Lots of Eggmen do their cardio!

Not Robotniks, though. They are just fat, as opposed to Eggman's glandular issues. (His body's fat, but his arms and legs aren't. That's how you tell.)
Anyways if I had to guess the results of a crit to making a cure?

Either it's harder for others to replicate it so we can be the sole distributer, or we make recovery a smoother process.
I mean the cure is already said that we outright cure NIDS in question of hours with no side effects, smoother than that is not possible considering we are repairing a shit ton of damage on the body.

The crit probably gives us multiple batches of the formula in hand, since we are doing just one to help Cassia.

Even then that crit outside of a nat 100 is gonna be difficult, the artifical crit is at 280.
Does anybody have the math for that again? I know the DC went to 140 after we Crit Study Ragnite.
Dc for making the cure and researching the lance down by 20!
So we have 40 (Eggman's Brains) + 40 (Sage's Brains) + 8 (Loyalty) = 88 Total. (and I think a plus 5 or 10 on the Cure action from a Omake but correct me if I wrong) so we would need at minimum a 52 or more to pass... should we spend three of our personals to make sure we get the highest number we can?
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There is also that Archie Echidnas has so much trouble behind them that it is really not worth it.

Last time we saw Finitevus he was with Scourge gang.

Lien-Da is not exactly the most trustwhorty person.

The dark legion are literally echidnas supremacists too.

Like in the game from what little we know of the echidnas, they weren't exactly the most trustworthy and peaceful bunch.

Outside of Knuckles clan is says a fucking lot that they went extinc for one or another reason on the games.

Like Knuckles clan that became the guardians of the Master Emerald were the only ones that saw their peers and said ''You know maybe this path our peers are taking is a really fucking terrible idea''

Without counting the sheer enemies the Archie Echidnas have made over the years with their shit like the dingoes or the tasmanian devils.

Like at least we admit we are evil as shit and do some stuff for the kicks of it, the echidnas try to weasel and justify their way out of everything.

If I remember right one of the writes said the downfall of Pre-SGW!Echidna civilization was only natural since they have a royal family in all but name with no check & balances, two secret policie, a blatant supremacist attitude and unwillingness to help anyone else.

Like one of the members of the Dark Legion downright question why they are serving Eggman since he's no different from the dingos and Lien-Da say as long he keep his cruelty to the lesser species it's not they problem.

Not to mention Lien-Da actually has a implant that mind control members of the Legion at her leisure.

Still she is show to at least have some capacity to change since Light Mobius she genuine love her son and tone down her power hungry tendencies enough to the former Freedom Fighter willing to clue her in to what's going on that mini-arc, she still crave for power but is not so much desperate like before and let go of her hatred for Julie-Su and was getting along with her too, she also ascend to Grandmaster rank of the Legion while living alongside Dimitri that offer her his advices.

Although the Dark Legion by that time was reduce to little more of a social movement than a army.
So we have 40 (Eggman's Brains) + 40 (Sage's Brains) + 8 (Loyalty) = 88 Total. (and I think a plus 5 or 10 on the Cure action from a Omake but correct me if I wrong) so we would need at minimum a 52 or more to pass... should we spend three of our personals to make sure we get the highest number we can?
+5 would make it go to needing a 47 or higher. I say we should just chance it personally.
There's also researching the black arms DNA that could reduce the DC even more for making the cure.

It would also probably allow us to make some pretty decent encounters against the black doom since we researched their DNA

Maybe get some more upgrades for metal