Eyup. Want to make a wizard mad? Call them a sorcerer. Want to make a sorcerer or a wizard mad? Call them a warlock.

The wizard got their power by studying hard. Calling them a sorcerer is equivalent to saying they didn't put any work in and everything they have is just natural talent. Calling either of them a warlock is like accusing a college grad of getting their degree because they were blowing the Dean.
As a warlock, blowing the Dean would be a far safer but less fun and exiting way to get laid. At least were not dying as virgins.
To everyone who has sent hugs and well wishes along, thank you.

It's not the first time I've done this particular song and dance; Recovery for a cervical laminectomy is lengthy. It took 18 months to go from a paralyzed left arm and partially paralyzed legs to able to walk and 60% function in my left arm. Lumbar laminectomies tend to have a much shorter recovery period.

Also, fun fact : It's hard to type when your cat decides to sit on your hands. :lol::rofl:
:lol2: Yes, I imagine it would be. Give the kitty some scritches once she leaves. Still, I wish you a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
@Kitty S. Lillian Thanks, got 'em. I really need to get in the habit of running posts through Grammarly, but as the app strips formatting out I have to spend some time re-doing things...

@ Everyone else reading along: There may be a disruption in posting; A couple of years ago I had to have the laminae of several vertebrae removed (C4-C7) to give me use of my left arms and legs back (also, to keep me breathing). Last December an MRI showed the same problem occurring in my lower back (L4-S1). I'm walking like I was walking two years ago. I'll keep the thing going for as long as I can, but there may be a two week period where I'll be absent.

Fortunately, all working stories are on a USB drive, so I can work on them on my laptop. I should be able to comment from the hospital via my tablet.
I hope you get well soon!

Also, Grammarly has a plugin you could use to check the chapter on the site before posting, rather than putting it through the app.
Anything on that scroll will be "Need to Know" at the PRT, and less then a half dozen people, with Taylor being the only one that is a Ward, being allowed on that list, and Taylor knows this.

Carlos will likely send word up the chain that Taylor got the scroll as soon as he can, and Taylor will read it when she can be sure no one else is around and call it in. Which means, after school at the earliest.

The Dragon Queen sent you a message, surely going to a private spot like the restroom to read it isn't a crime.
The PRT already has a dragon who should have know better than to join them but that's another argument.
The Dragon Queen sent you a message, surely going to a private spot like the restroom to read it isn't a crime.
The PRT already has a dragon who should have know better than to join them but that's another argument.
This is a Mauling Snarks type fanfic. Ergo the PRT aren't useless bastards.

I confess that I'd rather Taylor was allowed to collect bounties, but perhaps her negotiatior was able to slip that in as an apology clause...
Also, Grammarly has a plugin you could use to check the chapter on the site before posting, rather than putting it through the app.
It does help a bit, but the amount of work I have to do afterwords... Also, the desktop app does not like the master document. I'd actually run the entire thing through once, but it chokes on 600K of text.

I know about it, I'm kind of "Meh" on it - the problem here is that I used a macro in Libre Office to convert the document into BBCode, and post that into the reply box. Works real nice, has a couple of different profiles for various boards, but it's the BBCode that will choke Grammerly.
The Dragon Queen sent you a message, surely going to a private spot like the restroom to read it isn't a crime.
The PRT already has a dragon who should have know better than to join them but that's another argument.
Apparently your High School Restrooms were a LOT more private then mine were. Back in my day, one of the fastest ways for a "secret" to become a rumor was for it to occur or be mentioned in a bathroom; only locker rooms and the cafeteria were worse.

Besides, there are likely limits on what she can get away with sending via her phone at Arcadia, and using subtle methods she can't be certain that only those in the know will get the message. To preserve information security, she must wait.
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A couple of years ago I had to have the laminae of several vertebrae removed (C4-C7) to give me use of my left arms and legs back (also, to keep me breathing).

Ouch. Dad had to have several vertebrae fused to solve a similar problem. He can't turn his neck like he used to be able to do...

Besides, there are likely limits on what she can get away with sending via her phone at Arcadia, and using subtle methods she can't be certain that only those in the know will get the message. To preserve information security, she must wait.

It's obviously cape business, and Arcadia is specifically noted for making allowances for "cape business". I can't imagine that she couldn't borrow an office to read the message that an unknown cape sent her using a rather deliberately flashy way.

To put it another way, she doesn't know yet whether it's a terroristic threat or not, best to read it as reasonably quickly as possible in case the contents are time sensitive, or move the unstable cape to teleport in a bomb next time as opposed to a scroll.
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