Ooh, Black Arms material? Bet we can make some fun toys with that! Maybe a bioweapon against them? Something to weaken Shadow, at least.
During turn 4 on rivals reports, this is still turn 3.
YEAH. First survive the red guy rampage, then GUN Will approach you.

We already spent two turns actively recruiting Hero Units and rapidly accumulating action favors with them. Three times if you consider recruiting Stone. I do not want to hire Majima, but will still go along with it albeit with some annoyance, but that's it. Finish some of the action favor first before recruiting anyone else.

We NEED to have an Alliance with someone fast now that we're out in the open, and Captain Metal is the most optimal choice that we have. The QM's has also said Piastol will not be leaving us immediately after we contact him, so we can use the available Actions like the ship repair and finding the person she is looking for instead of frantically looking around for Actions to increase her loyalty later. Reduce her opinions of us first, and then build her loyalty, instead of bulding loyalty and broke her trust later.
If you want a group to ally with. Thanks to SmashQueen mystery box, there is a group of pirates from Skies of Arcadia you can reach out too.

Gilder is such a badass, if you want to ask for an alliance you can go for that.

Also, you cna always recruit Thunderbolt or nephthys or one of the tier 1 heroes if you don0t want much quest lines.
I really don't understand the fascination with Captain Metal. He's not something we can really trust for a long term alliance.

He's a pirate and values his freedom so we can't win him over completely and will just alienate us with Piastol who we just recruited.
We already spent two turns actively recruiting Hero Units and rapidly accumulating action favors with them. Three times if you consider recruiting Stone. I do not want to hire Majima, but will still go along with it albeit with some annoyance, but that's it. Finish some of the action favor first before recruiting anyone else.

We NEED to have an Alliance with someone fast now that we're out in the open, and Captain Metal is the most optimal choice that we have. The QM's has also said Piastol will not be leaving us immediately after we contact him, so we can use the available Actions like the ship repair and finding the person she is looking for instead of frantically looking around for Actions to increase her loyalty later. Reduce her opinions of us first, and then build her loyalty, instead of bulding loyalty and broke her trust later.

You do realize the situation it's not that bad?

Like most Minion needs can be handle with careful planning, the Prgohorn Sisters questline is almost done in record time and they can wait two turn max for a cure. Piastol is not going to leave after one turn therefore we don't need to fix her ship in Turn 4.

GUN is approaching to Eggman to negotiate with him most likely a alliance so we don't need to take action for them at least.

I really don't understand the fascination with Captain Metal. He's not something we can really trust for a long term alliance.

He's a pirate and values his freedom so we can't win him over completely and will just alienate us with Piastol who we just recruited.

Me neither. People juts are fascinate with him because he is a alternate version of Metal Sonic playing pirate that's pretty much it.
[] Plan: WIP
-[] Fortify Territory DC???: Canaan
-[] Build Death Egg Robot DC80: Isara
-[] Hire A New Minion - Goro Majima DC70: Metal Sonic
-[] Build A Badnik Factory DC: 70: Orbot&Cubot + Badniks(Power Cap 15): 1x Burrowbot
-[] Evacuate Conquering Storm DC???: Proghorn Sisters
-[] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck: Sage
-[] Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power DC60: Belle
-[] Look For The Cacophonic Conch DC 90: Dr. Starline + Badniks: 1x Motobugs
-[] Through The Ringer DC 70: Piastol
Personal Actions
-[] Dr. Eggman: Focus On Your Work - Look For The Cacophonic Conch
-[] Dr. Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. - Isara

So this is a preliminar plan based on what was discussed and upcoming actions.
reminder that any badnkis assigned to an action arent available for patrols or to defend the baser in caser of invasions, just as a heads up.
I really don't understand the fascination with Captain Metal. He's not something we can really trust for a long term alliance.

