Inb4 Sage escapes by successfully emulating a Sega Saturn.

Belle: "Sage, please, I'm sorry I hogged the remote last night, just pleaseeeee let me pretend your emulated Sega Saturn is mine too!"

Sage: "Actions have consequences, sister. I missed the new episode of Clues Of Bluey because of you."


Belle: "SIS PLEASE!"
Omega Squared - Pronghorn Panic
New omake. I think I remember that it was noted that the Omega Care Unit's mere existence could troll Omega. Anyone else?

Omega Squared - Pronghorn Panic

The current situation grated at E-123 Omega. To be surrounded by inferior Eggman robots, yet unable to destroy them. But he trusted Rouge and they needed the Doctor to save Shadow, at least for the moment. And once the last member of Team Dark was with them once more, he would no longer need to hold back. Eggman would be killed by the strongest robot!

Still, even if he could not actually harm Eggman or his operations, at least Rouge had extracted a promise that he would still have opponents for as long as they worked with the man. Omega would clearly demonstrate his superiority for as long as this temporary alliance lasted.

Then, as he approached the area designated for his battles, he saw IT. Another E-series robot. It was green and lacked the spikes and symbols that his own frame possessed, but it was another Omega, TO MOCK HIM!

Omega jetted at his inferior knock off, with a cry of "FACE ME, INFERIOR MODEL!" Omega rammed the other construct with a thunderous crash, sending it scraping across the ground.

"Wh-!? Omega!? Stop! I'm not-" The green robot tried to get to its feet, only for Omega to slam down on it. The two briefly grappled, with the war machine coming out on top with ease. He hurled it aside and one of his arms unfurled into a missile launcher, only for a wild spray of foam to cover the weapon. The green robot turned and flew off, screaming for a "Clove."

Omega tore through the foam with his claws and took off after the other unit. "GARLIC AND FLIGHT ARE USELESS! I WILL DESTROY YOU!" He unleashed a barrage of bullets, successfully clipping the green robot's thrusters and sending it crashing to the ground.

Omega landed with a loud thud and launched a missile barrage at the other robot, only for it to charge through the smoke and tackle him. From point blank, it released sonic waves to try and incapacitate him. Omega recovered quickly and shoved it away, before unleashing his flamethrowers on the inferior model.

With the armor weakened by heat, Omega once again prepared missiles to blow the lesser E-Series robot to scrap, only for a green blur to assault him with a cutting weapon. "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!"

When Omega successfully pushed it off of him, he saw that it was a female pronghorn with a scythe and jet boots, allowing her to fly. "Cassia, get out of here!" she ordered.


"NO BUTS, CASSIA!" The presumable Clove readied her scythe for another attack as Omega analyzed the new obstacle. "The care unit's too damaged, I'm not losing you! Get-"

Clove was interrupted by another barrage of missiles aimed at her sister. She cut those she could out of the air, but was battered around by the explosions. Several slipped by to slam into Cassia. "GO!" Clove darted in to distract Omega once more.

The Omega Care Unit fled, barely able to use its thrusters. Clove backed off trying to catch her breath.


"That's not another robot, that's my sister!" Clove roared, charging in yet again. Omega swiped for her, only for the Pronghorn to dive under the strike and swing her scythe upwards with full force. Yet Omega's armor was too thick, the energy weapon barely penetrating into the metal.

Clove flew upwards, trying to strike at Omega's head, only for him to bring an arm up to block. He countered with a sweep of his flamethrower, forcing her back. The robot swapped out his other hand for a gatling gun, spraying countless bullets at her. She dodged and blocked what she could, but the projectiles still nicked her flesh, letting blood drip to the ground. And so the battle raged on.

Clove grit her teeth, every time she tried to get close to use her scythe and superior agility, Omega simply countered with the flamethrower to force her to back away. She couldn't deal out more than small cuts or strike at any weak points in the time that she had. And she couldn't keep her distance because of his seemingly limitless arsenal. She was quickly losing this fight.

As Clove prepared herself for the next bout, an extended arm rammed into Omega's, sending it askew, and latched on before reeling back in to let Rusty Rose perform a kick to the side of Omega's torso, sending him stumbling. He retaliated with a wave of flame, but Rusty merely extended her limbs once more to push herself out of the way. Clove took advantage of the opportunity to dive in and deliver a wide slash to Omega's shoulder before retreating to catch her breath. The damage was deeper than anything she had managed thus far, but still insufficient to cripple his arm.

"Omega, I am your designated opponent," Rusty Rose declared. "This is not the chosen arena for our battle."

"I WILL NOT TOLERATE INFERIOR E-SERIES ROBOTS!" Omega responded, seething at the additional interruption.

"I told you, that's not a robot! She's my sister, that thing's meant to keep her alive!" Clove said, tightening her grip on the scythe.

