You stille need people to work though
Also that would cause the empire to have to GASP pay their workers a living wage since they aren't darscen
You stille need people to work though
Also that would cause the empire to have to GASP pay their workers a living wage since they aren't darscen
Well they'd still have SOME Darscen.

Some wouldn't believe us.

Others would be mind broken with conditioning and loyalty to the Empire.

And a couple would be stuck inside slave camps.
Thinking about it, how many industrial revolutions would Max need to take and speedrun to Even get on a playfield close to us in manufacturing?

Like 2 or 3?
There is also that for all of Selvaria power she cannot be everywhere at the same time.

Apart from pissing us off they also pissed off G.U.N. and the restoration.

Like in an alliance for every camp the Empire would make, they could lose 3 at the same time.

Honestly it is a funny to realize how fucking horrible is to fight in múltiple fronts at the same time.

Especially if You somehow managed to make people that normally would hate each other allies.
There is also that for all of Selvaria power she cannot be everywhere at the same time.

Apart from pissing us off they also pissed off G.U.N. and the restoration.

Like in an alliance for every camp the Empire would make, they could lose 3 at the same time.

Honestly it is a funny to realize how fucking horrible is to fight in múltiple fronts at the same time.

Especially if You somehow managed to make people that normally would hate each other allies.
Thats only for the piece of territory the Empire has. And that has Selvaria as its guardián.

Let s remind you that Empire is as big as green hills if not more. And that the entire nation is mimilitarized so to say. Its a big. Cruel and horrible war machine, but a war machine none the less.

They might not have the Quálity but you Can bet they have the quantity to match and even double or triple the amount of forces, gun, restorstion and eggman Can throw.

Might be out matches in tech, but the chaos emerald and valkyrur artefacts Can Bridge the gap if allowed to be Fully researched

And dont forget the valkyries and valkyrur artifacts.

There's a reason Maxie is a king here.
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eggman could cover the entire planet in one big city in under a year if he put the effort in and didn't have people with super powers fighting him the hole way. the empire isn't any where near comparable to him.
And that's by himself!

With Sage, Isara, and as much as I don't wish to give him credit, Starline by his side, that timeframe escalates further.
Eggman: I have come to make an announcement!

GUN and Restoration: Oh God No.

Eggman: My daughter had claimed that I would help make the world a better place! And starting today I am delivering on that promise by releasing the cure to a disease my Grandfather had first started working on!

GUN and Restoration: WHAT!?

Eggman: Thanks to the help of the brilliance of my Daughter, along with my own Genius of course, I can proudly say not one more life will ever be lost due to N.I.D.S!
Eggman: Next, any member of the Darcsen race may find sanctuary in my empire! Homes, safety, and jobs are yours if you follow me!
GUN: What is he planning?

Restoration: What is he plotting?

Empire Civilians: Good! Take them and never let us see them again!

Their leadership knows what'd actually happening and is panicking when they notice the Dracsen are actually trying to leave

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Ok I seriously want to make an omake for this now. No idea if I'll ever get to it though.

Still...would this actually work? It wouldn't do them in of course but still it can't be that easy can it?

It'd be funny, but realistically, while it'd cause some hard times, Max does have an ace up his sleeve.

Chaos Emerald Energy. It could power the whole Empire with a single Chaos Emerald given their current tech level.

That is contingent on us not finding and stealing the thing. It's more difficult now yes but it's still possible.

Here we go @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @Ranger65, @KA$H a new omake:
Trial by Fire

And this is wonderful! Thank you Soberan! Never knew this sort of thing was an option.

Hopefully we can cure Cassia sooner rather than later.

Thats only for the piece of territory the Empire has. And that has Selvaria as its guardián.

Let s remind you that Empire is as big as green hills if not more. And that the entire nation is mimilitarized so to say. Its a big. Cruel and horrible war machine, but a war machine none the less.

They might not have the Quálity but you Can bet they have the quantity to match and even double or triple the amount of forces, gun, restorstion and eggman Can throw.

Might be out matches in tech, but the chaos emerald and valkyrur artefacts Can Bridge the gap if allowed to be Fulham researched

And dont forget the valkyries and valkyrur artifacts.

There's a reason Maxie is a king here.

Okay...yeah we need our Empire back Asap. and need to start sabatoging Maxie rather soon.

There's no reason to let him build up after all.
Just waiting for the next part of the adventure

I do hope besides the lance we do steal that we can pick up any goodies besides it

You know we haven't really talked about Mystic actions at all so what's the game plan with Mystic?

Since we just recruited, our pirate hunter/Mystic unit
Just waiting for the next part of the adventure

I do hope besides the lance we do steal that we can pick up any goodies besides it

You know we haven't really talked about Mystic actions at all so what's the game plan with Mystic?
People are thinking on taking trough the ringer with Piastol, especially since we just got a red Star ring.

But the variable DC could also net us some goodies.

Actually that red Star ring could let us unlock a super form for Sage iirc correctly stuff like overclocked Nicole.
Nonetheless, with Stone flanking, the two of you do some investigation.

Investigate the Warehouse
DC 50/70/90
52 + 20 (Starline Trickery) + 15 (Warp Topaz) + 22 (Canaan Trickery) = 109
Complete Success!

What you see doesn't surprise you, though you acknowledge it could make things a bit harder.

The warehouse is swarming with guards, all armed and keeping a close eye on things. There were also cameras too, swerving back and forth to check the perimeter consistently.

That's... interesting. It's doubtful Fang has the money to hire this level of security this means the auction may have been sponsored by someone else.
That's... interesting. It's doubtful Fang has the money to hire this level of security this means the auction may have been sponsored by someone else.
Thinking about it one of the Hidden factions has Bark also reparting the stuff for the Chao Races and normally he and Bean don't travel too far from Fang unless he really screws it up.

...Could this auction be from Clutch himself?.
The best thing to do against the Empire is a precision strike against Max to take him out, he's a squishy human and he doesn't have any kids so without him at the helm place is very likely to collapse into in-fighting as no one really has the authority to succeed him. From there we can pick a side willing to swear loyalty and support them enough that the rest fall in for self preservation.

Empire soldiers are (for the most part) not fanatic enough that they will fight to the death in their leaders name. They are just normal humans even if there is a lot of them.
Just waiting for the next part of the adventure

I do hope besides the lance we do steal that we can pick up any goodies besides it

You know we haven't really talked about Mystic actions at all so what's the game plan with Mystic?

Since we just recruited, our pirate hunter/Mystic unit

Hopefully getting the Lance would let us get ahead of the Empire on that front. I'm sure Eggman can make better use of that tech then they can.

As Selvaria has so repeatedly demonstrated numbers only matter so much in the face of overwhleming power.

That's... interesting. It's doubtful Fang has the money to hire this level of security this means the auction may have been sponsored by someone else.
Thinking about it one of the Hidden factions has Bark also reparting the stuff for the Chao Races and normally he and Bean don't travel too far from Fang unless he really screws it up.

...Could this auction be from Clutch himself?.

Hmm...I'd say pluasible, though I don't know him very well.

Would it change anything if it was?
Hopefully getting the Lance would let us get ahead of the Empire on that front. I'm sure Eggman can make better use of that tech then they can.

As Selvaria has so repeatedly demonstrated numbers only matter so much in the face of overwhleming power.

Hmm...I'd say pluasible, though I don't know him very well.

Would it change anything if it was?
Well, if this is clutch, who is possibly the hidden faction, we might have to deal with him

There are two options we can "kindly" ask clutch to be our "ally" after all a smart businessman, like him understand that it's good to have friends in high places

Or ask "gently" to leave if he decides that caused some issues