Beat Back The Empire
DC: Contested By Empire
??? + ??? = 144
The clash between the badnik hordes stolen from me and the forces of The Empire are as predictable as a laser rifle against a wooden door, but the conflict between the commanders of the forces is not ever as clear as one might think. Case in point, when the armored woman that managed to maim Zomom took the field once more to attempt to push The Empire's line forward, that reprobate Zazz actually managed to stop her.
The aerial battle between the two was a sight to behold and Zazz showed a base cunning I have never seen from him in firing volleys of attacks from his moon mech that had the effect of not just penning in the silver clad she-devil, but all shots that missed her rained down upon the Empire's forces.
Only when the moon mech itself was damaged by one of her thrusts did The Empire's forces pull back, Zazz screaming mockery at them the entire time. Well I suppose good for him.
Result: Zavok's forces manage to keep The Empire from gaining further territory but do not regain any territory.
Lead Super Badniks Against The Black Arms
DC: Contested By Black Arms
??? + ??? = 120
Major Failure!
This was brutal even by my standards.
The black arms soldiers gave way to the horde of Super Badniks that lead against them, Egg Hammers crushing through their armored units, Fire Breaths torching the infantry, all the while Zik was acting as a blender of blades and saws with his telekinesis.
But Shadow is not The Ultimate Life Form because he lacks combat ability. A streak of black and red tore through the line of Super Badniks and ended at Zik, one of the axes of a Heave Ho held in Shadow's hand as the diminutive Zeti was held aloft. I was not able to make out their conversation from the gathered footage, but I did watch as Shadow sank the axe into Zik who if not for his own prodigious telekinetic skills would have been split in half.
Barely managing to get away, I don't believe we will be seeing "Master" Zik in the field for some time…
Result: Zavok loses ground to The Black Arms and Master Zik is gravely wounded, being unavailable until fully healed.
Deploy Silver Sonic
DC: 90
??? + ??? + 10 (Omake Bonus) = 95
Bare Success!
Those no good magnetic miscreants dare to unleash one of my metal series in such a state! That Silver Sonic is barely held together with duct tape and screws! I doubt they even managed to get a chaos emerald to power it like its design requires, more than likely having to rely on a lesser chaos drive or core designs.
Still, even in such a state Silver Sonic isn't to be underestimated, which shows considering it was the only thing that allowed Zik to escape his encounter with Shadow with his life. I'm sure they would have wished for a better showing, but at least Zavok managed to keep his mentor.
Result: Silver Sonic has been deployed to the battlefield. It is not at 100% capacity but it is still quite dangerous.
Reach Out For Help
DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 59
Decent Success!
A message found its way into one of the many dummy email accounts for your shell companies, one you have no doubt the Zeti would never look for mostly because you're sure the Zeti don't actually know what email is.
The message itself is from a scientist claiming to be held prisoner by Zavok and his pack in order to create them new badniks and control them through a series of viruses and commands so the Zeti themselves do not need to lead each individual group of lesser badniks themselves.
He further claims that he is doing all of this under duress as the Zeti are holding his grandson captive in order to keep him in line. He is begging for help from anyone who manages to receive this message.
Well, well, well, you may just be able to disarm the Zeti and cut him off from your supply of badniks. That is, if you can reach this Chuck Thorndike in the middle of Zavok's territory.
Result: Chuck Thorndike has managed to get a message out to you and who knows who else! He is being held captive by the Zeti and forced to keep the badniks under control while making more and more of them! Actions unlocked to deal with this.
Face Zavok and Try To Expand
DC: Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 186
MAJOR Success!
The expansion of Black Arms after the sound defeat of Zik in the field was explosive, Death Leeches seeming to be draining the life from the trees and land around them as the alien warriors claimed new territory. Shadow himself led several groups to take settlements that had thought themselves hidden.
The footage of those invasions requires a passcode that only I have. It was… not something I would ruminate on. Whatever Doom did to bring Shadow under his sway, it must have truly repressed or destroyed the sulky but kind anti-hero he had become.
Result: The Black Arms expand. (The Black Arms controls 10% of Green Hills)
Search For The Blue Emerald
DC: 125/175
??? + ??? = 78
Shadow has yet to find us, but that won't hold forever. He is working his way through Zavok's territory at an alarming pace and there is only so much ground for him to cover.
There are things I can do to slow him down or throw him off, but there is not enough time! The Eggman Empire must be reclaimed, research needs to be done, and I need to deal with this blasted brainwashed black arms version of Shadow!
Result: DC reduced for this action
Defend Against The Coalition Attack
DC: Contested by The Restoration and GUN
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]
THE EMPIRE (Maximilian)
Press The Attack On Zavok
DC: Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 104
Oh ho ho! I do like to see those fools still using such antiquated technology driven from the field with their tails between their legs. Even their lauded "Valkyrie" lost not to Zavok, but to Zazz of all creatures. She may have gotten in a lucky shot against Metal before, but this shows that is all it was, pure luck.
Though there is a feeling that this is not all that they can muster. If it is true that they are an entirely united empire, there should be more forces available for an invasion unless there is perhaps trouble on the homefront as well.
