You remember… El Gran Gordo!

Trait Gained
El Gran Gordo!: In another life, I was the hero of the people, El Gran Gordo! While the costume may have been embarrassing, I did manage to wrestle that blasted hedgehog head to head! (Eggman gains +10 to all contested combat rolls when involved in hand to hand combat which becomes +15 if there is a large crowd watching, +20 if they're cheering for him.)
[ ] Get Them Out: You're a mad tyrant of your word. You'll get these two into Restoration territory and then they can be someone else's problem. The Thorndikes may know a thing or two about an Eggman, but they won't be able to cause too much trouble.
-Chuck and Chris will be handed over to the Restoration. They both will have a positive view of this interaction and may think better of you. Chuck will destroy his fail safe.
Alright, we got you out of Zavok's team, now go away. We don't need a learning hero.
[ ] Get Them Out: You're a mad tyrant of your word. You'll get these two into Restoration territory and then they can be someone else's problem. The Thorndikes may know a thing or two about an Eggman, but they won't be able to cause too much trouble.
-Chuck and Chris will be handed over to the Restoration. They both will have a positive view of this interaction and may think better of you. Chuck will destroy his fail safe.

Well better this option for me.

That Heart Contest is too stacked against us and have a Hero Unit that have a heavy mallus against us is a detriment and he will activate his fail safe.

I for one don't fancy facing the entire badnik horde going for our head.

Btw QMs does this means we get most of our Empire back?
So here's the thing. Having Chuck and Chris along would be great, but we've got a lot of brainy folks already, and I don't want to see that failsafe go off. The safest thing to do short term would be passing them over to the Restoration. And that's what I'm leaning towards. Because we've seen what having treachery in your midst can do to you (if Chuck can screw over Zavok, he can screw over us.)
Thank you Chris for giving us Sonic X memories. anyway, let's get them out of here, because I don't feel like trusting the dice on an opposed roll where we have a negative modifier.
I mean it isn't like we cannot contact them if we let them go.

Having a positive view on us means they are more willing to not slam the door on our face.
As I said the fact they put a hit on Shadow will probably not sit well with both of them.
I don't know where you're getting that The Restoration of all groups put a hit out on Shadow, but no they did not do that.

oh fuck did the restoration refuse to work with shadow and eclipse is what im gettin here? they bassiclly kicked him out????
If by "refused to work with Shadow and Eclipse" you mean Shadow and Eclipse invaded their lands with an alien horde and got their asses kicked, then yes. Otherwise no, neither of them were there for cooperation with The Restoration.

Btw QMs does this means we get most of our Empire back?
Nah, still gotta go get it. You'll have actions on turn 6 to go scrambling against Zavok and get your stuff back though.
hmm, well looking for our missing robots could lead us to the scrapniks. but on the other hand most of the Sonic X E-series got destroyed, so we'll have to remake them anyway.

on chuck, yeah just get rid of him, I wanted to just throw him in a cell and not give him access to anything but that's not an option.
Right for some reason I though the agreed to the hit GUN put once all options ran out, still.

Yeah, tbh getting Chuck out of our hair will be better than holding him with a gun to his head.

Otherwise, Rouge is gonna try to use the virus if we double cross her, which honestly I don't see happening.

We need to get Shadow back to his normal self, especially if we want to get rid of Black Doom permanently as he is one of the few who can actually stand up to the meteor demon.

Like the only other one would be Neo Super Metal Sonic and for that we would need either the 7 emeralds or somehow convice Knuckles to hook us up for a while to the master emerald if the demon goes Neo Devil Doom.
I would have been more shocked if she didn't, honestly.

That said, I 100% want to save shadow as well, so I don't mind.
I mean yeah, Shadow is family for a given meaning of the word. And Black Arms can get fucked for pulling this shit. What I am worried about is if the two other family members are alive and what that will mean if they are.