That really depends on the model and the ammo, doesn't it?
USNA 16L50 Naval Rifle, firing a 2700# shell backed by 550# of Composition 2 Propellant. (Better known as a battleship gun, AP shell, and max propellant charge). :)

Yeah, the dragon might be fire proof, but the force of the muzzle blast and a shell the mass of a Volkswagen Beetle which also has a 100#-200# RDX bursting charge, which will create cloud of shell splinters... It ain't a normal missile, and if the dragon doesn't have a Wall of Force up, it won't be pretty, for anyone. If it does, it won't be pretty for the party.

Now why a party of D&D adventurers would have one of these is left as an exercise in the absurd for the reader.
USNA 16L50 Naval Rifle, firing a 2700# shell backed by 550# of Composition 2 Propellant. (Better known as a battleship gun, AP shell, and max propellant charge). :)

Yeah, the dragon might be fire proof, but the force of the muzzle blast and a shell the mass of a Volkswagen Beetle which also has a 100#-200# RDX bursting charge, which will create cloud of shell splinters... It ain't a normal missile, and if the dragon doesn't have a Wall of Force up, it won't be pretty, for anyone. If it does, it won't be pretty for the party.

Now why a party of D&D adventurers would have one of these is left as an exercise in the absurd for the reader.
Maybe a baby, but an adult dragon has access to epic feats and fantastic saves, while having a really low touch AC (with ray spells being its bane). Why wouldn't such a dragon get Exceptional Deflection and possibly Infinite Deflection? There are ways to get them as prereq-less bonus feats or to simply purchase all the prereq feats.
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I don't suppose you have a template for making that occur?
I could think up a few ways to make it happen. Perhaps an awakened animated object hiveminded with a smaller humanoid-shaped construct body. Or a warforged psion with metamorphosis and/or wearing a psychoactive skin of proteus, using it to turn into a battleship? If it had psionic fly or psionic overland flight, it could even fly.
while having a really low touch AC

And this is why a gunslinger is so dangerous to dragons in Pathfinder 1e. A x4 crit weapon that targets touch AC is already bad for the dragon. Add in Deadly Aim (power attack for ranged attacks) and the Vital Strike feats, and it can get really nasty. When the campaign ended, my gunslinger was doing 4d8+19 damage with each and every shot of his pistol. Make it potentially 5d8+19 with the Dead Shot feat. Since this was my Signiture Deed, it had a 0 grit cost to use. Thus I could do this every round, provided I didn't have to move. On a crit, multiply the damage by 4. In the climatic battle of the campaign I managed to crit an elder dragon twice in a row while using Dead Shot, for maximum damage each time. That's 236 damage. My average damage in a given combat round was min the mid 30's, again targeting touch AC.
Considering the half-dragon templet can be applied to almost any living creature... That is a very good question. One which I have no desire to try answering.
Enough with the fracking Skitterpan!

It's completely and utterly without any logic, especially here where Taylor's got a species to rebuild!

And arguing about becoming dragons affecting sexuality can be turned around! Could be Amy's hetero now...
I don't actually care about that 'ship. It was a pun on dragons being pansexual, because they either stick their dicks in EVERYTHING or get EVERYTHING stuck into them, depending on both sex and personal preferences. Also, shapeshifting is a thing.
How about a hand cannon? In my group's last campaign my gunslinger ended up killing an adult dragon pretty much by himself after everyone else failed their will saves vs draconian presence. He did so using a muzzle loading black powder pistol. Granted, my dice were on fire. I also was using all my limited resource abilities that potentially improve your damage at once. Plus I rolled a couple crits.

That's beyond absurd...

For an example from reality, there was a quote from some pirate back in the 17th century, it basically said that if you couldn't take at least 4 pistol shots and still fight you were a wimp. And while it's an exaggeration, it's not actually a big one. People at the time could take a few hits from firearms, sometimes even from muskets if they got lucky, and keep fighting. Sometimes a lot more.
That's beyond absurd...

For an example from reality, there was a quote from some pirate back in the 17th century, it basically said that if you couldn't take at least 4 pistol shots and still fight you were a wimp. And while it's an exaggeration, it's not actually a big one. People at the time could take a few hits from firearms, sometimes even from muskets if they got lucky, and keep fighting. Sometimes a lot more.
I'm pretty sure that dragon got a few musket lobotomies by way of his eye sockets.

I don't think many pirates could walk that off, even with a peg-leg.
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I don't actually care about that 'ship. It was a pun on dragons being pansexual, because they either stick their dicks in EVERYTHING or get EVERYTHING stuck into them, depending on both sex and personal preferences. Also, shapeshifting is a thing.
Hmm. I'm now contemplating a dragon with bard levels. Everyone knows bards seduce anything. (No, that's not 'can seduce'.)

