I think once we get the Cacophonic Shell, we will be ready to charge into the breach. We are building a pretty decent assault force with what we have...

But once we face the Six, we will notifying every faction that Dr.Eggman is back, and this means Shadow will surely try and look for us. Rats. We need some real offensive power fast.

We still need to hack the Eggnet and we are leaving this for last since this is a pretty much all or nothing action, fail Zavok knows we are back, win and we can cast him heavy debuffs whatever we want and lower the DC to raid his base and since Chuck is one of their heroes no doubt we will ahve to make a contest DC with him and Zavok if we or someone else rescue him. Still too high to attack however without a badnik factory at least.

Next turn we will have opportunities to expand territory.

Hrm...some oppertunity have revealed themselves.

The Empire got stalled out and it seems the Nameless showed up (What in the world did they do?!)

D6 are...holding. Shadow kicked their teeth in, but we have an oppertunity to make a lot of progress against them.

The Black Arms are doing concerningly well, and if with a roll like that...yeah we'll need to do something to make sure Shadow doesn't show up...still it seems the good guys counter-attack did something.

Can't be sure of the results but if they did well...then our jobs became a lot easier.

Mixed bag for Restoration and Gun, but if I'm right they did some nasty damage to the Black Arms.

Hmm...I'd say this went fairly well all things considered. Depending on the results of the interludes we may or may not have to change our plans but things seem to be procceeding pretty well.

Hopefully the good guys kick Shadow's teeth in though. It would make things a lot easier for us...if he finds us...

No he should be able to bring a full on army that far into enemy territory but still...

Do we even have enough time to make and send off the emerald?

Depends what happened in the Coalition assault, Shadow was there but the Black Arms lose if going by the title.
Should take us 2 turns top.

If we focus on personal work we may be able to get the fake emerald this turn, then on turn 4 I suppose it will be a trickery action on how to sent the black arms on a wild goose chase.

I'm not sure we have one...

Maybe give the empire a little gift we are taking there weapon away from them, so I think it's a fair trade.

Also, who are the nameless?

Snrk. Hopefully it works out. Doesn't even matter if they get suspusious with Shadow running around.

Nameless are poorly treated Gallain special ops.

Apparently they just gave the Empire a very bad time.

Depends what happened in the Coalition assault, Shadow was there but the Black Arms lose if going by the title.

Here's hoping. The fact that it's a whole interlude means...something at least.
Hm....is there anyway we can leave Green Hills WITHOUT having to go through the Empire? We could try to create a bolthole in other territories.

And another idea...is there anyway we can....sway the Empire under our influence? Or do we have utterly trounce them first, THEN use diplomacy to get them under our thumb?
Also, who are the nameless?
In Valkyria Chronicles 3 you play as a unit called the Nameless, a squad composed of criminals and prisoners who are given dangerous, spec ops missions that the rest of the army is either too valuable for, or can't do. Initially, the Nameless are used like canon fodder, but after turning out to be really, really good at their job they start sticking it to the Empire, at least, in canon. They also face down the Calamity Ravens, a group of Darcsen pressganged into an irregular unit in the Empire's military. Who run into similar problems of being treated like expendables.

In this quest, I'm assuming that being an off-the-books squad combined with their talent for unorthodox warfare kept the Nameless alive. We'll have to see what they did in the interlude, but I get the feeling they just kicked the Empire in the teeth.
So, I think we have a clear line of action to distract Shadow:

1) Make Fake Emerald Turn 3
2) Send to someone else in a very flash manner in turn 4
3) ???
4) Profit.

Eggman has a Brain stat of 40. If Clove considers this an Anti-Black Arms action, she adds her 20 + 2 from loyalty - maybe 25 if it also procs her trait. This give us around a 38 to 33% chance of failure. Then we use someone to give the Emerald as "a gift of an admirer" and let the fireworks happen.
Hm....is there anyway we can leave Green Hills WITHOUT having to go through the Empire? We could try to create a bolthole in other territories.

And another idea...is there anyway we can....sway the Empire under our influence? Or do we have utterly trounce them first, THEN use diplomacy to get them under our thumb?

I'm pretty sure we have to trounce the Empire but we may be able to sway Gallia is we play our cards right.

In this quest, I'm assuming that being an off-the-books squad combined with their talent for unorthodox warfare kept the Nameless alive. We'll have to see what they did in the interlude, but I get the feeling they just kicked the Empire in the teeth.

Judging by the title it seems they bagged a Valkria somehow.

So, I think we have a clear line of action to distract Shadow:

1) Make Fake Emerald Turn 3
2) Send to someone else in a very flash manner in turn 4
3) ???
4) Profit.

Eggman has a Brain stat of 40. If Clove considers this an Anti-Black Arms action, she adds her 20 + 2 from loyalty - maybe 25 if it also procs her trait. This give us around a 38 to 33% chance of failure. Then we use someone to give the Emerald as "a gift of an admirer" and let the fireworks happen.

