70 Trickery check or suffer -10 to his rolls this turn.)

Ninja Art: Shadow Clones (1AP)
The use of after images to confuse opponents is a time honored ninja tradition, and the Oni will need to keep an eye on you or suffer the consequences.
(Espio bolts around the battlefield, flashing his camouflage to leave after images. Any foe that targets him must succeed a DC75 Trickery check or waste the attack on a clone. Espio gains +10 to contested Power rolls against those with lower trickery than him when this ability is used.)

Tongue Impact (1AP)
… You're glad Charmy isn't here to see this. Your tongue is a powerful weapon even if your allies do tease you for it. A tongue lashing for a demon seems appropriate.
(Espio makes a contested Power check against a demon ((selected in subvote)) dealing 1 damage on a success.)

Center Yourself (2AP)
There are many mental attacks flying around the battlefield, you can feel the unnatural rage drawing you towards the oni. Center yourself Espio, you are the master of your mind.
(Espio cleanses himself of all mental debuffs and gains +20 to all rolls to resist them for the rest of this combat.)

Chaotix Recital (with special guest) (2AP)
Vector won't let you live down the fact he was right to make you bring your Shamisen, but when needs must. The rudies audio equipment will only make your playing more effective.
(Vector, Espio, and Metal all play their hearts out and it's terrible enough to affect demonic entities. Make an attack against all enemies with a +60 bonus.) (Metal, espio and Vector must take the axction for this to happen)

Round 1 Rolls

Canaan: Canaan covers Maria, protecting her of any attack against her.

Clove: attack Fortuna

Clove Attack Roll: (Death's fly bonus doesn't proc)

Result: 1d100 (79) + 24 (Clove Power)
Total: 103

Fortuna Defense roll:
Result: 1d100 (67) + 25 (Fortuna Power)
Total: 92

Clove Success!

Clove Deals 1 HP Damage to Fortuna

Clove: Coordinate with others:

Rolling to see who she reaches for:

Result: 1d4 (3)
Total: 3

Clove regroups with Belle!
For Round 2, Clove and Belle will do an action together, adding both of their stats!

Belle: Reach out to the Chaotix
Dc 75(Heart)
Result: 1d100 (90) + 25(Belle) + 10
Total: 125


Belle manages to convince the Chaotix they don't mean no trouble! Vector and Espio are willing to cooperate for the rest of the encounter.

Belle: Calling the Ship
Auto Success
Rolling to see how long does the ship take to arrive:

Result: 1d3 (2) + 2
Total: 4

4 rounds, counting this one!
Ship will arrive at the end of the 4th Round!

Metal: Take this outside:

Result: 1d100 (56) + 30 + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster) + 5(Incremus) + 5(Incremus)
Total: 106

Pale rider roll:

Result: 1d100 (77) + 40(Pale Rider power)
Total: 117

A bond of Wood and metal Procs

Result: 1d100 (48) + 30 + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster) + 5(Incremus) + 5(Incremus) + 12 (Belle)
Total: 110

Bare Failure!
Metal can't push around Pale Rider and his horse!

Piastol: Cast Rakukaja on the Noise Tanks
Noise tanks get a +10 bonus against enemy attacks for 3 rounds!

Piastol Attacks Fortuna now:

Result: 1d100 (66) + 22(Piastol Power) + 20 (Piastol Mystic)
Total: 108

Fortuna Defense roll:
Result: 1d100 (2) + 25 (Fortuna's Power)
Total: 27

Critical Success!

Piastol Decapitates Fortuna!


Vector: Rush At the Buff Red Monster! (2 AP) (Contested power Roll with +10 Bonus)

Result: 1d100 (6) + 26 (Vector) + 10(???)+10
Total: 52

Oni trait Revealed! Resist Physical:

All physical Attacks against Oni roll with Disadvantage

Result: 1d100 (10) + 26 (Vector) + 10(???)+10
Total: 56

Oni Defense Roll:
Result: 1d100 (34) + 35 (Oni Power)
Total: 69


Espio Turn: Hide In the Shadows! ( 2 AP) (Contested Trickery Check against all enemies, if successful, enemies lose sight of Espio and next turn, he rolls with advantage against them in combat rolls)

Result: 1d100 (7) + 28(Espio) + 10(???)
Total: 45

Jack Frost: 10
Archangel: 12
Pale Rider: 60

Pale Rider and Oni manage to keep track of Espio!

Noise Tanks:


Result: 1d100 (95) +15
Total: 110


Noise tanks get out of sight!

Demons turn:

Oni: Cast Taunt:
All enemies must pass a Mystic Check of 80, if failed, they become enraged against Oni, and can only take offensive Actions against him for next round.

Result: 1d100 (33) + 2 (Canaan)+0(Maria)
Total: 35

Critical failure!

Taunt lasts for 2 turns for them!

Result: 1d100 (10) + 5 (Clove)
Total: 15

Critical failure!

Taunt lasts for 2 turns for her!


Result: 1d100 (13) + 20 (Piastol)
Total: 33

Critical Failure!

Taunt lasts for 2 turns for her!

Result: 1d100 (56) + 0
Total: 56

Result: 1d100 (39) + 5(Metal)+5(Incremus) +5 (Incremus)
Total: 54


Result: 1d100 (59) + 6 (Vector)
Total: 65

Result: 1d100 (62) + 8
Total: 70


Jack Frost: Cast Mabufu!
Ranged ice attack against all enemies in sight with a -10 bonus

Result: 1d100 (31) + 30(Jack Frost Mystic) - 10
Total: 51

All enemies must beat a power check of 51!