"If you do not comply with your deal with my master, you will be destroyed." Rusty warned.

"TARGET RECONFIRMED. EXTERMINATION MODE INITIATED." Omega let loose another barrage of bullets and missiles at the two. However, between the two of them, they were able to easily dodge and weave to stay ahead of his aim. Clove dashed in, striking again at Omega's joints, while Rusty struck and latched onto his limbs, preventing him from retaliating.

Rusty gasped when Omega spun his torso, pulling her in and delivering a brutal haymaker that she just barely managed to roll away from. He activated his thrusters, forcing Clove away, but she circled around to strike at them, destabilizing his flight. He dropped into an extended double kick from Rusty that sent him stumbling back.

Clove once more swooped in to deliver full power slashes to whatever weak points she could get at, while Rusty jabbed at Omega from unexpected directions to keep him off balance. He blocked what he could and shot back with bullets, missiles, and lasers whenever he had the opportunity, but with two agile opponents he just could not get a good enough bead on either one to score a direct hit. Yet they had yet to do any significant damage themselves.

"This isn't working," Clove hissed. "His armor's too thick! I can't pierce it! And Rusty's punches just aren't… concentrated enough." Her eyes narrowed, the pronghorn charged at Omega, telegraphing a massive swing. Omega avoided the strike and prepared a block, only for Clove to just rush past to her ally.

"Take it," Clove held out the shaft of her scythe. "I'll distract him, use this to bring him down." Rusty Rose nodded and took the weapon, giving it an experimental swing.

Clove flew towards Omega, dodging his weapons. When she got in close, Omega traded one gatling gun for another flamethrower and swept upwards. Yet this time, even if she tried to evade, Clove stayed in close. She hissed in agony when the fire brushed past her side, but she kicked Omega right by one of his optics. While the blow itself did no damage, the flare from her boots' jets still momentarily blinded him.

It was at that moment that Rusty Rose struck. She charged in from the same side and began swinging wildly. Rusty didn't use the scythe with any of the precision of skill that Clove did. She used it like a blunt instrument, like a hammer. Yet with her strength and Clove blinding Omega, it was enough. It took a few strikes, but she hacked through his armor and cleaved into his torso. Omega shut down.

Rusty ripped the scythe from Omega's body and handed it back to Clove. "You may check on your sister. I will inform Doctor Eggman of what occurred." Clove nodded her thanks and rushed off to find Cassia.

Omega awoke in an abandoned repair bay. Noting the incomplete patch job of repairs, he was too distracted to register the portal opening underneath him until he had already begun to fall. He tried to activate his thrusters, but they failed him.

Omega landed on his back in some kind of office, with a platypus holding a clipboard, the cyborg who defeated him, and Eggman. Enraged, Omega attempted to fill his creator with lead, only for no bullets to come out.


Eggman rolled his eyes, "You idiot war machine. Did you really think I'd leave your weapons systems intact after the stunt you just pulled?" Omega stepped forward, only for the cyborg to move between them.

"And don't think that you stand any chance against Rusty without them, not in the shape you're in." Eggman turned to the platypus, ignoring Omega. "Remember Starline, if you can't guarantee the loyalty of your creations, it is best to limit their tactical ability. No matter how powerful you make them, it leaves them… predictable. Easily dealt with."

"Yes Doctor, brilliant!" Starline's gaze went from Eggman to the clipboard in his hands, writing frantically, not even giving Omega a glance as the robot seethed. "Enough independence to function without oversight, but not so much that they are a threat should they go rogue!"

Eggman smiled at the praise, "And speaking of tactical failures, how many people do you think are capable of repairing one of my Badniks in a reasonable time frame?"

Starline flipped through the files on his clipboard, "Well, there's yourself of course, myself, Tails, young Belle and Isara, Thunderbolt, Chuck Thorndike might be able to... with all known individuals listed, I'd wager fifteen. A third of whom work for you. We could possibly expand to twenty-five to thirty, after The Shattering."

"And of the known entities, how many would be willing to provide those repairs?"

Starline pushed his glasses up his bill and grinned, "Oh, of course, Doctor. None."

Omega ground out "G.U.N. HAS PERFORMED RE-"

"Bah, G.U.N. Tell me, Omega, why aren't you and Rouge with them?"

Omega was silent.

Eggman leaned in with a wide grin. "Because you came to me. You both know that I am the only one who can save Shadow from Black Doom, to reunite your precious Team Dark. GUN can't do it, the Restoration can't do it, only me, Doctor Eggman. So for as long as you need my help, you will not interfere with my empire outside the conditions I made with Rouge. Am I clear?"

"ONCE WE HAVE RETRIEVED SHADOW, YOU WILL DIE." Omega hesitated in the face of Eggman's unfailing grin. "FOR NOW, YOU ARE SAFE."

