With the talk of Starline and Thunderbolt potentially becoming friends, I have to wonder. Say Starline still makes Surge and Kit, considering her specialty in electrical engineering, could Thunderbolt participate to make Surge stronger?
Come to think of it what are the requirements to be an independant actor anyway?

It varies, normally hero factions and heroes themselves are a example, like Sonic and Tails. Independent or secondary antagonist is a good bet but mostly the rule is that they do not hold territory but this is not a iron clad rule since there are Kings and Princes that also don't rule territory.

However some of them could be extremely dangerous, crises sometimes can be triggered by this independent actors or are the independent actors themselves.

The Moon from Stellar Glow is not a King but a Independent actor as a example.

Independent Actors however have less resources than Princes overall but could seek alliances with other Independents or even Kings and Princes to bolster their power and could even lease themselves to other players in exchange for something.

Ultimately they have less power but have a lot more freedom to explore the world since they aren't tied to a obligations that comes with own a large organization or territory, and most Kings and Princes barely pay attention to them except when they want something.

One may say the Independents are the true protagonists of the setting since sometimes they may seek to depose a King and would have to got to several adventures to find the tools and allies necessary to depose them. That is the goal of normal play of a Villainc Victorious setting that the players, as a new hero of this world, primary objective is to depose the Kings, the main antagonists, by whatever means and tools as necessary even if means allying with other King to accomplish this goal.

See, I imagine they'll become rivals for Eggman's attention. Not his affection, because that is reserved for his children.

Starline already has one in place of Stone and Thunderbolt frankly needs a better friend than Grimer. Starline is many things but even I think he would be sick over half the stuff Grimer did.
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Come to think of it what are the requirements to be an independant actor anyway?

You mean and independent actor? Well, not belong to any faction for starters, and be good enough/have enouhg resources that you can act on your own. Doesn't mean that they an assist to suport other factions, like whisper, the chaotix, cream Etc.

You could say that the Hero Units you recruited have been independant actors so far, if that makes sense.
You mean and independent actor? Well, not belong to any faction for starters, and be good enough/have enouhg resources that you can act on your own. Doesn't mean that they an assist to suport other factions, like whisper, the chaotix, cream Etc.

You could say that the Hero Units you recruited have been independant actors so far, if that makes sense.

Rouge is a good example of a Independent Actor that lease herself to a King, in this case Dr. Eggman, in exchange for something.
As much as I love Surge proper, making a version of her that's even tinier and gremliner sounds incredible.
Can Surge even exist in this continuity? Unlike the main IDW continuity, where Starline basically abducted and mindwiped whoever Surge was made from, there's a lot of reasons to keep a pre-existing personality in place here in order to get that extra motivation.

Not to mention, with the incoming Darcsen, all we'd have to do in order to get a host for the cybernetics is to let it be known we're looking for volunteers. Even if for some reason it's essential to mind wipe someone in order for the cybernetics to take, that doesn't prevent them from making recordings and back up the records, as opposed to the needlessly cruel deleting of prior life.

Edit: What would be interesting is if whoever Surge was originally now has the cybernetic augmentations her future self has with none of the memories of what happened, so she just woke up on the day of the Shattering with super electric powers comparable to Sonic in strength.
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Can Surge even exist in this continuity? Unlike the main IDW continuity, where Starline basically abducted and mindwiped whoever Surge was made from, here there's a lot of reasons to keep a pre-existing personality in place in order to get that extra motivation.

Not to mention, with the incoming Darcsen, all we'd have to do in order to get a host for the cybernetics is to let it be known we're looking for volunteers. Even if for some reason it's essential to mind wipe someone in order for the cybernetics to take, that doesn't prevent them from making recordings and back up the records, as opposed to the needlessly cruel deleting of prior life.

Edited because of my abuse of a comma

It can. Starline just have to roll well in his PA Search for... "Volunteers", study Belle and perhaps put him to perform Gene Therapy, even if is for flavor, since he will take notes of Cassia cybernetics during the action since he will need a substitute for the Metal Virus to enhance his subjects and cyberization is a good candidate as any. I downright expect it a PA of his being unlocked next turn to study Storm and her Egg Clan cybernetics.

Although consider how Surge and Kit story go in cannon, it may not be a good idea to do that.
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It can, Starline just have to roll well in his PA Search for... "Volunteers", study Belle and perhaps put him to perform Gene Therapy, even if is for flavor, since he will take notes of Cassia cybernetics during the action.

Although consider how Surge and Kit story go in cannon, it may not be a good idea.
Surge and Kits story can be avoided with a simple matter of someone noticing what he's doing and asking: Why do we need to mind wipe them and install a new personality?
... Lets keep in mind that both Surge and Kit have a Lot of BS installed into them.

Apart from Starline modifications and the drive Starline would need to Even make them would need to be similar to that of Eggman when he first Made Metal Sonic.