Slightly better chances with an omake. Though doing something to sabatoge Shadow would be good as well.
I still think planting a fake blue emerald in the empire thus forcing shadow and them to clash would be very very useful. It would force them into direct conflict
Nah the empire is way to arrogant for us to do that
We might be able to steal their valkyires though

Actually they re not.

According to basegame, Maximiliam may have declare war upon the world but he does know the value of diplomacy so he negotiate trade deals, alliances and cease fires whatever it takes to get him the uppder hand. He is a Hearts King and they also share borders with Black Arms accord to the map so they are also attacking them and fending off attacks as well, different from Zavok they built fortifications and have a gigantic industry and manpower that will not run out anytime soon.

So is very much possible to negotiate with him a cease fire against the Black Arms but is difficult to say if he's facing problems against them or not without eyes on they corner of the world.

In this quest, I'm assuming that being an off-the-books squad combined with their talent for unorthodox warfare kept the Nameless alive. We'll have to see what they did in the interlude, but I get the feeling they just kicked the Empire in the teeth.

I make a omake about them that become cannon that they basically manage to wage a guerrilla war so successfully against the Empire that officers carry training manuals that include hypothetical scenarios for encounters against them and among the rank and file there's pervasive belief they are ghosts that rise from the grave to punish the Empire.

Edit: however we don't know when they will show up on this world, only that they will at some point.
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Slightly better chances with an omake. Though doing something to sabatoge Shadow would be good as well.
I have a +10 to the fake emerald action, We won't be critting this no matter what since it is a dc 100, but if we sacrifice personals again this turn we could secure a good success with the reroll.

Of course this is something we don't want to do every turn, like no doubt concentrating too much in his work without downtime will give eggman maluses to balance the free reroll.

But alas times are desesperate, we need that fake emerald by yesterday if we want to throw Shadow off our trail.

Since I doubt the black arms will fail the action a 3rd time.
The more and more I read this the more and more the black arms just seem like a slowly growing unstoppable force, like I know most of it is probably because of shadow but holy!
From Eggmanland, With Love
From Eggmanland, With Love
You are Clove the Proghorn, and you are somewhat surprised by the actions of your new...old boss.

It was so weird if she were honest. Oh, she was aware of the concept of parallel universes - there were records of so many events that involved them, and she wasn't even accounting for how Blaze the Cat was a collective pain in the ass for everyone related to any Eggmen, but that's not here nor there - but this Eggman was apparently many in one? You weren't really sure to make out of it...

...especially if the old guy popped out to play. She prayed to whatever god there was in this world he never had to remember that guy, but Clove knew her luck was shit.

That's exactly why she was an Egg Boss in the first place, why Cassia was near death door.

But...once. Perhaps for once. Her luck was turning a bit.

For starters, the new Eggman seemed to actually give a damn. Oh, she didn't like a bit on the whole machine suit thing, but it was likely infinitely better than the limbo the old Eggman put her into, a leash he had around her neck to comply her into eternal obedience. He had an idea for a cure, something the old him never figured out. He didn't do it from the good will of his heart, but that was fine: for a creature like him, pride was almost, if not better, fuel.

But he had trouble: foes. Foes whenever he looked at. And he needed help to deal with them.

Mainly the Black Arms and their commander, Shadow the Hedgehog.

(What just happened for him to turn the back on the world again?)

"Proghorn. Have you paid attention on what I told you?"

She stiffened.

"Yes, Doctor..." she said. "Though I'm still skeptical if this plan will work. Didn't you recognize the fake Emerald at a glance?"

The man scoffed.

"Hmph. Merely because the Emerald had a very similar energy pulse to the real deal. Someone like Prower could build technology to distinguish both, but this will certainly trick them for a while...though I expect to get the best possible outcome of this plan."

He tapped at the projection on the wall. "Operation From Eggmanland With Love."

"When against many powerful foes, turn them against each other," the doctor explained. "Getting the Fake Emerald would already be a large step forward, as we could simply abandon the facility in case we're overrun and escape with the real deal. Not an ideal outcome but..." he snapped his tongue. "We strive for the best. And this is why the second step is simple: a fake trail. We will ostensibly give the Chaos Emerald to an enemy faction and let the Black Arms at it. I'm thinking the Empire to put the two biggest players against each other but I wouldn't mind framing any other group...bar the Six," he snarled. "They are ours."

There was the doctor she knew. A very spiteful man to those who crossed his path.

"So you want me to help in this," she concluded.

He grunted.

"You proved to be a...passable helper with your sister's illness," he admitted. "Starline will be busy while preparing for the auction and Belle is busy with other things. I suppose you would be invested in helping me, considering...well...."

He didn't even need to finish. Moving Cassia in her current state would be very hard...plus, they would likely lose the resources needed to do the gene therapy or even build her suspension suit.

Clover reflected on the matter for a moment. One deal. Two deals. Many deals. She did jobs for the devil many times already.

At least he had the pretense of being helpful.

"Where do we begin?"​
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The more and more I read this the more and more the black arms just seem like a slowly growing unstoppable force, like I know most of it is probably because of shadow but holy!
The black arms are litteraly the devouring swarm archetype
They are terrifying

We are lucky that for whatever reason they are holding back they forces because the world it's pretty much doomed if they decide to stop playing with the food.