"Good," Eggman pulled back. "The only reasons I haven't broken you down into scrap or reprogrammed you is because Rouge begged to put herself into my debt and because of fortunate timing. We are done here. Starline."

With a nod, the platypus opened another portal beneath Omega. As the robot sank through, Eggman opened his mouth once more. "And Omega? If you want your weapon systems back online any time soon, I expect reparations," Eggman said with a victorious grin. "I suggest you start with the Pronghorn sisters. I hear they enjoy ice cream. Oh ho ho ho ho!"

"Pronghorns, follow," Eggman ordered, Rusty Rose in tow. The two had been left to patch themselves up and wait in another room, not far from where he had held his 'meeting' with his rogue creation. Clove looked up from where she had been fretting over her younger sister and got up, before Cassia did the same with greater difficulty, servos grinding. Eggman imagined that, if not for the Omega Care Unit's weight, the elder Pronghorn would be carrying the younger.

It was the first time that he had seen them since before the impromptu brawl. Eggman had briefly looked at the footage and reports of their battle with Omega, but they did not do the damage done to the Omega Care Unit justice. Dents, cracks and scorch marks littered the entire frame. It remained functioning for now, but was in clear need of repairs. Doubtlessly it would not last beyond the day.

Wordlessly the four marched. And marched. And marched. Until finally, they came to a door.

"This is our destination." Eggman half turned to face the Pronghorn sisters, who had gone still, while Rusty pivoted completely. "Is there a problem?"

The two exchanged looks before Clove took a half step forward. "This wasn't the way to the lab."

Eggman grinned, "Clearly not."

Now it was Cassia's turn to speak. "But, but the O.C.U. needs to be fixed!"

"There are many things that need doing, that isn't one of them," Eggman dismissed with a wave of his hand, unimpressed by their irrationality and lack of wit.

"You promised!" Cassia pleaded.

Another half step from Clove. "You can't! She'll die! I haven't failed you!" She begged. She doubtlessly would have lunged for him in her hysteria, were it not for the memory of what happened the last two times she'd been foolish enough to try. Metal might not have been there, but Rusty was present, far less hurt than Clove, and clearly ready for a fight as she took up a combat stance.

For a moment, Eggman savored the look on Clove's face. Anger, fear, helplessness; he held absolute power over her sister's fate and they all knew it. This might have been why his counterpart had never cured Cassia. But then, maybe he just couldn't do it. And the thought of that was something Dr. Eggman could never abide.

"Don't presume what I can't do," Eggman countered. "Do you truly think I'd bring you here for no reason? I will not repair the Omega Care Unit at this time because there is no need to do so." The door by him opened to reveal an antechamber. The ceiling had sprinklers while the floor had a series of drains. Two of the walls were covered in energy emitters and sensors, while the final one had another door with a glass window. "This is the sterilization chamber. Now. Step. Inside."

Once all four had entered, the first door sealed itself shut. Eggman's fingers danced across a panel in the corner of the room before the sprinklers and emitters activated. The fluid stung lightly and after the scanners had done several passes, the ceiling lights blinked green. All at once the sound of a bell rang out, the antiseptic stopped raining down, fans began whirring, and the last door clicked open.

"You may now leave the Omega Care Unit," Eggman all but ordered. Clove rushed to assist Cassia out and they both stood before him. "These will be your quarters until your gene-therapy is complete."

Clove had been an effective operative thus far for her work against the Black Arms and that fool, Zavok, while Cassia had brought him to the infirmary after that blasted sniper dared shoot him. And serving him merited reward.

While Clove stared in shock, Cassia brought her hands together, "Really?"

"Yes, really," Eggman scoffed. With an excited shriek, Cassia ran over to examine her new room. It had been left largely barren. There was a dresser, a desk with a terminal to connect to the Eggnet, a bed and another window outside, little else other than a small bathroom and the technology necessary for the process. "You will have to stay here for observation until your treatment is complete. Leaving early may risk making your disease worse than it was before."

"Yes, yes, yes! Finally, finally I'll be all better!" Cassia cheered while Clove just looked at her sister with a fond smile before the younger Pronghorn gasped.

"Cassia!? What's wrong?" Clove ran forward to fret over the girl.

"I won't get to go with you to Tokyo-to!" Cassia wailed.

Clove tried to hold it back, but... After enduring years of watching her waste away to NIDS, serving a madman, cyberization, The Shattering, false dashed hope after false dashed hope, she couldn't help it. The thought of something like that being a problem? She snorted then began to laugh. Clove laughed and laughed, hugging her sister with tears streaming from her eyes as the younger Pronghorn lightly protested in her grip. Rusty herself had a small smile at the sight.