??? + ??? = 112!
To Be Continued In [Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!]
Organize The Citizens
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 76
Bare Failure!
They manage to herd cats just fine, but when it actually comes to organizing animals The Restoration has less luck! The Rookie's attempt to organize civilians and drill them for invasion scenarios almost ended in full blown panic when the details of what actually happens in the aftermath of a Black Arms attack.
Jewel managed to calm down the public, but there would be no escape drills or orderly evacuations planned that day.
Result: DC Reduced for this action.
The Restoration Needs You!
DC: 60/90/120
???+??? = 149
Complete Success!
Meanwhile that young Lemur girl went on a charm offensive across Restoration territory, actually using the fear from the new information to give people more of a reason to fight against The Black Arm. They also managed to gain some photos of one of The Empire's 'Labor Camps" and it seems slavery is no more popular now than it ever was. Few needed more encouragement to face Zavok, what with the constant harassment by Badniks.
It looks as if The Restoration is seeing a swelling of their numbers in all rolls, though the green combat staff will need to be tested in the fires of battle.
Result: Restoration numbers swell, possibility of hero unit gained. DC to infiltrate lowered, DC to raid increased.
Assault The Black Arms with G.U.N
DC: Contested by Black Arms
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]
G.U.N (Towers)
Fortify The Perimeter
??? + ??? = 76
It only took them several weeks to do it, but G.U.N. has finally managed to set up a defensive perimeter to keep their many assailants out and to give themselves some breathing room.
I'm honestly surprised it only took them this long.
Result: G.U.N. has established their territory and foes will take a penalty attacking them without siege weapons.
Assault The Black Arms with The Restoration
DC: Contested by Black Arms
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]
Convince People To Stop Throwing Rocks Off Angel Island
??? + ??? = 79
The refugees of Angel Island were taking turns throwing large rocks off the side of Angel Island in the hopes of "sniping" a badnik or two. Foolish ingrates don't understand the majesty of my badniks, at least that ignoramus of a shrine guardian managed to convince them it was just as likely that they would hit someone attempting to flee from a horde of badniks as one of my robots themselves.
There was some push back to this benign cut off apparently, but not enough to cause a true fuss.
Looking For Treasure
DC: Higher the Better
??? + ??? = 106
Amazing Success!
After his embarrassing blunder last month, Captain Metal's first mate seems to be on quite the redemption tour, as it were.
He was seen traveling all across the seas and shores, humming his name and avoiding danger by complete accident.
Eventually, he must have found something, because after having a "discussion" with some human pirates working for some wolf named Hongo or something, he managed to snag a map of some kind and accidentally launch himself out of a cannon back to Captain Metal's ship.
Lucky little weirdo.
Regardless, Captain Metal seems QUITE pleased, but Is keeping it close to his chest.
Raid Some Scallywags!
??? + ??? = 84
Bare Success!
Surprisingly, the Captain and his new lackey, actually struggled a bit against some unnamed crew (they apparently never settled on a name after breaking from their old captain).
The raccoon captain, Jack, ambushed them after using decoys and almost had Black Bot on the ropes, though Thankfully Captain Metal stepped in at the last second and sent Jack flying with a swift backhand, allowing Black Bot to more easily handle the rest.
Hmmph. As to be expected from a creation of yours.
Jack himself's death is unconfirmed. The rest of his crew... Less so.
Either way, the Captain has a new ship and some extra supplies.
Advertise The Chao Racing Circuit
DC: The Higher THe Better
??? + ??? = 65
Moderate Success!
Hmmm... Strange. A person you have not seen in quite awhile, One Bark the Polar Bear, has been seen around various local businesses putting up posters and the like for that same Chao Racing Park that Stone mentioned.
He must be working for....whoever runs the place.
He apparently even put out a commercial starring some green bug like creature showing how fun the place was and how it could distract from the woes of everyday life.
You are getting curious about this place, but not enough to bother looking into it. What do you care about what the peons do in their free time? Though You should keep an eye on Bark, he has been gone for quite awhile so it's intriguing to see him pop back up…
Bust Up Some Badniks
DC 50/100
??? + ??? = 78
The detective agency either was hired to do it or decided to do some probono work, but either way The Chaotix were seen destroying a number of badniks amassing near the city they were currently residing. They managed to make a large dent in the forces, enough for The Restoration forces there to keep a foothold, but not enough to gain any ground.
Help Clean Up The Mess
DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 91
Both mother rabbit and her daughter were seen helping The Restoration with clean up efforts from some of the more recent attacks they had suffered, along with that turncoat tin soldier Gemerl. The robot did much of the heavy lifting, though Vanilla herself seemed to be something of a whirlwind when it came to getting things back to a sense of normality.
Attack 'Work Camps'
??? + ??? = 94
It seems an unknown assailant has managed to destroy one of The Empire's newly created work camps in the Green Hills. None of those rescued were able to say anything about the one who freed them, or if they did know anything they were staying quiet about it. All they would call the person is their "Guardian Angel" as it seems they were protected all the way to Restoration territory.