You know the worst part?

This are only scouts, they main force is chilling in the Ark and there could be other incursions elsewhere in the world.

At least the Restoration and GUN score a win against them.

Just want to make a note here. The word Chaos is capitalized. This could mean nothing, or it could mean everything. Knowing this world, there's a high chance it's what I think it is.

Hope you all brought your umbrellas.

Yeah but it make no sense why Chaos is there since the Master Emerald was not shattered.
Let it be know, you guys had from turn 1 the option to infiltrate the Empire.

Lets me be clear, there was low, and I mean LOW chances of the interlude happening.

Apparently, the dice goddess decided it was time to shake thigns up…again,

First Their precious Valkyrie is defeated in combat and the this…dices are aiming the Empire to go on a particular direction and I'm all up for it
You are Clove the Proghorn, and you are somewhat surprised by the actions of your new...old boss.

It was so weird if she were honest. Oh, she was aware of the concept of parallel universes - there were records of so many events that involved them, and she wasn't even accounting for how Scourge the Hedgehog was a collective pain in the ass for everyone in their dimension, but that's not here nor there - but this Eggman was apparently many in one? You weren't really sure to make out of it...

...especially if the old guy popped out to play. She prayed to whatever god there was in this world he never had to remember that guy, but Clove knew her luck was shit.

Good omake overall, just need to eliminate that tiny bit about Scourge since he was not part of the Post-SGW so Clove has no knodlge about him.

You could make her mention a claimed alternative counterpart of Eggman (Eggman Nega) that show up during Sonic Rush games or Blaze, Post- SGW follow a very close timeline with the games.
Chaos: "Who the FUCK is messing with MY SHIT!?"

Empire Soldier: "But we didn't touch anything on Angel Island, we're conquering everywhere else!"

Chaos: *bitch slaps the soldier* "DID I STUTTER!?"
Just want to make a note here. The word Chaos is capitalized. This could mean nothing, or it could mean everything. Knowing this world, there's a high chance it's what I think it is.

Hope you all brought your umbrellas.

...Well then. That should be interesting.

It does complicate the plan to give them the emerald though.

We are lucky that for whatever reason they are holding back they forces because the world it's pretty much doomed if they decide to stop playing with the food.

You know the worst part?

This are only scouts, they main force is chilling in the Ark and there could be other incursions elsewhere in the world.

At least the Restoration and GUN score a win against them.

Let them keep that arrogance. It'll make it much easier to bash their skulls in.

From Eggmanland, With Love

Short. To the point. And effective. I like it.

Let it be know, you guys had from turn 1 the option to infiltrate the Empire.

Lets me be clear, there was low, and I mean LOW chances of the interlude happening.

Apparently, the dice goddess decided it was time to shake thigns up…again,

First Their precious Valkyrie is defeated in combat and the this…dices are aiming the Empire to go on a particular direction and I'm all up for it

...I'm morbidly curious what would have happened if we did infiltrate.

Does anyone know what the QM means by this?
Going back through Shadow the Hedgehog's endings, this particular Black Arms Shadow seems to be from the Mostly Dark Ending variant, wherein Black Doom's plan goes off without a hitch, and Shadow becomes his right hand. As this is not the worst case scenario (Pure Dark, everything will die or be conquered), that means this Shadow did, at minimum, 2 missions following Black Doom's orders, or followed him obediently up until the ARK and chose not to destroy the ARK's defenses. I'm not about to suggest he could have done any of the heroic routes then backtracked onto the dark routes because of the implications of what he did to the settlements.

This is crucial imo because that means this Shadow had his final showdown in the Black Comet, which is only accessible through either killing the president, reliving the ARK massacre in which he kills every G.U.N. soldier, or going through Iron Jungle and destroying all the G.U.N. robots there. I'm willing to bet this Shadow still has a shred of sentimentality for the ARK and what it meant to him.

This is a Shadow who loathes humanity, but not the world itself, was told he was created to be Black Doom's weapon, and accepted it as fact. To get him to change his worldview again would be a monumental task. But not an impossible one.

Anyways, DC to infiltrate the Restoration is lowered. Send in Belle maybe? She makes friends, Eggman gets intel. It's win-win!
Lets me be clear, there was low, and I mean LOW chances of the interlude happening.

Apparently, the dice goddess decided it was time to shake thigns up…again,

First Their precious Valkyrie is defeated in combat and the this…dices are aiming the Empire to go on a particular direction and I'm all up for it
See, this is one thing that I do love. The rabid chaos of the RNG. Things going off the rails is always a blast. Sooner or later the RNG will decide it's our turn to get shook up. But even if the RNG does I'll try and take it all in good humor
...I'm morbidly curious what would have happened if we did infiltrate.

Does anyone know what the QM means by this?
My assumption is Kingster means the interlude involving the Ragnite and Valkyur. It's hard for me to say since it hasn't happened yet, but I assume we could have had a chance to link up with the Nameless. As an "enemy of my enemy" kind of thing. But it seems like they didn't need our help.