Time travel....a massive headache. At least we don't have the 'Doomed' Timeline mechanics here ala "Homestuck".....right?

Oy...can you imagine dealing with the likes of the Midnight Crew....or the Felt.....
Oy...can you imagine dealing with the likes of the Midnight Crew....or the Felt.....
the Felt are a massively mixed bag as far as power and competence is concerned. but I think most of them except snowman (if she dies the universe dies) would be manageable without LE around to lead them.

but for the Midnight Crew, it's just a single gang. they aren't trying to take over the world or anything they just want money (and revenge sometimes), so while they are absurdly dangerous to go up against I doubt they'd ever actually come up against us. unless they decided to rob one of our casinos or something. even then, I think we'd still win against the normal Midnight Crew.
Eggman: "Finally, my time machine worked! Now I can-"

Future!Eggman: Appears. "DON'T."

Eggman: "Wha-"

Future!Eggman: "DON'T."

Eggman: "...okay."

Future!Eggman: Disappears.

Eggman: "Well he could of at least stopped for a second to tell me what happens!"
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Selvaria: "Sir, this seems.... ill-advised."

Max: "Silence, the odds are in my favor! Let's gooooo!"

(Proceeds to lose everything)

Max: "FUCK!"
Max:... Well nothing like raising taxes to solve this.

Selvaria: Sir are you sure you won't spend it again here.

Max: Noooooo? if I spent it again I will try that card game.

Points toward the black jack table being run by Sage who can and obviously will count the cards.
the Felt are a massively mixed bag as far as power and competence is concerned. but I think most of them except snowman (if she dies the universe dies) would be manageable without LE around to lead them.

but for the Midnight Crew, it's just a single gang. they aren't trying to take over the world or anything they just want money (and revenge sometimes), so while they are absurdly dangerous to go up against I doubt they'd ever actually come up against us. unless they decided to rob one of our casinos or something. even then, I think we'd still win against the normal Midnight Crew.
Itchy is very fast, capable of speeding time around himself.

Doze is slow...can only slow time for himself. It DOES make it difficult to interrogate him, since he can just slow down the feeling of pain or his own responses....OR maybe use it in a situation that demands a slow, steady pace.

Trace is capable of seeing past trails (IE, he knows where you've been). He can even hear past conversations.

Clover is INSANELY lucky. Hardly any lethal methods would work on him! Though non-letheal methods might do the trick (You don't have to be lucky or unlucky to get swatted by a rolled-up newspaper).

Fin has the ability to see where people will go and what they will do. The opposite power to trace.

Die has no innate time travel abilities...but he DOES have a voodoo doll that enables him to travel between timelines.

Crowbar doesn't have any innate time travel powers either. But he IS smart. AND his signature crowbar has the power to destroy temporal artifacts AND negate whatever affects they have on the timeline.

Snowman? Yeah....AVOID HER.

Stitch is a competent tailor....and good at making sutures. He makes use of special effigies that have magical effects, acting like large voodoo dolls (Just put something like someone's hat or tie). They can be used to heal injuries on the person they're bound to...OR harm...

Sawbuck is a mixed bag. He can take a beating...and whatever damage he takes, both he and his attacker are sent to random points in the timeline. Rendering him unconscious doesn't trigger this power though.

Matchstick can time travel using fire itself as gateways. So any big enough fire...would be an entry/exit for him...

Eggs and Biscuit are often paired together. Eggs has a special Egg Timer that allows for time travel...Biscuit has a special oven that's bigger on the inside (like the Tardis). So in other words, you'll be swarmed with temporal duplicates (Hearts Boxcar has the appropriate reaction).

Quarters doesn't have time travel powers...but his magic quarters can be used to transport/summon members of the Felt around locations and timelines...

Cans? He's the strongest member of the gang (save for Lord English). He can quite literally PUNCH you into next week or even further.

Apologies for taking so long...just wanted to list just how tricky/difficult it would be to handle the Felt in the extremely unlikely event they somehow show up.

ANYWAY....Silver the Hedgehog is a potent telekinetic. And what's worse, in the Archie series, he is part of the Knights of Chronos. So...whose to say OTHER members might show up?

Speaking of Archie Silver....what are the odds Mammoth Mogul is slithering around? His Ixian magics could be trouble.

ON TOP OF THAT...I don't remember if it was mentioned if the Twilight Cage (holding the Nocturnus, Zoah, N'rrgal, Voxai, Kron) was connected to this merged reality or not. If not...we have nothing to worry about. If yes....then we need to keep our eyes open.