Look, I'm fairly certain he really did reform.
Too little, too late.

Just think of how many people whose lives were ruined or even just snuffed out because of the monsters he rescued. Given that a number of them were headed to The Birdcage, I'm sure a significant number of them had massive kill counts, and if they mass-murdered before, they certainly wouldn't have stopped after.

I wonder* how many years he spent in prison for being party to the release of large numbers of mass-murdering psychopaths. He should probably have been up for at least accessory to commit quite a large number of serious crimes, including mass murder, and aiding and abetting the same.

*Not really; if the answer is "greater than zero" I'll be seriously surprised.
In canon, there's really only one prison for parahumans. Anyplace else, they can escape from on their own. In this story on the other hand? We don't know the percentage of his breakout jobs that were Birdcage transports.
As a point of real-world reference for "military prisons," Leavenworth is where most of the notorious spies are held, regardless of whether they were John Walker (USN) or Aldritch Ames (CIA). As a secondary point, MCAS Miramar also holds a high security "military" prison that regularly gets used for certain non-military convictees and as a ICE transfer point on the way to deportation, as well as military courts martial convictees.

As to Madcap? Whose that below the mask? Are we sure that it's the same person a Assault? (When "cops 'n robbers" rules apply, else, yes, he'd have a shitload of police assault, accessory to, and conspiracy to charges.)
As to Madcap? Whose that below the mask? Are we sure that it's the same person a Assault? (When "cops 'n robbers" rules apply, else, yes, he'd have a shitload of police assault, accessory to, and conspiracy to charges.)

Yes, canonically Assault use to be the villain Madcap, who specialized in prison and prison transport breakouts. He decided to change sides and was rebranded after Battery captured him. Side note, why the hell did the PR department allow those two the cape names Assault & Battery?!
Yes, canonically Assault use to be the villain Madcap, who specialized in prison and prison transport breakouts. He decided to change sides and was rebranded after Battery captured him. Side note, why the hell did the PR department allow those two the cape names Assault & Battery?!

Assault made it a part of his deal to join the PRT that he be given the name as part of his romcom-inspired plot to 'romance' Battery.
Side note, why the hell did the PR department allow those two the cape names Assault & Battery?!

Battery had her name first, as in "charges like a..." and Madcap insisted on being paired with her and using the name Assault as part of his conditions for flipping.

Guy was powerful/dangerous/useful enough they let him have it. He's basically immune to conventional weapons to the point where, if Lung wasn't pyrokinetic, he could probably take down Mr. Rage-Dragon singlehandedly.
Mage armor is a [force] effect and specifically stops incorporeal stuff.

However, I don't believe it affects otherwise intangible things that use various transplanar effects to bypass Material Plane obstacles without actually becoming incorporeal, such as the Plane of Shadow. Think something like the Burrowing Power psionic feat. So...maybe? Depends on the power's mechanics.

the Metamagic feat "Transdimensional Spell" is your friend in that case. bumps the spell level up a bit, but rendering your Mage Armor effective against any and all interplanar effects is very nice.

Edit: and being able to hit ShadowSlut in her breaker state with an actual Lightning Bolt would be very satisfying. ^^
I've not been this amused by nazis getting humiliated since I saw a fic that had Taylor bat Hookwolf across the city and through a line of porta potties.

It is a time honored tradition, the act of urinating on nazi's. The first time I saw this, it was Silencio. Since then, I've seen it a few other places.
I've not been this amused by nazis getting humiliated since I saw a fic that had Taylor bat Hookwolf across the city and through a line of porta potties.
I need a link to that one.

Now on subject;

Still waiting fot Pigot to demand Taylor summon her projection so thy can power test it.
Some Gods don't take well to this
Be careful with speaking badly about Nazis around here. I got an infraction for that over on Spacebattles. Twice.

And you're sure it wasn't because you were getting a massive murder-boner and/or crossing the line of good taste? Because there's a big difference between laughing at an asshole getting humiliated and advocating mass murder/torture/etc based on an ideology, and the only times I've ever seen anyone infracted is when they ended up on the wrong side of that division.