He's a pirate and values his freedom so we can't win him over completely and will just alienate us with Piastol who we just recruited.
agreed, I was indifferent to him at the start but I'm growing to hate him just from how insistent certain people have been that we ally with him.
Dude they know the threat of the black arms
They aren't stupid
Yep, they knew, and the Black Arms are out the window currently. A tomorrows problem while we are the threat standing directly in front of them. They also don't NEED us to deal with, after the Shattering, there's prime a dozens of new people around they could research and reach out to ask for help. Especially now that we give them some time to do it by kicking the Black Arms out. We are a known option, but it wouldn't surprise me if we are categorized as the last resort one.

The group our new hero hates w8th a passion
The group that would betray us for more money in a heartbeat
If she is locking us out of SO MANY OPTIONS like this, then just let her go. Find some new Magic Hero Unit and treat her as Mercenary that would only stay for a couple of Turns.
Yep, they knew, and the Black Arms are out the window currently. A tomorrows problem while we are the threat standing directly in front of them. They also don't NEED us to deal with, after the Shattering, there's prime a dozens of new people around they could research and reach out to ask for help. Especially now that we give them some time to do it by kicking the Black Arms out. We are a known option, but it wouldn't surprise me if we are categorized as the last resort one.

If she is locking us out of SO MANY OPTIONS like this, then just let her go. Find some new Magic Hero Unit and treat her as Mercenary that would only stay for a couple of Turns.
They are giving out a white flag during turn 4 after that turn rival reports due to a mystery bo from an omake.

As for Piastol, QM's already confirmed that outside of some heavy dice shenanigans these are all the hero's unit we will be getting until we reclaim our empire.

So realistically she is our only mystic option for a good while
Yep, they knew, and the Black Arms are out the window currently. A tomorrows problem while we are the threat standing directly in front of them. They also don't NEED us to deal with, after the Shattering, there's prime a dozens of new people around they could research and reach out to ask for help. Especially now that we give them some time to do it by kicking the Black Arms out. We are a known option, but it wouldn't surprise me if we are categorized as the last resort one.
dude, kingster said when this was revealed that this was for negotiation, and that no it's not a trap. calm down.

If she is locking us out of SO MANY OPTIONS like this, then just let her go. Find some new Magic Hero Unit and treat her as Mercenary that would only stay for a couple of Turns.
we have had confirmation that we both aren't likely to find any mystic heroes better than Piastol, and wont be allowed to search for more hero units until we've taken over all of Green Hills. also allying with pirates of any kind is a stupid idea and never should have been considered.
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Zavok's Rage Breaks
Zavok has reached abridged Vegeta levels of rage, be careful, he is coming to kill Eggman soon.

Zavok's Rage Breaks

"Wohohohoho! That felt great! I can see what my alternative enjoyed doing that." Eggman said as he finished his dance number and singing. "Really adds some flair and style to an announcement!"

"It was excellently done, father!" Sage said as her avatar appeared on a nearby screen. Isara meanwhile was staring, an expression of surprise and confusion clearly spread across her face.

"Is this something that happens…often?" She asked, her tone polite yet befuddled nonetheless. It was, to her, quite the dramatic way of announcing the existence of their group to the world.

"Oh, I have done something like this on many occasions, though I will say, this is probably one of the best I've done to date! Now then, we just wait to see what Starline's team has managed to accomplish and-"


Eggman and Isara jumped at the sudden and unexpected sound of a loud scream filled with such rage and hatred that it seemed to be almost physically tangible.

"What in the blazes is that!? Wait, I know this scream of rage! Sage, are we already under attack!?" Eggman turned to the computer screen that Sage's avatar was displayed on, the A.I. looking quite perplexed.

"No, Father. There are currently no forces near this location…yet somehow I am also able to hear the scream as though it was in the Egg.Net itself?"

Isara held her hands to her ears. "What is causing this!?"

Eggman listened a bit more to the very louder scream that seemed to not be slowing down. "It's-!"

"-Zavok!?" Tails exclaimed in shock.

He and Amy had stopped their search for Sonic after seeing Eggman's announcement. They had been moving to check with the Restoration, when the scream started.


