You know, our main goal in researching the Zeti is to discover ways to get around their technopathy. But perhaps we could also find a way to make a machine that can do it? Doesn't matter how good Dural is at fighting if she can't fight at all.
Oh yeah. We have one of those locked up. Maybe we should research that.
You know, our main goal in researching the Zeti is to discover ways to get around their technopathy. But perhaps we could also find a way to make a machine that can do it? Doesn't matter how good Dural is at fighting if she can't fight at all.
we've talked about making a mecha zeti a few times already actually. I think we'd need to make a full on Metal Zavok if we wanted to have any chance of controlling someone like Dural with it though, and that's more investment than most people wanted to put into the project.
Wait, Kingster said that something funny will be in the rivals report. I doubt this is it, but the thought is just too funny to me so I want to say it.

What if Sanshiro found Black Doom?



Edit: and you know what?! FUCK YOU TO HONEY!!

We had the chance for greatness.......and we lost it :(

No more 24 Hour Cinderella.....No bakamitai......only PAIN!!!!

I hope Zavok destroys her shop again if we ever get to rebuilding (not like I'm putting that in any of my plans anytime soon, she gets nothing from me :mad: )
Well, if that's how you're going to act, then you didn't deserve Majima at all.
So even though we just got a new minion is anyone up for grabbing Basil next turn or Roo? On one hand Basil has the train and would help us with travel and flex on our rivals. On the other hand Roo could potentially lead us to another Chaos Emerald because we got some confirmation his series' BBG has one.

Well, if that's how you're going to act, then you didn't deserve Majima at all.

To be fair some of that was me joking around......and posted after being on a losing streak in Marvel Rivals ranked. I promise I'n only going to post productive posts for now on, 99.9% of the time :)
To be fair some of that was me joking around......and posted after being on a losing streak in Marvel Rivals ranked. I promise I'n only going to post productive posts for now on, 99.9% of the time :)
Okay, that's kind of valid then.
(That Robotnik 'hate' video from earlier is my thoughts on the people who see 3 dps and still refuse to switch.)

Now that I'm thinking about it, between Healer, Tank, and DPS, which type would each Hero Unit pick when playing a video game?
To start with, Eggman plays Healers, but only to insist that he's the most important player in the party. Will stop healing you when insulted.
Fly To Freedom
Fly To Freedom

As much as Rouge may have gotten used to working alongside Team Dark, the clan of ninjas, the robot chameleon, and the doctor insisting on being present through the use of his Egg-Monitor, it was all a bit crowded for her taste. Years of solo work are not undone quite that easily, even if the two lugs did their best to keep up with her through their jobs.

Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, she focuses again on the details of the plan. As this was a base of the good doctor's, the layout was still available to them and the security measures were known unless the Zeti had taken the time to change things. She was working under the assumption that they had however, Zavok may not have thought of it but if this Thorndike was smart enough to backtrace Eggman and his tot's work, then he'd probably think to "change the locks" as it were.

"Okay one last check in before we get there." She calls to the assembled crew. Pointing to the Newton "you're on overwatch and camera tapping. You wind that tongue of yours around the base of any camera, the splicing cables on your tongue will let you take over that camera and keep us off the record." Pointing to what she gestimates is half the ninjas "you all will be clearing traps. The good doctor does so love his spring and spike traps, so you're all in charge of clearing the path we need to take to get the geezer out." Pointing to the remaining egg clan ninjas, "and you all are in charge of keeping the evac point clear. Anything that isn't a chameleon, a ninja, the most stunning bat you've ever seen, or a coot and his grandson, skewered with kunai, got it."

She casually leans her head to the left to dodge a kunai from a smart aleck as she finishes the briefing. "If you all do your jobs, that means I can get to Thorndike and the kiddo nice and quick and we can all get home in time for dinner, or in your case recharging and meditation. Questions, comments, or concerns?" She doesn't wait a breath before clapping her hands and moving on. "Alright then. Let's get this blowfish down and kidnap an old man."

'You know, having a bunch of minions to boss around isn't that bad.' Rouge mused as she watched the Egg Clan working on disabling a laser array. Sure, she could have flown through it with little effort, but there was a minute possibility that it slightly singed her outfit and she still hadn't seen hide nor whisker of her tailor since The Shattering so these suits had to last.

As the last of the lasers was removed she gave the ninjas a nod before jumping into a nearby vent that she had undone while they were focused on the lasers. "Remember to keep the evac cleared up boys!" She calls as she shatters a buzzsaw trap in the ventilation shaft.

