I don't suppose you have a template for making that occur?

Have a look at Jane's for a start...
That's beyond absurd...

For an example from reality, there was a quote from some pirate back in the 17th century, it basically said that if you couldn't take at least 4 pistol shots and still fight you were a wimp. And while it's an exaggeration, it's not actually a big one. People at the time could take a few hits from firearms, sometimes even from muskets if they got lucky, and keep fighting. Sometimes a lot more.

Still can. People only really fall over when they're shot because that's what they think they're supposed to do after what they've seen in movies and the like. It also helps that modern military calibers, like 5.56mm, are intended to wound, so as to make the enemy use up more resources patching up their fighters.
Still can. People only really fall over when they're shot because that's what they think they're supposed to do after what they've seen in movies and the like. It also helps that modern military calibers, like 5.56mm, are intended to wound, so as to make the enemy use up more resources patching up their fighters.
... also an immense difference on what you're shot with, except for direct spinal cord hits.

Hunters may be familiar with shot game animals occasionally falling over (even with the inherent advantage of 4 legs, and they certainly shouldn't have learned that from movies either), then getting up and running somewhere, and in many cases dying there... RPG rules don't tend to model things like that very well.
... also an immense difference on what you're shot with, except for direct spinal cord hits.

Hunters may be familiar with shot game animals occasionally falling over (even with the inherent advantage of 4 legs, and they certainly shouldn't have learned that from movies either), then getting up and running somewhere, and in many cases dying there... RPG rules don't tend to model things like that very well.
Well, RPGs tend to end with the target EXPLODING, so I imagine not. ;)
USNA 16L50 Naval Rifle, firing a 2700# shell backed by 550# of Composition 2 Propellant. (Better known as a battleship gun, AP shell, and max propellant charge). :)

Yeah, the dragon might be fire proof, but the force of the muzzle blast and a shell the mass of a Volkswagen Beetle which also has a 100#-200# RDX bursting charge, which will create cloud of shell splinters... It ain't a normal missile, and if the dragon doesn't have a Wall of Force up, it won't be pretty, for anyone. If it does, it won't be pretty for the party.

Now why a party of D&D adventurers would have one of these is left as an exercise in the absurd for the reader.

The answer is : they have a scroll of Mechanus Cannon.
Welp, Youmu expy is nearly finished. She won't be able to use her Katana in one hand without penalties until Level 3 though. Damn Swordsages not having +1 BAB at Level 1.
And hd alone doesn't take into account resistances, AC or THAC0, which considering dragons start at -3 and only get better is a really important point.

What's your shooter's thac0?
And hd alone doesn't take into account resistances, AC or THAC0, which considering dragons start at -3 and only get better is a really important point.

What's your shooter's thac0?

Also, is the weapon enchanted? This can make a huge difference. You can attack some things all day long, but if you don't have a strong enough magic weapon you're doing jack all to it. What about special attacks or traits? There's one golem that looks like a snake made of bone that's only a 1 or 2 HD monster, but it can Charm groups into standing there helplessly while it kills them. I've seen that "easy" fight TPK parties that don't have at least one elf or half-elf. One party only survived the encounter because the half-elf managed to resist the Charm effect, while the elves in the party failed.
But gods was Thac0 unintuitive. I had a math teacher in high school who used AD&D 2nd edition to teach algebra all the way up until 2003. Armor Class and To-Hit both being additive make a lot more sense
See, I liked it, as did my GM. It kept the stupid out of the game. If you could not figure out that your human fighter with three points in sword could hit this or that critter on the fly, you usually didn't stick around to play a second session.

Granted, it was a pain to memorize all the various things that affected THAC0, but it was worth it.
Well, yeah. I still prefer 2nd edition over 3.5, not that it's easy to convince people to play a campaign using AD&D 2nd edition. Characters are a lot weaker, and generally have fewer mechanical options. Which leads to much more creative players.
As for those shipping Hunts and Panacea... How does that even work, intelligence-wise? I might be mistaken on this, but I was under the impression that Hunts was more of a "talking dog" level here; not quite human-like, but smart and able to speak, at least in Draconic. Admittedly, I always ship Amy or Lisa and Taylor, so that might be throwing me off.
More the equivalent of a human ten year old, both in terms of intelligence and emotionally. The problem with "shipping" him with anything is that he's way too young to be interested.
More the equivalent of a human ten year old, both in terms of intelligence and emotionally. The problem with "shipping" him with anything is that he's way too young to be interested.
Two words: Precocious Crush.

I don't think anything will come of it, but I don't doubt Hunts will be rather adorable in the meantime.
"ok, Hunts, make the rest of you invisible, just not your teeth."

"Perfect. Now, if you walk around like that for an hour, I'll bring you an entire cow for dinner."

Ideas and Giggles for the Omake God!

Like I need any more ideas from this crowd. :)

Last chance to get suggestions in for chapter names...
Again, the author requires some assistance.

I've noticed that Arcs 1 & 2 are completely devoid of chapter titles, as is Arc 3.1 - 3.9.

I'm willing to take suggestions for chapter titles to help fill in the blanks. Arc 1 is titled Hatching. Arc 2 is titled Wyrmling. Arc 3 is Wards, and chapter titles start at 3.10.
Come Saturday, I'll be updating them. So far, only one person on another site has made any suggestions.
Chapters that have names:
1.1 Breaking Shell
2.6 First Flight

That leaves 1.2 -> 1.7, 2.1 -> 2.5, 2.7, and 3.1 -> 3.9.