EGG Pilot: +10 to Eggman's contested combat rolls when using a Mecha, vehicle or robot of his own invention.
Mano a Egg: +5 Power to Contested Power Roll when fighting in a Mech or robot. reroll the first natural Critical failure (Nat 1) that Eggman rolls specifically when fighting.(Only works once per raid/adventure)
El Gran Gordo!: In another life, I was the hero of the people, El Gran Gordo! While the costume may have been embarrassing, I did manage to wrestle that blasted hedgehog head to head! (Eggman gains +10 to all contested combat rolls when involved in hand to hand combat which becomes +15 if there is a large crowd watching, +20 if they're cheering for him.)

Zavok: Why do I hear boss music?
QMs? Did we get a sample of virus, or will we have to hack the Eggnet to do that? I'm guessing we didn't, because Rouge got it for herself.

It's not a surprise that Rouge got a sample of the virus for herself. Nothing surprising about that.

I am glad that we unlocked X Eggman. El Gran Gordo seems like a fun trait. Those actions are interesting. We can't search for Bocoe & Decoe any time soon, but in the medium turn it will be fine. They'll probably be similar to Orbot & Cubot. QMs? I wonder if the E-Series counts as Tier 3 Badniks. We probably won't be able to do them any time soon even if they aren't. I want to work out more than ever.

Ngl, I didn't intend to recruit Chuck. I just want to make sure the Restoration can't. I am honestly tempted to let him go so we can continue keeping our base secret. Especially with what this tells us for our future plans. Unfortunately it looks like we'll have to do more to get our badniks back. So, hack the Eggnet to get a sample of the virus on Turn 6. Then on Turn 7 develop a counter to the virus. Hopefully we won't have to take another action to deploy it on Turn 8, but that seems likely.

I for one don't fancy facing the entire badnik horde going for our head.
There is still no proof of this. The blackmail is that he will reveal the location of our base to Zavok. Additionally, we wouldn't face the entire badnik horde if we hack the Eggnet.

The only badniks with the intelligence to coordinate the mass of badniks, the Eggrobos, have too much ego to get along like that without someone overseeing them.
QMs? Did we get a sample of virus, or will we have to hack the Eggnet to do that? I'm guessing we didn't, because Rouge got it for herself.

It's not a surprise that Rouge got a sample of the virus for herself. Nothing surprising about that.
Nah, he is getting rid of the virus, you got his grandosm and him out, he is a man of his word, next turn you will have an action to seize back your stuff.
Actions Unlocked:
Recreate the E-Series (Brains)
Look For Your Lost Robots (Trickery)

Personal Action Changed
Getting Back To The Grind has become Get Back Into Fighting Shape!

Surpirse we dod not unlock a action to built the Egg Fort. Although if understand right in Sonic X the Shattering happen during the fitghiting tournement so no invention of his from Season 3.

Nah, he is getting rid of the virus, you got his grandosm and him out, he is a man of his word, next turn you will have an action to seize back your stuff.

I love that beutiful man!

I donwrigh imagine Dr. Eggman will get a newfond respect for the guy, after all he could just lie to him and not erase the virus.

Anyeay once we get the Conch we are all set to launch a assault on D6 Fortresss, also after seizing control if the Arsenal Pyramid as well.
Thank you shattered memories, now we can actually throw hands as Eggman without a mech, we'll be like Jet Stream Sam (whether or not we become harder to fight without our machines is debatable).

As for the Chuck situation, while it would be good if we beat the Heart contest by some miracle it's definitely safer we just let them go and call them up later at 3 in the morning asking if Chris would like a play date with Belle and Sage.
Only problem with that is only Starline can take that action because he has the Warp Tooaz.
you can still use sage reroll ability for starline.

Also Whisper still in our territory and we have to get her out from here.
There is that to deal with, too, true.

We need to find Maria builded honey workshop and many more guys
You mean Canaan's Maria?

...You are literally having an adventure to find ehre right now. Not sure what you mean?

Or you mean other Maria?
Really cool display of Rogue's competence. Ducking Eggman's control, effective use of the Egg Clan, getting her own insurance, etc. And hey, if you're looking for a tailor, we have one.

X memories, heck yeah. El Gran Gordo is great. Wonder if we need to make a cheer bot squad now? An even higher boost if it's Sage and Belle (eventually Metal) cheering? lmao

But the new options unlocked are very nice. A lot of the X robots are pretty solid and looking for lost robots might dig up Decoe and Bocoe and/or the islands. Potentially another way to get Shattered Memory procs, minions, and possibly a new Heroball or adding to Orbot and Cubot.

I told you to keep Chris here entertained
Chris, I am glad you're alright. Zavok wasn't too rough with you was he?
disliking Zazz's attempts but moving forward.

X is one of the nicer Eggmen and his influence is strong right now. Because of that, from a characterization perspective, I want to go with Get Them Out. Potentially leaves a door open in the future. Especially since Chuck's not going to stab us in the back.

I am wary of giving them to the Restoration, especially because we're almost certainly going to come to blows with them, but no setback from Chuck's failsafe is important. I'd be fine with Make Them an Offer, but we're pretty loaded on heroes at the moment and it's not likely to succeed. Even making the attempt says something about his character though.

I am not in favor of I Wasn't Asking though. Even for the people who want an eviler Eggman, it's objectively more helpful to at least start with Make Them an Offer. No reason to take it.
you can still use sage reroll ability for starline.

Oh, okay that's great then.

Or you mean other Maria?

Excuse me what? Other Maria? Is there a third Sega Maria character I'm unaware of or are we talking about Maria Robotnik?

I'll be honest I think Whisper can wait a turn if we're rushing Zavok next turn.

I'd say Whisper is a priority given that for her just about anyone who works for us is open season.

We find Whisper then that's one less problem for us.