So Next Turn, I'm guessing we're forcing Starline to look for the Conch again? So we have a chance to defeat the Zeti and take back our Empire?
So far the options for trickery in my priority is either get the conch, try to find chuck on infiltrate the empire.

So far my priority would be getting the conch as with that we can save us a lot of headaches from the D6.

Especially when searching for Chuck.
I really do wonder what the Boon for taking out the Dark Arms(Assuming we succeed) will be.

Hopefully it's worth it vs giving up our sole advantage.
A Ruined Dream
A Ruined Dream

In one of the several towns and villages circling around the innermost part of the Restoration's territory, inside a small home near the outskirts, Honey the Cat was furiously punching at a makeshift punching bag.

She kept punched the bag, only stopping to make an afterimage and strike from a different location. She tried to keep the tempo up but faltered and had to stop to take a short break as she walked around her new "home". It wasn't very long ago that she have been sharing a room with half a dozen other refugees and now she a house all to herself. Despite this, it somehow still feels both larger and yet unbearably small.

It could have been worse, the Restoration has been struggling to find suitable housing for everyone as refugees continue to surge into their territory. She could have stayed stuck sharing a cramp home with others if not for one of her...former clientele recognizing her and offering her a stay at one of their homes.

She walked past bolts of fabrics, some recovered, others bought, and the rest traded in exchange for some tailoring, a talent she never thought would be needed but highly valued when the only thing most people have is just the clothes on their back.

Unfortunately as she stopped to glanced to look around the house, there is no real way to bring back her precious store on her own. The fabric she acquired was small in number and color variety, not to mention the lack of equipment or even a building. She was only lucky enough to further negotiate with the house's owner to own this tiny home.

In exchange all she had to do was hand over one of the few intact clothes she manage to salvage before fleeing.

Shaking her head slightly she approached the punching bag for another practice session.

According to the enthusiastic words of that clientele, since her store's destruction her Honey Clothing outfits might soon become a sought after rarity in the future.

She smiled grimly as she recalled the memory, if so then a twisted way, she really would have achieve one of her lifelong goals of having her clothing be at the top of the spotlight. She just never thought it would happen like this, never.

Breathing heavily as expend the last of her energy, she tried to focus and regain her stamina for the next bout.

She had spent everything, her time, her funds, her dream on that store and it was all destroyed in just one afternoon.

She wouldn't have felt so hopeless if this was before the Shattering. Her store's destruction would still have been devastating yes but she also knew that it's revival was just a matter of time.

Back then, she had wealthy investors and connections that she could have leveraged and would have allow her to rebuild her store but the Shattering now threw everything into chaos.

Everything was as if someone tore up different worlds and stitched them up into one single eyesore. Many people she knew were just gone or had lost everything, trade lines were completely disrupted, attacks from strange new lands, it was too much. At the time she was just thankful she and her store made it through intact.

The few backers she manage to reestablish contact early on were either reluctant or had more pressing concerns than clothing. Still things did seem get brighter as she did find new suppliers until that day happened.

Until Zavok happened.

And she lost everything.

After that it was all a daze, she could only dimly remember digging through the wrecking of her beloved store to retrieve a few important momentos before running amidst the fighting.

It was only when she made it to the Restoration and had a place to sleep that she had time to start processing.

Finally when she sat down on a chair at that cramp home with some other refugees, holding onto the bare remnants of her once happy life that it finally hit her. Rage. Anger. Revenge. All of it coursing through her in coursing waves.

She had never felt such such strong negative emotions before, all she wanted now was to make Zavok pay for whats he done.

For her vengeance she be willing to do almost anything.

She picked up the paced, punching harder and using her Shadow Sneak in conjuction to make it look like there were dozen of her punching at the same time.

Eventually the punching bag couldn't withstand the torment and promptly exploded, showering the area in sand.

Grimacing at the mess, she felt thankful the damage didn't reach her or any fabric and went to clean the mess. Once it was done, she went to retrieve a replacement bag and mentally reviewed her options.

G.U.N. is a no go, they wouldn't let her near Zavok if they knew and definitely wouldn't care about her store

Joining Restoration would be one way to fight back against Zavok but it would be too impersonal and she doubted they would be willing to rebuild her store regardless of what she offerred.

Still going off on her lonesome wasn't exactly appealing. The best she has done so far has been sneaking out to destroy any of his badniks she comes across but it's utterly pointless when he can make countless more. More importantly, she is not his match and as much as she wants to take him down personally, she knows she needs allies to see him fall.

Letting out a small sigh as she finished the installation, she really hoped she get her chance soon. She took up her combat stance once more but hesitated and instead felt it was time for a change of pace. She went to retrieve a small box from it's hiding place, cradling it in her arms.

When her store was destroyed, she didn't immediately go for the outfits or money but rather for this small precious box. Opening the box, she gently lifted a bundle of paper and set them at her desk. Sitting down she couldn't help but make a small smile as she went through each paper.

Outside of the ones she had been working on, these were all the prototype designs she had ever made. Each one holds a precious memory to her. All the countless hours and inspiration in finding the right matching combination and color palette that just spoke to her. And in the far future while it wouldn't ever be ideal if she ever desired to use it recreate a outfit, it would still be a start.

She continued to shuffle through her old designs, the sketches getting steadily rougher until she paused on a childish one she made as a kid when she felt a wave of tiredness hit her.