Rolling for Canaan/Maria:

Result: 1d100 (49) + 28(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter + 5(Synesthesia)+ 15 (The Maria)+15(Maria)
Total: 117
Result: 1d100 (67) + 28(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter + 5(Synesthesia)+ 15 (The Maria)+15(Maria)

Total: 135

Critical Succes!

Jack Frost takes 1 Damage!


Result: 1d100 (35) + 24(Clove)
Total: 59


Result: 1d100 (31) + 22 + 20
Total: 73


Metal Sonic
Result: 1d100 (95) + 30 + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster) + 5(Incremus) + 5(Incremus)
Total: 145

Critical Success!

Metal Deals 1 Damage to Jack Frost

Result: 1d100 (34) + 26(Vector) + 10(???)
Total: 70

Result: 1d100 (89) + 13 (Belle)
Total: 102

Critical Success!

Jack Frost defeated!

Archangel Roll: Uses critical Slash
Contested power check against 1 opponent with a -20 Malus, if successful, attack becomes a critical success.

1) Canaan / Maria
2) Belle
3) Piastol
4) Clove
5) Metal

Roll to see who he attacks:
Result: 1d6 (4)
Total: 4

Archangel attacks Clove!

Archangel Attack roll:

Result: 1d100 (79) + 25(Archangel Power)- 20
Total: 84

Clove defense roll:
Result: 1d100 (46) + 24
Total: 70

Archangel Critical Success!

Clove is at 2 HP

Pale Rider: Use Bufudyne:
Contested Mystic-Power Roll against the opponent with a +20 Bonus
Roll to see who he hits

1) Canaan / Maria
2) Belle
3) Piastol
4) Clove
5) Metal
7) Espio

Result: 1d7 (1)
Total: 1

Pale Rider attacks Maria/Canaan!

Result: 1d100 (41) + 40(Pale Rider Mystic) + 20
Total: 101

Canaan/Maria Defense roll:
Result: 1d100 (21) + 28(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter + 5(Synesthesia)+ 15 (The Maria)+15(Maria)
Total: 89

Result: 1d100 (67) + 28(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter + 5(Synesthesia)+ 15 (The Maria)+15(Maria)
Total: 135


Round 1 End!

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A Girl and Her Tank
A Girl and Her Tank

You were Isara Gunther, and as you worked on your tank, you were lost in thought.

Turn. Turn. Turn.

You were currently adjusting the turret with a wrench, making sure it was properly placed. You were sure Dr. Eggman was more than capable of building a tank based on what you have seen, but honestly, it was better safe than sorry. One wrong move and you could get sho-


You choose not to finish that thought and think about something else.

Dr. Eggman was… an interesting individual. To say you understood him completely would be a boldfaced lie, really. But you think you got enough from him that, despite the megalomania, despite the poor first impression, you think… you think you get him on SOME level.

Gee, Welkin would think you had Stockholm syndrome if he could hear these thoughts… wherever he was…

But it was true. Sage was kind enough to fill you in on some details here and there when you asked while you were trying to familiarize yourself with this super advanced tech (at least, it was advanced to you). Even some stuff she didn't tell anyone else (though you get that feeling that's just because they never asked).

His family neglected him. The only relative he felt any connection to died, framed as a horrible madman. Said neglectful family did so because they were busy mourning his cousin over taking care of their own son.

You still felt the pain of the loss of your father, and you had a loving adoptive family to fill the void. You couldn't imagine losing a relative and then having the added wrinkle of feeling unloved by those you had left.

It didn't excuse his actions but….she could understand, like she said.

And ultimately, poor first impression aside, the doctor hadn't been so bad. Not only were you fed and housed, so were several others of your people, and all that was expected of them was to pull their weight. There was no beatings or prejudice either. Despite his clear reservations, Dr. Eggman had even offered even more of them a place to stay. It was nice to have someone who had no opinion on their kind one way or the other. Would it be even nicer if they had a positive opinion? Yes. But it was better than the alternative.

You had actually quite enjoyed making that giant robot… When you suggested the new name, you were half-joking, expecting your new boss to scoff at best and yell at you at worst. But even though he grumbled, he acknowledged your contributions by accepting the new name. You had to admit, that was unexpected, and it made you feel good. Alot better than you had since ending up revived in this insane New world.

Of course, Fighting those aliens had been… frightening, but they came out victorious. It was just another battle, you supposed. You had been in plenty of those.

And building an entire city wasn't something you ever expected to do, even with assistance. And yet…

You put the finishing touches on your tank as you mused more.

Were… were you the bad guy now? Sure, you weren't doing half the horrid acts of the Empire, but were you not Conquering as they would? You didn't know what to think anymore.

What would your family and friends think? Were they….were they even out there sti-

"Miss Gunther, are you quite alright?"

Isara is snapped out of her thoughts by Agent Stone. He had been the first to show her around, and he often checked on her. You appreciated the man, even if you found him odd.

"Uh, yes. I was just… thinking…" You answered, looking down. Stone didn't pry, just handing you some coffee.

You smiled and drank it. You thought you would never enjoy coffee, but Stone was practically a savant at making the beverage.

"If you need to talk, I am here." He said simply.

"...Thank you." You said simply, wiping a tear.

"Can you tell me about what goes into repairing a tank?" Stone requested, in a clear but appreciated attempt to change the subject. You smiled genuinely and launched into a tirade explaining as he requested as Stone listened intently.

If you were the bad guy now… maybe that wasn't the end of the world.