Which was still going strong!

"You never said he could scream this loud!" Amy said as she looked around at some of the trees shaking. "Has he gone all giant right now!?"

Tails shook his head. "We definitely would have noticed if he was, a giant screaming red Zeti wouldn't be the kind of thing you miss!" He said, though even he had to admit, maybe he was misremembering what all Zavok could do. He didn't think anyone had this kind of lung capacity!

Black Doom blinked all three of his eyes as he heard a scream of such incredible fury that he actually felt impressed by whatever life form managed it…especially since it was managing to be heard all the way within the depths of the Black Comet…in space.

"I should make a note to capture whatever is making that sound. Such powerful roars could be useful…"

Shadow, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel some sense of kinship with whatever was bellowing its rage so openly. He certainly felt something close to it after his…temporary set back.


…Now if only it wasn't giving him a headache…

Silver the Hedgehog held up the gemstone that would be the key that would allow him to go back and fix everything!

"With this Time Stone, I can travel to the past and right the wrongs that created this ruined future! I promise, I will do everything in my power to save everything and everyone-!"


Silver flew straight up and looked around in a panic as a scream like nothing he had ever heard before rang out throughout the ruins of his future.

"What is making that sound!?"

Vegeta, Prince of All Sayians, paused in his training and looked up from where he stood in the middle of one of the many deserts that dotted the planet he begrudgingly called home as he heard a scream filled with a level of rage that he knew quite well.


"Is someone stealing my bit!?"


Zavok stood, panting as his scream finally reached its end, with his fellow Zeti (at least those not currently healing) looking at him with wide eyes filled with no small degree of fear. The red and black demonic leader of the Deadly Six's own eyes were now bloodshot, pupils shrunken down to pinpricks, and shaking with a crazed intensity only a being filled with mind shatteringly high levels of anger could hope to match.

"…I'm going to go kill Eggman now." He said in a tone that was far too calm compared to what he was feeling, before leaving the room with a swiftness that none of his fellow Zeti had seen him capable of before.

Zeena, Zor, and Zazz all looked to each other, and could only feel relief in knowing that they were not the object of Zavok's ire.
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Black Doom's Rage
Doom screamed in rage as he watched the video of Eggman.


He killed the Assassin that delivered the message to him after they came back from their forward base. Once they told him of the raid, he wondered how Starline managed to recruit the mobian when he saw the video and it all clicked for him.

While he didn't know of Eggman, he knew his grandfather and if Eggman was as smart as him, he will be a dangerous foe.

While he didn't wanted to do this, he decided on going through with the suggestion Shadow made. Oh that blasted Hedgehog. He did love him but he suppressed all memories prior to his reawakening.

He spent a few days working on the creation of a commander-type unit for the Black Arms. Once it was finished, he float back as the new commander units came alive.

"Welcome to the world, my Black Deaths."

This is Black Doom reaction to Eggman's video. What do you think @Kingster
Burrowbots are too important for construction, only putting them in the raid because we really need it, and Moto Bugs are too important if we really want to pass the dice for the Conch.

Oh yeah, still, just giving the heads up.

The group our new hero hates w8th a passion
The group that would betray us for more money in a heartbeat
Correct on the first, not so much on the second one.

Still it's just as choice, again, if you don't want to deal with Gilder, just ignore hima nd let him go, you literaslly dont lose anything.

we have had confirmation that we both aren't likely to find any better mystic heroes than Piastol, and wont be allowed to search for more hero units until we've taken over all of Green Hills. also allying with pirates of any kind is a stupid idea and never should have been considered.

Oh boy, you guys will be dissapointed once you expand to either water or air...

Its the great pirate Age!!!

I guess Eggman will become enemy of all pirates.

