nuggreat is correct about angle. Meteorites can enter the atmosphere at a right angle to the ground, it's just very unlikely. A much better way to determine whether or not the impact is from a meteor or not is the speed at which it impacted. Due to the combination of gravity and conservation of energy, any object from outside Earth's hill sphere that hits the Earth's surface will be going a minimum of ~11.2 km/s (this is also Earth's escape velocity, which is determined in the exact same manner). If the object was travelling below that threshold, it was not a meteorite. (Technically it is possible for atmospheric interactions to alter this somewhat, but with an object taking the shortest possible path through the atmosphere, it's not really a concern.)
My knowledge of orbital mechanics is spotty at best. However, a perfectly vertical impact, as in N dot -V, N being an the normal vector at the point of impact, and V being the vector of approach, should rarely = 1 exactly; The asteroid is moving, at both an angle to the earth's rotation, can be prograde or retrograde, as is the Earth. Granted, while I know of steeply inclined orbits, I don't know of any that would be perfectly polar, either.
Basically, said rock's path was altered by Ziz, who we all know is sandbagging fiercely, and whipped that chunk of iron nickel down through the atmosphere so fast - 15 km/s, 27 secs flight time - and at such an exact angle, that by the time the warning went out to AWS Alert from Dragon, it had already impacted. The fact that it did so little damage had a lot to do with the vaporization of most of it's mass early on, leaving a impactor 150mm in diameter, which still carved out a sizable crater, with a perfectly circular crater and ejecta pattern, as precise you can get.
My point being : Perfect anything does not exist in nature. This has so much precision on it that it smacks of Endbringer Shenanigans. That was the point I was trying to get across. It also makes everyone involved wonder whether or not Ziz will just grab a city killer rock and loop it into orbit, then drop it at 12 km/s onto random cities... (Which we know will never happen, since the Endbringers, allegedly, were summoned by Eidolon to provide him with worthy opponents, amoing other things).
Wing-over I believe is also a feat in 3.5 and Pathfinder specifically for those with winged flight that lets them turn around in a shorter distance then normal. Others include Fly-By-Attack. Makes sense that Taylor had to be taught how to preform and practice the maneuver in order to gain the feat.
This is exactly correct. She'll be practicing both as things progress.