Don't get me wrong I love those two on the IDW comics, but we are missing a Lot of things to Even make them a possibility.

Like Say a modified strand of the Metal Virus.

Without counting of Starline often flawed ideology.

Which may come to bite us back in the ass.

Like to Even come close to make them, Starline would need to first come to the idea that he needs to replace Sonic, Tails and THE Doctor.

That was his Main drive behind the creation of those two.
I like the mental image of Starline being about to make Surge and Kit and then someone questions the logistics and implications of mind wiping them, causing him to get flustered and not do it XD
Surge and Kits story can be avoided with a simple matter of someone noticing what he's doing and asking: Why do we need to mind wipe them and install a new personality?

Not really since this will be a personal project of Starline he will go to extreme lengths to keep a secret, since as of know I believe he's planning to be a surprise to the doctor, and Dr. Eggman may even approve by having his own Sonic and Tails on his side if he find out.

... Lets keep in mind that both Surge and Kit have a Lot of BS installed into them.

Apart from Starline modifications and the drive Starline would need to Even make them would need to be similar to that of Eggman when he first Made Metal Sonic.

Don't get me wrong I love those two on the IDW comics, but we are missing a Lot of things to Even make them a possibility.

Like Say a modified strand of the Metal Virus.

Without counting of Starline often flawed ideology.

Which may come to bite us back in the ass.

Like to Even come close to make them, Starline would need to first come to the idea that he needs to replace Sonic, Tails and THE Doctor.

That was his Main drive behind the creation of those two.

Surprise enough he may have the drive to do that based on new circumstance in this quest if you can interepretate that way. Shadow is after the Blue Chaos Emerald and with no Sonic in sight, Dr. Starline possible would think he need a counter against Shadow and Metal Sonic need to achieve his Neo form before he can take the Ultimate Life Form but that unfortunate involve lot's of upgrades and fighting enemies to get their traits therefore a very time expensive project.

Like Cyberization is a good substitute for the Metal Virus as any, he just need to find a excuse to study Cassia, Storm or the Egg Clan cybernetics without arising suspicion. He could study Belle but he technically don't need to do that, it would just cut short his research, he need Sonic and Tails DNA but Doctor Eggman have so much collection of Sonic fighting data when he was trying to build Metal and the Mecha series he does not need to do that and he once manage to build Metal Tails so he does have a lot of fighting data about the young fox too.
Without counting of Starline often flawed ideology.

Which may come to bite us back in the ass.

Like to Even come close to make them, Starline would need to first come to the idea that he needs to replace Sonic, Tails and THE Doctor.

That was his Main drive behind the creation of those two.
Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. At then end of the day, while some of the tech can easily come off the shelf, the parts of it that change the cybernetics from life forms with built in weapons to super soldiers is out of easy reach.

Of course, nano technology is a field that any engineer would consider a sort of holy grail from the current tech levels. So maybe the metal virus is not something we're going to look into, but nano augmentation? Yeah, that may very well be on the table.
Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. At then end of the day, while some of the tech can easily come off the shelf, the parts of it that change the cybernetics from life forms with built in weapons to super soldiers is out of easy reach.

Of course, nano technology is a field that any engineer would consider a sort of holy grail from the current tech levels. So maybe the metal virus is not something we're going to look into, but nano augmentation? Yeah, that may very well be on the table.

Actually not so much after all, he does have now access to ragnite and thanks tot Dr. Eggman critical success there's now a lot of implications to it, including medical. Selvaria can heal from her wounds in battle and achieve superhuman feats and Valkyrias are implied to have ragnite dormant in their blood.

So he can create a super soldier using ragnite instead of the Metal Virus and if he can study Cyberization it could be a good step as well.
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nano technology is a field that any engineer would consider a sort of holy grail from the current tech levels
... There is actually a place where we can actually get this on stupid industrial levels without lifting too much of a finger.

Hell the entire damn city is Made out of it.

We would just need to kick out the probably current ruler and make new admin privileges for Sage.

But new mobotropolis was literally Made out of this stuff.

Thing is probably occupied by Ixis Naugus tho, we would also need to deal with the meddlesome Freedom fighters.

But honestly that is another tuesday for us.
We still don't know.

But we have been getting pre-sgw characters all over the place alongside post-sgw ones.

And there is the suspiction that either Naugus or Mogul are holding the hidden mystic faction.

So there is the possibility that it is indeed here.

... hmm maybe once we can infiltrate the restoration we can find out about it.
We still don't know.

But we have been getting pre-sgw characters all over the place alongside post-sgw ones.

And there is the suspiction that either Naugus or Mogul are holding the hidden mystic faction.

So there is the possibility that it is indeed here.

... hmm maybe once we can infiltrate the restoration we can find out about it.
Let's hope it not be Mogul because that guy is a beast on his own