Actually if we take find Chuck/Chris with Conquering Storm we clear the first DC check with no problem.

28+22+ 6 loyalty gives us a 56, if we get a 4 we pass the first threshold.

A 24 gives us the 2nd one...

It may be good to take the reroll on this one to either secure the 2nd sucess or a crit if we are lucky.

This shit is too important to leave it to luck, also we Will need to success this one inmediatly as failure Will raise the DC again.
The action can be pushed even further. Add the Egg Clan and the Newtrons to it and her Eggboss trait kicks in putting her 1 below the highest DC. If the action is considered Infiltration then it would jump to a bonus of 109 due to traits.
(?? + 22 (Eggman)+ 28 (Conquering Storm) + 10 (Eggboss) + 4 (Opinion)+ 0/15 (Nin-nin)+ 5/15 (Egg Clan) +10 (Newtron) = ?? + 79/109 (infiltration))
... Now I'm imagining the timeline where we decided Belle could use hearts for a power check instead of Metal using power for a hearts check.
Someone uses an omake reward to get a straight answer out of the QMs mouths.

They get revealed the collaberative partner for the Darc-Egg Robot was Isara Gunther, and people begin realizing what happened :p
That probably causes no small amount of panicked discussion over what to do about it. Especially if when Snively shows up somewhere that isn't by Eggman's side.

...So would they be panicing because of how Eggman is acting, or because Isara is with him somehow?
Someone uses an omake reward to get a straight answer out of the QMs mouths.

They get revealed the collaberative partner for the Darc-Egg Robot was Isara Gunther, and people begin realizing what happened :p
They learn that in one move we have crippled the neighboring enemy and secured a loyal follower base. They start thinking we're political geniuses, when we just wanted to make the girl child happy.
They learn that in one move we have crippled the neighboring enemy and secured a loyal follower base. They start thinking we're political geniuses, when we just wanted to make the girl child happy.

Jewel: "Eggman is a madman, but he's a smart madman! Who knows what unspeakable scheme he has that he's acquiring all these people For?!"

(Smash cuts to everyone in the base playing cards to make Sage happy)

Cubot: (places down a winning hand) "Yay!"

Metal: (flips The table)
Jewel: "Eggman is a madman, but he's a smart madman! Who knows what unspeakable scheme he has that he's acquiring all these people!?"
Speaking of, I imagined a scenario where the Restoration tries to follow Eggman's lead while warning them of Eggman not having pure intentions.

...they get a Nat 1 and it sounds more like a threat not to go to Eggman. :p
Jokes aside, Eggman giving sanctuary to people is a new thing for Games/IDW standard but not to Post-SGW standard since the Egg Army is made up by poeer hundry and desparate people.

Without knowing the background of darcsen peopls tamy Post-SGW character may think he's trying to rebuild the Egg Army.

However most of these people will not fight against Empire because of their culture.

This move was more to further angry the Empire but to gice all the darcsen people liv8ng there a direction to run away instead of hiding in the countyside thus making they job to cacth them even harder or easier, since they know ehre these people will go, but deprive them of manpower.

Since every single person with a radio heard his proclamation, include those in the Work Camp the Empire will probably expend a few turns try to pacify their slaves. Althought whatever pirate broadcast would try to warn the darcsen to not heed the call, after all the Empire will try to fortify their borders to stop the refugee wave and they have no idea who this Eggman even is.

Remeber the first taste the Empire have about was were Neo Metal Sonic when he invaded the Empire so the Empire may try to capitylize this for propaganda purposes.
Kingster are the roll good or bad for us?
Would like to ask people to stop pinging me or other COQms about the results of the first wave,or any of the othern waves, like telling you straight now that aside from that sneak peak you guys aren't gettng more out of us, you will have to wait until the full interlude is posted and that is final.

How much long before the interlude is ready?
hoping i can get it finished tonight, if not, most likely tomorrow.

Remeber the first taste the Empire have about was were Neo Metal Sonic when he invaded the Empire so the Empire may try to capitylize this for propaganda purposes.

Maxie already did that after Neo metal Sonic got destroyed during the first invasion, thanks to Metal, Maxie was able to make his soldiers focus on the enemy with the weird machines that was able to match the Azure witch, in stead of panicking because of the Shattering happening.

Maximillian is a prince/raised by nobility, and above all, eh is smart, he might be a deeply jealous and mainupaltive bastard, but he knows how to incentivie the crowd.

So yeah, the propaganda thing has been going for a bit already.