Piastol agrees with this notion.
I'm waiting until the turn is posted to make my full plan but my tentative WIP is to reinforce our position and set us up to push further in the future. We've gotten some good bonuses and leaps forward, now we have to consolidate our position.
[] 'Reinforce the base' or equivalent action (Power)
[] Build The Death Egg Robot (Power)
[] Hire A Minion [Majima] (Heart)
[] Rebuild Piastol's Ship (Logistics)
[] Build a Badnik Factory (Logistics)
[] Study Ragnite (Brains)
[] Upgrade Badniks to Ring Power (Brains)
[] Look for the Conch (Trickery)
[] Through the Ringer (Mystic)
[] Eggman Personals: Make tools for some combination of Canaan, Piastol, Clove, and Isara. Also, I want to spend one on woodworking. For the character development.
[] Belle Personal: Talk to Starline
[] Starline Personal: Examine Belle

To explain, this plan is focused on getting as many "foundational" things done as I can. The Death Egg Robot gives Eggman a huge power boost, Majima will be an excellent minion to have, Piastol's Ship will secure her loyalty (potentially can be delayed?) Depends on what the QMs say) which is good because she's among our strongest non-mechanical fighters. The Rings and Ragnite will open options for the future, let us make Badniks cheaper (to go along with the Badnik factory you see,) and potentially reduce the cost of making a quick cure for Cassia's condition. I'm not crazy about looking for the Conch again, but I'm willing to give it one more shot, since it will neft the Zeti big time. And Through the Ringer is just my personal favorite of the old Mystic Actions.

Now, I do have some considerations. QMs, may I ask how angry Piastol will be if we delay rebuilding her ship for a turn? If she's going to be very, very mad about it, we should probably hurry and uphold our end of the bargain. If not, I might suggest we take another Logistics action instead. Surely she can give us some time when there's a furious beast knocking at our door...
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The blue pirates will probably leave us alone for a while unless we do some really henious shit.

The black pirates on the other hand will attack us no matter what cause they will see shiny new toys to ramsack.
I'm waiting until the turn is posted to make my full plan but my tentative WIP is to reinforce our position and set us up to push further in the future. We've gotten some good bonuses and leaps forward, now we have to consolidate our position.
[] 'Reinforce the base' or equivalent action (Power)
[] Build The Death Egg Robot (Power)
[] Hire A Minion [Majima] (Heart)
[] Rebuild Piastol's Ship (Logistics)
[] Build a Badnik Factory (Logistics)
[] Study Ragnite (Brains)
[] Upgrade Badniks to Ring Power (Brains)
[] Look for the Conch (Trickery)
[] Through the Ringer (Mystic)
[] Eggman Personals: Make tools for some combination of Canaan, Piastol, Clove, and Isara. Also, I want to spend one on woodworking. For the character development.
[] Belle Personal: Talk to Starline
[] Starline Personal: Examine Belle

To explain, this plan is focused on getting as many "foundational" things done as I can. The Death Egg Robot gives Eggman a huge power boost, Majima will be an excellent minion to have, Piastol's Ship will secure her loyalty (potentially can be delayed?) Depends on what the QMs say) which is good because she's among our strongest non-echanical fighters. The Rings and Ragnite will open options for the future, let us make Badniks cheaper (to go along with the Badnik factory you see,) and potentially reduce the cost of making a quick cure for Cassia's condition. I'm not crazy about looking for the Conch again, but I'm willing to give it one more shot, since it will neft the Zeti big time. And Through the Ringer is just my personal favorite of the old Mystic Actions.

Now, I do have some considerations. QMs, may I ask how angry Piastol will be if we delay rebuilding her ship for a turn? If she's going to be very, very mad about it, we should probably hurry and uphold our end of the bargain. If not, I might suggest we take another Logistics action instead. Surely she can give us some time when there's a furious beast knocking at our door...

Piastol can wait at leas one turn fro her ship and we need to evacuate the Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan to fight in the upcoming raid, that will be a Logistic Action and Belle need to be the one to do it.

Also hack the Eggnet with Sage and Eggman once again need to dedicate his personal so the Conch can be located this time.