Lock and load everyone. Things are gonna get messy.
Well we did get Rouge and Omega joining the party soon.Shame that Tails and Amy reaction was not there but I will take it.
who knows, we might be able to integrate the dna into Surge and Kit to give them Shadows Chaos powers. just you know, after Black Doom is dead.
We definitely can't just inject someone with it willy nilly, considering the Black Arms are some sort of a Hive Mind. Though we don't exactly know to what extent. Are each piece of their cells alive and can move on it's own or did it behave like normal cells until enough of them gather together? Until how much? Until the size of a hand or did need to get bigger? Or can it only move and act when there's a brain like organs to handle the thinking part? Though only ferally like the larva we see in Generations?I'd rather not touch black arms DNA with a kilometer long pole unless it's for nids or killing more of them
I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!!Secondly we need to make Contact with Captain Metal for Hearts Action.
We have to put starline on this if we want them this turn
QM's have confirmed we don't have to put Starline to it and probably he just opens a portal for the othe hero unit to bring the ninjas back.
Meanwhile not too far outside of Zeti TerritoryZavok has reached abridged Vegeta levels of rage, be careful, he is coming to kill Eggman soon.
Improved Shadow Androids could be something. with it's own take on the Doom Abilities Shadow has access to in his side of Generations.
almost everything you've listed contradicts all the discusion we've been having up to this point. but I can't be bothered to go into detail and will just say that I never want to ally with Captain Metal no matter what.First thing we're doing in Turn 4 is upgrading Rusty Rose and building the Death Egg Robot for Power Actions. Secondly we need to make Contact with Captain Metal for Hearts Action. Logistics: definitely construction of another metal mine before we do an Ragnite Mine. For Brains, we're doing Cassia's disease research, see if we can make a cure for her. For trickery, we either finding that Cacophonic conch for the Zavok raid or finding Maria. Mystic, studying the Wrap Topaz. The rest, not sure for now.
While Wendy is still missing in action, the witchcarters themselves, well they are indisposed off.
I genuinely do not want to deal with capitan metal this turn especially since we just got a pirate hating hero and metal sonic will hate him
Gun is approaching us this turn rememberWe NEED to have an Alliance with someone fast now that we're out in the open
During turn 4 on rivals reports, this is still turn 3.
That's what I meant