TBH if Gerald is somehow here and under anyone employment no doubt he would have his jaw on the floor, but not only relieved but proud that someone could finally do what he could never accomplish in life.

Actually wonder if Curien son also has the same sickness and still needs to go under constant treatment to keep his body from decaying.
TBH if Gerald is somehow here and under anyone employment no doubt he would have his jaw on the floor, but not only relieved but proud that someone could finally do what he could never accomplish in life.

Actually wonder if Curien son also has the same sickness and still needs to go under constant treatment to keep his body from decaying.
Ohh… I forgot about Captain zombie pants… Maybe we can use that as a bargaining chip to get him on our side… because we are never working with his other two freaking nutssow partners
Ohh… I forgot about Captain zombie pants… Maybe we can use that as a bargaining chip to get him on our side… because we are never working with his other two freaking nutssow partners
Don't make mistakes Curien went to the same deep end that Gerald did after they killed Maria.

But no doubt would make him go rogue from anything his other 2 associates have planned, probably cause infighting between all of them.
Don't make mistakes Curien went to the same deep end that Gerald did after they killed Maria.

But no doubt would make him go rogue from anything his other 2 associates have planned, probably cause infighting between all of them.
OK fair but it would be good to have a biologist like him on our crew

The house of the dead zombies were pretty nuts, not gonna lie just imagine our own variance combining zombie and machine
Also keep in mind Curien is a king, someone that will not bend down to us.

On the other hand a battle between Metal Sonic and the Magician would be hype as hell.
I promise you, you guys will really enjoy what you get if/when you take the territory. You cannot win by being passive, and you guys did took the best chance to strike, believe me or not.

Also, rolls have been made, all omake bonsues so far have been added and the rolls for the raid are ongoing.

This is a preview of how things went.

Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!

You guys better cure Cassia Fast, Clove has earned it.

@Kingster Any reason why the Toxomister we stuff in the Blowfish was not counted into the roll?
Oh well that is the fate of Badniks all around unless Eggman has enough care in the world to rebuilt you from even the tiniest scrap like our boy Metal.

At least they can rest knowing they served our empire well and weren't destroyed by a blue ball of destruction.
You know once we get our empire back, wonder if we could pull some of our old ruses in search of stuff.

Mostly letting everyone else do the hard work while we steal it.

Like would be funny to try to pull another extreme gear tournament.
What seems like the beginning stages for us are going pretty swimmingly it seems like without shadow they're getting their alien behind thoroughly kicked.

I really hope we don't encounter any other hero unit they have
The Chaotix are on the case!
Since we are going to hire the lovable detectives this turn I come up with this omake:

The Chaotix are on the case!

It was a quiet morning at the Chaotix Detective Agency or as quiet as it could be when rent was overdue, the fridge was empty, and Vector was pacing the office muttering about their next paycheck. Espio sat cross-legged on the floor, meditating to block out the chaos, while Charmy buzzed around, balancing a pencil on his nose for the tenth time that morning.

A knock at the door startled them all or rather, it wasn't a knock, but the thud of a small box falling through the mail slot, landing on the desk with an unassuming plop. Attached was a note that read:


Curious, Charmy flitted over to the box. "What do you think it is? Treasure? A secret spy gadget? Oooh, maybe a new video game console!"

"Or a prank," Espio said, narrowing his eyes. "Be cautious."

Vector, ever the opportunist, reached for the box and opened it. Inside was a small, old-fashioned radio before anyone could comment, it crackled to life.

"Good morning, Chaotix," a smooth, disembodied voice said through the static.

The team froze.

"I have a job for you. I need you to find someone for me. A missing person."

Vector's eyes lit up with dollar signs. "A missing person, huh? You've come to the right team! We're experts in-"

Espio cut him off, raising a skeptical hand. "Vector, wait. The last time we got a job from a mysterious device, it was Eggman. He tricked us, and then he didn't pay us."

Vector waved him off. "C'mon, Espio, that was one time! Lightning doesn't strike twice, right?"

Charmy giggled. "Technically, it can if-"

"Not now, Charmy," Espio said, his gaze still fixed on the radio.

The voice crackled again, interrupting the debate. "If you're too afraid to take the job, I can always find someone else. I hear business hasn't been booming lately."

Vector froze, his jaw dropping. "Wait, how do you know that?"

The voice chuckled. "Everyone knows that."

Charmy burst into laughter. "Even the radio knows we're broke!"

Espio sighed. "This is humiliating. First Rouge mocks us, now a radio is taunting us."

But Vector slammed his fist on the desk, leaning closer to the radio. "Alright, buddy, we'll take the job! But we will get paid, or so help me-"

"I wouldn't dream of stiffing you," the voice said smoothly. "The details are in the box. Good luck, Chaotix." The radio clicked off.

Espio crossed his arms. "This is a bad idea."

"Yeah," Vector said, grumbling as he picked up the papers in the box. "But rent's not gonna pay itself, is it?"

(line break)

Far away in the darkened control room of a hidden base, Dr. Eggman sat, a smirk playing on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"So, they took the bait again," he muttered. "Those bumbling fools are as predictable as ever. Forced to rely on them again, how humiliating." He sighed dramatically, placing his hand over his forehead.

Orbot waddled over, tilting his head. "Sir, if they're such fools, why hire them?"

Eggman glared at his assistant. "Because they're cheap, gullible, and actually effective in a chaotic, accidental sort of way. Besides, they don't even realize it's me. I'd call that a stroke of genius on my part!"

Cubot chimed in. "Uh last time they kinda figured it out it was you, boss."

Eggman growled. "Details, Cubot. Irrelevant details!"

Not my best work but I just imagine that Eggman would do the same thing he did on Sonic Heroes to hire them and the jab about Chaotix financial situation was in a earlier IDW issue where Rogue said everybody knows how much they need rent money so Eggman would also, accidently, trow a similar jab at them.

Also yes they did figure out it was Eggman that hire them in Sonic Heroes.

Bit of trivia lightning actually does strike the same place twince, sometimes even more times.
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