This sounds like the sort of thing that, a few hundred years later, is known as 'the reason for the Fall', or 'the cause of the apocalypse'.
That's beyond absurd...

For an example from reality, there was a quote from some pirate back in the 17th century, it basically said that if you couldn't take at least 4 pistol shots and still fight you were a wimp. And while it's an exaggeration, it's not actually a big one. People at the time could take a few hits from firearms, sometimes even from muskets if they got lucky, and keep fighting. Sometimes a lot more.

Feats at the time:
Deadly Aim (providing a -3 to-hit and +6 to damage)
Point Blank Shot (+1 to-hit and +1 damage if within 30 feet, weapon has a 20 foot range increment so I was generally within 20 feet of my foe when shooting)
Improved Vital Strike (can only make one attack per round, but this attack does triple the normal damage so 3d8 instead of 1d8)
Rapid Reload: pistol
Vital Strike (effect is overwritten by Improved Vital Strike)

Weapon is a +2 pistol, so 1d8+2 base damage with a crit threat of 20/x4

Gunslinger class ability which allows adding dex bonus to damage rolls when using a black powder pistol

Dex score of 20

At the time of the first dragon we fought in the campaign (the one my character had to fight almost entirely alone) I was doing 3d8+14 damage with each attack. The Dead Shot deed has you take a full round action for a single attack. This attack lets you roll as many attack rolls as you have iterative attacks, in this case 2 attack rolls with a +17 bonus. Only one of the rolls needs to hit, but for each additional hit you add the weapon's base damage again. Hit with both attacks (which is likely with a +17 vs touch AC of a dragon) and the damage roll is 4d8+14. At the time my character's average damage per attack was 26. My first attack against the dragon I rolled fairly average, so I did around 20 damage to the young adult dragon. It also got hit by a Magic Missile that round. A third person had attacked, but missed with every attack roll. Round 2 I rolled a hit and a crit while using Dead Shot, and confirmed the critical. I then rolled maximum damage possible. That means I did 184 damage with my second attack against the dragon. At most a young adult red dragon is going to have 255 hit points, and that's if the GM rolled a 12 for every single hit die. The average young adult red dragon has 172 hit points.

EDIT: Remember that a level 11+ character of any class in D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder 1e can pull off some truly ridiculous things. And even a wizard is likely able to survive being hit by an RPG at least once in Pathfinder 1e. In D&D 3.5 said wizard probably going to survive the Rocket Propelled Grenade so long as they have a con score of 14, and a bard probably will.
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Hmm. I'm now contemplating a dragon with bard levels. Everyone knows bards seduce anything. (No, that's not 'can seduce'.)

This sounds like the sort of thing that, a few hundred years later, is known as 'the reason for the Fall', or 'the cause of the apocalypse'.

I see it as a good way to setup a city state where everyone (regardless of species) is related in some way to the same ancestor within a few generations back. Some of them have said ancestor as their papa or grandpa others as their great, great, ..., great grandpa. it's a nice tightly woven community that has the grandest family reunions. See little Allison the draconic human play with her second uncle Blood Ripper the half dragon troll. Could make for an interesting area for the player's to run into.
I see it as a good way to setup a city state where everyone (regardless of species) is related in some way to the same ancestor within a few generations back. Some of them have said ancestor as their papa or grandpa others as their great, great, ..., great grandpa. it's a nice tightly woven community that has the grandest family reunions. See little Allison the draconic human play with her second uncle Blood Ripper the half dragon troll. Could make for an interesting area for the player's to run into.

I have ideas for a village like that, only the villagers are non-evil Kobolds (little dragonmen) who venerate the entombed dragon they built the town over, and are "feeding" him in hopes of enticing "Grand-Unka" out of his "nap".
Also noted around the area where spots of rather dark fluid
I find it Ironic that I'm reminding you of this.

A few more typo corrections, sorry. :D

As for those shipping Hunts and Panacea... How does that even work, intelligence-wise? I might be mistaken on this, but I was under the impression that Hunts was more of a "talking dog" level here; not quite human-like, but smart and able to speak, at least in Draconic. Admittedly, I always ship Amy or Lisa and Taylor, so that might be throwing me off.

A few more typo corrections, sorry. :D

As for those shipping Hunts and Panacea... How does that even work, intelligence-wise? I might be mistaken on this, but I was under the impression that Hunts was more of a "talking dog" level here; not quite human-like, but smart and able to speak, at least in Draconic. Admittedly, I always ship Amy or Lisa and Taylor, so that might be throwing me off.

Whites might be the most unintelligent of Dragons, but that's only by comparison with other dragons. They're still around midrange average human intelligence (Int 10), but compared to most dragons (Int 20+), they're doorknob-level stupid.

IIRC, they're also the dragons with the highest reproductive rates. Make of that what you will.