Seeing it was dark outside, she decided to turn in for today. She only hope tomorrow would be better and her dreams would spare her the usual torment that's been plaguing her.

However unlike her most recent dreams, she found this one to be more enjoyable. She found herself surrounded by a group of mostly egg shaped blobs wearing the most clashing and non-uniform set of clothing. She knew they were all were supposed to be part of one faction and they had to match! Pity they started scattering as if they knew her intentions.

She put herself to work hunting them down one by one and finding each of them a outfit that works. Lurking in the shadow, she soon spotted her next target, the puppet blob nervously trying to walk quietly past, she waited silently as the adorable blob tried to sneak past before she pounced.

As Honey giggled happily in her sleep meanwhile back in Eggman's base, Belle couldn't help but feel an ominous cloud hanging over her head.

Honey is a pretty obscure character, so I don't think I got her personality and revenge mixed up right. Still I hope we get her after Majima so we actually look like a faction.
I mean looking at it, we were going to give it up no matter what.

The only actions on power that didn't reveal our pressence was upgrading Metal or Rusty or rebuild the Death egg robot.
I really do wonder what the Boon for taking out the Dark Arms(Assuming we succeed) will be.

Hopefully it's worth it vs giving up our sole advantage.
I promise you, you guys will really enjoy what you get if/when you take the territory. You cannot win by being passive, and you guys did took the best chance to strike, believe me or not.

Also, rolls have been made, all omake bonsues so far have been added and the rolls for the raid are ongoing.

This is a preview of how things went.

Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!

You guys better cure Cassia Fast, Clove has earned it.
I promise you, you guys will really enjoy what you get if/when you take the territory. You cannot win by being passive, and you guys did took the best chance to strike, believe me or not.

Also, rolls have been made, all omake bonsues so far have been added and the rolls for the raid are ongoing.

This is a preview of how things went.

Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!

You guys better cure Cassia Fast, Clove has earned it.

Now I be genuinely upset win or lose if we don't do genetic therapy or further cure research next turn.
I promise you, you guys will really enjoy what you get if/when you take the territory. You cannot win by being passive, and you guys did took the best chance to strike, believe me or not.

Also, rolls have been made, all omake bonsues so far have been added and the rolls for the raid are ongoing.

This is a preview of how things went.

Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!

You guys better cure Cassia Fast, Clove has earned it.
Once again, we prove our other genius by wiping out the black arm fools!!
I mean looking at it, we were going to give it up no matter what.
It was our Sole Advantage because as far as every instantly hostile faction were concerned Eggman was either taken out of the game or was ineffectually flaffling about so badly he couldn't make the barest ripple in the water.

Yes, we still have our Hidden Base, but if people know we're back, that means it becomes an option and thus possibility for them to look for and find us.
You cannot win by being passive, and you guys did took the best chance to strike, believe me or not.
Oh no arguing there, it just would of felt better had it been the Zeti we were kicking out since we'd have our Empire Back.

And yeah I suspected this were the literal best time to strike the Dark Arms. Shadow is gone and they only had 1% territory. I can't imagine how things would of been better for us.
Starline Files: Doctor Eggman

We really should make more of these for the other Heroes.

Good job! It makes a lot of sense and rather neatly addresses some of our on-going issues as well.

...We really should see about throwing Starline a bone or two.
Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!

You guys better cure Cassia Fast, Clove has earned it.


Clove you have proven yourself worth every penny!

Ragnite next? That would allow us to take advantage of the extra time and make it easier to cure her quickly. It should count now for the cure now that we have Isara.
I promise you, you guys will really enjoy what you get if/when you take the territory. You cannot win by being passive, and you guys did took the best chance to strike, believe me or not.

Also, rolls have been made, all omake bonsues so far have been added and the rolls for the raid are ongoing.

This is a preview of how things went.

Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!

You guys better cure Cassia Fast, Clove has earned it.
Relevant video to this.

Literally cannot imagine Clover in any other way now, well she better get ready her sister is not only getting that cure, but also an awesome battle suit.

Seriously this alone makes worth it taking that action.
We are probably giving a collective heart attack to both Jewel and Towers, last they knew Eggman was gone and they though probably for good with the shattering.

Now we just came in kicking down the door to the play room, flipped the table of the green hill map and changed it with our own carefully crafted map.
I know what he means, but @Aron593 's description is just giving me this funny mental image of GUN, The Restoration and Eggman Empire being rival schools and Eggman barging into the former two's scheduled game and winning just to be a dick XD
We are probably giving a collective heart attack to both Jewel and Towers, last they knew Eggman was gone and they though probably for good with the shattering.

Now we just came in kicking down the door to the play room, flipped the table of the green hill map and changed it with our own carefully crafted map.
On the one hand they probably shouldn't have thought we were gone given Metal's very loud attack on the Empire.

On the other hand, overall we have been very quiet since Metal got seemingly destroyed. So they may have thought it our last ditch effort.
The Sonic Negaquest on the other hand are having mixed of panic and relief since they actually know where we are now. From their perspective we are the villain that can whip up a dangerous superweapon on the weekends.
The Sonic Negaquest is also likely just flitting from place to place with like ~5-7 actions that can be assigned to anything (in exchange for sonic having to do everything himself.)

I do not believe for a second that Sonic can slow down enough to actually be permanently considered part of any one faction.