Maxie already did that after Neo metal Sonic got destroyed during the first invasion, thanks to Metal, Maxie was able to make his soldiers focus on the enemy with the weird machines that was able to match the Azure witch, in stead of panicking because of the Shattering happening.

Maximillian is a prince/raised by nobility, and above all, eh is smart, he might be a deeply jealous and mainupaltive bastard, but he knows how to incentivie the crowd.

So yeah, the propaganda thing has been going for a bit already.
If neo metal were to make a grand debut back into the spotlight how much would that demoralize the empire
Especially if he beats the crap out of slevaria
Ragnite alloy armor
And perhaps ragnite gun
Hmm, should we see about possible vehicles as well, cause I'm sure some people wouldn't mind using a tank or mech against the Empire.

As for other weapons maybe some lasers or guns from G.U.N.
So yeah, the propaganda thing has been going for a bit already.
If Max wants to humiliate our boy, he should expect some payback coming his way!
If neo metal were to make a grand debut back into the spotlight how much would that demoralize the empire
Especially if he beats the crap out of slevaria

Ah what is that thing in Tiberium...ah yes.

"In the name of Eggman!"
"Metal lives in death!"
"In the name of Eggman!"
"Metal lives in death"
(Eggman appears.)"METAL LIVES!" (Metal Sonic arrives on the battlefield.) "Rule of thumb Maxie. You can't destroy my masterpiece."
If neo metal were to make a grand debut back into the spotlight how much would that demoralize the empire
Especially if he beats the crap out of slevaria

Worst case scenario the Empire would further revitalized in fighting us.

They have months to demonize our badniks and Neo Metal Sonic. I don't know if the Imperial public was aware of Doctor Eggman or not but we are their creators so it would quite easy for demonize us.

Not to mention Maximilian also has the Black Arms to also help their propaganda purposes as well.

I admit I actually forget about the masterpiece of propaganda Neo gave to the Empire.
You mean the Black Arms dead at our hands?

Besides why would we care about what they say about us? It's not like it will change our plans any.

I mean it will be hard to make a alliance with several resistance groups there that the only source of information about the outside world is pure propaganda. They may not like the Empire but it does not mean they would like us, the Restoration and GUN.

Like the Empire could even lie and say that was Imperial soldiers that expelled the aliens or hide the aliens defeat outright to not lose one of their pieces of propaganda to keep the population docile.
Who will win, the platoon of empire soldiers sent to be a bunch of assholes to people... or Cream the Rabbit and company?
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I doubt Max had a hard time of treating animal people like well animals on his speeches, especially with how assholish the usual empire citizen seems to be.

For Eggman well it wouldn't be different, everyone is equal under his boot, if they dare to stand in the path of our glorious empire, well we cannot say we didn't warn anyone.

If they rather listen to a pretty boy lies rather than cold hard logic.

Besides pretty sure almost if not all teenage and adult mobians are highly trained in the use of wispons.

Like even the laser wispon could make quite the dent in their army as a well aimed shot would directly hit weak spots on their artillery.

At least Maxi boi is giving us ammunition to negotiations, as I said we may loathe each other, but we can all agree the guy next door is becoming an annoyance for all tree of us, so what about a cease fire until we can hand him his ass on a silver platter.
"Ah, Major General Gregor," Metal sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "How the mighty have fallen. Tell me, were those the 'finest soldiers' of your empire? Ha! They fell faster than a rusted anchor."

Gregor gritted his teeth, refusing to answer.

The silence simply made the pirate laugh, a mocking tone to his synthetic voice. "What be the matter Gregor? Are these accommodations not up to the mighty empire's standards?"

Captain Metal leaned closer, his faceplate inches from the bars. "You best be hoping that King Maximilian is willing to pay up. Otherwise, you'll be learning firsthand how it feels to join the fishes at the bottom of the sea. Perhaps you can start your expansions onto the sea floor then for your master aye?"

Black Bot let out a mechanical laugh, but Gregor's silence only deepened. Metal tilted his head, his red eye flashing in irritation. "Suit yourself. But don't get too comfortable in that cell. Your fate is just as expendable as this ship's scrap."

Satisfied with his taunting, Captain Metal left the Empire's great general to stew as he made his way to the crow's nest, where Lucky waited.

I was reading the last Interlude and I just notice this.

It's interesting that Captain Metal show such hostility to Gregor, it may imply he has prior run-ins with the Empire before.

I doubt Max had a hard time of treating animal people like well animals on his speeches, especially with how assholish the usual empire citizen seems to be.

There's also the former Gallian and Federation citizens as well, this is a society base on the 1930's and tolerance was not exactly a big hing back then.

Gallia is a bit nice than the Empire but 150 years ago they were a province of the Empire so there's not a lot of cultural drift and far easier to assimilate so the treatment of darcsen is not too much different from the Empire, they just don't have Work Camps and ethical purging but considering a good chunk of Gallian nobility wanted to exterminate the Darcsen in VC2 it would not take a lot for Gallia to agree with the Empire in some topics.

Federation's former citizens are probably more rebellious of the bunch thanks to a lot of bad blood between both countries but any disagreament would be born because it come to the mouth of a Imperial rather than ethical or moral concern, they may even secretly agree with the Empire as a example.
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If something the empire has seems to be pissing off a lot of people on our side.

G.U.N. and the Restoration for moral and ethics, Zavok would had been pissed off a lot more at them if it wasn't that Zazz beat back Selvaria after the incident with Zomon, Us in general for the debacle with Neo Metal.

Actually despite everything Captain Metal still probably has some sense of pride and brothership between other metal units, so for Neo Metal to be beat that way probably irked him in a very wrong way, without counting any other encounter they may have ruined.

The black arms are the only really indiferent ones as far as we know from the factions and that is mostly cause they are seeing at a exotic vintage meal at their doorstep.
If something the empire has seems to be pissing off a lot of people on our side.

G.U.N. and the Restoration for moral and ethics, Zavok would had been pissed off a lot more at them if it wasn't that Zazz beat back Selvaria after the incident with Zomon, Us in general for the debacle with Neo Metal.

Actually despite everything Captain Metal still probably has some sense of pride and brothership between other metal units, so for Neo Metal to be beat that way probably irked him in a very wrong way, without counting any other encounter they may have ruined.

The black arms are the only really indiferent ones as far as we know from the factions and that is mostly cause they are seeing at a exotic vintage meal at their doorstep.

Speaking of Captain Metal that interlude reveal something very critical.

One of the Chaos Emerald is somewhere in the deep ocean.

Meaning that the Vortex, the aliens that are just like Black Arm but aquatic, could also have the chance to snag the Emerald as well if they are aware of it's existence.

I really hope Captain Metal get the Chaos Emerald because ultimately he's the lesser evil that can be handled compared to Vortex.
Speaking of Captain Metal that interlude reveal something very critical.

One of the Chaos Emerald is somewhere in the deep ocean.

Meaning that the Vortex, the aliens that are just like Black Arm but aquatic, could also have the chance to snag the Emerald as well if they are aware of it's existence.

I really hope Captain Metal get the Chaos Emerald because ultimately he's the lesser evil that can be handled compared to Vortex.
Oh. That just means we need to create a shipyard for Egg Fleet production SOONER.

Can we, somehow, diplomance Captain Metal into being an independent, Eggman Empire aligned ally? Cause any enemies in the deeps basically have free reign until we get oceanic badniks or (if they're here) Aquatic Egg Army soldiers.