Question? Where is Lung now? Got an idea for an omake, but it hinges on where he is. Is he still locked up or free? Dont remember.
Fashionably dressed woman in the docks...

Merchant looking for money for a fix, or that poor bastard that always tries to mug Taylor/Skitter.

Maybe an E88 goon, thinking she's not white. ( Before you say Nazis can ID a white person, I heard a skinhead in Butte called a full blood Native American a ni**er.)
Pardon me for hoping she messes up Hookwolf and Stormtiger.
Tiamat. Walking the city streets. In Brockton Bay.


Honestly, from all the context this looks to be more that Tiamat is going to be causing the kind of problems you don't outright fight instead of causing a battle to happen.
That does not mean less chaos actually, and in fact probably causes far more because now you don't have "hit the problem till it stops" as an easy option.

... I wonder if she might just decide to send the white to join the Wards, where not only can Taylor help watch out for him, but also where they are a group actually dedicated to super-powered youths getting help with surviving the modern world.
I believe the proper response to Mind Flayers is :
  1. "Open Fire!"
  2. "Reload!"
  3. If target is still moving, go to 1.
  4. Burn it with Thermite.
  5. Burn it with ClF3​
  6. Burn it with FOOF.
  7. End
You missed step 6.5: Cover the area steps 1-6 were performed in with one ton of azidoazide azide. (Yes, I know that's not its real name, but it's the right name for it.)
Honestly, from all the context this looks to be more that Tiamat is going to be causing the kind of problems you don't outright fight instead of causing a battle to happen.
That does not mean less chaos actually, and in fact probably causes far more because now you don't have "hit the problem till it stops" as an easy option.

... I wonder if she might just decide to send the white to join the Wards, where not only can Taylor help watch out for him, but also where they are a group actually dedicated to super-powered youths getting help with surviving the modern world.
This is .... Brilliant!

Yeah the problems you can't beat down are tougher to handle, but Coil is gone, so most of those are a non-factor...

Hey idea! Taylor's all big and strong now, can she do something about the boat graveyard?
I feel I have to get this out.

I sometimes feel like there needs to be more filling in your chapters. I don't come out of them feeling satisfied I feel like I'm missing something. I feel like I'm that old lady in the old Wendy's commercials asking where's the beef?

Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying the story i just wish to have a larger chunk of it at a time.... on the other hand I understand that this is the way you write and am grateful to get what you give. I'm just you know wishing for more. And I just needed to say it.

It's not a criticism it's just the way I feel.
Awww! I was wanting more than Tia just appearing and everything settled! Why? Why are you breaking my heart! ;_;

...Unless... This is Brockton Bay... Yes! Someone will do something stupid!! Like the E88 attacking Hunts and Tia!
I feel I have to get this out.

I sometimes feel like there needs to be more filling in your chapters. I don't come out of them feeling satisfied I feel like I'm missing something. I feel like I'm that old lady in the old Wendy's commercials asking where's the beef?

Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying the story i just wish to have a larger chunk of it at a time.... on the other hand I understand that this is the way you write and am grateful to get what you give. I'm just you know wishing for more. And I just needed to say it.

It's not a criticism it's just the way I feel.

For me, this is fleshed out. My writing prior to this was maybe 900 - 1K words in a month. Now, that's up to around 10K per month, or 2.5K words average a week.

One of the things I set out to accomplish was to do weekly updates on a regular schedule. I have been posting weekly updates since June 2019 over at the CrossTimeCafe webcomic forum, and only started here when I had a full first arc to post, and most of the second arc done. I've kept pretty well to that schedule, barring things like funerals and such. I would rather post short segments on a regular basis than long ones irrregularly.

Another thing to keep in mind that this is already well over your average novel's word count of 50K words. While no Taylor Varga or Mauling Snarks, this is coming up on 353 pages @ 300 words per page (these are from my master document, not what's currently posted).

Still, I'm glad you're enjoying the story, because I'm having a lot of fun writing it. :)
Wandering Dragon
Omake: Wandering Dragon

Kenta was not someone who liked being unaware of his surroundings. He normally preferred to keep tabs on the coming and goings of the people working under him and the laborers under his rule.

So when he spotted some random woman in his territory during a rare walk-about, he would have normally overlooked her and kept going on his way.

But this was not a normal moment. This woman was strange to him. She felt off to him.

Kenta did not like this. It set him on edge and he did not know why. Something about the woman that was walking away set him on edge.

Dual feelings of anticipation of an oncoming fight was clashing with the urge in the rear of his mind to flee.

He disliked these feelings. Greatly. The air around him started to waver as his rage began to rise. The fires within roared and flamed. Ready to fight.

But Kenta was not a fool. He did not gain his place and following among the sheep of his city without some strategy.

