Re: Nazis - My opinions about Nazis are founded in the horror stories my maternal grandfather and 2 surviving great uncles (there are three graves atop the cliffs of Normandy that belong to uncles my Mom never knew) had to tell. The one point they made, however, was "The Wehrmacht, they were pretty good guys. The Waffen SS, they were (insert inappropriate language for a 6 year old in the early 70's here)." Those opinions were reinforced in my oath of enlistment.

Suffice to say I don't like the ideology, and I don't like those who practice it. However, until they bear arms against me and my country and start shooting... Not much I can do.
And you're sure it wasn't because you were getting a massive murder-boner and/or crossing the line of good taste? Because there's a big difference between laughing at an asshole getting humiliated and advocating mass murder/torture/etc based on an ideology, and the only times I've ever seen anyone infracted is when they ended up on the wrong side of that division.
Considering both the Nazis IRL and in Brockton Bay are mass murderers and worse, advocating for their extermination is hardly "in bad taste." After all, it's not like the entire Northern Hemisphere didn't go out of their way to exterminate them in WWII, or anything.
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The Wehrmacht, they were pretty good guys. The Waffen SS, they were (insert inappropriate language for a 6 year old in the early 70's here).

"I have a reactionary army, a Christian navy and a national socialist air force" - Adolf Hitler.
After all, it's not like the entire Northern Hemisphere didn't go out of their way to exterminate them in WWI, or anything.

And then some considering that the British Empire was still a thing then. Though, the whole "Nazi DIE!" thing only came about late into the war.
Edit: and being able to hit ShadowSlut in her breaker state with an actual Lightning Bolt would be very satisfying. ^^

The lightning bolt is already Sophia's bane. She's weak to electricity after all.

And you're sure it wasn't because you were getting a massive murder-boner and/or crossing the line of good taste? Because there's a big difference between laughing at an asshole getting humiliated and advocating mass murder/torture/etc based on an ideology, and the only times I've ever seen anyone infracted is when they ended up on the wrong side of that division.

I've been infracted before because a mod thought I was being a "nazi apologist" due to me citing some of the (few) good things the ideology originally brought about and that Hitler himself was not actually racist. A genocidal madman, true. But not racest. He believed everyone was inferior to himself. My belief is that the ideology needs to die a horrible death. However not everyone who identifies as one is unredeemable. Some are misguided and could potentially be made to see the light.
Taylor's Bizaare Adventures?
And now, to divert attention away from the talk about Nazis, have another omake!

Smelling an all-too-familiar scent, Taylor rolled to the side just in time to dodge a crossbow bolt. "Trying to add murder to the list of charges against you, Shadow Stalker? Or should I say Sophia Hess?"

Growling, Shadow Stalker thought, "How the fuck did Hebert know to dodge? She shouldn't have been able to see me. She's prey! Why can't she learn her place already?" Out loud, she said, "Just taking care of a loose end, in the form of you, Hebert. Now be quiet and let me shoot you like they prey you are, already!"

What Taylor did next really surprised Sophia. Pulling out a notebook, Taylor started writing in it. "What's that supposed to be, Hebert?"

Closing the notebook, Taylor said, "Just one more item for the bill for everything you've ever done to me. And as for being prey...tell me, have you heard of the new cape, Naurelin? Can transform into a dragon-human hybrid or a full dragon? Managed to actually go one on one with Lung himself and come out on top?" With that, Taylor shifted into her half-dragon form. "So yeah, that line about being prey? All I have to say is, Uno Reverse Card."

Panicking, Sophia decided to cut her losses and run. "You can't do anything to me if you can't hit me, Hebert!"

However, as Sophia shifted into her shadow form, Taylor electrified her fists and threw a punch that actually knocked her out of her Breaker state. "Did you really think it would be that easy, Sophia? I made sure to learn how to do that, just in case you ever got out of prison and came after me. Now, I still owe you for one and a half years of hell, so please, try to endure it. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!"

As Sophia fell to the ground, badly bruised, but still alive, Taylor wrote her name on the opposite side of the page in her notebook before tearing it off and throwing it at Sophia. "Here's your receipt. Keep the frikking change."
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Considering both the Nazis IRL and in Brockton Bay are mass murderers and worse, advocating for their extermination is hardly "in bad taste." After all, it's not like the entire Northern Hemisphere didn't go out of their way to exterminate them in WWI, or anything.
It has been more years than I care to remember since I cracked a history book, but I am fairly certain that Nazis were a WWII thing.
A little late, but here's a reply to the last chapter:

She could hear the whispered mutterings of the dregs that had begun to tail her as she walked. They assumed that someone like her would be able to offer some 'fun', maybe even have some money on her so they could get their next 'fix', or maybe just some good old fashioned violence, since they were muttering various imprecations about about her observed ethnicity and race.
I love the fact that they are LITERALLY bullying a dragon.
They had received a call, saying there was a number of Empire mooks creating a disturbance just off the Boardwalk, This, in and of itself,
I think you wanted a period before "This," not a comma.
For once, a mook hadn't tried to lie his way out. However, Joe was fairly observant, He'd already seen the broken baseball bat. "I'll tell you what I think happened, gentlemen," he stated clearly. "I think you attempted to mug someone, and it turned out that you attacked a brute rated cape. You were lucky that they didn't tear you apart, and instead knocked you out and immobilized you to be picked up."
I don't get this one. The mook DID just try to lie his way out.

Overall, Assault knowing - or even seriously suspecting - that TIAMAT THE DEVIL QUEEN OF DRAGONS is in Brockton Bay and is empowering their newest Ward - who he KNOWS is a dragon - doesn't have him nearly terrified enough. Taylor must've made a REALLY good impression to earn that much trust from him.
Overall, Assault knowing - or even seriously suspecting - that TIAMAT THE DEVIL QUEEN OF DRAGONS is in Brockton Bay and is empowering their newest Ward - who he KNOWS is a dragon - doesn't have him nearly terrified enough. Taylor must've made a REALLY good impression to earn that much trust from him.
Doesn't he know about Bahamut as well?
I was going to complain that there is no "tazer fist" spell in D&D. But then I remembered there is a zero level electricity damage spell, and Taylor is being taught how to make her own spells. So it's plausable that she modified the zero level elec spell into a "taser fist" type spell.
I was going to complain that there is no "tazer fist" spell in D&D. But then I remembered there is a zero level electricity damage spell, and Taylor is being taught how to make her own spells. So it's plausable that she modified the zero level elec spell into a "taser fist" type spell.
Um, take a second look at the cantrip Shocking Grasp. Despite the name, the description requires an attack, not an actual grasp. So, yes, there is a zero level "Tazer Fist" spell, just under a different name......
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Then clearly she's not level one, or a civilian :) Cause a typical civilian only has 4-6 hit points. A level one magic missile can potentially kill them.