Also pleasant surprise that we have a presence in another kingdom
Who is that though I'm unfamiliar with Archie eggbosses

Conquering Storm

For the version of this character before the Super Genesis Wave, see Bride of the Conquering Storm. Conquering Storm is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. She is a mobian lynx and the Egg Boss of the Egg Clan Army...

Badass Ninja!

Also, yes, the king choosen was at random. Unlucky they got Actually Satan to deal with.
Well we did it gang, Alien Satan is out of the Green Hills, now to announce our return on Twitter!

However! Best part of this turn was the Motobug by far......WE GOT ANOTHER DAUGHTER!!! We just need to find Mecha Robotnik and the Egg family will be united.

And now we're also taking in the Drascan strays are safe from the Egg-Orphanage of the Green Hills.

We also have some other Eggbosses camping out in other territories right now, so that's neat.

(Now let's hope the scary Zeti don't make a beeline to our location).
Yeah Clove deserves it.

Also despite not being so useful right now that second power option Will come in hella handy.

Hell we can probably start making the death egg robot depending on what else we got from the raid.

Either way we blew it out of the park this turn.

Coming turn we are going to have to use logístics with Belle to repair that ship.

On the other hand we can sent Metal to recruit certain mad dog.

Orbot and Cubot are really on a roll now, those 100 metal per turn Will come in handy.

As I said Isara is someone we want to keep for the long run, those 100 on logístic and 70 something on power creation are hella useful.

Also that reroll came in clutch, but welcome back Sage, we have some heavy work to do, especially taking back the Eggnet.

Also yeah we were close on that second threshold, but alas cannot blame metal for his personal dice sucking ass.

We somehow got all the DC for the ring action, that red ring no doubt Will be hella useful later.

Also personals all over the place but damn some we're damn funny.

Also Holly hell conquering storm coming up is not something I though it would happen.

On the other hand Satan is probably one of the more chill Kings and well we do know out way around puyo too.

If we piss him off we could also offer him extreme gear equip for his Town, no doubt they would be thrilled to have something new to do.

Overall an excellent turn
well this turn went really well. I've never heard of Primp Town before though, what setting is it from and what's it's deal?

Hell we can probably start making the death egg robot depending on what else we got from the raid.

On the other hand we can sent Metal to recruit certain mad dog.
I want to give Metal Sonic a voice before we send him to recruit anyone, it would make things way harder if he can't explain why he's there.
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Heart: 3(Piastol doesn't talk to others outside of building or mailing death threats)

Logistics: 8(She doesn't see the need to do more than it takes to get by)

Brains: 5(I honestly doubt this girl even went middeschool)
Oof, these traits don't seem good for our mystic hero.. Hopefully we can get another one later.
Why her?! Again!!! Belle couldn't help but think as she arrived at her destination, a random spot in the woods, where the bounty hunter she was supposed to recruit was staying.
Yeah we probably should stop sending Belle to recruit our hero units..
Rewards: The Metal Mines are up and operational! You gain 100 Metal passively per turn!
Alright we have our mines, now we just need a factory and some Badniks to hunt for animals.
Results: Confirmed the absence of Sonic in Green Hills and nearby areas.
This can't be good, hopefully this is considered the drive somewhat done so we won't suffer the penalty.
Results= Obtained a significant amount of rings and a Red Star Ring!
We should really create a machine to do this, but i am curious on what a red ring can do.
Results: Metal Sonic is in a super distracted mood! He gets another -5 this turn instead!
Dang it Metal..
Apparently the Pronghorns version of yourself liked Cookie Dough and Starline knew of your weakness for eggnog.

They get a pass this time but only because these ice creams actually pair really well together.
Huh, well at least Starline learned something of the other version of Eggman from the sisters.
Darcsen helpers: If that Girl wants to bring to me more mouths to feed then they better be able to work for a place to stay! (+5 bonus to some actions, like construction or ones where many hands are needed.)

The Darscen are deeply grateful to Eggman!
Well hopefully they can act like a milita in case we get attacked.
RESULTS: Actions to contact Conquering Storm Unlocked! Currently she is deep infiltrated in Primp Town, you can order her to do National Actions there on her own, furthering the cause of the Eggman Empire, or even go retrieve her to assist you in Green Hills!
Alright good to see our Egg Bosses are still around in other territories but they'll definitely need some more badniks against the other factions.
well this turn went really well. I've never heard of Primp Town before though, what setting is it from and what's it's deal?
It is from puyopuyo after Sega got the IP.

Practially that city is full of mystic units and the king is a mystic focused one if not one with not too much ambition.

Like he sometimes let things play out cause it amuses him.

Still like any other person piss him off enough and there Will be hell to pay no pun intended as the king of that setting is literally Satan
Also despite not being so useful right now that second power option Will come in hella handy.
Which means we must get more territory if we want more actions, so we best start taking our empire back.

And perhaps see if any of our new heroes can be Egg Bosses as well, and hopefully the Vulture will come to us instead of wasting a action to recruit her again, although I can see Thunderbolt joining as well once news of our return comes out.
Yeah Clove deserves it.

Also despite not being so useful right now that second power option Will come in hella handy.

Hell we can probably start making the death egg robot depending on what else we got from the raid.

Either way we blew it out of the park this turn.

Coming turn we are going to have to use logístics with Belle to repair that ship.

On the other hand we can sent Metal to recruit certain mad dog.

