After ten minutes of looking, she couldn't find any. "Excuse me," she asked, after getting the attention of one of the cashiers, "where is the Naurelin merchandise?"

"Sold out," was the answer she received. "And on back order. We've a waiting list for incoming orders that's fairly long now. I can put you down on the list if you want?"

"Thank you," Taylor replied, almost shocked. "I'll pass for now."
Dayum, that's one way of showing how popular the new Ward is!
Legend pulled up along side, saluted her, and the shot off into the distance when she'd nodded.
"<As much as it galls me to have you stay hidden and out of sight,>" Naurelin continued, "<It is probably the safest course of action.
A couple of quick messages later, explaining that she wouldn't be home for dinner to her father, and thanking Dean for the offer of a ride but she would make her own way there, and she was slowly soaring her way to the Dallon household. She landed on the sidewalk, and making sure there was nothing behind her in the street, walked up to the front door, then changed into her full dragon form, levitating ever so slightly above the grass and sidewalk so as to limit the amount of damage to the lawn and sidewalk.

She then used a minor power to press the doorbell.

The door opened to reveal a rather stern looking blonde, presumably Carol Dallon, Vicky and Amy's mother.

Naurelin smiled as best she could. "Can Vicky and Amy come out and play?"

"Gaaaaaaaah!" Carol Dallon's reaction was predictable.

"Change into something that can fit through the door," said Amy as she took over for her mother, "and get in here, you loony lizard!"
Oh sides...:rofl:
Eh, I read the interaction between Taylor and Hunts to be stilted because she's not good at speaking Draconic yet thus makes gaffs.
So... Skyrim inspired video for charity? Since i don't think they want to try for I, dragon.

Poor Carol. Poor poor Carol.
She then used a minor power to press the doorbell.

The door opened to reveal a rather stern looking blonde, presumably Carol Dallon, Vicky and Amy's mother.

Naurelin smiled as best she could. "Can Vicky and Amy come out and play?"

"Gaaaaaaaah!" Carol Dallon's reaction was predictable.

"Change into something that can fit through the door," said Amy as she took over for her mother, "and get in here, you loony lizard!"
It's a little surprising something like this didn't happen in Taylor Varga first.
Maybe, but not in the same way. Although there might be a future of more half dragons running around. While the race of Dragons may be coming to a close (however long it takes), a new race of draconic humanoids may be starting.
Maybe, but not in the same way. Although there might be a future of more half dragons running around. While the race of Dragons may be coming to a close (however long it takes), a new race of draconic humanoids may be starting.
I was referring to the possibility of Paladins and Clerics, though if Taylor finds a human boyfriend I don't doubt that her benefactors would make him a proper mate for her. In addition I can think of a few people (in and out of Brockton) whom they might consider worthy of joining the blood of Io.
Meteorites come in at angles, this one was vertical
Stating that a meteor only come in at a non-vertical angle is incorrect. But as the range of possible angles for entry describe an area a bit larger than 1/2 of a sphere the likelyhood of a vertical one is very low. To say nothing about it's relatively short flight through atmosphere further reducing the odds of seeing it and you can understand why they are so rarely seen.
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The only prediction I can make about Author Existence Failure is the following:

It will happen sometime before the heat death of the Universe. :)

That Is All.

Re: Back to Back posts - [4.10] & [4.11] and [4.13] & [4.14] will be back to back postings.

I do unspeakable, cruel things to characters in both.
In all seriousness...
Someone gets machine gunned who isn't bulletproof.
A little girl gets turned into a monster against her will.
Someone becomes more fox-like.

No discussion in the open please.
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Vista will probably take the hand that gives her a headpat off at the torso.

Vista : "Whoops, a little too much 'warp' on that one."
Gallant : "Bah, it's only a flesh wound."