He decided then that thought would be required for this. Whatever was causing these feelings in him must be carefully observed.

Either this woman was a parahuman, and that was setting him off, or something else entirely. His money was on a Master of some sort. The way the woman walked did not speak of the gracefulness that many female parahumans gained from combat experience.

Quickly observing his surroundings, he spotted some of his low ranked underlings loitering on the street corner. He quickly marched over and grabbed the stunned member and began to give orders for the pawn and his flunkies to follow and report on the women.

Letting go, the members fled in terror to fulfill his orders. They knew better than to not disobey. You don't tell Lung no when he tells you to do something.

Turning around to head back to his office, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. Dialed a number and waited with the phone to his ear.

The phone rang twice. And was picked up with a grunt as a greeting.

"Lee. I have a job for you. Meet me at the office."


Kenta hung up his phone, put it away, and continued walking.

One way or the other this would end soon. No one threatened Lung. Even passively.

Was written and almost done before confirming the status of certain characters. Posted it anyway for if it was left in my g-drive, I would have forgotten I did this at all, and that would have been a waste. Maybe someone could get use out of this for an idea somewhere.
The missed oppurtunity for a perfect rick roll here hurts my soul.

Anyways this was an interesting entry. Makes me wonder how the protectorate as a whole would react to tiamat and bahamut. Of course that also makes me wonder how many other gods might be interested in earth bet. Or even just other creatures. Like say. Mind flayers.

Someone here posted the gif of the Badger running away with a bunch of "Nope!". That's what it would be like.
For me, this is fleshed out. My writing prior to this was maybe 900 - 1K words in a month. Now, that's up to around 10K per month, or 2.5K words average a week.

One of the things I set out to accomplish was to do weekly updates on a regular schedule. I have been posting weekly updates since June 2019 over at the CrossTimeCafe webcomic forum, and only started here when I had a full first arc to post, and most of the second arc done. I've kept pretty well to that schedule, barring things like funerals and such. I would rather post short segments on a regular basis than long ones irrregularly.

Another thing to keep in mind that this is already well over your average novel's word count of 50K words. While no Taylor Varga or Mauling Snarks, this is coming up on 353 pages @ 300 words per page (these are from my master document, not what's currently posted).

Still, I'm glad you're enjoying the story, because I'm having a lot of fun writing it. :)

Yeah like I said I understand this is what you feel is correct for your posting. I have decided that even if I never post another long fic I need to have it done before posting it. I have too many that i posted chapter by chapter that are not done and too many that went up at almost done that are lingering in limbo. Though i do have one that was done that never got posted because i was having a hard time typing it and then i lost it found it lost it again found it again and spilled water on it and now i have to reconstruct what i lost which was written almost 20 years ago. I do understand i just needed to say it and get past it.
Was not expecting a direct divine intervention on this scale. I look forward to the headaches this causes.

One quibble: There is no way the Lady would allow Tiamat into Sigil. The portals would not open to her. Tiamat is a Power; all Powers are banned from Sigil, and none have the ability to defy the Lady's will in this.
Was not expecting a direct divine intervention on this scale. I look forward to the headaches this causes.

One quibble: There is no way the Lady would allow Tiamat into Sigil. The portals would not open to her. Tiamat is a Power; all Powers are banned from Sigil, and none have the ability to defy the Lady's will in this.
I vaguelly remember reading that powers are allowed into Sigil, it's just that they're not allowed to do things that powers normally do, aka try to get more worshippers in any way.
I vaguelly remember reading that powers are allowed into Sigil, it's just that they're not allowed to do things that powers normally do, aka try to get more worshippers in any way.
Not according to the box set I have, or any material I've seen.

There was a god let in...once. Then he broke the rules about gathering worshippers and tried to usurp control, and he was gone. And no more Powers were allowed in.
GM/Author fiat. Tiamat has been to Sigil because the author says so. And besides, its hardly an important detail.
Tiamat was allowed in. However, The Lady followed her everywhere she went. Tiamat left in less than an hour, more miserable than when she entered, and she's never gone back.

Pity, all she wanted was a couple of good bodice ripper romance novels...
Tiamat was allowed in. However, The Lady followed her everywhere she went. Tiamat left in less than an hour, more miserable than when she entered, and she's never gone back.

Pity, all she wanted was a couple of good bodice ripper romance novels...
Hold on a moment...

You mean to tell me a deity went somewhere they aren't welcome... So they could add to their pornography stash?

That's, that's... I just can't.
I'm now picturing her eventually going back and when the Lady of Pain starts following her around again, she starts asking her for recommendations.
How would The Lady reply? She doesn't communicate, right?

But to be that writer when The Lady of Pain and Taimet buy copies of your erotica series.
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