Eggman had heard Cassia crack what she thought passed as jokes before, but he had never heard Clove laugh, at most cracking a momentary smile before her natural stoicism reasserted itself. … He doubted his counterpart had either.

"Bah, bring back souvenirs if you're so desperate for some meaningless memories," Eggman dismissed, finding the sentiment disgusting. "You'll see far grander once my empire grows back to, beyond, its former glory regardless."

Clove sniffled. "You'll be able to go outside, feel the sun and wind on your face again."

Clove whispered, "I can't wait."

Eggman turned to leave with Rusty only to pause as Clove let go of Cassia and approached. She bowed her head. "Thank you, Doctor, thank you. I- words aren't enough. Cassia is all I have left and I thought she- there was no hope. You saved her, you saved her."

"All I did was what I said I could," Eggman dismissed. "If I had the time to give it my attention, I'd have a full cure for NIDS done already. This will have to do. For now." His piece said, Dr. Eggman left with Rusty following her master.

Still, as much as the complete cure would have been better, Eggman could be satisfied for the moment. He still had absolute power over the sisters, solely due to his brilliance. He had done what lesser minds would call 'impossible' yet again. And… it did no harm to his plans that the two were happy.

Really wanted to do two things here. First, I wanted to try my hands at writing out a proper fight scene for the first time in a long time. Second, I wanted to have Eggman flex a bit.

Then I wanted to write the aftermath with Clove, which I originally intended to be fairly short, then it grew to the point that I basically consider it almost a full sequel to the first half.

What do you think?

Edit: Thanks to Soberan 123 and Colorblind with renaming this.
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hey qms once we fully cure cassia and turn the care unit into a battle suit for her.

It's already low-key that. Has the containment foam, flight, super strength, and sonic weaponry that I used in the omake, since I referenced the turn it was built to see what I could use in the fight scene. It's not the primary purpose, but it's certainly not helpless... ignoring that Omega himself is over 2700 lbs of metal and the OCU should be similar.
It's already low-key that. Has the containment foam, flight, super strength, and sonic weaponry that I used in the omake, since I referenced the turn it was built to see what I could use in the fight scene. It's not the primary purpose, but it's certainly not helpless... ignoring that Omega himself is over 2700 lbs of metal and the OCU should be similar.
I know that, but we're Dr. Eggman we constantly upgrade our best stuff… plus we can piss off Omega even more
Plus, omega just wants to destroy that Mockery…..hey qms once we fully cure cassia and turn the care unit into a battle suit for her. Can we upgrade it as well?

I don't see us letting us still stay as a carry unit probably add like more weaponry and other cool add-ons

It has been brough over time to time but yes. It's likely the Omega Care Unit will become part of their equipment from once Cassia is cured.

Cassia even find it cool, she just hate the fact she can't leave less she dies.

So is likely we can upgrade. Maybe it can even be part of the sisters PA action.

Like is cool she has a lot of non-lethal action make it a good Hero Unit in engagements when you wish to capture someone or cause minimum bloodshed.
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Segata Sanshiro, the man who will make you play Sega Saturn until your Fingers break.

If you refuse he will judo throw you so hard you will explode.

Correction he judo throws you so hard you'll explode twice.

On a side note on how to get people to enjoy the Saturn enough to play it?

Just release some good games for it since its biggest hurdle was there was no breakout title for the thing, hell we can give metal his own 2d sonic style game for it.
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On the other hand.

Wonder if Segata is making someone else life impossible right now.

Like many of the other kings are not fun allowed types.
Glad you think so! This was a lot more dialogue heavy than my other serious omakes so far, so I was more worried about it. Especially whether or not I was getting everyone reasonably in character.
I think you kept everyone reasonably in character. Maybe went a little too hard on Eggman not properly explaining what was happening there at the end, but that's very believable for him.
So like I said earlier, our best bet is possibly dancing. We have a 66 to the contested roll we just need to get really lucky on the dye and the other to roll like dog shit

Yeah unfortunate Dural in Power and Heart beats Eggman and Honey, that +19 in her bonus roll is a monster.

So the more you look the more appears the Trickery is the only option we may have a chance to win.

Because even if they have Trickery stats, it still be average like ours and we still have a +20 bonus in rolls involving dancing.
I think you kept everyone reasonably in character. Maybe went a little too hard on Eggman not properly explaining what was happening there at the end, but that's very believable for him.

As I see him, Eggman expects to be obeyed unquestionably and for people to automatically realize his brilliance, especially since he doesn't actually have an emotional connection to the Pronghorns to incentivize any empathy. So it was a mix of wanting to show off and an unreasonable expectation that people who had this promise dangled over them by another him will just get with the program and figure out the 'simple' clues he left them.

That's Heart 7, hard at work!