A six pack is actually not the strongest body typeEggman: (rips off his shirt, revealing a six pack) "FACE ME, FOOLS!"
Eggman actually has one of the best body's for it
Strong people have a bit of a gut
A six pack is actually not the strongest body typeEggman: (rips off his shirt, revealing a six pack) "FACE ME, FOOLS!"
Thunderbolt would definitely be happy, while the others would probably be looking away.Eggman: (rips off his shirt, revealing a six pack) "FACE ME, FOOLS!"
Stone would be happy tooThunderbolt would definitely be happy, while the others would probably be looking away.
Well to be fair, how would Sonic know anything about human biology?So Sonic is making fun of a man with a medical condition?
Forshame, Sonic! XD
Question is what would Starline think?
What is the Egg Hawk again?So what do you think Isara would think of the Egg Hawk, cause I'm sure she'll be happy to use it against the Empire.
She'd love it. She always wanted to build a flying machine.So what do you think Isara would think of the Egg Hawk, cause I'm sure she'll be happy to use it against the Empire.
The first boss from Sonic Heroes.
Plus she can shoot at Empire soldiers from above as well.
So we have 40 (Eggman's Brains) + 40 (Sage's Brains) + 8 (Loyalty) = 88 Total. (and I think a plus 5 or 10 on the Cure action from a Omake but correct me if I wrong) so we would need at minimum a 52 or more to pass... should we spend three of our personals to make sure we get the highest number we can?
There is also that Archie Echidnas has so much trouble behind them that it is really not worth it.
Last time we saw Finitevus he was with Scourge gang.
Lien-Da is not exactly the most trustwhorty person.
The dark legion are literally echidnas supremacists too.
Like in the game from what little we know of the echidnas, they weren't exactly the most trustworthy and peaceful bunch.
Outside of Knuckles clan is says a fucking lot that they went extinc for one or another reason on the games.
Like Knuckles clan that became the guardians of the Master Emerald were the only ones that saw their peers and said ''You know maybe this path our peers are taking is a really fucking terrible idea''
Without counting the sheer enemies the Archie Echidnas have made over the years with their shit like the dingoes or the tasmanian devils.
Like at least we admit we are evil as shit and do some stuff for the kicks of it, the echidnas try to weasel and justify their way out of everything.
Not a question but I don't know if this has been usedWabbitking
- THE ISLAND OF MISFIT BADNIKS: +5 to a Brains national action
+5 would make it go to needing a 47 or higher. I say we should just chance it personally.So we have 40 (Eggman's Brains) + 40 (Sage's Brains) + 8 (Loyalty) = 88 Total. (and I think a plus 5 or 10 on the Cure action from a Omake but correct me if I wrong) so we would need at minimum a 52 or more to pass... should we spend three of our personals to make sure we get the highest number we can?
+5 would make it go to needing a 47 or higher. I say we should just chance it personally.
Cassia won't die now that she's got the care unit so we don't NEED it...Come to think of it. Do we need the Cure within two turns or do Clove and Cassia just want us to work on the Cure within two turns?
Yeah, we made the care unit on turn 3 and only one turn has passed since we did. We can probably waste one more time before fully curing clove.Cassia won't die now that she's got the care unit so we don't NEED it
But they want it