What? Did anyone actually think you were going to work with a group of ninjas and let egghead actually keep an eye on her? No, that plan was designed to remove as many obstacles the geezer and the kiddo would have to take on their way out, not the quickest route to them.

Swooping out of the vent to dodge a flamethrower trap and gliding easily through an arrangement of smashing plates, she let out a small sigh. There was some fun to be had in solo jobs like this, some fun to be had in tweaking Eggy's nose by going off script like this, but she could admit she missed her friends. Omega was having a great time, she was sure, fighting that cyborg Amy the doctor had, but she did miss his colorful commentary as she worked. And Shadow…

The Black Arms were spreading across the world and she'd lost track of him. After he'd been rebuffed by the Restoration alongside the other black arms creature they'd managed to hear him call Eclipse, Shadow hadn't been spotted again. She knows he'd hate her worrying for him, but damn it all, she is allowed to! Even Omega has been worrying in his own way, needing to burn off the energy.

She shakes her head free of the thoughts as she alights at the door marked on the blueprints. Knocking twice before sliding the pilfered keycard through the door scanner, the large metal barrier slid open.

The laboratory had clearly seen better days, broken glassware, half assembled machines, and an old man holding what appeared to be a glued together Eggzooka pointing at the door.

"Well I'd ask if that was a rocket in your pocket, but I can clearly see it on your shoulder." She drawls, not at all intimidated by the weapon pointed at her as she enters. Chuck slumps down, lowering the weapon and seemingly aging ten years as he lets the breath out.

"Rouge," he says with a smile, "never thought I'd say this about you, but it's good to see a familiar face, a friendly one even."

She pauses in her perusal of the workshop to give him an up and down before slowly shaking her head. "Sorry Chuck, but I'm not the bat you knew. Since you've been locked up a lot of us have figured out that since The Shattering, not everyone is from the same worlds, even if they share the same faces."

His face falls at that, the joy of a familiar face after all this time locked away quickly replaced with a more jaded and cautious look, the Eggzooka being held in a firmer grip once more. "Is that right? And am I to assume that the Rouge wearing this face works for Dr. Eggman?"

"He mostly waffles between Eggman and Robotnik depending on who's asking," she tries to keep a blase tone, but can see the steel that has come to the old man's gaze. "But yes, I'm temporarily working with Eggy to get his help on a personal matter. First job he stuck me on was getting you and your grandson out of here, the Eggclan should be getting to him now."

"Eggclan?" He seems confused, which is fair.

"Apparently some version of Eggman suborned a group of ninjas and their leader Connie. Nice girl in a 'if you impune my honor I will spend every moment of my life to destroy you' kinda way."


The two of them stand there for a moment, a kooky old inventor held captive by an alien brute and an anthropomorphic master thief as they both ponder the oddity of their lives before moving onward.

"Now I heard through the grapevine that you had a bit of data or a virus that you were holding over Eggman's head to get him to launch this little mission."

"Yes and I'm not giving it up until Chris and I are clear of here." He replies, a firm frown on his face.

"Great, I have no intention of taking that of you," she smirks at him as she approaches, looking at his terminal. "No, I'm actually looking for a copy myself."

Thorndike is no slouch and gets it, nodding slowly. "In case he tries to double cross you, I see."

With a few keystrokes, a small data drive is pulled from the computer and passed to the bat. She tucks it away and gives him a grateful nod.

"Thank you Chuck, I hope I don't need it but it's never bad to have insurance when dealing with a rotten egg."

"That's something we can both agree on." He nods and hefts the weapon again. "Now let's blast our way out of here and get my grandson!"

"Oooooor… we can take the nice clear route I had the friendly group of ninjas clear for us so you don't accidentally trip every security trap designed for someone of Sonic's level of fitness and, no offense Chuck, but you're no spring chicken."

He looks at his modified bazooka a little despondent and the bat woman sighs. "You can bring the bazooka Chuck, just don't shoot it while I'm in earshot, that thing looks noisy."

Dr.Eggman, genius extraordinaire sat at the head of the table as Chuck Thorndike was brought in.

[Shattered Memories DC:75
Roll = 6
No Memories, DC lowers to 65]

For a man with the absolute cajones to blackmail you of all people, you thought he'd be taller.

"Well congratulations Thorndike, you've been freed of Zavok only to be brought to me, Dr. Eggman." You lean forward in your chair and, as designed, you are cast into shadow as you continue, "do you feel safer?"

He looks unnerved and you can see beads of sweat running down his neck, but he does an admiral job of keeping a tough facade.