Orbot and Cubot are really on a roll now, those 100 metal per turn Will come in handy.

As I said Isara is someone we want to keep for the long run, those 100 on logístic and 70 something on power creation are hella useful.

Also that reroll came in clutch, but welcome back Sage, we have some heavy work to do, especially taking back the Eggnet.

Also yeah we were close on that second threshold, but alas cannot blame metal for his personal dice sucking ass.

We somehow got all the DC for the ring action, that red ring no doubt Will be hella useful later.

Also personals all over the place but damn some we're damn funny.

Also Holly hell conquering storm coming up is not something I though it would happen.

On the other hand Satan is probably one of the more chill Kings and well we do know out way around puyo too.

If we piss him off we could also offer him extreme gear equip for his Town, no doubt they would be thrilled to have something new to do.

Overall an excellent turn

Make no kistake we will cure her but right now is a bit of a ringler in the Brain actions.

Our presence is now know across Green Hills so I think is better to research Ragnite to see if can lower the DC roll on Curing Cassia.

Plus Ragnite can be used to bolster our badnik powers so is not just a complete loss.

Alright good to see our Egg Bosses are still around in other territories but they'll definitely need some more badniks against the other factions.

I am tempt to call her back, Conquering Storm is no doubt a Trickery Hero Unit for very obvious reasons or we can direct her through National Actions and taking places in our name but it kinda run risk in agebring the local King.

Like I said don't expect all Egg Boss to fight for Eggman, some of them will try to strike on they own.
I feel we should also retrieve Conquering Storm.

Because well she is a ninja.

Also we need all hands on deck in case those 6 maniacs beeline for us.
well this turn went really well. I've never heard of Primp Town before though, what setting is it from and what's it's deal?

Once more, I direct you to Sega All Satr Villains doc:

SEGA All Star Villains

SEGA All Star Villains Based on “Disney Villains Victorious” “SEGA All-Star Villains” is a tabletop RPG set in a world where the villains from various SEGA games took over. Not all hope is lost however, as across the world various heroes fight to help restore the world to its former glory or die ...

Satan: Primp Town (Origin: Puyo Puyo, 1991)

King: Satan

Given his name and status as the Ruler of Puyo Hell, you would think the "Dark Prince" Satan is a powerful, terrifying force of pure malevolence; , you would be right about the "powerful" part, not so much about the "terrifying force of pure malevolence" part. In all honesty, Satan's takeover of Primp Town was a total accident. Satan's original goal was to use magic to make Arle, an apprentice mage he had feelings for, fall in love with him. However, in his desperation, Satan put too much power into the spell, and the end results affected not only Arle, but everyone in Primp Town as well. While Satan has since weakened the spell's effect for everyone but Arle (after a mob of affected civilians stormed his home to get a piece of him), the spell was still strong enough to convince everyone to make Satan the new ruler of Primp Town.

Land: Primp Town

Due in large part to the fact that Satan didn't plan on taking over, Primp Town and the surrounding area are pretty much the same as they have always been. While not as disturbingly twisted as Wizeman's domain, or distinctly alien as the Space Guild's home, Primp Town is a rather weird place, with the inhabitants ranging from anthropomorphic fish to living skeletons. Primp Town is also home to a very high number of magic users, to the point that it seems like everyone there knows at least a little magic. Most magic in Primp Town is centered around Puyos, little blobs of slime that pop when combined into a row of four or more, a quirk that can be used to amplify the power of magic users. Disputes in Primp Town are often settled with matches where the participants race to match Puyos as fast as possible while using the ensuing magic boost to sabotage their opponent.

Rule: Kick The Nerd

Satan never intended to rule Primp Town, and as a result he has a very hands off approach to his rule. While he will frequently take part in Puyo matches for fun and to show off his skill, the only time he will ever take direct action against anyone is if they start to annoy him personally. That being said, while Satan is something of a joke who's conquest was completely unintentional, he is a very skilled magic user and the best Puyo player in all of Primp Town, so anyone who takes him lightly will quickly be proven wrong.

Make no kistake we will cure her but right now is a bit of a ringler in the Brain actions.

Our presence is now know across Green Hills so I think is better to research Ragnite to see if can lower the DC roll on Curing Cassia.

Plus Ragnite can be used to bolster our badnik powers so is not just a complete loss.

Reminder you guys don't need to pass the 160 DC action to cure Cassia, its an autopass that takes 2 turns, even if you already cure cassia, you guys do can take that 160 dc action later. So not really that pressing to be honest.
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Once more, I direct you to Sega All Satr Villains doc:

SEGA All Star Villains

SEGA All Star Villains Based on “Disney Villains Victorious” “SEGA All-Star Villains” is a tabletop RPG set in a world where the villains from various SEGA games took over. Not all hope is lost however, as across the world various heroes fight to help restore the world to its former glory or die ...
Yeah pretty much My reason to wanting to retrieve Conquering Storm.

Like good job girl, but fuck we cannot go poking a hornets nest this early.

We need the proper equipment first and that Will be when we recover our empire.

So get back here cause we need all hands on deck to start pushing againts Zavok.
Well hopefully the other Egg Bosses will be coming out of the wood works to join us, although some would probably need to be replaced if they try going independent.
Speaking of Sega villains we should probably avoid sea travel for a bit until we get the Egg Bosses that help control the oceans since a certain sea creature won't like Eggman.