It would never happen But Belle just losing it and beating the shit out of Starline is something I would genuinely pay money to see XD
Belle: How could you!

Starline: It was for the Doctor's own good.

Belle: Doctor! Do something about this!

Eggman: Now Belle, I know you're upset, but

Belle: Really!? You're taking his side!?

Eggman: Let me finish girl! I know you are upset, but this is a wonderful learning opportunity for you. Sometimes, life is cruel and unfair. I want you to decide what you want to do.

Belle: Storms off

Several Days Later

Belle: Approaches Starline

Starline: What is it Puppet? You come to apologize?

Belle: Screams and starts attacking and beating Starline

Eggman: ...I admit, I thought I knew her. I thought she was going to try to talk it out or something like that with him.

Eggman: Begins to tear up

Eggman: I'm so proud of her! Sage! Record this! I want to be able to relive this moment!

Sage: Already ahead of you Father!
It's not going to be a choice, since Belle will be mad at Starline, and will probably refuse to work with him in the future. At least until her anger quite down for her to give him a single chance for forgiveness.

Good way to handle this is, before Belle knows, is to have them hang out and hope for a great roll!

I think there's no way they can hang out without Mr. Thinker come up, Starline very much wants to study her as well for being a unique creation.

By Turn 4 one of her Main Drives must be satisfied and she need to speak with Starline to find out what happen to her father.

We are yet to take definitive action to either side for Belle make up her mind about us if Eggman is a good or bad person.
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Off topic but

It genuinely is amazing how great our Synergy with Isara is. Power we get an 80+ Mod with her. Logistics and Brain is 100+ depending on if it's a robot being built or not.

When we eventually unlock the ability to build the high level bots and stuff, she and Sage are going to be our ultimate boons.
Big brother energy right there...

"This is one of Lord Eggmans Greatest Creations...if you dare try to corrupt her i shall enjoy tearing you down my loathsome copy..."

and yeah, Metal has ALL the menace here.... imagine what we could do with extra upgrades! I also wonder what would happen if we managed to grab all of Metal's transformations and combine them into METAL OVERLORD SUPREME! (aka all the extra power boosts to give Metal the juice he needs to take down one of the enemies we have...)

edited: also on the topic of valkyira's super lance cannon...makes me think eggman would enjoy looting that thing to add for his arsenal of super weapons.
If Sage ever starts dating someone when she's "older" and they break her heart, pray for them XD

Not to mention what Eggman would do...and also the dating scene is going to be limited, but holy cow would eggman break out the super weapons.

but yeah, i do look forward to that level of relationship happening!

i also wonder if Sage can upload targeting data, radar/area data (aka keeping track of all of Metal's targets around him, making him seem to have almost total awareness of his surroundings as Sage gives pointers to different targets, routes, and of course weaknesses to take out threats to Fathers plans.)
Honestly, the idea of Sage serving as a "spotter" to Metal Sonic does sound kind of rad. It gives me strong "Brains/Brawn" or "Big Guy/Smart Guy" Duo energy. Metal Sonic goes hard as always, and Sage does what she can to nudge him along tactically
I just had a funny idea for a bare failure of installing metals voicebox
We install is correctly
It's just the wrong voice
It's all cutesy
Not menacing at all
(aka keeping track of all of Metal's targets around him, making him seem to have almost total awareness of his surroundings as Sage gives pointers to different targets, routes, and of course weaknesses to take out threats to Fathers plans.)
What do you think her Reroll for Hero Actions Trait is supposed to narratively look like?

Cuz that's likely exactly it.
It genuinely is amazing how great our Synergy with Isara is. Power we get an 80+ Mod with her. Logistics and Brain is 100+ depending on if it's a robot being built or not.

When we eventually unlock the ability to build the high level bots and stuff, she and Sage are going to be our ultimate boons.

*Nods* One of our best units by far.

Hopefully she doesn't mind her homeland being a little bit on fire. Collateral damage while destroying thee Empire of course.

So many things that can't be forgiven...


If Sage ever starts dating someone when she's "older" and they break her heart, pray for them XD

...I am a Christian, and believe in redemption, second chances and all that, but for this...

Well I'm not sure that would help them. Anyone foolish and horrible enough to do it clearly has it coming.
Starline Files: Stone's Eggman
Starline Files: Stone's Eggman
Seeing I have some free time while we are observing the guards - almost nailing a pattern here, by the way - I think I can start compilating some info about the differing Eggmen I've heard from my fellow employees.

I suppose Agent Stone's is a natural first step, considering he was the first visible manifestation of the effects the shattering had in Doctor's psyche - he mentioned feeling something when looking at Rusty Rose, but he also says he saw something so creepy he would rather not revisit that memory if possible - and who am I to question it?

I didn't spend much time with him after our curious coffee, but I did get some tidbits from his interactions with Doctor and caught some habits. So, here's what I gathered about Agent Stone's Doctor Eggman:

For starters, his world is seemingly one without...Cassia and Clover would call it "Mobians", I have my own term for it, but let's be generic and call it "bipedal talking animals with human intelligence". Kinda of a mouthful, but whatever. Apparently, that dimension's variation of Sonic and his friends are all aliens, explicitly coming from other planets and having rings to help them get, food for thought, considering all the rings in the surroundings. Anyways, in this dimension, doctor Ivo Robotnik was a sort of private contractor for that world's G.U.N. as a private contractor, creating a few gadgets and machines for them, with Stone somehow sneaking in the role as his loyal assistant...which, being Doctor Eggman, is a very impressive feat. Stone admits not knowing much about Ivo's past, but he has been working as his right hand for years before Sonic ended up on Earth.

So, Sonic ends on Earth, a young hedgehog trying to make sense of things and recover his means of transport. Doctor Ivo is asked to investigate the matter and he tries to capture Sonic because of some anomaly of his that lets him generate large amounts of energy at once and is completely green. They fight until Sonic manages to beat him down on what seems to be that dimension's take on Angel Island's Mushroom Hill and he disappears for a few months until he manages to get back alongside Knuckles the Echidna in search of the Chaos Emeralds...which apparently also double as the Master Emerald? I didn't quite get that part. So, he manages to get it and apparently nearly manages to control the world, but the newly-formed Team Sonic manages to stop him in time and then Eggman supposedly falls down to his death after that world's Death Egg Robot is destroyed.

...that's what I could sum up. There are lots of blank spaces in the story, but I get the gist of it. I'll admit, for the standards of technology in his world, that Eggman seems pretty capable. Perhaps Stone was right to follow him...even though I currently prefer the current Doctor, of course. Stone was unsure of the doctor's fate post-battle, but he did hope he was still alive, he couldn't be sure as he was disguised as a G.U.N. soldier to escape pursuit when the Shattering happened.

Post-shattering, triggering this particular set of memories seemed to alter some of Doctor Eggman's tastes. He took a liking for a certain type of coffee I didn't even know he liked it - and I did know one of his favorite sweets is eggnog, and boy howdy that wasn't exactly easy to find! - and also got him some sweet dancing moves, if the video he posted for his return is anything to say. I also saw the doctor making drawings of some sort of drone that seemed out of his design ballpark and his Death Egg Robot's still in the project phase, I heard doctor grumbling on making it to fight the Zeti, but I had a copy of the vintage design in my cave and it seemed different, leading me to believe that Stone's Eggman is playing some influence in the new design.

I will try to keep this updated on the different Eggmen that pop up, but right now I think we've found our breach. With that, Starline out.