"Yes, especially considering I've still got the ability to activate the fail safe even through all your security." He glares back at you. "Now send my grandson and I to Sonic's friend like we agreed and I'll delete the program. I can get back to being a good grandpa and you can get back to being a would-be world conqueror."

"Oh ho ho ho!" You laugh in his face as you stand and motion to the display behind you, which shows your Victory. The Death Egg Robots roaming the landscape, Sonic's defeat, the world in Order. "I don't know what sort of Eggman you're used to Thorndike, but unlike that version, I have taken the world."

You wave your hand again and the images clear, this time your wonderful daughter appearing in a window on screen, peering out at the old man. "Granted, The Shattering has thrown a wrench into the works, but nothing my daughter and I can't handle."

"You have a daughter?!"

That wasn't the old man's voice as you look to the doorway to see a brown haired youth peering through the doorway, Orbot and Cubot doing the same lower down.

[Shattered Memories DC:65
Roll = 77
He Remembers!]

A flash of memories spike into your skull and for a moment you see it all. All of you transported to earth, you weekly back and forths with Sonic with a wide array of machines, Chaos, the ARK blocking out the sun.

But you remember something in particular as you see Chris staring at you in wide eyed wonder. You remember the last time you saw that look from him, when you stood in the arena against that blasted hedgehog, when the crowd was roaring and your heart was racing.

You remember… El Gran Gordo!

And many other things that you will have to take time to catalog, but you push past it, looking at the two robots.

"Bocoe, Decoe! I told you to keep Chris here entertained, not let him snoop around!"

There is a moment of silence as all eyes turn to you and you can't for the life of you imagine why.

"Father," your daughter's voice is slow, cautious even. "Who are Decoe and Bocoe?"

The gold and silver robots flash through your mind, the incompetent fools that they were but you're unsure of why Sage would even ask that as you turn your gaze to the two-

You blink as your eyes refocus on Orbot and Cubot.

Shaking your head slightly to refocus, "Robot helpers that I had at one point Sage." You explain to your daughter, not going any deeper with Chris and Thorndike so nearby. "But not the point. Chris, I am glad you're alright. Zavok wasn't too rough with you was he?"

The twelve year old shakes his head as he moves to stand next to his grandfather. "No, it wasn't fun and Zazz tried to scare me a lot but none of them hurt me."

You let out a grunt at that, disliking Zazz's attempts but moving forward. You had to decide what to do with these two…

Choose one

[ ] Make Them An Offer: Chris and his grandfather were absolute nuisances for their version of you it looks like. But you seem to be on a roll of getting heroic types working for you lately, make them an offer.
-Contested Heart Roll with a large malus considering the history between Eggman and the Thorndikes. On a success, gain Chuck Thorndike as a hero unit with Chris being a trait. On a failure, this defaults to I Wasn't Asking.

[ ] I Wasn't Asking: Well Chuck it's less you're freed and more… you're under new management. The man dared to blackmail you and he thought you'd just let that go without some sort of punishment? Oh you'll treat Chris better than Zavok did, but keep the old man on a tight leash as he works for you.
-Gain Chuck as a hero unit who deeply resents you. Chris will be kept safe and watched over by Sage. Chuck will probably activate his fail safe.

[ ] Get Them Out: You're a mad tyrant of your word. You'll get these two into Restoration territory and then they can be someone else's problem. The Thorndikes may know a thing or two about an Eggman, but they won't be able to cause too much trouble.
-Chuck and Chris will be handed over to the Restoration. They both will have a positive view of this interaction and may think better of you. Chuck will destroy his fail safe.

Trait Gained
El Gran Gordo!: In another life, I was the hero of the people, El Gran Gordo! While the costume may have been embarrassing, I did manage to wrestle that blasted hedgehog head to head! (Eggman gains +10 to all contested combat rolls when involved in hand to hand combat which becomes +15 if there is a large crowd watching, +20 if they're cheering for him.)

Actions Unlocked:
Recreate the E-Series (Brains)
Look For Your Lost Robots (Trickery)

Personal Action Changed
Getting Back To The Grind has become Get Back Into Fighting Shape!


4 Hour moratorium



Either way.

[ ] Get Them Out: You're a mad tyrant of your word.

I feel this is the safest option and will make sure Chris and Chuck are open for talks later down the road if things go awry with the restoration.

As I said the fact they put a hit on Shadow will probably not sit well with both of them.

We don't know how many radical elements may be within the restoration so things could change at future and as I said we could subert people if they see they are going too far for their liking.
Congratulations, you have unlocked the memories of what is posible one of the most useful Eggmans.

Who is the most useful you May ask? Why, Snapcube Eggman of course.

This is WOG by the way